Not your Average Cinderella✔️

By princesstreatment

140K 3.2K 220

Book two of a different kind of fairy tale series (can be read as a stand-alone but I do suggest reading as a... More

Authors Note
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4.4K 102 8
By princesstreatment

I locked my door before going out to the balcony. I closed the balcony door quietly. I walked over to the wall. I climbed up looking down on the ground. I closed my eyes as i felt the morning breeze hit me. I turned to the side. I arched my back until my hands dropped to the stone wall. I kicked my legs up to a handstand before dropping back down to the splits. I stood back up on the stone wall. I took a few steps forward. I swung my arms back and flipped. I screamed when i was yanked off the balcony and into my bedroom. Sebastian set me on my bed. I grabbed my pillow hitting him. "What the hell is the matter with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" he growled. He ran his hand through his hair as he paced back and forth in front of me. "You were the one playing on the edge of the balcony. Damit Alexa, you could've fallen."

I stood up. "I'm a gymnast. I've done beam since i was three," i said. "I wouldn't have fallen. Gods, you gave me a heart attack."

"How do you think i felt?" he screamed. My eyes widened. He sighed. "How do you think i felt when Darrian came to tell me that my mate was doing gymnastics on the edge of her balcony?" he pulled me into his arms. I stiffened in his arms. His face went to the crook of my neck. He took in deep breaths. "I thought you were going to jump," he whispered in a broken voice.

I pushed him back gently. I put my hand on his cheek. "I may not want to be with you Sebastian but that doesn't mean i'd kill myself. I was just bored." he closed his eyes and gently grabbed my wrist lightly pressing his thumb against my pulse. "I am sorry for scaring you."

He turned his head kissing my palm. He closed his eyes breathing in my scent. "I have some work to do but would it be too much to ask if you would join me for lunch?"

"I'm spending the day with your sister."

"Could i at least walk you to her room?" he asked. i nodded. He moved his hand to my lower back. We walked silently to the other wing of the palace to Abigail's room. Abigail was playing on the floor with her dolls.

Abigail looked up at us and smiled. "Sebbie, are you going to stay and play with us?"

"Sorry Abby but i have some work to attend to. Maybe after lunch." Sebastian gently kissed the side of my head. "Have fun, mea soare."

"Bye Sebbie," called out Abby.

"Bye Abby," he said as he turned to leave.

I walked over to Abby sitting down besides her. She handed me one of the dolls she was playing with. I grabbed the toy brush and started brushing its hair. "Are you and Sebbie mates?"

"Yes we are."

"Then why are you still human?" she asked. I looked at her confused. "Mommy told me that mates turn the human after meeting them so that they can be together forever."

"Sebastian and i are mates but we aren't together."

"Do you love him?"

"No, no i don't."

She put her doll down. "Do you wanna play dress up?" i nodded. She stood up. She grabbed my hand pulling me to her closet. She looked through her clothes until she pulled out a dress with a simple red top and a black skirt with roses. "Let's go to your closet." i let her pull me back to my room. I sat down on my bed while she roamed my closet. She came back out with a long sleeve black shirt, a dark plaid scarf, and a suade dark red wine skirt.

"You have good taste for a seven year old," i chuckled.

"Mommy says a princess must always be presentable. She taught me the best way to dress," she said handing me the clothes. "Meet me back in my room." she skipped off.

I chuckled. I changed into the outfit she gave me before going back to her room. She had the dress she picked out on. I sat down on her bed. She handed me the doll i was playing with from before. We quietly dressed up the dolls. Abby was happily smiling to herself the whole time. The door opened. "Are you girls having fun?"

"Sebbie, can you play now?"

"I got all my work done, so i'm all yours," he said. "If its okay?" he asked looking at me. I nodded. He walked over to us holding a plate of food. He handed it to me. "Eat please." I took the plate from him. He picked up Abby sitting her on his lap. "What have you girls been up to?"

"We played dress up."

He looked at me with a small smile on his face. "I see that, you both look beautiful." i looked down at my food as i contiued to eat. When i was done, i set the plate to the side.

There was a knock on the door before it opened. King Florian smiled when he saw the three of us. "What are you guys doing hiding in here?"

"We're playing dress up."

The king looked over at me. "Alexa, we haven't had a chance to meet yet. I would've come by when you first arrived but i was out of the country on business."

"Your majesty," i said bowing my head.

"Its Florian," he smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. He had a kind honest aura about him. "How do you feel about going for a walk?"

"It'd be my honor."

I stood up and walked over to him. He held out his arm for me. I put my arm around his as we started walking. "How have you liked it here so far?"

"The palace is absolutely beautiful, Josephine and i have tea whenever she's free, Abigail is a sweetheart."

"You know, i was just like you," he said. "Granted it was about a thousand years ago and i wasn't exactly kidnapped from my home." i chuckled. We sat down on the couch in one of the sitting rooms. He grabbed my hands. "Could i tell you something?"

"Please," i smiled.

"I met Josephine when i was twenty five. I was a blacksmith in small village in Romania. Before Josephine met me, she used to hunting from village to village. She knew nothing of love or friendship. Unlike Sebastian, she turned me the minute she saw me. I hated her for centuries but i still felt the pull of the bond. Eventually i let go of my hate and we've been in love ever since."

"I am sorry that she did that to you and i'm happy you two were able to forgive her. The same thing won't happen between Sebastian and me."

"Why do you think that?"

I sighed. "I might have been raised by vampires and my best friend might be a vampire but that doesn't mean i want to be one."

"You know of the powers of the mate bond."

"And i also know that humans don't feel it," i told him. "I'm sorry that he's stuck with me as a mate."

"I'm not," he replied. "And i promise he's not and i promise that no matter what you say or do, he'll always be happy to have you as a mate." he pulled us up to stand. "Let's bring you back before my daughter throws a tantrum about me stealing her dress up buddy."

I smiled. We walked back to Abby's room. Sebastian was playing with a smiling Abby. i kissed Florian's cheek. "Thank you for the walk. Could we do this again sometime? I'd to be able to talk to someone who knows what i'm going though."

She smiled. "I'd love to, darling."

I walked over to the bed sitting down next to them. "What did you two talk about?" Sebastian asked.

"He told me a story-" i brushed Abby's hair back behind her ear. "About a queen who took her king for herself and a prince who found a girl."

"And how did the story end?"

I looked up at him. I saw no emotion on his face but his eyes were upset. "With the prince not getting the princess he wanted."

Alexa's outfit

Abigail's outfit

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