Dark Queen: The Cybelline Pro...

By dramatictealeaves

1M 70.5K 13.3K

A 21st century covert ops agent, Cybelline found herself transported to a medieval world of magic and war wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101 - The End (Double Update Read 100 First)
Epilogue - Jinon & Kyria - Part 1 of 3
Epilogue - Jinon & Kyria - Part 2 of 3
Epilogue - Jinon & Kyria - Part 3 of 3
Epilogue - Miri - Part 1 of 3
Epilogue - Miri - Part 2 of 3
Epilogue - Miri - Part 3 of 3

Miri's Poem - The Saddest Goodbye

5.6K 405 93
By dramatictealeaves

By Patrick Lionsbane

When the stars danced, awoke did she

Petals deep purple, the enchanting flower

Fluttering on the wind, protected by her tree

The lonely maiden looked beyond her sylvan tower

By the moon's grace, looked up did he

Waters silver and blue, the young river

Prowling through the land, heartlessly free

The proud youth flowed atop his earthen giver

Fair flower, dance for me tonight? - Asked he

For a color so vivid should not go to waste

In the darkness, your light answers my plea

For your scent has the world never been graced

Dance I for you? Asked she

Then there must be something you shall give

Tell me stories of the world you see

Wild river, tell me of the life you live

I have seen men of steel and blood - Answered he

Of death which turns my waters red

Beauties and their visages captured by me

And use my waters to bathe their babe's golden head

By the changing winds, my constant and faithful servants

I have seen wars, famine, death, and despair

Yet it is Luck, whom I've ferried on my currents

From her I've known peace, joy, life and hope most fair

Gods desire that for them should I serve

For I run fast and strong throughout this land

But it is my freedom and my pride that I preserve

For no one rules me, I answer only to my own command

But - interjected he

Beauty like yours is rare and few

Come, dance, do not hide from me

So gift to you I give the morning dew

Her dance caught the river in a bind

He stopped and watched the beauty unfurl above

Words and thought he could not find

As the river stilled and fell in love

Fall to me and into my embrace - begged he

To sweeten my water for all of time

We shall bestow life to all those we see

Together our days will be sublime

The flower shook her purple petals, said

Fair youth, it is not your nature to be stilled

For one day I will find you gone and fled

Promises forgotten, you will never be fulfilled

But I love you, cried the river, a love ardent and strong

And if I can not have your regard I shall die

Without your light and scent, I will not last long

Would not death be the saddest goodbye? 

And I love you, admitted the flower, since long ago

You who harvested with autumn and danced with spring

You who lazed in summer and slept beneath the winter snow

But fall I can not, for I fear the hurt you will bring

Blooms chased after your embrace before

Their scent colored your waters lilac and gold

Yet abandon and think not of them evermore

As you tire of their taste when their scents grew old

By the gods, the river declared, I vow to you, fair bloom

That only your color and scent I will hold most dear

And if I am false then to eternal despair will I myself doom

So fall to me, there is nothing to fear

With you, promised the river, we'll visit all earthly delights

The wind will carry us to foreign bays

I will hold you and show you marvelous sights

Your life I will nourish, I promise always

Your oath is song to me, the flower said

And if you remain faithful, I will fall into your embrace

Dance for you always where ever I'm led

I will live this life at your pace

And so carried by the winds the bloom did fall

For she loved the river with all her heart

And with her fragrance she answered his arduous call

For years they lived, happily and never apart

Until the day the river saw flowers more fair

In a land he had never been before

Forget did he, the promise to the flower in his care

And abandoned her on the bank, at death's door

The grass on which the dying, smiling flower lay

Asked her why she looked so happy as she was to die

Did the fading flower not see the fading day?

Death, after all was the saddest kind of goodbye

No, replied she, the saddest goodbye is to forget

The promises, the love, the good, and the pains

The joy, the laughter, the sorrow and the regret

When the promises fade and darkness remains

My lover, the river, had left me long before now

He that remained was a stranger, nothing more

My end today is nothing compare to his broken vow

Death is a joy, and freedom I see at his door

She sang - So from lonely branch the foolish bloom did fall 

To love a river who cared naught 

And give and give and give her all 

Only to watch the river flow away, all their love forgot. 

But Death pitied the fading bloom at his feet

If you chose once more, what would you choose?

The flower smiled, I wish the River and I never did meet

A love like this is one I could afford to lose

His decisions, Death promised, he will one day regret

Will you not wish to be there when his heart returns? 

I, said the flower, only wish to forget

And let love die and this longing to burn

Death bowed and honored her wish as well

Carried her away, to be reborn anew on the old branch high 

Back to the land where in peace she could dwell

And never think of the river who flowed by and by

The river soon realized all blooms their color fast lost

And remember that bloom whose color never did fade

Did he realize his gains was not worth the terrible cost

And rushed back to the place where the mistake was made

Too late, he knew, as his vow unleashed his curse

She was long gone, only to have branded his heart

Foolish river, for nothing in the world could reverse

The mortal wound she left him when in death did they part

Without her, his waters tasted bitter and ill

Those who touched his poison met their death

He wandered the earth, weak, having lost his will

Longing for her honeyed scent on the wind's breath

And so he went back to the tree where she had grown

And saw the great tree dying, again his heart filled with regret

No flower could compare to the color she had shown

Yet, he spied a lone bud glowed with a light he could never forget

She stood atop, dozing, at the edge of night

Was it she? He asked as he drank her in from afar

He gathered beneath the blackened branches and silver moonlight

Though she was close, she farther than the nearest star

Help me! Cried the river to the wind 

Do you not see that my love sleeps high in the sky?

You must carry her to me, your power you must lend

The wind stayed stilled and said with a quiet sigh

Is she still the same her of yesteryears?

She is reborn anew, and in your embrace again she may thrive

But you were the source of her pain and her tears

And would be again, if she remembers your cruelty when she was alive

The river was silent and knew he could not call

For where she grew he could never go

She had chosen to forget, his love and all

And into quiet oblivion he would flow

So he begged lady luck to save his unfortunate mate

He asked her to make his waters golden and to heal the tree

In exchange, he offered his freedom, luck's eternal servant would be his fate

After-all what is freedom, when the one he loved was not free?

No longer wild, no longer free would he flow

But his contentment soared as the tree revived

He lasting fate his former lover would never come to know

How a wild river traded his heart so that his love survived

Sometimes, on the coldest of nights, he would hear her sing

Of lost memories that faded across the years

Of lovers who knew not what forgetting brings

And of her new lover, the night, who comforted her unknown fears

With life anew, her glowing colors will never fade

Danced with the Night, a queen on her throne

He lost her forever, only regret and despair stayed

And chose to watch from afar, a fallen king eternally alone

And so the lonely river watched as her new lover came at her call

His flower who now cared for the River naught

Having lost and lost and lost his all

Watched as the flower love another, all their love forgot

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