Dream Eater ()BFB Fanfic() [c...

By EternalStarstorm

45.2K 907 2.2K

[maybe] Dreams. A mystery in life, they are known to occur every time one sleeps, usually lasting 30+ minutes... More

Nightmare After Nightmare
Unknown Death
Stay "Happy"
Sleep tight
Dont let the bed bugs bite
Pest Friend
Cause And Effect
Dont Look Down
Connecting Dots
Hide Yourself
Wild Animals
A/N again wow
ill give you food soon
Talkative Thoughts


1.6K 37 118
By EternalStarstorm





"Please...I'm sorry..I really am."

"Save your stupid apology, you'll need it for someone who actually cares about it."

Pin held a picture frame.

She looked at the picture it held, it was a group photo, though, this was before Leafy came and stayed with them.

Everyone in the picture looked actually happy, the most joy she has ever seen in a while, she kept looking at the picture with a small smile on her face.

She traced her fingers across a few faces, and sighed.

Pin placed the picture back onto the table.

The moment she let go of it, it began to stumble and it fell onto the floor.

An unpleasant crack was heard when it hit the cold floor.

Pin quickly picked up the picture frame, the glass was broken, a few tiny pieces fell out.

She let out a heavy sigh, she began to take out the picture from the broken frame, "Did you come to get a glass of water as well?", someone spoke in a tired voice.

Pin flinched and turned to the voice quickly, she sighed in relief when she saw it was just Coiny, "You scared me.", Pin said, Coiny chuckled a bit, "Who did you think it was? Some ghost?", he said jokingly.

Pin snickered a bit, "What are you doing up at this time anyways?", she asked, "Just wanted to get something to drink, water just hits different at night for some reason, you know what I mean?", Coiny questioned with a smile on his face.

Pin raised an eyebrow, "No, I really don't know what you mean.", she said.

"Oh. Well, I guess not everyone appreciates the taste of water at night, that's fine, but I really do recommend it.", Coiny said, "I'll keep that in mind.", Pin said as she giggled, "What are you doing up as well though?", Coiny asked.

Pin held the picture frame a bit tighter, "Just, cleaning a few things before heading to bed.", she said, "Are you sure? Because that picture frame sure wasn't broken before I went to bed.", Coiny said, Pin looked at the broken frame and the picture in her other hand, "I promise this wasn't on purpose.", she said, her voice became a bit shaky.

Coiny walked over to her, "Hey hey, it's alright, on purpose or not, something's been bothering you the whole day.", he said, Pin sighed, "Look, you can always talk to me if something is going on, I really don't want to see you unhappy.", Coiny said.

"I just... what happened to us..", Pin said, she looked at the picture again, "We were so happy. Yes, I know some of us are happy these days, everyday most of us talk and laugh and smile, but, that's not the same happiness from before. Leafy wants to fix her problems and make them like her again, but they won't let her speak, and Clock has been isolating himself from us for weeks and now suddenly he is overjoyed. Yet, we don't question it. We've also been depending on Loser so much, have we forgotten who we are? Have we forgotten what we can do?..", long streams of tears were traveling down Pin's face at this point, tho she didn't seem to realize it, her tears dripped onto the picture a few times as she held it and the frame with her trembling hands.

She tightened her grip on both the frame and the picture, "A-a-and me, what a-am I doing at this point, th-the group is falling apart, what can I d-do, I just want them t-to be happy, I just want them to—", Pin was quickly cut off by Coiny, he held his finger to her lips, "Pin, please breathe.", he said in a soft voice as he pulled his hand back.

Pin took a deep breath and let out a shaky sigh, "I'm sorry..", Pin said, her tears calmed down a bit but still continued to roll down her face, "There's no need to apologize, you care for them with everything your heart has. But, it's too much, I understand you want them to feel happy, I want to see them happy too, but this can't be fixed in a day or two, please, don't beat yourself up over this.", Coiny said, he grabbed the picture and the frame from Pin's still shaking hands.

He placed them on a small table next to him, "You are a wonderful person, and one of my closest friends, and I really do hate to see you like this.", Coiny said, he held her hands softly, "But please remember, don't try to fix everything on your own, and don't think that all these problems are your problems to fix. You have a kind heart, but, sometimes you have to let people fix their own problems. Also please don't forget that I'm here to hear you out, and I'm here to help you anytime you need help.", Coiny said.

Pin flinched a bit as he began to hug her, warm tears began to stream down her face again, she hugged him back as she cried, "It's alright, you can cry all you need to.", Coiny said.

Pin hiccuped a few times between breaths, she hugged him tighter with her trembling arms.

At some point her arms loosened and Coiny pulled away from the hug, Pin's hands were still shaking as he held them, "Let's go, you need to rest.", he said calmly, Pin didn't argue and began to walk with Coiny into the hallway.

The picture sat on the small table with water droplets still on it.

A figure lifted it off the table, the droplets fell onto the floor, barely making a sound as they hit the floor, the figure seemed to put their finger on each person in the picture.

However, when it got to Firey, their finger stayed.

They held the picture with both hands at the top.


The picture was torn in half, the figure dropped the picture and soon walked into the hallway.

The cut was going right down the middle of Firey as the picture sat on the ground in two pieces.



Pin moved a bit in her sleep, she seemed uncomfortable.


She moved a bit again, but this time she had an angry expression as she slept.

Th u d

"Alright whats up with that noise.", Pin whispered as she sat up, she rubbed her eyes and stood up from her bed, she checked the time.

3:00 AM


She groaned and began to walk out of the room and into the hallway, the lights were all off.


The front door swung open, some light from the street lights outside shined into the house a bit, the light was only enough for her to see a figure run out the door.

Pin went back into her room, she checked in some drawers.

She walked out of her room with a flashlight, she walked towards the door, though there was not that much light, something quickly caught her eye.

The picture on the ground.

She lifted a half of the picture from the ground, she gave a confused look.

I'll look at this later..

She stood up from the ground and walked out the door, she quietly shut the front door.

A cold breeze made her shiver, she looked around from the front steps.

The figure caught her eye, they seemed to be running, but they stumbled and couldn't run in a straight line.

Pin walked down the front steps, she tripped a bit but caught her balance quickly.

The figure took a quick turn.

Pin ran towards where the figure was, she used the little light there was to watch where she was going.

Sure she had a flashlight, but the batteries were going to die soon, so she wanted to use them when she actually needed light.

When she got to where the figure once was, she caught a glimpse of the figure again.

They ran into the woods.

Oh this is a bad idea...

Maybe I should head back..

Pin began to walk back from where she came from.


A sound echoed from the woods.

Pin looked towards the area, it was pitch black in there.


The sound echoed again.

Pin flipped a switch on the flashlight.

The flashlight beamed a bit of light, she hesitated, but started walking towards the woods.


Pin flinched, the sound felt like it was all around her, she gulped as she continued to walk through the woods, she walked slower this time, her legs and arms were trembling immensely.


Pin stopped.

She took a deep breath and sighed as she began to walk again.

She walked for a bit.

The dark woods were silent.

She soon decided to start heading back, she didn't want to get too far into the woods.

But, she stepped on something, she stumbled back a bit, her foot felt like it was on literal fire.

Pin winced as she fell onto the ground, she held her foot with both hands.

Warm blood trickled down from between her fingers.

She was trying to stay calm and lifted up the flashlight that she dropped after she fell.

She pointed the light towards the area she stepped.

There was a puddle of a black liquid, there seemed to be more next to it, it looked like a trail.

Pin stood up but winced again when her injured foot touched the ground.

She started following the trail, she left behind a few blood droplets as she walked, she lifted up her foot a few times as well.

Soon the trail stopped, there was something that seemed to be leaking with the black liquid.

Pin shined the flashlight on the area a bit more.

She stepped back and her eyes widened as she tried not to drop the flashlight again.

Clock laid on the ground, his eyes were a dull color, his head seemed to be cracked open, the black liquid oozed out of the wound.

A mixture of the black liquid and his own blood seemed to also trickle from his mouth, the tree he was in front of had the black substance on it, a bit of smoke seemed to rise from it.

Pin held the flashlight tight as her eyes began to fill with tears.

There was a low growl.

Pin flinched and looked around, pointing the flashlight in several directions.

She wiped away some tears that managed to start running down her face.

She heard the growl once again.

And then there was heavy breathing.

The breathing seemed to be coming from behind her, she froze.

Pin slowly turned to the breathing.

A creature stood there, a lot taller than her, it looked down at her with it's huge amount of eyes.

It growled for a bit, Pin began to slowly walk backwards, the pain in her injured foot became immense, her heart beat quickened as the creature continued to watch her.

The creature let out a roar that sounded like an alarm.

Grassy quietly walked down the basement stairs.

Rocky was taken back to his own house, Grassy missed him, even though he was only there for a few days.

Grassy jumped a few times, trying to reach the light switch.

At some point he hit the light switch and the basement lit up, it was more light than before, it seems they never actually turned on all the lights.

Grassy walked past the doors with a blanket in hand.

He slowly pulled a door that was already a bit open.

Naily was inside the room, she seemed to be awake, but she wasn't aware of things.

Grassy soon smiled, he walked over to the bed she was on.

He threw the blanket up onto the bed, then he began to try and get himself onto the bed, after a few tries he was able to get on.

He looked at Naily, she had a few more injuries, her eyes were dull and she blinked a few times, her breathing was slow as well.

Grassy put the blanket over her injured body, she didn't react at all.

"Grassy didn't want you to be alone!", Grassy said happily but quietly.

No response from her.

He continued to smile and hopped over to the other bed, the bed was Rocky's when he had to come because of the dreams, the bed had wheels underneath.

They didn't seem to be locked in place so the bed moved when Grassy landed onto it.

He giggled, soon when the bed stopped moving, he laid down on it, "Goodnight Naily!", he said happily.

Still no response.



So, this took me 3 days to do, and I'm mildly proud of it, though I hate how the ending with Pin came out, it was dumb but oh well.

Also yea Clock is dead oops

I wonder who else might be possessed

I wonder if someone will help the creatures :)

Aodjowfkdalw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anyways yea uhhhh wirkfowtfw

I'm sorry I don't know what to say


-2298 words-

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