Hawks x Dabi

By Potato_Trash_45

110K 2.7K 709

Fluffy for days. Plot. That's about it. Hope you enjoy. Main character may or may not die. Haven't decided ye... More

Quick Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Another Quick Note!!!
Okay... CHAPTER 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Note... again.....
Okay... here we go...
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
I dont know what to call it so lets call it "Random inclusion"
Heh... I've decided
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Remake)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Fun Note!!!
Chapter 23
Q & A (again)
Q&A Respond Time
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (part 1)
Chapter 26 (part 2)
Chapter 26 (final part)
Important! I need your help!
Hi! Important!

Chapter 21

1.2K 38 11
By Potato_Trash_45

A/N: Bouncing back to Hawks and friends now.

"Oh no!" Toga slid down to the floor, catching Kyoko by her arm. "I guess she isn't a fan of blood." She seemed a bit crestfallen. Dabi slipped over, visibly eager to be anywhere but by Hawks at the moment. Keigo didn't look up from the broken, whimpering mess of a man that was lying limply on the ground. Twice looked at Toga's face, then bent down and swooped the unconscious child into his arms. Toga looked up at him. "She'll be fine Bunto." Toga smiled at the nickname. (It's a mix of her name and "bun" cause of her hair.) "I'll put her in your room for now. You wanna stay with her?" Toga nodded. "She won't run away, right?" Twice was slightly caught off guard by the question, but shook his head at the sight of genuine concern on Toga's face. "Nah. She shouldn't. She might be bit shaken, and an explanation will be due on why you've got blood on your hands. But she won't run. She doesn't have anywhere to go." Toga looked sad and confused at that last part, but said nothing. "You should probably wash up." Twice looked her up and down, seeing blood splattered all over her clothes. Toga smiled. "Trying to talk to her with blood on me would kinda defeat the purpose, huh?" Twice nodded. Toga paused, then shook her head. "I wanna test something." The trio in the doorway jumped as Hawks appeared. "Y'all good? I gotta get to the bathroom and get some blood off. It got on my feathers." Dabi turned as Hawks slipped past, following him upstairs. "Keigo, your feathers and the blood are the same color." "I can feel it there and I don't like it." Their voices faded as they got upstairs, leaving Toga, Twice, and the, still unconscious, kid alone. "What are you gonna test?" Twice looked at the kid in his arms. "I'm sorry is a peculiar thing to say after seeing blood. If it sparked some unpleasant memory, I wanna know what it was." Twice shifted his gaze to hers. "Isn't that prying?" Toga sighed. "It's important. We're villains. Killing people and being bloody comes with the job. If she can't handle it, it'll be inconvenient." Twice nodded. "That makes sense." "I know Double T." Twice winced slightly at the nickname. "I can clone myself a bit more than just once." Toga giggled. "I know. But it's almost like Bubble tea and it's nice." Twice nodded in agreement. "Alright," he turned and started up the stairs. "Let's get this kid's hair washed, and put her in bed." The two headed upstairs, sliding down the hall to the bathroom as they heard Shigaraki enter the living room. The bathroom door opened as Hawks walked out. His feathers were damp, and his shirt was in his hand. "So, imma chill in Dabi's room and steal his clothes." Hawks turned and walked off, seemingly back to his normal self. Twice put Kyoko on the toilet as Toga grabbed the small basin by the tub and filled it with warm water. She grabbed a sponge, submerging it in the water before placing it on the girl's head. Twice patted Toga's head and left, hearing voices growing louder in the living room as, Shigaraki and Dabi started arguing. Something about socks and food. Toga continued, slowly combing through the girl's hair, watching the blood slide down and drip into the basin. After a few minutes, Toga emptied the basin into the tub, placing the sponge in the sink and washing her hands. Kyoko didn't move, but Toga heard her voice whisper out, "D-dad.... d-don't go...." Toga stared in curiosity, then picked the kid up, carrying her to their room. She placed her neatly on the bed, watching with satisfaction as Kyoko turned and wrapped her arms around the body pillow next to her. "I guess I'll have to get another one." Toga smiled before stepping out the room, closing the door behind her. After a short pause, she headed back to the bathroom, turning on the shower. "I think I'll take Double T's advice." She stepped into the shower, scrubbing at the blood spatters on her skin, and wiping away the tint of blood across her body that had seeped through her shirt. She turned as Shigaraki entered the bathroom, making no attempt to knock and had not a hint of embarrassment on his face. "So..." Toga turned to get Shigaraki's attention. "What?" She felt a snarl pushing at the corners of her mouth. "Are y'all gonna learn how to knock or am I gonna have to start doing other shit to gross y'all into it?" Shigaraki turned to look at her, taking off the hand on his face. "Maybe look a little better and people might show a reaction." Toga picked up one of the full shampoo bottles and threw it as hard as she could. It narrowly missed Shigaraki, but shattered the mirror he was looking into. She saw a slight flinch. The glass fell into the sink. "Get out and don't come back in unless you're let in handyman." Toga growled, that mature and unfitting voice replacing her usual chirp. She felt a slight twinge of satisfaction at seeing Shigaraki flinch, but it didn't come close to the anger that was still rising. "You're the last person who should comment on someone's looks." The two turned as Hawks spoke. "You look like a raisin. Do you even know what moisturizer is? At least Toga has a skin care routine. You have.... a hand complex." Toga smiled, barely suppressing a giggle. Shigaraki mumbled something about not being in the mood to deal with people and left. "So... you weren't kidding when you said people don't knock." Hawks sighed. "Twice does. Unless he's really gotta go." Toga giggled, stepping out of the shower and tossing on some clothes lying on the floor. "I gotta talk with the kid. Does anyone know her name?" Hawks nodded. "Twice told me. It's Kyoko. Kyoko Kayatsu. Seems like a sweet kid. Blood issue?" Toga nodded, drying her hair and putting it up in her usual bun. "Why are you back in the bathroom anyways?" Toga asked. Hawks grabbed the, somehow still closed, shampoo bottle. "I need this to wash my feathers so I usually have it with me. Since it's in here... Do people here use other people's shampoo?" Toga smiled. "Yeah. But it's kind of weird. I steal Twice's and he steals whichever one feels heavier. That person then steals mine cause they all assume I'm using everyone's stuff.... in other words, if you have something you don't want others using it, keep it in your room. I'm the only person who snoops around. Despite his looks and dickwad personality, Shigaraki usually keeps to himself and stays in his room." Hawks nodded and they both left the bathroom. "Can I join you with the kid?" Hawks poked. Toga thought about it, looking at Hawks' eager face. "I have a lot I'll need to talk to her about... it might get a bit awkward. I don't think it would be a good idea." Hawks nodded, understanding, but clearly bummed. "Tell her I said hi." Toga nodded, then lightly knocked on the closed door. "Hey Kyoko. You awake?" Silence. Toga heard a slight shuffle. "I'm coming in." She slowly opened the door, then closed it quickly. She turned to Hawks. "You know what? I changed my mind. You're coming with me." Hawks nodded, and they both entered the room.

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