Different Paths in Life: Silv...

By Silvia_Stone

480 139 120

These are a collection of one shots of my character Silvia Emma Stone and the Harry Potter world. It's okay i... More

Coming Out ( A Scorbus Reveal)
A Fight with a Hippogriff
Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
Double Cheat, Double Win
Poisoned- Part One
A Professor-Student Bond
Horcrux: the Year Before War
Go Get Him!- A Malfoy's Dance
Her Everything... Gone in an Instant
Gone Part 2: Sacrifices
Oblivious of the Past
Fighting to Move On
Meeting the Augurey Early
A Changing Time Pt. 1
A Changing Time Pt. 2
A Changing Time Pt. 3
That Fateful July Night 1990
The Twin, and the Girl

Poisoned- Part Two

14 8 4
By Silvia_Stone

In the vile that held Silvia's blood a thick green liquid separated from the now lighter red blood.

" Is that...?" Draco's voice trailed off in fright.

" Poison, and a dangerous amount of it as well. We have to do more tests on the specific type to see if there's a certain cure but for now all I ask of you is to stay here and try not to worry her!" Healer White gave the vile to his assistant, healer Ester and the older group of healers ran out of the room in a desperate operation to save the Destined One.

Draco nervously ran his hand through his hair and squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't believe Silvia was snuck poison, surely he would've caught someone hurting her at the party, wouldn't he? He wanted to help his boss's kind efforts in tracking down a cure for her but his place was to stay with Silvia, and make sure her conditions weren't worsening.

" Dra...?" Draco opened his eyes when he heard the weak feeble voice of his girlfriend.

" Sil! Shh your okay, I'm here, we're in St Mungo's," he laced their fingers and placed a hand on her neck, caressing her lower jaw softly with his thumb.

" What happened to me?" She said in a voice softer than a whisper. 

" You were poisoned- but don't worry, healer White is finding a cure as we speak," Draco added quickly when her heart rate increased and her eyebrows shot up to the top of her forehead. Silvia half relaxed and nodded. " Do you have any symptoms or pain?" He asked his first official healer question.

" My entire body is in pain, my throat is dry, and my eyes feel numb," Silvia replied. She forced herself to open her eyes and Draco smiled at her.

" Don't force it if it hurts love," he leaned in and kissed the bridge of her nose.

" That tickles..." She commented as Draco continued to kiss the spot. " Dra please stop... Stop!" Silvia cried out and pushed him back. She shut her eyes with a wince and cried.

" Sil I-I'm sorry, is there anything-?"

" Just do-don't to-touch me or t-talk to me," Silvia didn't need the rest of the question as she continued to cry. Once she finished the room fell into an eerie silence.

" Malfoy," Silvia heard the familiar voice of healer White a few minutes later. " She's all red, did she wake up or something?" He asked Draco.

" Yeah..." Draco went on and explained what happened.

" The poison is taking its first effect..." White's voice drifted off. Silvia could tell he was nervous.

Why? Isn't there a cure? She signed. She had been signing since her Hogwarts days, learning that her father was profoundly deaf his entire life and Silvia decided to learn his special gift to honor him.

" Ah Miss Stone your awake. Mr Malfoy, would you mind translating for us?" The healer asked and Draco nodded.

" She, and I too are wondering if you found a cure for whatever poison is effecting her?"

" Okay well... The poison Miss Stone was slipped is actually a poison we know very little about and therefore... Not an exact remedy to cure her, only the enchantments she's under now are keeping her alive... But there was also a hint of alcohol in the toxins, were you drinking at the party?" Healer White explained and asked.

" Your telling me she's going to die?" Draco asked back in a slow and dangerous tone, ever so carefully rising from the bed.

" No-no Mr Malfoy, we just have to do more research on her blood verses samples of other poisoned blood, see if there's a loophole for a cure. And do not use that tone of voice on me, I can fire you and then you won't be able to be in this room," White criticized.

Before Draco could retort Silvia reached out and up, tugging his shirt sleeve to get him to sit back down. He took her hand for reassurance that he wouldn't move again.

How long could more tests and research take? Silvia asked.

" Weeks, months... Maybe even years if your still stable at that point," he answered sadly after his employee translated.

" What! No she can't just stay here for that long-!"

" Do you see any other choice Mr Malfoy? It's either she lives here under heavy enchantments or she dies from the poison in an instant outside these walls," he said sternly before Silvia heard his footsteps going further and further away, telling her he left the room.

" I'm sorry... All our plans, our future-"

" Don't be Dra, love this isn't your fault. I knew the poison was in the fire whisky... It was my fault I accidentally drank too much of it.. I'm sorry... You should contact your mother, tell her what happened before contacting the Weasleys..." She was able to say before sighing and wincing.

" Of course love, anything else?" He summoned pieces of parchment, his bottle of ink, and a quill to his hands and set them on the small table next to them.

Water. She signed, wincing again as she lowered her hand back down to her side. Draco summoned a cup and a plastic straw.

" Aquamenti!" He said, pointing to the plastic cup and letting it fill with the clear, flavorless, liquid. " Here," Draco led the straw to her lips and let her take the cup in her hands. He turned back to the parchment and dipped his quill into the ink.

" Oww..." It hurts to swallow. Silvia signed with one hand as tears appeared under her eye lids.

" Sil, shh it's okay. I promise in a few hours it'll be better soon, we have to give the potions your getting through your IV's time to work," Draco took the cup from her hand and placed it on the table next to the ink. He leaned down and pecked her forehead.

" Can you ask the Weasleys to bring Teddy if they visit? I want to see him," Silvia asked as she heard the sound of quill striking paper.

" Whatever you want my sick princess," Draco replied. Silvia placed a hand to her throat.

" Don't make me laugh," she said groggily before coughing. Draco chuckled. " Jerk," she added, slapping his leg with the hand that wasn't on her throat, only making him keep laughing for a minute more.

" Alright. I'm going to go owl these, I'll be back in five minutes tops. If you need anything ah use your wand and shoot the wall directly in front of you," Draco summoned her wand- a trick that took awhile to perfect- and gave it to her before standing up with the two letters and running out of the room.

Silvia imagined shaking her head and sighing as she continued to attempt to rest. She hated drinking the liquor, she really did. And now... All her hopes and dreams were possibly just taken away from her, her life- vanished. She was starting to imagine a life, a life free of harm and bloodshed, a world where her and Draco could live freely together with the moral support of his mother. She didn't want what happened last May to repeat itself, her half dying the first time might have been scary but she surely didn't want to go through that again- especially if it was from poison and the fact she would actually, fully, die.

" It's just me," Draco's voice filled the room as she heard footsteps. " Mother said she's just packing a few things and then she'll be right over, the Weasleys said they'll make it before sundown- something about Teddy being the calmest then," he said, plopping back down in his previous spot next to her.

Okay. When the Weasleys come later tell them to come in small groups, I-I won't be able to handle it if it's all at once. She told him, her voice and throat to weak to talk.

" Totally understood. Are you going to be able to talk by then?" He asked hesitantly.

Maybe, maybe not. Silvia signed back with a half of a shrug and a wince to follow.

" Do you know anything else about the poison Healer White?" A soft familiar voice came from just out into the corridor.

" Nothing more yet Mrs Malfoy but we will let you know if anything changes. I will let you be now, I have more patients to check," Healer Whites voice answered.

Silvia heard the patted footstep of sneakers and the click of heels before feeling Draco stand from the bed.

" Mother!" She heard Draco try to hide his happiness and thankfulness but it ended up failing miserably as he walked to his mum. " Thank you... Thank you for coming..." She heard him whisper.

" Not a problem my dear, is she sleeping?" Narcissa asked. Silvia heard her walk over to her side and she smiled.

No, my entire body just hurts, well except my hands. She informed her.

" Oh you poor innocent child. Is there anything-?"

No. It's okay, I'm fine... Trust me. Once Healer White finds a cure I'll be back to normal. Silvia advised optimistically. She heard Narcissa take in a shaky breath, possibly holding back tears.

" Draco, can I talk to you privately for a minute?" She asked.

" Sure. We'll be right back Sil..." Draco squeezed her hand and she winced a little, hearing them walk out of the room and shutting the door quietly behind them.

" Draco I spoke to Healer White briefly and..." Narcissa told her son as they got down the hall a bit, letting her voice drift off in deep concern. Draco looked at her with sorrow eyes.

" He told you she isn't going to make it, didn't he?" Draco guessed, forcing himself to stay strong in front of his mother.

" Ye-yes Draco... He did. He wants to keep her on medication as long as possible but if research doesn't go anywhere he'll have to cut the enchantments and her life support... The world is at peace now Draco, and you can see how deeply she still is in mourning- no matter how happy you attempt to make her... Ma-make the final weeks of her life the best weeks she's ever spent in a hospital, make her feel accomplished..." Narcissa wrapped her arms around her son tightly, letting her own tears trickle into his hair.

" I'll- I'll t-try to Mother... But of course I won't tell her the e-end result," Draco hugged his mother back, not being able to hold back his painful crying any longer.

" I know you will Draco, you'll never give up until her dying breath and even then I'll be here to help you through your pain. What ever you decide do, don't keep it to yourself, you of all people know hidden pain will come back to bite you in the future," Narcissa stroked her teenage son's back, attempting to soothe him. Draco nodded in agreement.

" You should get going, I'll tell her you had to get home for the night..." He stepped away from her and led her out to the main lobby.

" Good luck," she hugged him once more and kissed his forehead. " Tell me when White's ready to say goodbye to her, I'll be back then..." Narcissa added before stepping into a free floo network and leaving Draco in the empty lobby.

That evening, after Silvia ate a very small dinner, the Weasleys came as suspected and Draco told them what his mother told him before leading groups of two/ three in one at a time.

First it was Ron and Hermione, then Ginny and George, after them came in Percy and Charlie, following them Bill, Fleur, and newborn Victorie, then came Mr and Mrs Weasley, and finally Harry and one year old Teddy. 

" Do you want me to change you into anything comfier, love?" Draco asked when the door was shut for its final time that night.

" Yes if you can do it without touching me..." Her groggily voice answered him, her eyes now shut. She felt Draco lean in and kiss her dry lips and she cracked a smile.

" 'Course I can do that," he whispered against her lips. She heard the sound of a silent spell and felt her body loosen in realization she was in Draco's hoodie and a pair of silk short shorts.

" Ahh I love you..." Silvia melted into the coziness and barely even winced, taking deep breaths as she finally felt the medication and enchantments working.

" I love you more," Draco carefully wrapped an arm around to her far shoulder, leaning in and kissing her again. Silvia lifted her hand and traced it along his arm and the other found the side of his face, opening her lips and finding his upper lip to suck as he got her bottom one.

They didn't snog for long, both not wanting something bad or dangerous to happen and so they called it a night. Draco adjusted himself so he was laying sideways against Silvia, her head resting against his chest and his arms wrapped around her protectively.

" Get some sleep my love," Draco whispered to her. She half nodded, hearing his voice as she fell peaceful asleep.

*A few weeks later*

" I know I'm not going to get out of here alive," Silvia stated as she turned back to her half filled piece of parchment against a book that was against her knees. The healers had upped her medication and now she barely felt anything although the poison was still there. Her skin had not healed yet from the paling and her eyes were the muscles that hurt the most.

" No you are. Don't be writing a will until your one hundred percent sure," Draco glanced up at her machines and shook his head. " Besides, your eyes are going to need a break soon," he added.

" I am sure and I will know when my eyes need a break Healer Malfoy," she retorted in a snobbish tone.

" Okay for the love of Merlin I'm sorry. What did I do to deserve the last name treatment hmm?" He grinned at her when she waved her book, parchment, and quill away with a flick of her wand and shut her eyes.

" When you doubted I could beat this bloody poison... Your giving up on me and I despise it. What is White telling you behind my back? Trust me I know you've been talking with him," she shot back darkly.

" Sil's I'm your healer and so is White, if anything was going on we'd tell you. I swear on my aunt's grave there hasn't been any talk between me and White that we haven't told you," he sat down beside her and carefully stroked her hand. " And I won't ever give up on you, ever."

" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." Silvia felt tears sting her eyelids and she briefly blinked to let them fall. " Y-you don't deserve m-me... I understand if you want to say g-goodbye n-now and transfer me to only W-White's patient-"

" No love, shh it's okay... I will always take care of you... I can't give you up, never until your dying breath, then I'll let your parents t-take c-care of you," Draco choked up as he wiped away his girlfriends tears and scooted closer to her. He placed his forehead upon hers and softly soothed himself and Silvia by tracing his hands down the side of her neck and to her hands.

" As much as I miss my parents, I don't want to be with them," Silvia whispered after awhile.

" Why? Sil it's been years since you've seen them-"

" But I don't remember them, I only remember by stories and old Daily Prophet articles the staff at Hogwarts had given and told me... I want to be with you, I no longer want to die. We're going to beat this," she explained.

" Together."

" Forever."

Okay sorry that ended up being a slightly bad ending but I was losing interest in this idea. My inspiration for this came from a Dramione ( I know, I know, I don't really ship them either) fanfic called Say Something but what I ended up writing was pretty different. I'm actually not sure if I would've made Silvia live in this version, but if you want you can leave a comment to explain your version of what happens next! Vote, comment, and follow!

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