
By ChangeFate

209K 10K 3.5K

Luke Hemmings. Popular, pretty, smart, sweet..And on top of all of that.. A self-harming, suicidal, depressed... More

One - The Frown Never Fades
Two - Disappear
Three - How I Am
Four - Tears And A Smile
Five - Two Way Personality
Six - Admition
Seven - Hoping for The Best
Eight - Hide Through Fear
Nine - Stories Never Told
10 - Afraid Of You
11 - Drunken Fool
12 - Click Click Click
13 - Done With Façades
14 - Ruin My Day
16 - Stand Up Push Down
17 - My Beaten Boy
18 - Honestly
19 - A Silent Man's Words
20 - Caught In A Truth
21 - The First Beating
22 - Confrontational
23 - Stand Up For Me
24 - Back To Basics
25 - Talking To The Law
26 - The Mean Streets
27 - The First Trial
28 - Second Try
29 - Goodbye
30 - Hidden Away
Epilogue I
Epilogue II
Epilogue III
Epilogue IV
Epilogue V

15 - What I Want

5.8K 275 24
By ChangeFate

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. ~Marcel Proust

Luke's POV

I walked down the sidewalk as it grew later and later, I was trying to think of what I wanted to do. But I couldn't. For so long I always just went with what the boys were doing. Any time I tried to do something different..Well..I got made fun of, or I couldn't do it. So, I didn't know what I wanted.

While thinking through myself I didn't seem to notice the sound of a skateboard behind me as the person on it crashed straight into me, knocking us both on the ground.

"Oh my gosh!" The voice above me said. "I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention and-and I-I -"

"Relax." I laughed lightly as I stood up, finally seeing the person behind me was a girl. She looked somewhat familiar but there were lots of girls with black hair.

"Oh my gosh I hit Luke Hemmings!" She squeaked and I have a confused look. "Sorry just, that's like, the worse person I could hit."

"It's fine I promise." I smiled. "So, you know I'm Luke, but what's your name?"

"Kara." She smiled. "Nice to actually meet you."

"Yep, you too." I said as I shook the tiny hand extended to me.

"So, it's kinda late. Why are you out? And all alone?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same question." I said. Folding my arms.

"Well, I like to skateboard at night because I suck. But I want to become better at it. Less people see me fail at night." Kara gave a light laugh. "But that doesn't excuse you."

"I..I just needed a breather." I shrugged. "I need those

"Oh, so like when you leave the class for twenty minutes?" Kara asked. "I've seen it, when the teacher says 'Luke go for a walk.' I've seen it."

"You're in my classes?" I asked.

"Yeah a few." Kara shrugged. "You keep your head down, explains why you wouldn't know me. Almost like you don't want to make new friends."

"I-I don't."

"Well sucks cause you met me." Kara laughed. "C'mon princess I'll walk you home."

"Shouldn't I walk you home?" I asked.

"Luke..I live past your house, we would just go right by it." Kara sighed.

"How do you..?"

"Ashton and I are friends, he mentioned living near you." Kara smiled. "You didn't know that, did you?"

I shook my head. "I didn't."

"Figures." Kara sighed, rolling her eyes. "Anyways, let's ride off into the sunset like in the olden times!"

"You've certainly got character on you." I said as we began to walk towards my house.

"Is that an insult?" Kara said as she tried to get up on the skateboard, wiggling slightly.

"No, but do you want some help with that?" I asked.

"How would you help me with it?" Kara asked.

"Just, put your hands on my shoulders." I said, turning sideways. I placed my hands on Kara's waist and through the entire time we headed home I walked sideways to help Kara.

"Okay, now you try." I said as we landed on my street. I let go of Kara and she managed to push off and roll down the street with ease.

"Woohoo!" She yelled. "Thank you!"

"Now turn around and come back!" I yelled back to her.

"But turning is so hard!"

"You won't get better without practice!" I yelled and she let out a loud groan as she took her time turning to skate back to me, then turning again so she could skate next to me.

"Not too shabby Kara." I smirked.

"I'm a pro shut up." Kara laughed as we continued walking. "Your street is absolutely terrifying at night."

"Do you want me to walk you home?" I asked, feeling kind of bad for abandoning a girl like her in the dark.

"No." Kara sighed.

"You want me to you just don't want to inconvenience me." I shrugged.

"What makes you say that?" Kara asked.

"Because I'm the same way." I sighed.

"Ashton says you are." Kara said, her voice hushed. "He-He talks about you all the time. Says you're frustrating because you're not easy to figure out and you won't tell him anything either,"

"Sounds like me."

"I wasn't finished." Kara groaned. "Anyways, he'll then say he just..Wants to give you space and time. To let you come to him. But, it's hard. Y'know like he's watching you sink and you won't let him help you. Now does that sound like you?"

"Yes. Sounds a lot like me." I sighed.

"Luke, have you realized the entire time you've been out wearing a t-shirt, with your arms wrapped?" Kara said. "I wasn't going to point it out, but I don't think you know it."

"I - what?" I glanced down and saw she was right. I left in such a hurry I didn't think twice to put on something else, not even a jacket. "Oh..N-No I d-didn't."

"Let me guess, Ashton wrapped your arms." Kara said and I gave a weak nod. "So he knows, but you won't let him help, why is that?"

"I don't want to become a bother to anyone." I sighed as I kicked a rock at my feet.

"Don't you think that by not letting people help you're becoming a bother?" Kara asked and I gave her a confused look. "When you push people out, lie, and don't let them help all they can do is sit back and watch you go up in flames. It's one of the most torturous things to have to watch those you love and care about die slowly. And as much as it hurts you, it hurts them ten times more."

I sat in silence, I had nothing to say but I also knew she was right. So I gave a slight nod of my head.

"You don't care about yourself, so..Just think of who it has to hurt." Kara said. "I believe this is your house?" I nodded. "Okay, see you later Lukey-Poo. Oh and I won't tell anyone about this. Oh! And thanks for helping me with my skateboarding. You can be my biggest fan when I'm famous." Kara winked before skating off. I gave a smile and a wave to her before walking in my house.

"Hello?" I called through the house, hearing nothing. "Ash!? Cal?! Mikey!?"


"Guys!?" I yelled and I entered my room and didn't see one of the boys.


Cliffhangers ha. Lol and I have no idea where Kara came from. All I know is that there's like no girl characters and I decided to change that cause female power. Plus I feel like side characters always give meaningful lessons.

Anyways there might be another chapter today I don't really know it might be tomorrow cause I'm a little preoccupied today.

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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