Boys Divisional School of Man...

By boybands77

3.2M 112K 247K

What the fuck is the purpose to a manners school? Not what I was expecting I'll tell you that. {Basically a B... More

Boys Divisional School of Manners
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Zustin Special
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 49: smut
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 57 - Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 25

42K 1.7K 2.8K
By boybands77

Last chapter I was saying thank you for 100k reads. Now I'm thanking you for 152k reads. Holy crap, you guys are amazing.

All of you who comment and vote (or even you ghost readers out there) I love you!!<3

Harry's POV

Niall and I were situated in the living room, with a bag of Doritos on the coffee table, as we watched some movie Louis had. I sat on the sofa, on the opposite end of Niall, he was laying down with his legs thrown over mine. I didn't bother moving them, or asking him to, because it wasn't uncomfortable for me.

"What do you and Liam and do? And Zayn?" I ask when the movie had become too boring.

"What do you mean?" Niall turns his neck so he's looking across at me, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"Like, all Louis and I do is video games, or watch movies. There's nothing to do."

He thought for a moment, "Well, without getting into too much details Liam likes to train me. He keeps saying I have a pain kink, but I really don't think I do." He shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders, "But I mean, maybe I do."

My fingers thrum over his calf, I hum in acknowledgment of his statement, not truly knowing what to say.

"Like," Niall's tone raises slightly in irritation, he's about to vent. "I don't like when he punishes me, but I like knowing that it's him doing it. I would absolutely hate being punished by anyone but him. Liam just, I don't know mate, I don't know."

A small piece of me is kind of happy for Niall's confusion; it proves I'm not alone.

"Well, maybe you've got a sort of thing for Liam. That just whatever he does turns you on. Is that even possible? I don't know what I'm talking about." I shake my head and turn back to the TV, smacking myself in the head for even saying such a thing. Here I am trying to have guy talk with a homosexual. Not my area of expertise obviously.

"It is possible." Louis' voice says from where he was leant against the doorframe, his grey sweat pants look to be oversized. I don't bother asking how long he has been standing there, knowing full and well it must've been long enough.

Louis walks forward and Niall sits up, letting Louis take a seat on the end of the couch. Niall fell back, his head resting comfortably on Louis' thighs.

"Wow," Louis laughed lightly, "Li wasn't kidding when he said you were a cuddler." His fingers combed through Niall's hair as if they were together.

"Well Liam doesn't lie." Niall chuckles.

There was a beat of silence before Louis speaks again, "Y'know Niall, there is this thing, I don't think Liam's associated it with you yet, maybe it's just a perspective from the outside. I don't have to tell you Niall if you don't want to hear it."

Niall shook his head lightly, "No go ahead, I kind of need answers."

My fingernails begin tugging the fuzz balls off of Niall's socks as they spoke. I listened intently, with no actual intent to join their conversation.

"So you said you only like pain when it's being administered by Liam?" Louis questioned, his fingers still running through the dyed blonde hair.

"Yeah. I don't like pain, but I clearly don't mind it when it's Liam." There was an airy tone to his words, like he didn't quite believe what was being said.

"And what about when he scolds you?" Louis continued his small interrogation.

Niall pauses for a moment, no doubt thinking about his answer, "I'd imagine it's the same as anyone; I don't like it. But sometimes he goes softer on me, like he's just trying to explain my wrong doing."

I saw the smirk on Louis' face, "Niall, let's say Liam gave you two options. To have rough sex, or to cuddle with possibly some sweet sex. Which would you chose?"

Niall groaned and rolled onto his back, looking to Louis, "Do we really have to talk about this?"

Louis smiled, "No, but keep in mind, I haven't asked you a question I don't already know the answer to."

Niall brought his hands up to his face, rubbing at his eyes, "Cuddling is definitely better." Niall seems to have said that with a defeated sigh, as if he was ashamed of admitting it in front of other men.

Louis's smile turned from encouraging to triumphant at Niall's words, "I think you may have a small adult baby kink inside you, more commonly known as a daddy kink I suppose."

My jaw drops slightly, did he just say what I think he just said?

Niall spluttered and scoffed, "I'm not a baby."

Louis ran his slim fingers through Niall's hair repeatedly, trying to keep him calm.

"You're not just a baby, you'd be his baby boy. All it means is that instead of calling him Master or Sir, you'd call him daddy. You'd honestly be looked after quite well, he'd cuddle you whenever. You can take it to whatever level you want. For some it's purely the name, and others get onesies, and nappies. It's between you and Liam."

Niall's eyes were wide and he tried to say something, but Louis just hushed him, "Don't say anything more, it can be discussed between you and Liam."

Louis leaned down to press a kiss onto Niall's forehead, "I can talk to him if you want."

Niall doesn't say anything but he nuzzles his head into Louis' touch. If I hadn't known better if say they were a couple. I don't understand why Niall is doing this when he's with Liam. Niall can't have Louis anyway.

"So as part of my job for watching you is to feed you dinner." Louis said, "So I've got some soup on the stove. Let's eat, yeah? I missed lunch today so I'm hungry."

Louis patted Niall's chest to get him to sit up. Niall obliged and let Louis stand before he followed and he turned back to me, "C'mon Harry, let's go eat."

"Yeah, let me go eat my food poisoning." I rolled my eyes, standing up from the couch.

We all went into the kitchen where Louis had a stack of bowls near the stove and we helped ourselves before sitting at the table; pretending to enjoy the horrid blend of water and frozen vegetables.

Thank fuck the doorbell rang. Louis was first to pop up from his seat to go and get the door. The moment he left the kitchen I pulled my bowl to the sink and drained the water before I scooped the unappetizing vegetables into the bin.

"Niall just do it. He won't be offended." I say when I see Niall eyeing me with apprehension. He nodded his head once then stands up to do the same I did. Once done, I rinsed the bowl and left it in the sink.

My curiosity rising when I haven't heard Liam domineering voice echo through the hall. By the time Niall and I got there I saw that Louis and Liam were having a hushed conversation. It looked to be getting pretty heated but I could only see Liam's face. Zayn was stood off to the side, and he was fidgeting; wasn't that against one of Liam's manner rules?

"Hey babe." A wash of relief seems to have overtaken Liam when Niall and I entered the hall.

Niall sped in front of me, brushing my shoulder as he rushed into Liam's arms. Niall tucked his head easily underneath Liam's chin, the older wrapping his arms around Niall's shoulders.

I stood beside Louis from where he had backed away from Liam, giving Niall enough room. Louis leans up on his tiptoes to bring his head closer to my ear. "Something happened." He whispered in broken syllables; so no one could hear but me.

I rolled my eyes, "No shit."

And he's the observant one? I step to the side, away from Louis, wanting no part of suspicion.

Niall's head tilts up so he could whisper something to Liam more easily. For which Liam's face brightens and a small smile graces his lips. I notice the slight shift of Liam's arms and I realize it as him squeezing Niall tighter.

As Louis decides to focus on the little embracement happening I opt to focus on the timid boy off to the side. Completely ignored by those who claim to care for him. He doesn't seem to have the whole waterworks deal goin' on, but he does look scared. I wait for someone to notice the dark haired boy off to the side, but no one seems to.

Niall removes himself from the older lad and moves to stand beside him, pressed firmly into his side.

"We're going to spend the night together." Liam nodded sadly, "I'll talk to you more tomorrow Lou." He kept one arm around Niall's waist as he reached out towards Zayn. The poor boy looked scared to take the offered hand which struck me as weird seeing as he would most likely seek comfort from Liam.

Louis watched as the three left the house and made their way across the street while I wandered back into the kitchen; hoping to grab something solid. I heard the front door close, "Zayn was signed off to another dominant!" Louis' voice shrilled.

My eyebrows scrunched, "What does that mean exactly?"

Louis entered the kitchen and hopped up on the counter across from where I was scavenging through the fridge. I pull out an apple and turn to rinse it off in the sink while Louis begins to explain.

"It means that Zayn isn't under Liam's control right now; apparently it's Mr. Reid's nephew. If you remember it's Mr. Turner's husband, and therefore his nephew too. I don't know his name yet but I want to meet him. Zayn wouldn't just be signed over to anyone."

I chomped on my apple as Louis spewed information. His face was lit up and he looked to me with an expectant look; like he expected me to have the same enthusiasm. I don't.

"Cool. So now Niall doesn't have to worry about time share." I toss my half eaten apple into the bin before I push myself off from where I was leaning against the counter and I begin to head upstairs. I heard Louis slip down off the counter and his footsteps echoed behind me.

"Louis I'm going to get in the shower. Stop following me." I groan, my sock clad feet hitting the hardwood of the staircase.

"Haz we should talk." His fingers curl around my bicep. I stop midway up the spiralling staircase and I turn to face Louis a couple stairs down.

"'Bout what?" I narrow my eyes as I search his features for a sign of where the conversation might lead.

"Well, I wanted to talk about the night you tried to run away." He shrugged one shoulder and he kept the finger's of his one hand latched around my upper arm.

I tugged away from his touch and I then turned around to flee up the rest of the stairs.

"Haz! No wait!" He shouted after me.

I ignored him and I barged into the bathroom door and slammed it behind me. I immediately take a seat on the toilet, waiting for the moment Louis comes through the unlockable door. It was a matter of seconds before I heard the whoosh of the door and saw the crazed look written upon Louis' face.

"Haz, it's not about you running away. I understand that. I just wanted to ask you questions about... what happened earlier." He stepped forward and closed the door, he leaned against the handle.

I don't change the cold expression on my face. I blink once, then I stand up and reach into the shower to turn the nozzle.

I don't want to talk about that. I don't want to remember that. Why does he want to bring it up? He must've known it was just a scam, and he wants to rub it in my face it was all for nothing.

It was silent while the water smacked against the flooring, I pushed down my pants and I stepped out of them, leaving me in my boxers. I avoid Louis' gaze as I soon stripped my shirt and tossed to the small pile on the bathroom floor. I pulled the curtain aside and I stepped into the steaming water.

This is how it's going to be. Me showering in my boxers when I don't trust Louis enough to respect my privacy. All because I signed the damned contract allowing Louis to shower with me.

"Harry?" I see the tips of Louis' fingers tips curl around the edge of the deep blue curtain. And it's back to the waiting game; waiting for him to break the barrier and join. The door, the curtain, there's no difference.

I sigh inwardly as Louis' face becomes revealed. He pulled the curtain back to reveal his tanned torso as he stood in his light grey underwear with a black waistband. "Can I join you?"

I step closer to the wall, a silent invite that I don't care what he does but he's welcome to do as he pleases. And so he does. Carefully, he steps into the shower, shifting behind me. I ignore his presence and I run my hair under the water. I just want to forget that day. Forget Louis. Forget the way he makes me feel. Forget it all.

"I don't know if it's because you don't trust me a lot that you distance yourself from me, or maybe it's just that you don't like me. But I do know, that what happened before you tried to run away was to fool me; but I wasn't fooled."

My eyes clench shut as the water soaks my hair, I know he's facing me but don't want to see it.

"Your point?" I run my fingers through my hair, knowing fully that my chest is accentuated.

"Is anything like that going to happen again? Are you ever gonna take a chance with me?"

"Take a chance?" I humour his words. The water is hot and it's relaxing any tension in my muscles.

"Yes!" Louis' raised voice echoes through the sealed shower. He stood with his arms crossed and he looked up at me as he waited.

"What sort of chances?" Now I know I'm just toying with him. The growing grin on my face isn't going to be easily concealed.

"Harry." He scolds, "You can't deny that you aren't the least bit intrigued to know more about yourself; sexually. The way you automatically assumed everything had to be harsh, and rushed. Didn't it feel better going softer? Didn't you feel more relaxed?" He was now stepping closer to me, his fingertips lightly placed at my hips bones. I looked down to his hands then up to his eyes that were silently asking if it was okay. "Wasn't your orgasm more fulfilling?"

Yes. Yes. And yes.

My arms drop from where they were running through my hair. Louis doesn't move his hands away, in fact his body steps closer to mine.

His blue eyes were flicking back and forth between my green. I turn around before he got any ideas, his hands falling from my body. The rush of water blasted my face and I sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to hear over the water. I stepped back to allow myself to breathe, not realizing how close Louis was. He immediately takes a step back; for a moment. Then it seems he recollected his thoughts and I felt his presence on my body once again. His hands starting at the sides of my waist and slowly inching closer to my crotch. I felt the softness of his lips press to the nape of my neck, a small barrier of water his lips broke through.

"Louis." I sigh, my head falling downwards.

I hear him heave a heavy sigh before the sound of the curtain rings are scraping against the rod.

"I'll be out here." Louis mutters. He draws back the curtain to enclose me back in the steam.

I see him through the curtain as he sits on the closed toilet seat, his arms crossed and he slouches. His hair a disheveled mess that he didn't seem to care too much about.

I finished my shower routine quickly, not wanting to spend any more time in the presence of Louis.

What did he think he was doing? The way his lips pressed to mine was unexplainably blissful. His lips didn't feel like a man's set of lips; nor did his hands. It reminded me of the few times girls would shower with me. The way they would try to get something, that just wouldn't happen. It's normally me who leaves the shower, opting to wait the fifteen minutes for the girl to get out.

I took my time with shampooing my hair, but as I turned around to rinse I saw Louis again through the curtain. His jaw was shaking and his body shivered as he still sat on the toilet; in nothing but his wet boxers.

I sigh inwardly and I hurriedly rinse the suds from my hair. I don't bother shutting off the water as I know Louis will be going in right after me. I push the curtain back and I step out, avoiding his eyes as I grab the towel he has handed me.

As I thought, he stepped right into the shower then closed the curtain. I shook the towel through my hair and then dried of the small beads of water off my legs and arms. I don't say anything as I walk across the hall and into my room.

My plaid pyjama pants are being tugged up my legs, overtop of my fresh underwear. I decide I'm already too hot to be bothered with a shirt and I slip under the covers. I pull out my phone from where it's kept under my pillow and I open up the netflix app. I know it's barely six o'clock, but I can't be bothered to do anything with Louis at this point.

I was only a few minutes into my show when I heard the soft knock on my door. I click my phone off and shove it under the covers. Louis' head pokes in first, then the door opens fully, revealing him with a dark grey shirt on, barely coming past the waistband of his boxers.

"Are you-" he take a breath, "Are you going to sleep in my room tonight?" His fingers clutched at the white painted door.

"No." I say without hesitating. "Not tonight."

He nods his head and looks down to the floor for a moment, then he looks up and smiles at me softly.

"Alright, goodnight Haz. I'll see you in the morning."

"Night." I groan.

The door was closing, but it soon flung open again, his head poking through once more. "If you want, I mean, my door's always open." And with that my door closed and I heard the creak of his door down the hall open, but I never heard it shut.


So niam?

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