The Darker One// Once Upon A...

Autorstwa ilikewarmhugs1235

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Reese is the twin sister of the feared, Rumpelstiltskin, and they are both the dark ones. They were unstoppab... Więcej

Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15~ part 1
Chapter 15~ part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 11

1.9K 48 5
Autorstwa ilikewarmhugs1235

"Let's make some noise." Reese smirked. Hook was taken back by Reese's sudden words but he got over it and smiled back at her. "So what's the plan?"

"I think we will have to kidnap one of them-" He paused. "-And then you'll have to do your specialty and take out their heart."

"And who should we do this to?" Reese questioned. "Wait, I think we should do it to that annoying little princess. What was her name? Adrianna? Arianna? Audrey?" She paused. "I actually have no idea."

Hook laughed, "Okay so we'll take whats her face, but now we have to be a distraction for the others. I don't think they'll give up on her so fast."

"I have an idea." Reese smirked.


"So how is this going to work?" Hook questioned the dark one. She was currently wiping her hands of blood and smiled at the pirate. She didn't answer all she did was snap her fingers and all of the dead bodies came to life. "Bloody hell." He whispered. Reese said something to the zombies, which Hook didn't hear, and then they were walking towards the heroes.

Reese walked back to Hook happily and stood next to him with her arm cross. "So I told them to lead whats her face over this way. Then I'll knock her out and teleport us away. Got it?"
"Are you always this bossy?" Hook asked Reese.

"And are you always this talkative?"

"Aye, love." He smirked. "And yes I'm always this attractive too." She giggled and walked towards the bushes and watched out for Aurora. Just as she got there Aurora ran towards her. Reese grabbed her and pulled her behind the bush. She covered Aurora's mouth and pushed her towards Hook who put shackles on Aurora's wrists. Reese went up to the squirmy girl and blew something in her face, and Aurora went out like a light. Reese smiled as she took Hook's hand and teleported them into a pit somewhere in the forest. Hook put her down and looked at Reese, "So how long does that sleeping stuff work?"

"It works for a few hours."

"Hours? Hours!" Hook repeated. "We don't have hours, love. She needs to wake up soon before they find her."

"They won't find her. I put a cloaking spell on us, so you can chill now Captain." Reese rolled her eyes. "And I was joking. All I have to do is," Reese snapped her fingers and they saw the princess starting to wake up. "Is snap my fingers."

"How did you even do that?"

"Now, why would I tell you that." Reese smirked. Hook looked at her questionly before smirking at the girl. He didn't know why he had feelings for her but he did. He watched as Reese sat down on the ground and started to play with Aurora's hair. "You can wake up now, Adrianna." Getting irritated, Reese stood up and started lightly kicking the princess.

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up."

"Why isn't she-"

Aurora is gradually waking up when she sees Reese and Hook standing there. She moved back in fear, which made Reese laugh. "No! No! Are you going to kill me?"

Reese smiled and bent down to Aurora and started to rub her arm. "Now, if we were going to kill you, waking you up certainly wouldn't be the best course of action. Now is it?"

Reese walked back and allowed Hook to break the shackles on Aurora's wrists. Reese knew she could just use her magic, but she wanted to give Hook a chance with the annoying princess.

"So what? Did Cora send you?" The young princess questioned. Hook looked back to find Reese laughing. Aurora looked at the dark one confused and Hook just shook his head. ' "Don't pay attention to her, love. Cora has no idea we're here." Hook responded to Aurora.

"I don't understand."

"Of course you don't." Reese replied. "We're letting you go."

"But you're the ones who kidnapped me in the first place." Aurora stated, still in a daze from the sleeping dust. Reese sighed and opened up her hand and Aurora's heart appeared. "Who's heart is that?"


"How were you able to get that? I was with you this entire time." Hook questioned the dark one.

"I have my ways." Reese smiled. She looked at Aurora and then brought her heart up to her lips. "Cora kidnapped you and we rescued you." Reese watched as Aurora repeated what she said and Reese smiled. She made the heart disappear again, and turned to Hook. "I hope you know that Cora was trying to do the exact same thing as we did."

"I know." Hook stated. He walked up to Aurora and looked at her, "Cora's denied us passage to Storybrooke, and my vengeance. And now, I'm going to deny her her wishes, starting with the compass. In pirate terms, you might say I'm firing a shot across my enemy's bow."

"You'd risk your life to break in here, all so you could thwart Cora?"

"Yes." Reese responded.

"We don't like being double-crossed. Now, go." Hook said.

"Thank you." Aurora was about ready for Reese to teleport her back to her friends, but Hook stopped her.

"You can thank us by doing us one favor."


"Give Emma a message. Tell her that the deal still stands. If she provides us passage back to her realm, We swear we will help her find that dust that opens the portal."

"You guys really want to assist us?"

"It hurts Cora and helps us. Of course we do. Now, go." Hook stated and Aurora walked towards Reese. She teleported the both of them out of the ditch, leaving Hook by himself. "HEY!"

"What about Hook?" Aurora questioned.

"I'll get him in a second. I just wanted to talk to you without him for a second." Reese replied. She saw Aurora starting to tense up and that made Reese smile. "Now, you tell your little group that if they double-cross us one more time... Well, they won't have hearts anymore and they'll be dead. Got it?"

"Yeah." Aurora said, scared for her life. "Can you get me to my friends?"

Reese huffed and teleported Aurora to her friends, and then walked over to the ditch. She heard Hook yelling her name and laughed. She laid on her stomach and looked in the whole, and smiled at the angry pirate.

"What are you still doing down there, pirate? If you wanted to come up here all you had to do was ask." Reese stated. She saw the anger rising in Hook and that just broke her. Reese started laughing so hard that it was concerning Hook.

"Do you really think I was just leaving you in that ditch?"

"Kind of."

"Wow... WOW!" Reese responded as she stood up. She flicked her wrist and teleported Hook up there with her. What she didn't know was that he was really close to her, so when she went to talk to him; they were nearly touching. "You have to have more trust in me, loverboy."

"I have as much trust as you do for me." Hook stated with a tiny piece of disappointment noticeable in his eyes.

"I do trust you. Somewhat. Okay, maybe I don't fully trust you but you should know that I wouldn't leave you in a ditch. Maybe I would have a few days ago, but we're closer now."

Hook smiled as he looked at how close they were together, "You know if you were any other person, I would have tried to kiss you right now."

"Wow, what a line. Do you use that with every other girl?" Reese questioned, obviously being a little bit sarcastic, but Hook looked like he was taking it seriously. He was about to talk when Reese saw someone in the bushes. She pushed Hook back behind a tree, but she tripped and fell on top of Hook. She saw him smiling and glared. "Shut up."

"Who's there?" A guard, who's working for Cora, questioned.

"Let me do this." Reese whispered to Hook before she got up after him. She walked up behind the guard and scared him.

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

The guard caught his breath and stated to the dark one, "What are you doing here? This is Cora's territory."

Reese faked being scared and sighed as she stuck her hand in his chest. She took out a red with a touch of black heart and smiled. "Damn what did you do to darken this heart, mate?"

A touch of an accent was clear in her voice and it made Hook smile that his accent was starting to rub off of her.

Reese took the heart and brought it up to her lips and stated, "You will go to Cora and tell her that the princess Aurora is in the pit."

"I will go tell Cora."

"Good idea." She smirked, she put the heart in the satchel that she made for herself. She made sure to hide the satchel with the clothes she's wearing. Reese then looked up at Hook and smiled, "We'll use him to get Cora to the pit and then he's useless."

"I thought you said that-"

"I used that foolish line to make sure that the 'hero's' helped me. Well, now I'm mad and you don't want to know what I have planned for them."

"Hey, love, I was just as betrayed as you were." Hook slightly laughing. "We can come up with a way for revenge together. With both of our minds I think we can come up with something."

"Are you sure that you can?" Reese questioned. She walked up closer to him and put her hand on his chest. She went on her tiptoes so she was close to his ear, and stated, "Because I don't think your dick can."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, come on! I know you want her in that way." Reese laughed. "You don't hide your feelings very well, Captain. I can see the way you feel from your face." She waited for Hook to answer but he stayed silent. "Well, we should probably get back down there, so we'll be there for Cora's arrival."

"Right." Hook stated. Before following after Reese, he stated, "If only you were that easy to read, love."


Reese and Hook watched as Cora entered the pit, and saw that Reese and Hook were standing there waiting.

"Looking for someone, Cora?" Reese questioned the witch. She watched as Cora started getting annoyed.

"Oh, don't tell me that you were dumb enough to let her go?" Cora replied, annoyance was heard in her voice. Cora heard Reese laugh and she turned her head over to the dark one. "Why are you laughing?" Reese reached into the satchel and grabbed the heart of the guard. She squeezed the heart until it was dust. They could hear the guard from the top of the pit. "So it was you two who called me here." Reese smiled. Cora returned the smile but slowly turned into an angry face as she slammed Hook into a wall using her magic. Reese got in front of Hook and used her magic to hold Cora against the wall. Cora laughed, "You really think that you can hold me here when you have a huge wound on your stomach. Cora tried using her magic to use Reese's magic against her, but it wasn't going to work. "How can you have so much energy for this? You had a huge wound on your stomach a few days ago."

"And I have Hook to thank for helping me." Reese turned to smile at Hook, but then she put her focus back on Cora. "And to think that we were going to give you a present." Reese moved her other hand up to Cora's throat. She started slowly strangling the witch. The only reason she stopped was because Hook put his hand on Reese's arm, and started whispering things in her ear that made her smile. Reese sighed as she let go of Cora and she fell on the ground coughing. Reese walked up to the witch and whispered, "If it wasn't for Hook you would be dead right now. So how about you listen to what the pirate has to say."

"You should be thanking us," Hook took off his satchel and handed it to Cora. "Look in there."

Cora looked in the bag and smiled, "Is that-"

"-Indeed, it is. And with it, you'll get everything you want." Hook smiled and looked over to Reese who was looking at him with just as wide of a smile. They both looked over at Cora who was smirking.

"So are you going to work with us or against us?" Reese questioned the woman.

"I'm in."


All three of them were looking down at the heart. Hook looked over at Reese and said, "Didn't you teleport her to them?"
"I thought I did." Reese replied. "Maybe I got the location wrong, so she had to walk for a little while."

"Shut up." Cora stated to the two. "We have to make sure we get this just right."

They all heard someone ask Aurora, "Were you followed?"

Cora looked down at the heart, and put it closer to her mouth, "I.. I don't think so. Cora may know I'm gone, but she didn't see me escape."

"How did you escape?" Emma questioned the princess. Cora was about to answer but Reese shook her head.

"We already took care of this." Reese whispered to Cora. She nodded her head at the two and watched as it played out.

"It was Hook and Reese. They let me go." Aurora stated to her friends.

"Why?" Emma asked.

Reese nodded to Cora and Cora nodded her head, "Because of you. They said that they wanted to prove to you, that you should've trusted them. That if you had trusted them. You could've defeated Cora together. That the three of you could've gotten the remains of the wardrobe. Without them both, you'll have to go up against her all by yourself. They only want to help. I... I think Hook may even care for you. I don't know about Reese though."

"Nice touch." Hook smiled.

Cora put the heart down and looked at the two, "I hope you two know that this won't make Emma trust you two."

"Ah, she doesn't have to. All we need is for her to believe that we were genuine in letting the girl go, which I wager she does now. You're welcome."

"Impressive." Cora turned to Reese and faked a smile, "Good job taking a heart."

"I'll do anything to get back to my brother." Reese replied. "Even if that means helping a witch like you." She mimicked the same smile Cora had.

"Okay, guys no need to start a fight." Hook stated as he made sure to hold Reese back. He was worried that she'd take Cora's head off.

"No worries, loverboy. I'll play nice. If Cora does." Reese stated.

"I'll play nice too." Cora replied.

"Good." Hook smirked.

They looked down at the heart as they heard Aurora start to talk again, "Did you find a way to stop Cora?" Aurora questioned.

"Yes." Emma responded.

"Where are we going?" Cora questioned for Aurora.

"Rumpelstiltskin's cell."

"Great." Reese smirked.


The three of them waited for the heroes to get to the cell. Hook reached for Reese's hand and that gesture made Cora gag. Reese laughed and Cora rolled her eyes.

"You know I still don't know why you two hate each other." Hook stated to the two. The two women kept quiet and that made Hook a little bit angry. "Is there a reason why no one is answering me?"

Reese put her hand over Hook's and told him to be quiet. She pointed to the heroes that were coming into the room.

For the next few minutes they watched as the heroes tried finding the way back to Storybrooke. Reese smiled when Aurora locked her and the heroes in Rumpelstiltskin's cell.

"Aurora, what are you doing?" Emma questioned the princess. Reese, Cora and Hook walked out of the shadows and smiled at the heroes.

"Helping us." Reese smiled. She used her magic to teleport the compass into her hand. She then gave it Cora, and then smirked at the heroes.

"No!" Emma exclaimed.

"No. Don't waste your energy, dear. Rumpelstiltskin himself couldn't escape from this cell." Cora responded. She looked over to Aurora and smiled, "Thank you, Aurora. We couldn't have done it without you."

"Why would you do this?" Emma questioned the princess. While at the same time Mary Margaret asked, "How could you do this?"

"Oh, don't blame her," Reese responded as she walked over to the cell. She looked over at Cora and Cora put the heart in her hand. Reese looked over at the heroes and smirked, "She was just doing what she was told."

"You took her heart?" Emma asked, shocked at the girl who she thought was her friend at one point.

"Yeah." Reese smiled. She started to squeeze Aurora's heart which made her scream in pain. Reese only stopped when Cora took the heart back.

"Forgive us. We'd love to play but Storybrooke awaits." Cora stated. The three of them turn around to leave but Emma calls out to Reese and Hook.

"Reese. Hook. Wait, please don't do this. My son is in Storybrooke and he needs me." Emma said, fear clearly is visible in her eyes.

"Perhaps you should have considered that, before you abandoned us on that beanstalk." Hook replied to the savior.

"You would have done the same."

"No, we wouldn't have." Reese replied.

Hook smiled at Reese, and then looked back over at Emma. He pulled out a necklace that had a mummified bean on it and showed it to Emma, "Do you know what this is, Emma?"

"The bean that the giant kept."

"Yes, indeed. A pirate always keeps a souvenir of his conquest, but this... Well, this is much more than a mere trinket. This is a symbol. Something that was once magical, full of hope, possibility... Now look at it. Dried up, dead, useless. Much like you. The time for making deals is done, just as I'm done... With you." Hook stated. He looked over at Reese and then said, "We're done with you."

They teleported out of the cell and Reese stood there confused, "When did you exactly get this bean?"

"When you were asleep. Tiny brought us water and then he gave me the bean to use when I was with you."

Reese smiled and continued to follow Cora through the field they were in. "May I ask why we are currently walking in a field?"

"We're looking for Lake Nostos. The legend says its waters hold the power to restore what was once lost. It'll return magic to what remains of this wardrobe. And then, we'll be able to cross worlds." Cora smiled.

"Okay." Reese whispered. "So we're looking for a nonexistent lake?"

"Shut up." Cora stated. "We're almost at the destination."

"Got it."

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