Gen Z \\ 10K [Z Nation] [Seas...

By cat_bostick

16K 350 213

Gen Z; the new Generation, full of Z's and a**holes. Linnett Garnet, daughter of Charles Garnet, is an intere... More

Characters - Synopsis
Quick A\N


584 12 24
By cat_bostick

[Word count: 3,700]

| chapter - nine |

\ we happy few, part-one /

> episode - five <

"Don't you know how tic-tac-toe works?" Linnett asked, raising a brow as she watched him struggle.

They were settled in a home that was a decent size with an upstairs, in Southern, Illinois. It was nice to be in a regular house for once, and not in the bed of a pickup truck. Outside got a little bit too windy, so they decided to rest in this cute little settlement and feel human for once in three-years.

Cassandra laid down on the leather couch, as Linnett sat more down where her legs were. Doing her best not to disturb the girl who also had a dark past, so she sat right on the edge to allow her to rest thoroughly.

10K sat up on a singular chair that could be turned into a recliner. Using one of his knives to carve into the small wood Linnett found from outside. As they played a game of 'tic-tac-toe' out of sheer boredom.

Linnett shook her head, "You don't go twice, you only go once. You carve your circle into one of the squares, and then it's my turn and I carve my exe into another of my choosing. And we take turns, until one of us gets three in a row, cross it out, and then be claimed the winner." She explained. "Does that make sense?"

But of course, Linnett was the 'X'. It would only make sense.

10K nodded, "I think so... yeah."

"Did you live in the middle of nowhere before the outbreak?" She tilted her head, figuring that'd be the only way this boy would be clueless of such a simple game.

He opened his mouth to speak only for a croak to come out, "Uhh..." His eyes looked around.

Linnett shook her head, "I'm just kidding, Ten. I'm giving you a hard time." She smiles with a giggle. "Blame my biological father, I got it from him."

It wasn't long until she crossed a line, "Well that was fast," Ten commented, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, well, it's a small game." Linnett countered. "But nobody has been able to beat me, so far, anyway." She gives a small grin.

"Hey shhh. Hold on, he's back on." Garnett's voice cooed as Ten and Linnett brought their attention over, the man lifting a cup to his lips whilst listening closely.

"Friends, I'm talking about mean weather coming in fast." The voice of Citizen Z spoke through the radio using a silly voice. "Some reports of tornadoes. Find shelter and take cover. It's dangerous out there; more so than usual." And then. "Now back to the soothing sounds of the Apocalypse..."

Music played as everyone seemed to go back to what they had been doing before. Murphy shuffled some cards, "You know after he was so wrong about that chopper, weatherman's a pretty good job for that geek."

Linnett would give it to him; he wasn't wrong. That was a decent impersonation from Citizen Z, she'd admit.

"You're up." Linnett looked to Mack as he was with Addy, as he always seemed to be. They just came back in from scouting the place.

"All good?" Garnett wondered.

Addy confirmed, "Peaceful night."

"Your stalker said there's a storm front coming in." Warren explained as Addy seemed confused. "How is it out there?"

Addy shrugged with a small pouted lip, "Cloudy with a chance of zombies."

Linnett gave out a low chuckle, "I see what you did there, haven't seen that one in quite the hot minute. That was nice."

Addy turned to the blonde and gave a small grin, as she winked and clicked her tongue. Linnett smiled back.

"Okay, you two get some rest." Garnett nodded, continuing to hold his cup of coffee.

Addy didn't even think twice, "You got it." As her and Mack headed upstairs in a flash.

Garnett and Warren headed out to the front, to keep watch, as it was their turn to do so.

10K thought it would be nice to cover Cassandra up fully with the blanket that draped over her legs, and so that's exactly what he did.

But, of course, Cassandra was a little feisty and stabbed her knife into said blanket. Which only caused the boy to jump. Linnett's eyes widened, not making a single movement.

"The..." 10K stuttered. "Blanket... I was just..." He gave a sigh. "Sorry."

"Scared of that one," Linnett overheard Murphy.

Doc added, "Best not to mess."

But then the man who was immune began to lean forward, "You know, if we breed those two, it'd be all over for the zombies."

Both him and Doc had a laughing fit over the thoughts, as 10K gave then an uncertain look. Cassandra seemed to be sleeping soundly now.

Meanwhile, Linnett was fidgeting with the small block of wood her and the boy were using to play 'tic-tac-toe'.

Linnett had been dozing off after awhile as it seems like the streams of light that spread through the windows and curtains were dimming, slightly. It seemed to be getting dark but in reality, it was only mid-day, just about.

But she jumped the second gunshots were heard and Warren came running in yelling, "Puppies and kittens! Time to go!"

"Everybody out the back!" Warren added.

Doc and Murphy were cleaning up the table they were playing cards on, as Cassandra sprung up, fully awake. 10K had put on his gear in no-time without a question as he stood up.

"Well," Linnett sighed. "So much for a nice getaway, I guess."

She slung her bow over torso, but still had no arrows. She almost felt annoyed that she seemed to be the only one with no real way to kill zombies, she felt useless. That's what she hated the most about using a bow as a weapon.

She followed everyone towards the back sliding door, until she was called upon, "Linny!"

She turned with pure swiftness to see Garnett, "Here!" He tossed her a spare pistol that he had already planned on giving her awhile ago, but didn't have a chance until this moment.

She caught it, checked the magazine as it was full loaded, put it back in and cocked it to be ready for anything. She nods to him and slips out the back sliding door along with everyone else.

"I give you mercy." Was the last thing she hears Garnett say inside, as bullets rang through.


"In our continuing effort to bring you up to the minute information, we at Z-TV have required a National Weather Service satellite that they aren't using anymore. But that's not important. We now go to John Smith, southern weather correspondent to get his opinion on the story."

The voice changed into an impersonated southern accent.

"This is the bada**est storm this weatherman has ever seen. From the Gulf of Mexico right up the Mississippi Valley, trouble is a'brewing. I don't know if they call this thing a turricane or a tornado, or what. But if you're anywhere south of Chicago or east of the Rockies, I'm issuing a 'get-yer-butt-in-a-bunker' warning!"

But then his voice goes soft again.

"Hey, I hope you guys are getting this. Addy and friends. You guys go to seek shelter immediately because this is bad. And when you seek shelter immediately- and-and when you do that, you need to contact me and tell me where you are. And I'll update you with further instructions. Okay?"

He took a sigh.

"Alright, well this is Citizen Z, and I'm signing off."

They were on the side of the road with their pickup-truck, fixing up the gas tank. And Linnett was sitting in the bed, as per-usual. Cassandra was standing in it near her and 10K was on the roof scouting. Everyone was talking and fixing up the truck.

"Isn't John Smith from Pocahontas?" Linnett hummed, cradling her legs.

"You mean the historical figure, John Smith?" Cassandra asked.

The blonde shrugged, "Well, yeah, but I mean from the story. The movie, you know?"

"Whose Pocahontas?" 10K blurted out.

Linnett tightened her arms around her legs as her eyes widened, she looked up to the boy, "You don't know Pocahontas?!"

10K shrugged not knowing what he could really say, "Didn't have much cable where I'm from. So no, not really."

"Oh, it's honestly a classic." She explained. "It's not my favorite, but it's still a great story, nonetheless."

And so, she began to give him a brief explanation of the Pocahontas story. Not to it's full extent, but from what she could remember, at least. 10K seemed to be engulfed into her storytelling and nearly forgot he was scouting for Z's.

"Okay, hang on." Murphy spouts out, shaking 10K and Linnett out of their interesting conversation about Pocahontas and historical figures. "Am I missing something? You did not drag my a** this far so that mankind's hope could get sucked up by a tornado, did you?"

Everyone seemed to sigh and just ignore the man with dirtied skin and tattered clothing, as they carried on with what they were doing.

They gathered up into the truck as it began to slowly drive off, causing 10K to make his way into the bed along with Cassandra and Linnett. Whilst the sky roared with thunder with some sprinkled lightning in the distance.

Linnett wasn't confortable with it, at all.

She wasn't sure what was going on but Warren had first made a turn to the left only to stop, see the storm and then back up. Going the other way. But, she didn't worry about it too much, the woman always knew what she was doing. Linnett trusted Warren just as much as she had trust in Garnett.

It wasn't long until they drove into a town, Linnett read the sign to herself, 'Welcome to Castle Point'. It didn't seem too big, but also, not too small either.

"So you know this town?" Garnett asked.

Warren answered solemnly, "Born and raised."

Everyone hopped out of the truck and as did Linnett. She looked around and took the town in and her surroundings. She gave the wood of her bow a little squeeze, made sure her new pistol was safe and sound in a small holster around her hips. And also gave her radio a little tap; she seemed to do that a lot now, it had become a strange habit.

She didn't know if it actually did anything, but, it gave her some comfort. Though, she didn't know why exactly. But it did.

Linnett began to follow after Murphy after he seemed to watch Warren and Garnett go off as well, she didn't want the man to cause any trouble. She just wanted this to be a peaceful journey, minus the ongoing Apocalypse.

"Who's him?" Murphy wondered as Linnett made her way in their mini-group now.

She saw the paper Warren was holding with a man's face on it, "Oh, no." Murphy grumbled. "No. We are not here search for dead hubby, are we?"

Linnett had the sudden urge to smack the man across the head with the butt of her pistol, but it was like Garnett knew her exact thoughts and raised his brows at her. She sighed and crossed her arms unwillingly, it was almost painful to keep herself held back like this.

"That was uncalled for..." She spoke under her breath.

"Let's go," Warren folded the paper aggressively. "Shelter's this way." She bumped shoulders with Murphy, which granted a smile grin upon Linnett's face.

Garnett grabbed Murphy and shoved him, "Get going."

Linnett saw the sky when she turned around with them, and it didn't look good. It was worrying to say the least. They all moved back towards the truck.

But Garnett seemed to notice her stay behind as she continued to stare, "C'mon Linny, you know I'm not leaving you behind, out of all people."

He made his way over again and brought his hand on the small of her back, as he gave her the smallest of shoves. Her legs moved but her head did not.

"It's so green." Cassandra commented, also looking to the sky. "I never seen a sky look like that. I've only seen tornadoes on TV."

Doc gave a distasteful look, "I don't like tornadoes. I'm pretty sure they don't like me either."

Linnett cut into the conversation, "I don't think they like anyone, to be fair."


They arrived in a small neighborhood as they hopped off the pickup-truck once again. The normal routine. Linnett grasped onto her her clothes tightly and held onto her arms. The wind was outrageous.

"Why didn't nobody tell me it was gonna get this windy?" She complained. "Had I known. I'd take a jacket from a zombie who doesn't need it!"

Murphy bounced a little on his feet and put his arms out, "What do you mean, Linny? This is kinda nice!"

She turned to him and gave him a deadly glare, "Don't call me, Linny. You haven't earned it."

"Not yet." Murphy cooed with raised brows. Linnett pursed her lips in annoyance as he gave a small chuckle, and was on his way.

Garnett cut in, "That it?"

Warren gave a nod, "That's it." She almost seemed nervous.

They made their way towards the building. "10K, come on!" Addy called, as he followed quickly whilst scouting at the same time.

And as annoying as he was, Linnett stayed around Murphy. Though, Doc was there too, so she figured she'd be just fine. Her and Doc were good friends, and he was more funny than annoying. She appreciated that a lot.

She brought out her pistol and began to scout as well. It was so taboo, not aiming her bow with an arrow instead. She's shot guns before, but not in awhile. She was a little rusty but she'd manage either way. She had to.

"If he's in there and he's..." Garnett trails off.

Warren huffs, "I will not hesitate." She pointed out matter-of-factly, as she unlocked the door with a spare hidden key.

They all carefully make their way in, Linnett in-between Doc and Murphy as the older man closes the door and locks it behind them. It wasn't as windy inside the house, but it still wasn't that warm either. But it'd do for now.

She looks at all the pretty things, including the old pictures and paintings around. It was all so pretty, and the best of all; it was all so clean. Like the Apocalypse left it alone completely.

It surely was a sight for sore eyes, Linnett felt cozy in there. She could definitely see why Warren would feel at home.

"Home sweet zombie." Murphy hums, looking around as he sat in a recliner.

But, oh, how Warren wasn't happy. She darted for the man, "Get out of that chair!" She howled in anger. "Go on and get out of there!" She balled his jacket in her fist. "That's my husband's favorite chair!" She tore him out of it with brute force, as she was one hell of a strong woman.

"All right." Murphy scoffed as he raised his hands to yield in defeat, as he made his way into another room since the woman was so upset.

 Mack and Addy made their way into the living room, "Uh, upstairs is all good." Causing Warren to nod.

Linnett's hand gripped her pistol tighter as the sounds of gurgling and coughing were heard. She prepared herself to fire-at-will when given permission to do so.

"I got this." Warren whispered, grabbing her revolver and slowly making her way into the kitchen.

She didn't see what was going on, but she did hear the conversation.

"Please don't shoot us!" A woman's voice whimpered in fear. "My husband is hurt."

"What are you doing in my house?" Warren asked, cautiously.

The woman answered, "The fireman said we'd be safe here."

They had brought a couple into the living room, the woman was bloodied but the man looked even worse.

"You're gonna be okay." Her voice was light as she caressed his face. "He's a doctor."

"Uh," Doc squeaked. "well they sorta just call me Doc."

"No." The man said. "No doctor. I just..." In between breaths. "need a nap."

"Oh that- no-" Doc rushed. "-That wouldn't be good, dude. Do not nap." He shook his head. "Don't let him fall asleep. He's got a bad concussion at least."

"Rick?" The woman gave him a shake as he closed his eyes. "Rick?"

She looked back at Doc, "Help him!"

Linnett looked to the door as Mack and Addy came out from it. She had been chewing on her fingernail, which she knew wasn't a good thing to do. It was yet another bad habit.

"Basement's clear." Mack called.

"Is he gonna be okay?" The woman's voice shook in worry for her husband.

Warren took a breath and made her way over to her, "Is this the fireman?"

"What?" The woman was confused.

"Is this the fireman that brought you here?" Warren asked once again, showing her the same paper she took from the billboard outside.

The woman shook her head, "I don't know. M-Maybe, he was wearing a helmet." She shrugged, looking at the dark skinned woman. "Maybe it's him. I-I think it is."

Warren wore a polite smile, "Thank you." She finished, going back over to Garnett.


"We need to get out of here before this storm hits." Murphy suggested.

Linnett hummed and held her hips as she leaned against one of the couches, "Strike that off the list of the things that I actually agree with, for once." Murphy raised a brow at her.

Garnett made his way over, "And go where, huh?"

Murphy bounced his shoulders with a scoff, "What are we supposed to do, just sit here and hope it misses us?"

Warren chimed in, "The basement is secure, we can ride it out down there. Let's just gather some supplies before it hits."

Linnett watched as 10K and Cassandra made their way into the room, "Kitchen was pretty well stocked up." The boy gave the details.

"There's water and canned food." Cassandra explained. But she flailed her arms, "No medical supplies, no batteries though."

"We need to get our communications up." Garnett demanded. "You two, go out in the neighborhood. See what you can find. But don't go far. Be sure to get back before the storm hits."

And just like that 10K and Cassandra were out the door.

"Linny?" Garnett looks to her as her gaze follows, she holds her bow tight to her body. "You're staying with us, alright? I know you hate staying put for too long and you would rather help, but storms like these are dangerous. I only assume they'll be worse in the Apocalypse." He explains. "And I know that you catch colds rather easily and I don't want to chance it. Understood?"

She actually agreed, all of what he said was right. She does get sick easily and in the Apocalypse that could mean death, and death means turning into a Z. She couldn't chance that either.

And so, Linnett nods, "Understood." Garnett follows her nod with, "Good."

"Janey, what are all these people doing here?" The man mumbles as he's woken up. "My parents will be home for dinner any minute..."

Garnett turns to Doc, "Is he gonna make it?"

"Is that a serious question?" Doc wondered. "I don't know." He shrugged. "He got cracked on the dome."

"Okay, I, for one, do not want to be trapped in a basement with this guy when he starts craving brains." Murphy put his foot down, pointing to the man on the couch.

Linnett rolled her eyes, she could've sworn this wasn't health for her skull. As the woman stood up fully and looked to the man. She didn't blame her.

"Don't mind him." Warren put a hand the woman's shoulder. "His mama didn't raise him right."

Doc cut in, "Well if I had the proper meds or a first aid kit..."

"You know the fire station may still have first aid supplies." Warren put the thought out there.

"Hey," Garnett hums as Mack made his way over, whilst the boy held a rifle. "lock down the basement. If that kid turns, I want you to be right on that."

"Yeah," Mack nods. "of course."

Garnett nods, "Keep an eye on Murphy. We'll be back before the party starts."


Mack and Addy had gone to set up the basement as Murphy went upstairs. Linnett and Doc stayed with the woman and her husband, which she assumed to be named Janey, she heard what her husband had said earlier.

She wandered around and looked at the pictures more and the trinkets and many other things, on the fireplace.

And as she stared at them, a memory was rushing to her mind. The combination of the storm and the pictures triggered a flashback.

..."You were supposed to help lead us to Anna!" The angry mother hollered. "Not drive us away from her location!"

Linnett nearly hyperventilated, taking steps back and fidgeting, "I'm-I'm sorry! I didn't know it would go this far!" She repeated. "I'm sorry, Rose!"

She was pushed away, left to fend for herself. She was never trusted again. But maybe that was a good thing...

Linnett jumped as the frames were pushed onto their faces. Blinking her eyes she snapped out of it, only to see Doc come into view after laying those pictures down.

"Let's not look at pictures today, alright, Linny?" Doc gave a small smile, his eyebrows going soft. "I think it's time to help Janey and her husband here, it's for the best."

She knew what he was doing. Doc saw her in that daze for that split moment, he knew she was remembering and those photos triggered it. So he was only trying to help keep her sane from those horrible past events.

She nodded and gave a small smile back. She appreciated him even more for doing such a thing, it was really comforting to know that he cared enough to keep her out of that daze.


Here's chapter nine! :)

What was your favorite part of this chapter?

And oooo, a small little flashback? Hmm. Lol.

Sorry for the really late update, been very busy and had a horrible 2020. BUT on the bright side, the fire is contained and everyone is safe, so that's good.

Happy 2021 everyone, let's hope it's better this time. And I wish all of you nothing but  the best. :]


xoxo <3

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