Arrows Piercing Fly (My Hero...

By lunermoon10000

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Sora Ripurī, a girl with an archer quirk and a love for music, looses everything she cares about in the span... More

Chapter 1: Good hearing
Chapter 2: Going Home
Chapter 3: Next to UA
Chapter 4: Meeting the Future Hero
Chapter 5: The Light Turned On
Chapter 6: Heros and Villians target
Chapter 7: A Beautiful Sky
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: A mysterious Box
Chapter 10: A few words to say (part I)
Chapter 11: A Few Words to Say (part II)
Chapter 12: Cover for a Game
Chapter 13: A talk
Chapter 14: Same Time Next Week?
Chapter 15: Thank you
Chapter 16: Hosu
Chapter 17: Two Arrows
Chapter 18: Raining Arrows
Chapter 19: Aftermath
Chapter 20: I'm Fine
Chapter 21: A Cheeky Girl
Chapter 22: A Drive Out of Town
Chapter 23: Watcher
Chapter 24: Blue Fire and a Confrontation
Chapter 25: A Dark Beast
Chapter 26: Down Hill
Chapter 27: Weapons
Chapter 28: Pathetic?
Chapter 29: Painfully Aware
Chapter 30: Never Ending Doors
Chapter 31: Disturbing News
Chapter 32: Lovely Night for a Swim
Chapter 33: Ringing
Chapter 34: Hideout
Chapter 35: Not Ready
Short Special
Chapter 36: Survival
Chapter 37: Venting
Chapter 38: Introduction
Chapter 39: Cherry Blossom Petals

Not a chapter: Quirk Description

273 7 13
By lunermoon10000

I feel like some people don't really understand Sora's quirk... or anyone else's quirk. You might but Ima explain anyway because I can and will be paranoid about it.

Sora's quirk

Name: Arrow

Description: Sora can hold up her hand and a bow will appear. She can use normal arrows and prefers them over the others. She can make elemental arrows that have different designs.

Drawback: The more arrows she makes, the more stamina she loses. Sora herself has a shit ton of stamina so she never really has to worry about it, But the elemental arrows take more stamina than the normal ones.

scale of stamina depleted

Normal arrows take the least/to none at all

Water arrows don't take any stamina and are usually not used because of their uselessness in a fight.

Fire arrows take away some of her stamina but it's not that noticeable unless she's already tired.

Ice arrows are a bit worse but she still doesn't get too winded unless she makes like 20

Electrical arrows are more of a problem, she can make 10 before she starts to get more tired.

Poison arrows take more than any of the others, if she's already tired then it would make her close to passing out. Although it is her trump card.

Mother: Kali

Her mother's quirk: unnamed

Description: She could make a bow in her hand in the similar way Sora can and make bows and arrows.

Drawback: She would get too tired after making too many arrows.

Father: Sorin

Her father's quirks: Small Element

Description: Can control the elements in small quantities in his hands. He can't do too much like Todoroki or Kaminari. He can only do it in small amounts in his hands.

Drawback: He would feel the affect of whatever elements he used on his skin if he overuses it. If he used fire too much his hands would start to burn, etc.

Nowane's quirk

So Nowane is my friend's oc who I decided was necessary for my story and when I asked about her quirk she said Nowane was basically a ripoff water bender.

Name: Ocean Wave

Description: The ability to summon or control water as well as other liquids that contain water. Nowane can also use the water in the air as well as bloodbending (told you she was a rip off water bender). She can also boil or freeze water and change its temperature.

Drawback: (as for as I know, there isn't one)

My friend has her own kinda story. It doesn't have any other chapters and the first one is basically just a description of her and her family's quirks, so If you want a better explanation then go check her out.

We're at the climax of the story and I interrupted it with this.
Do I regret my actions?
ehhhhhha, no.
hahaha. no, not one bit.
I'm not sorry for doing this.
Sorry not Sorry.
Anyway I have ramen to eat and pandemic to ignore.
Make sure to wash hands you filthy bastards, jk I don't care. Do what you want.
Thanks for reading!

(528 words)

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