Stranded .

By Directioner4Life100

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Kylie is a normal teenage girl she is moving to Mullingar, Ireland to live with her uncle because her parents... More

Part 1 - Blonde haired boy
Part 2 - Am I really falling in love with a girl I don't even know?
Part 3 - We only have eachother.
Part 4 - Do I love you?
Part 5 - The kiss.
Part 6 - Torn apart.
Part 7 - Back home.
Part 8 - We meet again.
Part 10 - New friend.

Part 9 - Too much to handle.

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By Directioner4Life100

*Kylie's POV*

What was he doing here? Why was he here? Then it hit me.

The 'Company'.

He was the 'company' that was coming over with Uncle Simon. But how did they know eachother? What if he was my cousin? EWWWW! I kissed my cousin! Okay Kylie, stop jumping into conclusions! He's problebly just a friend of his, right?

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a little anger in my voice. So we can just be torn apart and he acts like we weren't stranded on a desserted island together. AND WE KISSED!

"I'm in the band One Direction, remember? Simon is our manager. He was our mentor when we were on the X-Factor. We are staying here for a little while. You must be his niece?" He responded almost immediately. Atleast he wasent beating around the bush, much to my relief. But their was still a question floating around in my head 'why was he acting so calm?'

We went threw so much.


All the fun things we did. I told him more about my life then I told Dani back at home.


I miss that place so much. All my friends. I even missed my enemy's. Which was really surprising.

"I'm sorry I can't deal with this right now," I said quietly. As I looked at the ground and walked away down the stairs and straight out the door.

Immediately after I closed the front door behind me I was greeted with a cool breeze the tickled my nose. I could really use a long walk right now. So that's what I did.

Everything was piling on my shoulders at once. Why did God choose me? Why did I have to fall in love with Niall? Why did I have to leave my home? Why did MY parents have to die? I didn't deserve any of this.

I walked past a medow filled with flowers. I made my way to the middle of the feild and layed down right there. The flowers under me cushioned my back. There were bright colored flowers sprouting out of the ground from around me outlining my body. I looked up at the moon. I personally like the moon better when it isn't full. Call me weird, but i do. Sometimes I kinda wish I was just another star in the sky. I'll always have a friend right by my side. Always have someone guiding me threw this crazy thing called life. But sadly I was a human that was clumsy, sometimes stupid, anything but perfect, and in love with someone way out of her reach. Just a teenage girl the needs help.

*Niall's POV*

She walked away. No simple 'I'm sorry for leaving you'? Or 'I missed you'? No, I guess not. This is what I get for falling in love with Kylie Ann Edwards.

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