Part 7 - Back home.

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*Kylie's POV*

I was shoved into a limo and being drove off to some place I didn't know of. But most importantly Niall wassent with me. I didn't even get to say bye to him. As my eyes watch everything very intently out the window with my eyebrows furrowed clearly in deep thought. I was pulled away from my thoughts when we pulled up to a huge Mansion with a really long drive way. There was a gate we went threw. Was my Uncle this rich? I had no clue.

"Come on Ma'am," The driver said as he opened up my door. I grabbed my bag with the dirty clothes in it and stepped put as the driver closed the door behind me. I was still staring up at the Mansion in awe.

"Yes, it's a very big house! Now may you please come on?" The driver asked from a couple feet infront of me with attitude in his voice.

"Umm, sure..." I said as I walked close behind the man.

He opened the front door as if it was his house. He walked up the huge spiral of stairs leaving me where I was standing. He soon came back down the stairs followed by a man that was wearing a green shirt that may have been a little to tight and a pair of blue jeans and a pair of black socks.

"Kylie! I have been worried sick about you! What happened? Nothings hurt, bruised or missing?" He threw a whole bunch of questions at me.

"Well I'm fine, nothings bruised or hurt but my luggage is floating somewhere in the Arctic Ocean," I said smirking.

"Oh, well we can fix that! That's no big deal! But come with me honey so you can pick your room," He said ushering me up the same stairs he just came down.

"Now you can have this room, or this room, not that room, or this room," He said pointing at different rooms.

"Why can't I have that one?" I sad pointing to.the biggest room the one he said I couldn't have.

"That reserved for my clients when they come in September," (It's August) He explained.

"Ohh, well can I have that one?" I asked pointiong to the one next to the "reserved" one.

"Yes! Okay well tomorrow you can go shopping for a WHOLE new wardrobe and you can buy some things to make you room more you. Also this room has its own bathroom so you will need some essentials for that too, but that should be it!" He said smiling.

"Okay! Can I take a nap? I'm kind of tired," I asked.

"Of course!" He said walking down the hall threw a door.

I walked into the room and threw the bag across the room and flopped onto the bed taking in the coldness of the bag and the fresh smell of the sheets also the fluffy feeling of the pillows. I smiled to myself and drifted off into a peacefully sleep.

*Niall's POV*

I walked back up to the familer big man and finished my samwhich and threw it into the passing trashcan.

"Hey where did Kylie go?" I asked the man.

"Don't worry about her shes fine now I need you to get into the car," The man said while shoving me into a limo.

"No! I need to see Kylie!" I said pushing my way out of the car but losing against the big man as he threw me back into the limo and closed the door before I could fight back.

"What's going on?" I asked the driver infront of me.

"I'm driving you to see the boys at yall's Mansion," The man said with a country accent.

"Oh," Was all I could say.

As we were driving I couldn't help to think : What if Kylie left purposely and the big man didn't force her? I shoved that thought away she wouldn't do that. We pulled up to the familer Huge house but not as big as Simon's, our mentor for X-Factor and ending up signing us when we lost, I saw the boys run from the front door with huge grins on their faces. I climed out of the limo being attacked with hugs and "Are you okay's?"

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" I yelled over all four British boys.

"Are you sure!?!" Liam asked me with a wworried expression written all over his face.

"Yes, positive!" I said with making my way up to the front door that was already open with the four boys following behind me.

"How are you acting so calm?" Harry asked me confused.

"What do ya mean?" I asked.

"You have been stranded on an island for like a week and your acting like nothing happened!" He said.

"Well I'm here now aren't I?" I asked forcing enthusiasm in my voice.

"That my little Irish leprichaun!" Louis shouted while patting me on the back.

"Okay well I'm gonna go take a nap, I'm knackered!" I said while making my way up the stairs. I couldn't help but hear what Harry and Zayn were saying as I was making my way upstairs.

"Why is he acting like that?" Harry asked.

"I think something happened on the island that we don't know about yet," Zayn said with his eyebrows furrowed.


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