Part 3 - We only have eachother.

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*Niall's P.O.V*

As I awoke from my very deep sleep I saw a girl laying infront of me. What happened last night? Then I realized I'm in a cave. My suit case was at my feet. I slowly sat up and tried to remember the events of last night before I could think of anything the girl let out a moan and turned around to lay on her back she smiled at me before she shot up from where we were laying. "It's all real," She whisperd. "What?" I asked her confused. "It's all real, the plane crash, the dead people, loosing my luggage, you," She said a little bit louder this time. Suddenly all of the events from yesterday flooded back into my mind. It was real I thought it was all a really vivid dream. "I'm stranded on a island with someone I don't even know!" She yelled infront of her holding back her tears. "Wait what?" I questioned her, how did she not know who I am? "Why do you keep saying that?" She asked me. "So you don't know who I am?" I asked her ignoring her question. "Nope!" She said staring at me like I was an idiot. "I'm Niall Horan from One Direction, ever heard of them?" I asked her. "No never had," She stated. "Well you must live in a cave to not have heard of us before!" I said smirking. "Well I do now!" She sounded irritated. I really didn't care she was acting like a stuck up city girl. The ones I hate. "Well I'm going to look for food," She said not offering for me to come. Whatever she gets lost its her fault plus this island isn't that big she just had to call my name really loud to know where she is. I decided to change considering I felt really gross. I was looking for my favorite plain white T-shirt I loved that thing it was so comfy and relaxing. I couldn't find it I couldn't believe I didn't pack that thing. Soon Kylie was walking back with two coconuts she was wearing my favorite T-shirt! "What are you doing with that shirt on?" I asked her before she could hand me my coconut. "Fine you don't have to have one of these!" She said taking one of the coconuts back. "Seriously don't go threw peoples clothes and wear them without asking!" I said snatching the coconut out of her hand. "What are you talking about? You gave me this shirt last night to wear to bed!" She protested. "No I didn't! And give it back!" I said gesturing towards the shirt. "Yes you did! Whatever don't believe me! And you want the shirt back so bad, here!" She yelled at me the striping the shirt off right there infront of me. "And take these to!" She said taking the boxers off to. She was now standing there in her black laced bra and pink underwear.

*Kylie's P.O.V*

What was his problem? Was he on his period of something? I don't know what it was but he better get over it quick because he was getting on my last nerve! So I was standing there no shirt or pants just bra and underwear. Drinking a coconut. "I can't believe you Niall! You were really nice last night, what happened?" I yelled at him. He just stared at me. (In the eyes you dirty people!) "Maybe I caught onto reality!" He said turning away, but not walking away. "Huh? Well here's reality Niall were are stuck the middle of no where, no food except for what we can find on this island! No showers, no normal bed! Nothing Niall except for what we have now! So lets try and get along I don't know what happened when you were sleeping but let it go because right know we only have eachother!" I said staring at the back of his head. He was still standing there staring at the shore. "Niall, I'm scared," I whisperd loud enough for him to hear. He turned around his eyes were glassy. Causing mine to turn blury. He then embraced me into a tight hug the same one he did on the plane when we were plummeting to our death. "I'm scared to Kylie," He whisperd into my ear sending shivers down my spine. I soon was full on crying into Niall's arms. I soon calmed down and looked up at him. "Do you think we will be found?" I asked not wanting to know the answer but half of me wanting to. "Only time can tell us," Niall responded looking into my eyes he had his arm around me and I was laying my head on his shoulder. We were looking off into the sunrise. Niall kissed the top of my head and stood up throwing off his shirt and pants running into the water. "Come on need to wash up right?" He yelled his accent was so soothing and cute. I got up and ran to the water I already had my clothes off from the event earlier. Threw out the whole day me and Niall got to know eachother considering we would be living with eachother. We are becoming really close! I sure he dose not have one of those out bursts again! That night we had fish me and Niall caught and it was the best meal I had in a long time! We fell asleep peacefully that night Niall's arms around me (:

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