Part 2 - Am I really falling in love with a girl I don't even know?

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*Niall's P.O.V*

I arose from my deep sleep and looked around the plane. It was the worst secne I have ever seen. I looked to my right and saw the brown haired girl lying there. Lifeless. I hoped she would just wake. I slaowly got out of my seat and made my way to the front of the plane and opened the door. And a cool bud humid breeze hit my muscular body. Where should I go? What should I do? I pulled out my phone and without any luck the screen was shatterd. I walked out inrlto some trees to see something, someone anyone. Tears stung my eyes I will never see my family or friends ever again. I heard a faint yelling coming back from the plane and started walking back. "Hello!" A girls voice yelled. I emerged from behind the bushes and aproched her.She saw the cut on my hand and took off her jacket and wiped it while cleaning it. We exchanged our names and silence fell over us. "I thought you were dead," I told her. A tear escaped her eye and fell down her cheek. I embraced her in a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder. "Were stranded and don't have any idea where we are," She mumbled into my shoulder. "But we are together," I added pulling off my shoulder and looking into her deep green eyes. She smiled and whispers thank you. We walked onerous to the back.of plane and looked inside from the back because is broke. Peoples luggage was everywhere I quickly found mine but Kylie was still looking for hers. "What does it look like?" I asked her. "It's green and really big!" She explained. "Uh oh!" I said a little worried. "What?" She asked. I pointed to out in the middle of the ocean and her suit case was floating wide open with clothes floating around it. "Oh my gosh!" She said sounding mad. "What am I sapposed to do?" She asked me. "Umm maybe you can wear some of my clothes you know for sleeping," I suggested. "What about during the day?" She asked. "Grab someone else's suit case use there clothes," I said again. "Fine!" She gave in looking threw some suit cases till finding someones suit case with her type of clothing in it. We searched the island in search of a place to stay. Kylie found this cave that would fit both of us if we slept together. I gave her some clothes of mine for night wear andahe went and changed she came back in my boxers and a long shirt. I smiled at her she was really cute! We set up a small bed with some blankets she had in her carry on bag which made the hard ground softer. She layed down facing me. She was shivering. "Are you cold?" I asked her. "Kind of," She addmitted. I took my jacket out of my suit case and draped it over her and she smiled. "Thanks" Then closed her eyes and rolled over her back was facing me. I took my arms and put them around her waist and pulled her close. I smiled to myself because she didn't pull away. Was I really falling in love with a girl I didn't even know?

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