Part 6 - Torn apart.

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*Kylie's P.O.V*

Gosh Niall was so cute the way his blue eyes complimented his dyed blonde hair. I don't wanna admit he's all I think about, because he was. The kiss had fireworks everywhere and just the touch of his lips agianst mine was enought to set me off. We laid down me on top still kissing.

"Kylie?" Niall said in between a kiss.

"Yeah?" I said smiling a him. We had stopped kissing.

"I don't know there is something about you, no let me cut to the chase. I love you Kylie!" Niall said as he sat up and looked into my eyes.

"Aww Niall I love you too!" I said giving him one last kiss on the lips.

"Kylie, promise me that-" I cut him off.

"Did you hear that! It sounded like a helicopter!" I said running out to the shore and waving my hands in the air trying to get the piolet to see me. Niall has came by my side doing the same thing. Soon we heard a loud speaking coming from the Helicopter.

"Please stay calm, we will land on the shore and put you aboard the helicopter please back away from the shore while we land," Said a guy from he helicopter. I smiled because we were finally being saved from this island. I looked over at Niall and smiled tears coming down my cheeks I embraced him into a bone crushing hug with my arms around his neck and my head buried in the crook of his neck.

"Were finally getting away from this place!" I yelled at him over the roar of the helicopter.

"I know!" He yelled back.

Soon the men from the helicopter gatherd up anything Niall needed from his suit case and we left. We were driving in the helicopter for maybe an hour before we landed on a big X on top of a building. They gave me and Niall some extra clothes and escorted us down a hall way where we approached a door that said SHOWERS. I smiled at Niall before running threw the door Niall following behind me there where showere lined up across the wall me and Niall picked the ones farthest away because we wanted our privacy. Me and Niall were having conversation after conversation while we were washing up in the shower but we couldn't see eachother. I soon got finished and dressed and dried my hair.

"You done Niall?!?" My voice echoed threw the room.

"Yeah, getting dressed now!" Niall yelled back.

"Hurry I'm waiting!" I yelled back at him.

"He came around the corner while buttoning up his shirt and smiled at me.

"Ready babe?" Niall asked me as he put his hand on the small of my back.

"Yeah," I said while we walked out of the steamy room.

Me and Niall approached the two big men that escorted us here and asked them were to go next.

"Call your parents," One of them said and Instantly my heart dropped and Niall could tell.

"She dosen't have any parents," Niall told the large man.

"Who were you visiting in Mullingar?" The man asked me.

"My uncle," I said still looking down.

"Who's you uncle so we can give him a call?" He asked me.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat," Niall said while walking away from me and the big man.

"Simon Cowell is my uncle," I said the man nodded and walked away to a desk and got my uncle's number and walked back and secorted me outside to a limo.

"Wait what about Niall?" I asked.

"He's fine now go," The man shoved me inside the limo before I could argue and we drove off.


Hope you like it (:

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