Part 1 - Blonde haired boy

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Making another story because I have a great plot line ! (:

*Kylie's P.O.V*

Welcome to my life. My boring un-interesting life. I'm up-popular with one true friend named Dani. Me and her are as close as ever! But all that's about to change I'm moving to Ireland to live with my uncle. My parents died nearly a month ago and Dani's parents have been kind enough to let me stay over till we got everything sorted out. And today I'm leaving my home town in Dallas, Texas. And moving to Mullingar, Ireland like I already said. I shoved the last magazine I could fit into my carry on and threw it over my shoulder. Then grabbing the two big suit cases and dragging them behind me. My uncle said he was going to take me shopping when I get there because, I never really explained how my parents died. It was a house fire and they didn't make it out on time trying to save me. (Only child) Some things were Bernt in my room including half of my clothes. "Hurry don't wanna miss your flight!" Dani yelled as she opened the taxi's door for me."Bye Dani I will never forget you!" I said on the verge of tears. "Better not!" She said while hugging me. The taxi driver loaded my things into the truck for me and I got in the back seatbthe cab driver started the taxi and drove forward. I looked back to see Dani waving at me I waved back even knowing she couldnt see me. "Bring on Ireland," I mumbled under my breath only for me to hear.

*On Plane*

My uncle had bought me first class seats. Apparently he is really rich because he judges X-Factor. As I was sitting in this really comfy reclining chair, someone sat next to me making me look over to see a beautiful blonde haired boy with deep blue eyes staring at me. He slight smiled making me blush and turn away. "Please fasten your seat belts, we are preparing for lift off," The poilet said over the intercom. I looked around my waist just to double check I had it on. I did. I put my ear buds in my ears and slid out a magazine out of my carry on and began to listen to Katy Perry wile looking at Teen Vogue. I looked down the isle to see when that were bring drinks and the flight attendant was coming down the isle just as I hopped with the little cart infront of her. "What would you like to drink?" She said in a very nice calming voice. "Can I please have somewhere Cranberry juice?" I said while taking one of my ear buds out of my ear. "Here you go ma'am," She said giving me my drink. "Thanks," I said while slowly pulling the cup to my mouth when the plane started shaking. Spilling the drink everywhere even on the boy next to me. "Sorry!" I said loud enough for him to hear me over the passengers freaking out. The intercom came on stating we we lost a enging and the other one is failling causing more people to freak out. I worried expression swept my face as I prossesed what was happeneing. I looked over to the blonde haired boy seeingbhe had the same expression on his face. A tear escaped my eye lids and slid down my cheek. This was it. My life was over. The blonde haired boy embraced me into a hug surprising me and I hugged back he pulled a smile on his face problebly the last one he was ever gonna pull. I felt my stomachs flip as I felt the plane falling out of the sky and falling straight into the middle of no where. I looked threw the window and saw a bare veils with dead grew everywhere and then one tree we were gonna hit that one tree. It all happened so quick that it knocked me put for maybe 10 minutes and when I got up I had a scratch on my head I looked around the plane to see what looked like sleeping people but were really were dead people which sacred me to death. I ran out of the plane noticing the door already opened. Someone survived I hoped as the sun hit my sweating skin. "HELLO!!!" I yelled getting no response. I tried once more and succeeding the blonde haired boy appeared from behind some tree and walked up to me. He has a shirt on with a rip in it and he at a real bad cut on his had. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" I said ripping off my jacket to clean the cut. "Yeah I'm fine atleast I'm not-" He cut himself off already knowing what he was going to say. Dead. He smiled at me trying to hide the pain the cut was giving him. "I'm Niall by the way," He said making his Irish accent pop out. "Kylie," I said still the cut with my jacket. So where were we? Who knows. Were we ever going to be found? Only time could tell us that. But something about Niall he made all the pain go away. Poof. Gone. No longer there. I'm glad I wassent by myself or I might as well have died with the rest of the passengers.

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