Part 4 - Do I love you?

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*Kylie's P.O.V*

"Kylie, I love you!" Niall said with one breath.

"I think I love you too!" I said.

"Then show me!" He said smiling.

"How?" I asked confused.

"This," He said then slowly leaned in our lips about to touch-

I shot up from where I was sleeping and was in a blanket that was making me sweat badly. I lifted myself from where I was sitting and walked to the shore and sat down. The sun was just rising and a cool breeze was blowing my hair back.

I couldn't get Niall out of my mind. First he's really sweet then he had an outburst then he's back to sweet. How do I not know he's gonna do that again? I can't deal with that again if he does I may as just swim away from this island till I either find a different island or die. But then not only would he not get out of me head. It's just the way he made me feel safe and un-worthless. Do I love him? Nahh just a crus-

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" Niall asked pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Just thinking," I said looking back at the sunrise.

"About what?" He asked.

"Nothing really," I said trying to get him away from the subject.

"Oh," He said.

"Niall? Will we ever survive?" I asked.

"You have asked this question before," He replied.

"I know its just I can't seem to think otherwise," I said connecting our eyes together.

"Atleast were not alone!" He added.

"Yeah, not alone," I breathed.

"Why do you say it like that?" He asked me looking concerned.

"You have so much to go back to! Your friends family, parents," I said remembering my parents and our memories together.

"So do you!" He said.

"No you don't understand! I don't, my friends are back in Dalles, Texas and I'm moving to Mullingar, Ireland because my parents are dead and I have no other family members to go to except for my uncle in Ireland!" I stated loudly.

"I'm sorry Kylie I didn't know," He stated sorryingly. (Don't know if that's a word lol) He took my hand and rubbed my palm with his thumb.

*Niall's P.O.V*

She looked so broken. She usually dosen't look like that. Like her life was sucked out of her right in front of me. It hurt me. Why? No clue. Did I love her? Nahh just a crush.

"Do you wanna go back to the bed?" I asked considering it was now 3:00 in the morning.

She nodded. We walked back hand and hand to the bed and layed back down. I put my arms around her waist and fell back asleep.


I'm sorry if it's short I'm trying to figure out things to happen I'm losing ideas! If you have an idea you want to share with me inbox me and ill try and add one in and dedicate the chapter to you and I need 2 more characters for Harry's girlfriend and Zayn's girlfriend. Message me your full name, hair color and eye color (: and a brief description of your personality and life situations (dead parents dead sister or brother, grandma, grandpa? etc.) (: hurry doing the first two to enter. (:

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