Part 10 - New friend.

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YEAHHH DOUBLE DIGIT ! XD Anyways thanks for all the reads ! Really means alot ! Now if y'all would comment ... xD C'mon guysss I need constructive criticism. (I think that's how you spell it) And if you do comment, ill dedicate the next chapter to you (The first comment) Okay I think your sick of hearing me, or reading me, here's the story . (:


*Kylie's POV*

This has been one heck of a night. I was slowly making my way back to the house. I didn't want to go back in there, it was just too much. But sadly my phones in their so I have to.

I walked up the long driveway before I reached the porch. But to be greeted by a sleeping Niall. He looked like he hasen't sleeped in days. I was only gone for like what? 20-30 minutes? Whatever. Something caught my eye in Niall's hand. A piece of paper? I hesitantly grabed the paper out of his hand and un folded it. It was a note. To me...

Dear Kylie,

I really wish we could just start this all over. Yes. I Know were were stuck on a island for almost a week together, and I'm glad that happened. Because if it didn't then we would have never met. This is just another bump in the road for us. And I'm positive we will get threw this. I know I never tried to find you. But it was because I felt like you didn't want me anymore. When we were at the airport, I came back and you weren't there. That hurt me. And what hurt me more is when the body guard told me you were gone. I felt like I was taken by my shoulders and split right down the middle. Yeah, I know it sounds painful. Because it was. Please just give me another chance. And we can just start over.

Yep. You guessed it. Tears streaming down my face. I folded up the note carefully, I wasent throwing that thing away any time soon. I looked over at Niall, Still in the same position as when I got here. And every time he breathed in, his nose would twitch. I wanted to wake him up and Just kiss him and tell him I love him. But he looked so peacefull. I had an idea.

I opened the front door. The house was silent. I walked up to one of the doors next to Niall's that said: LIAMS ROOM (: YOU CAN COME IN!

I chuckled at the sign. Liam seemed like a nice guy so I felt like I could go to him. I knocked on the door. "Just a minute Danielle!" He said on the other side of the door. What? Danielle? The door opened revealing Liam. He smiled and let me in. "You must be Kylie!" He said with a very welcoming voice. I already liked him. "Yeah, and who's Danielle?" I asked him couriously. "Ohh, that's me!" A voice came from the computer. I turned around to be greeted with a computer screen displaying and beautiful tan skinned girl with curly hair. "That's my girlfriend. You must of been confused and thought I was talking to you?" He said while making his way to the bed. "Yeah kinda." I said back. "So what did you need?" He asked me nicely. Not in a what-do-you-want way. "Umm, Niall is asleep on the porch and I needed someone strong to come bring him in. Its getting chilly outside." I said while biteing my lip. A smile krept to his face. "Sure hun!" He said back. "Ill be right back! Kylie you should stay and get to know Danielle! Y'all would get along great!" He laughed while walking out of the bedroom leaving me and Danielle. "Yeah! You seem nice" Danielle said from the computer. "Thanks! So Liam's girlfriend, eh? Score on for Danielle!" I laughed, making her blush. "Stop! Plus seems like you've taken some liking into Niall!" She said back now making me blush. "Hey! Not fair your supposed to be blushing, not me! And yeah I guess you could say that." I laughed. "Hmmmmmm. I APPROVE!" She yelled. Me and Danielle talked for another 3 minutes or so until Liam walked in and told me the Niall was in bed. "Thanks Liam!" I said while making my way out of the room. "Bye guys!" I yelled not waiting for a response. I made my way to Niall room. And saw him wide awake. What? When he saw me in the door way he immediately closed his eyes."Niall, I know your awake!" I said while making my way over too his bed. "Darn!" He said while sitting up in bed. I smiled at him. "So, sent daddy direction to come get me, eh?" He laughed. "Yeah! I did! Next time its gonna be Louis!" I laughed. "Ill be sure not to fall asleep outside then." He smirked. "Niall?" I asked becoming serious. "Hmm? He responded instantly. "I missed you," I whispered. Tear formed in my eyes making my vision blurry. "I missed you too!" He said bouncing up and bring me into his lap. This is where I needed to be, in Niall's arms. And I'm not letting him go easily now.


I dont know if this chapter was short or long but, another fill chapter. But... remember..... to.... COMMENTTTTTT! (: ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2013 ⏰

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