Since We Were Young {Asta x R...

By angestrashywrites

76.9K 2.2K 1.4K

{Disclaimer: This is a Fem!Reader}{As the title says, I update quite slowly. Please expect a chapter every 2... More

• Information - Please read before beginning story •
Extra: Where you would appear in the opening (1)
- A/N -
• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Three (Part 2) •
• Four •
• Five •
• Six •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Birthday Special •
• Eleven •
• Announcement •
• Quick Thank You •
• Twelve •
• Thirteen •
• Fourteen •
• Sixteen •
• Thank you !! - 10k Reads! •
• Seventeen •
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen •
• Twenty •
• Twenty One •
• Twenty Two •
• Twenty Three •
• Twenty Four •

• Fifteen •

1K 39 8
By angestrashywrites

Abbreviations to know:
(Y/N) = Your First Name

  Baro sat in pain against the cave wall gripping his arm as blood dripped out of his mouth. A large indent was made in the wall from Asta slashing him into it. Baro called to the other mage, who's name was Neige, to do something. Neige was much skinnier than Baro, and instead of having long dark hair, his was long and light-blue. On Baro's command, Neige summoned the snowman spell from earlier, them instantly going after the nearest person, Gauche. He quickly pulled up his mirror and used Reflect Refrain to slice the snowman to bits. His attack caused some rocks to fall from the ceiling, which caused Neige to cover his head and lightly yell. For one of the enemies, Neige seemed much more scared and timid, not actually wanting to fight.

"No! S-Stay back!" Neige yelled at the approaching Gauche. Neige seemed to be attacking only to protect himself. He created a spell that started underground and shot up and grabbed Gauche, making him unable to attack as it concealed his mirror. Neige seemed proud of his accomplishment.

"Gauche! I'll help you!" Asta got ready to jump in to get Gauche down.

"Stop trying to act cool in front of my Marie!" Asta's mouth dropped wide open and his pupils basically disappeared. You just sweat-dropped. Gauche couldn't even do anything because of his mirror, so what did he plan to do? Gauche was scolded by Theresa for trying to act tough during this time.

"Shut up! I'll take care of this myself...we will that is." You didn't understand what Gauche meant until a ray of light hit Neige in the back. When you looked where it came from, you saw Gauche's double that he created earlier. His attack was enough to knock Neige on the ground for a little while. Before you knew it, Asta had started to walk toward Baro who was still leaned up against the wall. From there, Asta grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Why would you do something so awful?! Stealing other people's magic, especially kids'. How would you feel is someone did that to you?!" Asta yelled in his face. You looked around at all the kids who were still under the spell layer out on the floor like ragdolls. You looked back when you heard Baro yelling.

"Like I care, you idiot! It doesn't matter to me if someone else dies or loses their magic!" You simply scoffed at the man, but his response struck fury in Asta, causing him to pull back his fist. You surely thought he was going to punch Baro, but he punched the wall right next to his head so hard, it sent a shockwave of air towards you.

"This isn't enough pain to make up for what you did. You're gonna pay for this, starting now!" Asta spoke right in his face as Theresa walked over and opened her grimoire, using a flame binding spell to tie Baro's arms to his sides.

"Hey, tell us how to give them their magic back!" Asta's tone was softer, but he was still stern.

"At least let me go, then I'll tell-" "Don't mess with me!" Baro tried to negotiate, even though his plan was obvious, but Asta cut him off. Theresa asked Asta to used his sword to remove the spell on the children, leaving a tied-up Baro still against the wall.

Asta ran through the rows of children, lightly tapping their head with the handle of his sword while you followed behind him to make sure none of the children had any injuries. A light purple haze came from the children's head before they came to their senses, all of them looking around and asking where they were and calling for their parents. Theresa called the children over, which is when Rebecca's sister Luca came over. In the meantime, Gauche demanded Theresa to heal Marie's wounds, even though her wound was just a scratch. Still, she summoned the same recovery spell from earlier, and candles were summoned around all of the children who were looking around eagerly.

"Hey, brats in the middle, make room for Marie so she'll get better faster." Gauche pointed to the kids as Marie made her way over to the candles light.

"Oh, stop it, Brother!" Marie pouted back at him.

"Bless you, Marie. Your as kind as an angel. Angels deserve to sit in the middle!" You had a feeling Gauche's nose would start bleeding any minute.

"The magic works the same wherever she stands." Theresa crosses her arms and looked away from Gauche.

Asta offered Marie some tatoes, but Gauche answered for her, saying that she would never eat his weird food. When Theresa asked is Asta grew up at Hage village, he asked her how she knew. She replied with saying how Sister Lily came to her church to train once. You remembered how when Asta was little, he would have the biggest crush on Sister Lily, constantly saying he was going to marry her, trying to propose to her everyday.

"Sister Lily talked about me?! What did she say?" Asta was eager for her answer. She cleared her throat before speaking.

"That you were a small and noisy child." With that, Asta's cheerful expression turned more to shock. Theresa continued with saying that Lily said how even though Asta couldn't use magic, he said he would be the Wizard King one day and trained every single day. Even though he probably wouldn't even get into the Magic Knights, he would always say "Not yet! I'm not done yet!" Asta always says those words even now too. Lily also described him as a worker with a strong heart who wouldn't give up for anything, and that she was very proud of him for that. Asta slightly blushed at the compliments he was given.

"She also talked about you sometimes too, (Y/N)." Theresa turned your way. You tilted your head and scrunched your eyebrows in before she spoke.

"She said that you would always come to visit a few times a week and bring treats for everyone. She described you as an angel, about how every time one of the kids started crying or was just sad in general, you would use your galaxy magic to create a stars or a small planet, and they would immediately be happier. She was glad to have someone that the kids could play with as they had no one else to come to them. She loved the fact that you would always help around the house even when you didn't need to. The kids always loved having you as a visitor." You were surprised by all the compliments that Sister Lily had given you. You smiled when you remembered all the times you spent together as kids.

"Yeaaah isn't (Y/N) just an angel?" Asta patted your head, but you flicked his forehead anyways.

"Be quiet." He took a step back before rubbing the small red circle on his forehead. The moment was killed when you heard a yell come from behind you. You saw Neige trying to crawl back as Gauche approached him, kicking him harshly in the face. It was kind of annoying to see Gauche going after him when he clearly didn't want to fight.

"Marie told me that you were the one who hit her, and the only way to atone for that is death." Gauche took another step towards Neige once he sat up.

"Gauche, stop this!" Theresa tried calling out to him, but he ignored her.

"Brother, I'm fine! My injuries are healed now, so let him go!" She tried to stop him, you knowing he usually listened to her, but he simply replied with 'no, I can't do that' before stepping on Neige's head.

"I have to kill anyone who might hurt Marie now before they have the chance later!" Gauche's rubbed his foot on Neige's head.

"Figuring out how to return the children's magic is more important right now!" Theresa turned towards Baro.

"Why did you two do this? These children are the future of this kingdom. They're the three-leaf sprouts that grace this nation!" While Baro sat there not saying a word, you heard Neige behind you start to cry.

"I just wanted friends...It hurts, Baro. What should I do?" You peeked over your shoulder and stared at Neige. Either he was just putting on an act so he wouldn't be caught, or he really just didn't want to do what he was doing.

"Wow!" A female voice chanted behind you.

"Took you long enough for someone who travels with spatial magic! They got in the way of our magic collecting! Help us!" Baro shouted at the forming hold of a black spatial magic spell. Out jumped a girl in what looked like a purple bikini, but covered a little more than an actual one, and a large white cloak that hit the floor. When she called out Asta's name, you looked at him confused.

"She's from the Eye of the Midnight Sun." You mouthed 'what?' to yourself.

"I'm so happy we get to see each other so soon!" She called out to him while waving. When you got a better look at her, you recognized her face, and the name of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

" that..." you took a step closer to him as she giggled.

"It's that crazy lady!" Your eyes widened as you could remember her summoning that giant salamander and taking Asta during the attack on the capital.

"Hey... I came here because you called me with the magic transmission item, but you haven't gathered much magic yet." She dropped a small pill-shaped object that had a flashing red light on the top. Baro yelled back that it was all you guy's fault. Obviously, they were working together on this.

"Well, it's not like I care." The girl laughed again. Theresa told all of the kids to stay put, all of them becoming worried.

  "The Eye of the Midnight Sun... the group that attacked the capital?" She looked back at Asta who nodded.

  "So basically, you're the one who put Marie through all this. I'll kill you!" Gauche shot a beam from his mirror, but the girl summoned that giant salamander again which was able to absorb and redirect the attack.

  "Be careful you guys! I heard she blocked Captain Nozel's attack too!" With that, the girl jumped into her salamander and came flying at you.

  "Incoming!" Asta took his sword out of his grimoire and ran at the salamander. He yelled and swung at the magic, but it split apart before he could nullify it, causing the girl to laugh. Asta redirected his jump using a chunk of stone on the ceiling and going at her again. When he swung again at the salamanders neck, it's head popped off, causing Asta to go right by it again.

  "Anti-magic is no problem at all if it can't hit me!" She laughed again. Gauche tried using Relect Refrain, sending his mirror all over the place so he could hit her with multiple rays, but she deflected all of it. The girl shot a piece of Gel Magic at Gauche, quickly grabbing him and sticking him to the wall.

  "Gauche!" Asta called out. The girl and her salamander landed before instantly shooting a piece of gel at Asta. He went to cut it, but you remembered what happened earlier.

  "Asta! Just dodge it!" He couldn't ready quick enough, as he already swung his sword, but the gel separated into four parts before wrapping around him.

  "Galaxy Binding Magic: Starry Binding Chains!" You summoned the chains from your fingers, but the girl had acted so fast that Asta was gone before they could even reach him half way. You watched as he was swung around and pinned down to the salamander. You saw the girl in charge of the salamander crawl over him, covered in her own magic. Because the salamander was transparent, you watched as she casually chomped on his neck tasting his blood, then go to take his pinky nail. You felt something pop in your head before you leapt so fast and hard into the air that it left a small indent in the stone below. You flew around to a distance behind the girl and used another spell.

  "Zodiac's Sharpshooter!" You shot a pure-mana arrow just as Asta yelled for her to stop, and also right as Theresa filled up the salamander with one of her flame spells. When they exploded, it took the salamander with it. Your mana must have boosted the impact of the explosion, because the remaining bits of gel dispersed at an intense speed. As Theresa went after the girl, you used a chain to grab Asta and bring him to you.

  "Thanks, (Y/N)! Woah, you're so strong! That explosion was so cool!" His eyes turned to stars as he admired your attack.

  "It was mainly the Sister, but thank you." You smiled while rubbing the back of your neck. You brought you and Asta to the ground where Theresa jumped in front of you both.

  "That's enough! I won't let you have these two!" The flames that surrounded her died down. Even for a lady at her age, she could still kick ass.

  "Aww, don't get in my way." The girl whined. You both thanked the sister.

  "I may be old, but I'm a former Magic Knight! I'm Theresa, the Crimson She-Leopard!" It was strange that she used to be a Magic Knight, but was now a nun, but it was still cool to hear.

  "Crimson...Then do you know Captain Fuegoleon?" You both looked at her.

  "Oh, Fueggy? Sure." You giggled at the nickname she gave him. She said that when she was serving at the palace, she was her tutor as they share the same magic type.

  "Captain Fuegoleon was..." Asta stooped mid sentence before continuing and standing up, which you did the same. " was by them." She turned to face them.

  "We'll catch this one, no matter what." Asta got his sword in front of him while you re-created your bow.

  "Do something about this you old hag!" When you turned to look, Gauche was still trapped against the wall.

  "What are you doing over there, you sister complex failure?" Theresa yelled to him. Gauche muttered something that you couldn't hear. As Theresa freed Gauche from the gel, the girl said something that was really quiet from your distance. Her and Baro went back and forth about something when Asta finally called them out for it. She walked over to Baro and stuck a giant needle that was filled with a pink substance that came from who knows where into his neck. She laughed as she pressed down on the tube, injecting all of the liquid into him. Baro was still for a while before blood shots filled his eyes and he broke out of Theresa's binding spell screaming.

  "The hell is happening?" You mumbled to yourself. A few seconds later, a brown substance that looked like mud oozed out of his mouth, nose, and eyes. It was absolutely disgusting to watch, but you couldn't look away. There was so much that it covered his entire body and rose higher and higher. It must of been at least 200 feet tall. When it stopped growing, a section of eyes and a mouth formed. He raised one of his fists and slammed it into the wall on his right, causing the cave to shake. The younger children started screaming and crying, so Theresa told you, Asta, and Gauche to watch over them. You ran over to the kids when Gauche came flying in on his broom, snatched Marie, and flew away to the exit of the cave. Your jaw dropped at the sight of him just leaving, now just leaving you, Asta, and Theresa to deal with this thing. All of you looked back in time as the giant slammed his fist on the ground. Luckily, you and the others were able to jump away, but the impact sent you flying, before you could hit the wall, you used a chain to grab the sister before using your flight spell to slow yourself down. You landed on the ground taking deep breaths.

  "Thank you, (F/N)." You nodded to her. As Asta jumped the other way, you couldn't grab him, but he was able to dig his sword into the floor to stop himself. You flew back over to the kids and told them to back up and get closer together. You waited for them to stop moving before you turned around.

  "Galaxy Magic: Sun Shield." You created a shield that emanated a bright light on the outter side, while the inside was transparent. You breathed more heavily now.

  'I can't keep this thing up forever. What are we gonna do about this?'

~~~~~End of Chapter~~~~~

Total word count: 2843
Oh wow almost a 3k word chapter. Watching the episode so I can write this made me remember that I completely forgot about the Baro fight. I think the last time I saw this scene was like in the summer of 2018 dang.
Thank you for 7k reads!!
If you didn't hear, Black Clovers gonna have some new theme songs this week for ep 129. The OP is called "Stories" and will be performed by the 9 person band "Snow Man" (although only 8 will be singing as one member is on hiatus). The ED is called "Answer" and will he performed by Kaf. I wonder if the new OP will have the potential to pass Black Catcher we shall see...
Any feedback is helpful, whether it be compliments or criticism. I want to make sure you enjoy the story!

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