The Perfect Summer

By AutumnFireflyx

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Alison is looking forward to the best summer EVER with her best friend Serena. When Ali and Serena go away fo... More

Chapter 1: Ali and Serena
Chapter 2: It's time to go
Chapter 3: Hitting the road
Chapter 4: Sightseeing?
Chapter 5: Skateboarding
Chapter 7: Wesley and connor
Chapter 8: Problems
Chapter 9: unresolved diffrences
Chapter 10: The day after
Chapter 11: Unforgivable Lies
Chapter 12: Concert
Chapter 13: Maybe?
Chapter 14: Date night
Chapter 15: Volleyball
Chapter 16: Tell me Lies
Chapter 17: Serena
Chapter 18: No Promises
Chapter 19: Realization
Chapter 20: Lies
Chapter 21: Scars and Memories
Chapter 22: Before I die
Chapter 23: New friends and old enemies
Chapter 24: Hair
Chapter 25: wait, what?
Chapter 26: Remember
Chapter 27: Where the cool kids hang out
Chapter 28: The Perfect Summer Plan
Chapter 29: Another Day
Chapter 30: Romeo's
Chapter 31: The Bonfire
Chapter 32: End Of The Road
Chapter 33: You Must Have Me Confused
Chapter 34: Happy Never After
Chapter 35: A reason?
Chapter 36: Bye Bye
Chapter 37: Hot
Chapter 38: I want easy
Chapter 39: Nerves and endings
Chapter 40: The Best Day
Chapter 41: True Love
Chapter 42: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 43: "It was a good summer" - Perfect Stranger.

Chapter 6: Unexpected

6K 147 69
By AutumnFireflyx

So, this book just took a big turn lol...I did not imagine this happening!


I was reading the book I had brought home from the library, sitting on my bed. It was late at night when I decided to go for a walk. Serena was fast asleep, but I just couldn't go to sleep tonight. I walked past the closed book store and continued to walk down a narrow road. I should have bought a jacket with me.

I was turning a corner and I could see some bright lights off into the distance. I think it was a fairground, as I got closer I was sure it was a fairground.

I carried on walking just looking around, when out of nowhere a group of four big, scary looking guys started walking towards me. I had never been so terrified, but I told myself to stop being so silly, they were just walking, they were not gonna hurt me. How wrong was I!

"Hey pretty girl," one of the bigger looking guys said to me, getting closer and closer. I started to panic, maybe I should scream? But I was so scared, nothing came out.

"What are you doing out, at this time of night?" He asked.

Then suddenly I turned to make a run for it, but the guy grabbed on to my arm. "Why you in such a rush?" he asked with fake concern.

The guy whose name I had now found out was Kayden, what kind of name was that? I thought to myself as he started to drag me to another street, a cold, quiet, deserted street. To say I was petrified would be an understatement.

I wouldn't answer any of his questions since I was so scared, so he hit me hard in the stomach with his fists, while the rest of them laughed. I screamed in agony, what was I going to do? Even if I screamed for help, nobody would hear me. I looked up to see his cold eyes staring right at me and suddenly tears started welling up in my eyes. I forced myself not to cry. You cannot show them your weakness.

Kayden decided to take me to their house, now I was in big trouble.

"You can either come to my house, or I could kill you," He spat at me. Very slowly I got up and whimpered through the pain, suddenly he pulled me hard forcing me to stand up and I couldn't help the tear that fell out next.

He was dragging me along when out of nowhere Leo came up to them "Let her go," He said angrily.

"Really and what are you going to do about it?" He asked obviously asking for a fight.

Suddenly, Leo punched Kayden in the face. His nose was bleeding a deep red colour. Leo looked at me for a few seconds as I stood there limply before he felt a hard punch to his right jaw. I winced silently.

I barley had time to react before he went and threw a punch at Kayden. My eyes went wide.

"Come on Leo, lets go," I almost screamed at him, in a panic. Leo sneered at Kayden before picking me up. He picked me up! I was shocked, as he was walking I insisted I could walk just fine, but he didn't let me go so I just gave up in the end.

"Wait, where are you taking me?" I asked suddenly confused.

"To my house," He replied simply.

"Wait, what!? No I can't go to your house," I said struggling to get free, but he was very strong.

"Yeah, well you don't really have a choice, you owe me I saved your life," He replied, and I stopped struggling, sighing to myself.

When we finally got to his house he put me down on the sofa.

"Stay here," He said before walking off...yeah cause I really was gonna leave after all that. I started to look around the living room; it looked kind of vintage, very clean for a boy’s house, only the odd mess here and there. He had Brown sofas and lots of different shades of brown around the room. It looked homely.

He walked in after a few minutes, I started to shiver feeling cold, and he looked at me and then told me to come near the fireplace as he turned it on. I obliged even though being here felt wrong. He had a bottle of medicine in his hand.

"Lie on your back," He ordered, I was very shocked so I just stared at him.

"Well, do you want that bruise to hurt like hell tomorrow?" He asked.

"Maybe, I could just put it on myself?" I suggested but he didn't budge, I felt a bit awkward to say the least but I lay down, he pulled my top up slightly, this surprised me because I expected him to be a perv like usual. He gently applied the liquid to my stomach, as gentle as possible, flinching when I flinched. I stole a glance at my stomach to see a huge bruise forming. That was going to heal painfully slow.

"I think you need to go and see a doctor," he said more to himself than me.

"No," I practically screamed at him.

He smirked, "You’re scared of the doctors." He had now stopped applying the medicine so I got up and pulled my top down again.

"It’s not funny," I replied scowling. He laughed even more at this, I loved his laugh it was perfect...wait no, and I don't like him.

"Thanks," I said as I began to get up and go.

"Wait, where are you going?" He seemed surprised, and I had no idea why.

"To my house," I replied like it was obvious.

"Fine, then I'm coming with you," he said.

"No, I will be fine," I replied.

"Seriously, what is Serena gonna do if you talk to me, you can hang out with whoever you want, and plus there gonna be waiting for you," he replied

Dammit, now I was scared, and I knew that Leo could tell.

"Just sleep here for the night, okay? I promise you can leave in the morning, before Serena even wakes up."

"Um...thanks...but why are you being so nice to me?" I asked

"Because, you just got beat up by a group of gang members, and anyway I can be nice when I want to be." He replied

He went out of the room and came back with 2 blanket and pillows. He made me go on the sofa and lie down before he put the blanket on top of me. That was so sweet.


I tried to go to sleep that night, but I just couldn't everything that happened came rushing back to me. I was also scared that my vivid nightmares would come back. You see, three years ago after I was going through some bad things, I started to get these vivid nightmares, they had stopped and I was grateful for that, I would wake up in cold sweat.

I got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I winced in pain as I stood up. I grabbed a glass and jumped 10 feet in the air when I heard Leos voice, “Couldn't sleep either?" He asked.

"Nope, just getting a glass of water," I replied showing him the glass. I drank some water feeling his gaze on me, making me uncomfortable. I turned around to find Leo staring at me.

"I think I should try to get some sleep," I said slowly walking past him, but he followed me.

"Let’s talk," He said simply.

"Huh," I replied intelligently.

"Both of us can't sleep so let’s get to know each other," He replied

I really didn't want to talk to him, but I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep that night anyway, so I agreed. We started with 20 questions. I told him about my nightmares, and my favourite food and colours and how I wanted to have an outdoor wedding, I told him that I love photography and that I love fashion.

He told me about his favourite food, and where he comes from, why he left and when he got into skateboarding.

We were laughing and talking so much, that I didn't even notice the time. It was now early in the morning and the sun was rising.

I only noticed the time when Caleb...Leo's friend walked in and stopped dead in his tracks, he obviously lived here with Leo and had just come back from a one night stand. He said sorry and started to leave slowly walking backwards, but I was now tired and had noticed that Serena would be up shortly so I decided this would be the perfect time to leave.

"No, it’s okay, I better get going...thank you again Leo," I smiled at him and then walked off.

I think I knew the way home, and as I was walking I couldn't help but feel like I was starting to fall for him.

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