-Always play- ||| Spinel x Re...

By LocalHoodlum_Mel

67K 1.8K 2.6K

Spinel will be more soft and sweet in this story, due to her change of heart. She will also have bad separati... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
-Chapter 3-
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
-Chapter 6-
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
-Chapter 9-
Chapter 10
Facts about dating Spinel! And other stuff!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12- Friday pt. 1
Chapter 13- Friday pt. 2
Chapter 14- Friday pt. 3
Chapter 15- Friday pt.4
Waiting Gift
~!!CHAPTER 16!!~
The Beginning of the End (Chapter- 17-ish)
Simple but to the point
Just a treat
{Chapter-17} Not For Kiddies
Chapter-18 Something bad is coming
Chapter 19- Many feelings
The End Of An Era
Chapter 20- Saving Steven
Chapter 21- Like a happy Family
Chapter 22- Shopping and Dogs
Future Chapter Promos
Chapter 24- A Trip
Chapter 25- Patching things up
Chapter 26- If We're Together
Chapter 27- Still So Much To Do
Facts about dating Spinel pt. 2
Chapter 28- Gifts
Chapter 29- One Day

Chapter 23- The Rescue

954 30 62
By LocalHoodlum_Mel

You and Jasper walked down the street with a pack of dogs following. Spinel had just left to fetch the others, so hopefully it wouldn't take much longer. Jasper was very quiet, it was normal, but you still wanted to talk. The two of you had finally become closer,

"So, how do you like the shed now that it's a little bigger and better?"    Jasper grunts with a shrug of her large shoulders,    "It's pretty good."    You subconsciously grin. Hopefully this meant she would stay for a long time. Jasper changed the subject before you could continue it though,    "So what are we gonna do with these mutts?"

You elbow her and cock your head back to look at the group,    "We take them to the shelter.."

Jasper didn't seem to follow.

"Then what?"

You felt a hint of uncertainty from her words. You just repeated your solution to this situation    "There's a shelter, they'll be safe at the shelter."

From there it all went silent and the two of you continued to walk.


A few minutes later the sound of familiar voices called out.

You turned to the direction of the calls, and Jasper protectively stood in front of you.

It was of course the gems. You step forward and wave your arms saying,    "Stop, calm down."

The group started slowing down.

Steven and Spinel were the first to reach your side. Stevens' eyes became starry and he gasped at the sight of 15 dogs following you and Jasper.

You were surprised when Jasper nodded to Steven,    "Greetings, My Diamond."

Steven rolls his eyes and gives you a look that says, 'I don't like ths, but I can't control her.'

You pat his shoulder and turn the focus to the lost dogs.

"We have to help these guys."

Steven nodden and kneeled down to one of the dogs and happily petted it,    "Well, they seem nice, but there's so many.. Where did they come from?"

You shrug,    "No idea, I just walked outside, and saw these guys in the road."

Steven stands back up and you cross your arms at a realization,    "Why aren't you wearing your jacket? It's cold out."    Steven laughs and nervously shifts,    "Well, Spinel kind of rushed us out, so I didn't have time to grabb it. I'll try and get it later."    You rub the bridge of your nose in frustration,    "Fine, just don't get sick."    Steven laughs, and replies jokingly,    "Yeah, I'll make sure of that."

Amethyst then picks up a smaller dog.    "This one's cute."

You look over and notice that it's a puppy, possibly six months.

"Woah, wait."

You walk over and look at the pup. It's a german shepherd, possible mix of another breed, but you couldn't be sure. It was a male, and hadn't been fixed. No collar either. He was small and was very shaky. He must have high anxiety.

"Let me see him Amethyst."

She handed the young dog to you and you held him close,    "This one is very nervous, we have to keep him close, okay?"    Everyone seems to understand, so you begin guiding everyone to the shelter.

Somewhere along the way your arms got tired, so you put the pup down and he cutely waddled beside you.

You were so sure that he'd be next to you the whole time that you let him be. However, the sound of a man's voice seemed to scare him off. You gasp, but see that he was too fast,    "I got him."    You watch as Garnet quickly runs in the direction of the pup.

As she disappeared from sight, a man who was clearly a cop came up to all of you,    "Hi, I'm sorry, but have you seen a small boy with blond hair and a blue jacket?"

You shake your head and the man sighs. You step forward and question him,    "What happened?"

He rubs his face. He looked tired.

"He's recently been reported missing. He's been gone for almost a week now."

You nod,    "Do you need help?"    The cop lit up a little,    "Yes, any help would be great."

You look to Steven and gesture for the man to wait.

You pull Steven aside,    "Can you take over, I still need someone to help these dogs."

Steven quickly agrees to help.

So, now that you had a plan, you tell the officer you'll help.

You look up at Jasper and nudge her,    "We're looking for a kid."

Spinel stepped beside you,    "What am I supposed to do?"    You gesture to Steven,    "I want you to help them, those stretchy limbs of yours will surely help."

Spinel looked a bit sad, but you reassured her with a kiss,    "You'll be okay, and don't worry about me, I'll have Jasper with me."

Spinel looked back at the group, but turned back to you and gave a meek smile,    "Alright. I love you."

You smile,    "I love you too. See you in a little bit."

And so the two groups parted ways.

Steven, Spinel, Amethyst, and Pearl helping the doggs.

You, Jasper, and a cop looking for a lost boy.

And Garnet who must still be chasing down that puppy.


Jasper was being a scary bodyguard as she stared the poor officer down. She was quite a bit taller than him, so he was notably nervous, but you did your best to distract him by making conversation.

"So what's the boy's name?"    The officer smiled politely as he continued to look around,    "I don't know, but he's about three years old."

You frown a little,    "So he's a toddler all on his own?"    The officer nods slowly,    "Yeah, but I've been told he's a tough little guy, so I hope he's okay."

You nod. This was serious.

"So what's your name?"    He grins,    "James."    He extends his hand, and you gladly shake it,    "I'm Y/n"


Your group of three soon reached the border of town, next was the farm lands, little Homeworld, and the small woods. James looked more worried as he looked over the large stretch of land.    "He could be anywhere."

You check the time. Almost 6:30 pm..

You grow a sense of urgent determination,    "Okay. If we want to find him before dark we need to split up."

James began to look more serious,    "Right."

You thought for a moment, but came up with a plan,    "I'll call the gems and see if they can help, for now, we need to look for this kid."

You assess the locations he could be.

"Okay, James, you should look around the fields, Jasper, you search the woods, and I'll look around little Homeworld."

James nodded,    "Sounds like a plan, I'll also radio my unit and see if they've had any luck back in town."

You began walking towards little Homeworld, but Jasper stopped you.

"I'm coming with you."

You give her a perplexed look,    "No, you have to search the woods."    She gave you a very stern look,    "No, I'm staying by your side."

You were getting a little impatient, you didn't have time to argue.    "Jasper, you have to search the woods!"

She started to look mad,    "Why?"    You sigh in frustration,    "Because you know you way around in there."

Jasper crosses her arms,    "There's no way I'm leaving you on your own."

At this point you were getting ticked-off,

"Jasper it doesn't matter what you want right now! I don't have time to argue! I don't need you! If you want to do something that will make me change my mind, then go search the damn woods!"

Jasper seemed surprised at your demanding tone and slightly hurtful words. You looked up at her for a few moments, but she didn't say anything.

You realized you couldn't waist any more time, so you stormed off without her.

You pulled out your phone as you sped towards little Homeworld.

You quickly called Steven, and he almost immediately answered.



"Steven, have you gotten those dogs to the shelter?"

>>"Yeah, apparently someone accidentally left some doors open and they got out."

You sigh in relief then continue,

"Steven, we need help looking for this kid. This is a serious situation"

It sounded like he was talking to someone next to him. Not long after he returned to the phone.

>>"Alright, we can help."

You faintly smile in relief, but you had to stay on track.

"We need to see if he's somewhere discreet in town, but Jasper, the cop we talked to, and me are searching little Homeworld, the fields, and the woods."

You heard Steven humm in thought,

>>"Ok, I'll organize some of us to head over there, I can search town with Pearl."


>>"So, do you know the kids' name yet?"


There was a short silence before Steven responded.

>>"Ok, we can make this work. Uh.. I'm gonna give the phone to Spinel, she's been a little anxious without you."

A smile spreads across your lips,


A few seconds of silence and then you heard her cute voice.

>>"Hey dolly."

You feel happier just hearing her voice.

"Hi Spinel. Whatcha doing?"

>>"Getting ready to search for this kiddo."

"Yeah. It's crazy how today turned out."

Spinel laughed.

>>"Yeah, but hey, when we're done, you and I can go home and cuddle all night."

You feel your chest tingle at the thought. You loved her cuddles. Spinel then continued,

>>"Or maybe we can do a little somethin else instead~"

She chuckled mischievously after that statement. You understood what she was hinting at. You scoff,

"Very funny, you dork. When we get home we're gonna cuddle, then we'll be cooking dinner together."

You hear Spinel jokingly groan,

>>"Alright you win, Toots."

The two of you talk about what to make for dinner and what movies the two of you could watch for at least ten minutes. And you were super close to little Homeworlds entrance.

As a brush of wind passes your face you come to wonder where Spinel would be told to help look.

"Hey, Spins? Where are you gonna be searching?"

You hear her softly giggle,

>>"Oh nowhere."

You chuckle,

"What do you mean?"


Just as you say that you heard something behind you. You whip around and see Spinel. She was running towards you. The way she was running almost reminded you of-

Before you could finish your thought, Spinel jumped up and hugged you.

You laugh and return her embrace. You then end the call since it was pointless now that she was with you. You laugh as you realize she had Stevens phone in her hand,    "You stole Stevens phone?"    Spinel smiles brightly,    "Yup, but I'll give it back as soon as this is all over."    She shoves the phone in her gem and takes your hand.

"So, Steven sent you to help me?"    Spinel swayed her hips a little,    "Yup. He also sent Amethyst and Garnet. He also said we should get Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot when we get to lil' Homeworld."    You nod and look towards the sunset that was now low in the sky,    "It's getting dark, we have to hurry."    Spinel seems to agree, because she began to walk faster.

When you finally enter little Homeworld, you immediately see Peridot.

You dash to her and pull Spinel with you.


She quickly stopped what she was doing, and gave you a confused look.

"Hey, Y/n.. and Spinel, what brought you here on this lovely evening?"

You urgently grab her shoulders,    "We need help, there is a poor kid who's been missing for a dangerous amount of time. Please get backup."

Peridot seemed to understand,    "Alright, I will."

She quickly ran off somewhere in the small 'town' to fetch the others.

"Okay, now we have to start looking. If I were a kid I'd come here. I mean there are a bunch of cool gems, and lots of colorful buildings."

Spinel looked around, then asked a pretty good question,    "So why do you humans have kids anyway?"

You felt a little nervous to answer that question, even though it wasn't anything bad.

"Well humans have kids when they decide they want to be parents, a mother gets pregnant and gives birth to a baby, then the parents can raise that baby."

Spinel was still confused,    "But why? Why do the parents decide to raise a baby?"    You grin nervously,    "I actually don't really know. I think at some point they fall in love with the idea of having a kid. Being able to raise, love, and be loved by a child of your own is something many couples like the idea of I guess."

Spinel smiled faintly,    "I guess that makes sense."

You lovingly look down at her, then the two of you continue to search.


-Almost 4 hours of searching later-

You were looking all over the place, not stopping to catch your breath or anything.

Spinel frowned a little at your persistence,    "Dolly, calm down a little. I'm sure he'll turn up, just try to be patient."

She leans into your shoulder and her arm was lovingly wrapped around your waist.

You noted her words, but didn't reply. Instead you called Pearl, hoping they had found him.



"Pearl, have you guys found anything?"

"No not yet. But, I'll call you if we do."

You sigh, feeling a little home drain from your being. You just felt so concerned for this little human.

"Okay.. thank you anyway."

"I'm sorry Y/n. Even your local human authorities haven't been able to find him yet.."

You sigh,

>>"Don't beat yourself up alright? Don't worry, we'll keep looking."

You do your best not to sound upset,

"Alright, thanks Pearl. I'll see you guys later."

>>"Don't worry Y/n. I have to go now, I'll call you if anything turns up."

Then she hung up.


Spinel looked a little upset that you were so tense.    "Dolly, I think you need a break."    You shake your head,    "No, I'm fine."    Spinel places her hands on the sides of your face; making you look at her,    "You look tired."

You look away, not wanting to keep this unwanted conversation going.    "I'm gonna keep searching. I can't give up on this kid, what if he was taken? We have to keep looking."    Spinel grabs your hands and stops you from leaving,    "Y/n, I know you're worried, but there are lots of other people looking too, and you really look like you need a break."

You look down to her hands that were intertwined with yours. You were reluctant, but she genuinely looked concerned, you realized she was right.    "Okay, I'll rest. Only if you promise me something."

Spinel perked up; her ponytails standing on-end,    "What?"

"Keep looking for him."

Spinel looked a bit nervous but she forced a smile,    "Alright, just don't go anywhere."

You agree, and Spinel walks you to a bench. When you sit down she sighs and pecks your cheek,    "I'll be back soon."    You smile and cross your arms on the table; laying your head down.    "I'll be here."

Spinel waves goodbye as she runs off in the direction of the square.

-Spinels 3rd pov-

Spinel ran towards the center of everything, thinking that maybe this kid wasn't here, that's when she spotted something. Something small, it was on a rooftop and was looking on at everyone else. When she looked up towards it, it ducked out of sight. Spinel became suspicious, so she stretched her arms out to the roof; grabbing the edge and flinging herself up like a rubber-band. She landed on the rough ground of the rooftop and looked around.

She spotted something that was hard to see.

A little boy was wrapped in a blanket, and was huddled against the small wall-like border of the roof.

He was very small, and looked tired. His blond hair was a mess and his face had small scratches on it. His forearms and hands were coated in tirt, and the knees on his pants were stained in grass. He must have taken a few tumbles.

He was so small in fact that he was clearly a toddler.

Spinel cautiously walked to the child's side and crouched down.

"Hi there."

The small boy looked up at Spinel with sleepy eyes.

He lifted one of his small hands and waved.

Spinel smiled meekly and lifted a hand of her own and slowly waved back.

The kid smiled a little.

Spinel sat down beside him and did her best to be calm,    "I'm Spinel. See? That's my gem!"    

The small boy lifted his head a little and looked on at the upside down heart-shaped gem on her chest.

The kid seemed to like it because he reached out with his very small hand and touched it.

Spinel smiled not just at the cute gesture, but at how small the toddlers hand was.

She stayed as still as she could while he curiously looked on at her gem..

"So what's your name kiddo?"

The boy looked up at the new gem he'd met and replied,    "Max."

His voice was so cute, with the high baby-like tone clear as day, Max kept talking,    "I'm three."

Spinel felt a strange feeling as she listened to this small child talk in short-broken sentences.

It was almost how she felt around you but somehow it was much different, this was like a weird sense of happiness.

As the boy talked, Spinel noticed something..

A small bear was hidden under his blanket and held in one of his arms.

Spinel smiled,    "Whatcha got there, sport?"

Max looked down to his bear and clumsily removed it from under his raggedy blanket.


Spinel laughed at the name,    "Well how do ya do Manju?"

Max laughs and takes one of the bears arms; making him wave.

Spinel begins to smile brightly. She thought this was the cutest kid ever. Spinel waved back to the bear. Max then hugged it tightly.

Spinel fondly looked on at the tiny human,    "Who gave Manju to you?"

Max lifted Manju over his head and grinned brightly,    "Mommy and Daddy!"

Spinels grin slightly faded,    "They must miss you."

Little Max placed Manju down beside him and frowned a little,    "No."

Spinel was confused,    "Don't say that buddy, I'm sure they're worried sick."

Max just shook his head.

Spinel was getting uncomfortable, so she quickly changed the subject.

"Uh.. hey, are you hungry?"

Max looked up at the pink gem and nodded quickly.

Spinel laughed,    "Well, lets go get some grub."    She got in a crouch,    "Ya want a piggyback ride?" Max nodded and laughed happily as he clumsily climbed on her back and wrapped his small arms around her shoulders.

Spinel used one of her arms to support Max to her back, just to be sure he wouldn't fall. With her spare arm she grabbed the ledge and used it as her own support as she started climbing down the wall.

Once the two were on ground-level, Spinel placed the little boy down beside her, and she guided him through the town.

As the two walked, Max gently grabbed her hand. It took Spinel by surprise, but she slowly took his hand in return. Max hugged Manju close to his small frame.

As Spinel guides Max around a corner she sees you still at the bench with your head rested in your arms.

Spinel looked at Max and placed a finger over her lips, jokingly shushing him. Max copied her and both of them tip-toed up to you.

Spinel looked at your face, and sure enough- you were asleep.

Spinel tapped on your shoulder a few times, until your eyes fluttered open.

-Back to the usual pov-

You slowly open your eyes and see your beautiful Spinel leaning in front of you. The sight made your grin. You sit up straight and stretch until you feel a few pops from your back and shoulders. Spinel stood right in front of you and grabbed your shoulders,    "Dolly, you'll never guess what I found!"

You look at her with wondrous eyes,    "What did you find?"

Spinel gave you a lively grin as she stepped aside and outstretched an arm like she was showing you something incredible.

And it was a little incredible.

There stood the lost boy. His blond hair was beautiful even though it was dirty and a mess.

A bear was lovingly tucked between his small arms.

You adored his cheeks and his little smile.

You stagger to your feet in surprise,    "Oh- uh, hi there!"    The small boy waved his little hand with an adorable toothy grin. He was the picture of innocence.

Spinel pats the top of his head,    "Y/n, this is Max."

Max quickly held his bear out in front of him,    "And Manju!"

Spinel laughed,    "Yeah, and Manju."

You feel a warm-fuzzy feeling in your stomach. This kid was adorable.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Max, and Manju."

You gently take Maxs' hand and Manju's paw and give them both a polite shake.

Spinel then leaned into your ear,    "He's hungry."

You laugh and give her a nod,    "We'll take care of that."


You had given Pearl a call letting her know that the boy was found.

The whole time you talked, Spinel was happily playing tag with Max. It was one of the cutest things you'd seen in a while.

When you hung up the phone, you called the two over declaring that you were all going to head into town.

Spinel held Maxs' hand as the three of you walked out of little Homeworld.

As you walked, you spotted something in the distance. It was Jasper curled up against a tree. 

You felt guilty, knowing that you must have hurt her feelings.

You tell Spinel to keep going and that you'd catch-up with them later.

She reluctantly agreed, so you ran to your friend.



Her long beige hair covered most of her body, save for her feet and shoulders.

"Jasper, it's me."

You crouch down in front of her and reach out, carefully moving some hair away from her face. She looked mad, and refused to look at you.

Then you noticed the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Jasper, I'm sorry that I got mad at you, I was just frustrated."

She still refused to look at you. It made you feel really bad.

"Jasper, c'mon.. I'm sorry."

The two of you sat in silence for a while, and you were starting to feel regretful.

"Jasper please don't hate me. I didn't mean it, I really didn't."

She finally huffed and placed a hand on your face, stroking your cheek with her thumb, 

"I know. I know you didn't."

You smiled and almost felt like crying from relief as you leaned forward and hugged her. She was a familiar warmth and you were happy that she was your friend.

She kissed the top of your head and made sure to hug you tightly.


"So you found him?"

"Actually Spinel found him."

Jasper walked casually beside you as you told her the good news. You had finally made it into town, and saw Spinel with Max. They were waiting outside of Fish Stew Pizza.

You pick up the pace.

When the four of you were finally together, you introduced Jasper to Max.

She looked dumbfounded by the small toddler, but she kept to herself.

You all went inside and sat down, and you ordered a pizza and waited.

Max happily played with Manju, pretending the cute little bear was a pirate looking for gold.

Spinel was playing too; shrinking down to the size of Manju, and pretending to be a rebel pirate.

Jasper just watched in confusion, that is until Max decided she'd be a great fit for a dragon.

Jasper sat there with a blank expression as Max made Manju climb up Jaspers hair and sit atop her head, declaring that the monster had been defeated.

Max and Sinel laughed, making Jaser roll her eyes.


An hour passed and you all had eaten. 

Max had fallen asleep against Jasper and Spinel was leaning against you and lovingly twirling your hair between her gloved fingers.

Jasper has been staring at Max for a while now, and you weren't gonna lie, you understood why; he was adorable.

He was smiling slightly as he slept. His head was buried in Jasper's hair and he hugged Manju close to his chest.

Soon Jasper spoke, but she made sure she was quiet.

"I want one."

You were surprised,    "You want a kid?"

Jasper looked down at the small boy that was sweetly resting against her and nodded.

You chuckle,    "Uh, Jasper that's not exactly how it works."


You all cleaned your table and left a tip. It was time to get this boy home.

Jasper cradled Max in her arms and was seemingly locked in a trance because of this boy. She took one of his small hands. She realized that his hand wasn't even half the size of hers.

It was pretty cute to see her warm up to the little guy, but it was not time to get attached.


You all reached the Police station and were immediately greeted and practically praised for finding Max.

Eventually, you all were questioned and given some information about Max.

"So where are his parents?"

The officer frowned and shook his head,    "He doesn't have parents. They decided they didn't want him, so they put him up for adoption about two years ago."

You felt a pang of sympathy, something similar had happened with your parents, you were just lucky that your aunt took you in.

"So where does he live?"

The officer handed you a paper. It was a flyer with information for an orphanage in the town over.

This poor kid ran for at least an hour, then hid in little Homeworld for a week.

"He has some resentment towards the place. Usually they're able to stop him, but he managed to slip through this time."

You frown,    "So you'll be taking him back?"

He nods and looks out into the lobby, Max was still peacefully sleeping in a chair.

You thanked the officer and left his office, Spinel and Jasper followed close behind. You kneeled down and gently woke Max up.

"Hey buddy."

He rubbed his eyes with a small yawn. You all smile. He was so cute.

"We're going now okay?"    Max looked confused.

"Don't give me that look. Hey, these guys are gonna take you back home, and maybe one day we can visit you."

He didn't seem to understand much, but he got up from his seat and hugged your leg. It was honestly sad, you liked this kid, and he didn't seem to want to go back to where he came from. However, you aren't going to take him home. You weren't quite ready to be a parent, so you kneel down and gently hug the small boy.

He didn't cry, but he definitely looked sad to see you go. You decided to let Spinel give him a hug since she seemed to like him the most.

She picked him up and wrapped her arms around him several times. She hugged him close and lifted him in the air, making him laugh a little, then she told him something he probably didn't understand, but it was touching..

"Look buster, I know you might not want to go back to where you came from.. it's hard to wait for something good to happen, but I promise you'll have a happy ending. Trust me, I know."

Max looked on at her with bright and wondrous green eyes.. Maybe he did understand..

Max laughed again and reached out; pulling Spinel's ponytails. It was adorable, and everyone stopped what they were doing to admire this bright little boy.

Eventually Spinel handed him to Jasper, who tried to push him away, but little Max grabbed her hand and pulled himself into her arms; doing his very best to give her the biggest hug he could.


After a long goodbye, the three of you left, and Spinel looked pretty sad.

"It's alright, he's in good hands."

Spinel looked up at you and gave a hopeful smile,    "Yeah. I guess he is."


When the tree of you arrived home, Jasper retreated to her little house, while you and Spinel tiredly stumbled inside.

You practically rip off your hoodie as you collapse on the couch. Spinel smiled and laid on top of you with a lazy smile.

You yawned and rubbed her cheek with a hand. She smiled a little brighter and snuggled into your chest. It was an awkward position, but you didn't mind, she was so warm and soft. Her limbs dangled loosely at your sides, and you sighed as the dim light above made your eyes heavy.

The urge for slumber started to take over.


Spinel interrupted with her sweet voice that squeaked every now and then.

"Wanna watch a stupid kids movie?"

You're instantly wide awake again.

"Heck yeah."







Hi my pretty people! I'm back with a chapter to kick off the future chapters. Remember that there's plenty of symbolism.

Next chapter will be ou very soon.


Stay Tuned.

Mr. Manju <3


- Mr. Clark Is Jerry?

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