Dead Eye

By shachiseth

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What happens when you wake up some day and find out that there is no resemblance to yourself in your own head... More

Chapter 1 Beginning Or Semicolon
Chapter 2 Clues Or Puzzles
Chapter 3 Mistaken Identity
Chapter 4 Puzzles And Troubles
Chapter 5 Gratitude And Attack
Chapter 6 Merry Christmas
Chapter 7 Dream Or Memory Relapse
Chapter 8 Shocks n Surprises
Chapter 9 Messing Present
Chapter 10 To Believe Or Not To Believe
Chapter 11 First Mission
Chapter 12 Skeptical Decisions
Chapter 13 Big Bad Day
Chapter 14 Jealousy And Spying
Chapter 15 Betrayal?
Chapter 16 Fight For Freedom
Chapter 17 Fast N Furious or Speed
Chapter 18 Help From Friends?
Chapter 19 Funeral
Chapter 20 Alive And Breathing
Chapter 21 Wrong Side Of Bed
Chapter 22 Who Are You?
Chapter 23 Open Up
Chapter 24 Shelter Home
Chapter 25 Troubled Memories
Chapter 26 Plan To Avenge
Chapter 27 Being Played!
Chapter 28 Fighting Rink
Chapter 29 Eiffel Tower Attack
Chapter 30 Different Person
Chapter 31 Friends With Benefits
Chapter 32 I Am Married
Chapter 33 Evidences in Bag
Chapter 34 Badass Cynthia!
Chapter 35 Tattoo And Its Mystery
Chapter 36 Peru Again!
Chapter 37 Dead or Alive?
Chapter 39 The Big Attack
Chapter 40 Terrorist Attack
Chapter 41 Messenger Of Death
Chapter 42
Untitled Part 43 Not THE END

Chapter 38 Get Set For Some Ass kicking

17 4 1
By shachiseth

Chapter 38

 Get Set For Some Ass Kicking

John should have seen this coming.

He thought Cynthia was dead and here she stood in front of him alive and kicking.

He tried to figure out what was the problem.

It was basically his memory playing tricks with him.

He noticed only the basic features, the girl he thought was Cynthia had same blonde hair like Cynthia's, same eyes and skin color.

Same was with D they looked like D and Martha but they weren't. He was duped, cheated on emotions.

But what was the false Cynthia to gain by lying to him and posing as Cynthia.

As far as he noticed she sent him to that apartment to save those people.

Then again she directed him to that school to kill the innocent boy.

But why?

John pulled the laptop and started typing "Wiesley" he typed, "what was his second name?" he murmured to himself. Timberlake" he finished typing then he searched into other accounts of fb, google, Instagram and found out the actual face and person he was looking for.

"What are looking for John?" Cynthia asked "he looks like some teenager"

She enlarged his picture to get a look "oh my he is the same one you were sent to kill." She stated.

"You know about that?" John shouted shocked "and you still did not stop me."

"We were having fun seeing you back in the field." She laughed, her eyes twinkling with humor.

"What if I had actually killed the innocent boy?" John barked.

"Relax" Cynthia pressed his shoulders leaning to him bit getting the access of the screen that John had occupied for research "the bullets in your gun weren't real."

"Seriously" John was furious now "who am I?

A puppet in your hands for you guys to entertain yourself. Next you guys would be casting me in some random Hollywood movie"

While John was shaking with anger Cynthia chuckled "well the apple never fell far from a tree." She winked "you did act too."

"Yeah that" he had cooled down a bit "I met that Flair girl earlier"

"You met Flair!" Cynthia was startled "Where?"

"Just an accident when I was running from getting my organs robbed." John explained.

Cynthia furrowed her brows "you were about to be robbed of what?" she asked.

"Some doctors and their mafia gang" John dismissed.

"HERE" he shouted before Cynthia couldn't pry further "they were actually after this Wiesley guy and not his friend."

"What do you mean? That attack was a flop." Cynthia exclaimed "they were planning to open fire at the children in seminar, it would have been chaos with more than a thousand students from different parts of the world but you stopped it." Cynthia stated.

"No you are wrong here" John showed her all the specific links of Wiesley Timberlake from the same seminar was attacked because of his app that he had made. Look" he showed his school account where he had mailed the sky map of different countries, it had details of each and every flight, one would know which flight would a particular destination and the same destination could be reached by different flight economical. It was a user friendly app.

He had even mentioned the meter that would explain which all flights were in air and how much was the air space between two flights"

"This boy is genius" Cynthia was impressed "but how is it related to terrorism?"

We'll have to find that out" John said "now get flight tickets to Wiesley's place, along with his address and complete details about him" John barked orders

"And the jerk is back" Cynthia mumbled

"What?" John asked even though he'd heard clearly enough "on it Boss" Cynthia said with a salute

"That's better" John smiled earning a glare from Cynthia.


Cynthia had to cover her mouth and nose because of the foul smell emanating from Wiesley's house.

She almost slipped and shrieked when she found that the wet floor because of which she slipped was not water but blood of an old lady.

John bent to check and frowned with a thumbs down.

They walked ahead and found another man lying on the floor, he was dead too.

John entered further but there was no one, the house was completely empty.

He asked his agents to get the cops and get the investigation down.

Disappointed that the address was of no help and worried that the poor shy yet intelligent boy was missing or rather dead.

Cynthia had brought the details that Wiesley hadn't attended his school since a week neither did he mail them his scheduled assignments which was unusual.

John was impressed at the speed at which Cynthia had collected information.

They also mentioned that he was an A grade boy very intelligent and efficient but his grades were suffering lately after his return from the students seminar.

The school tried to reach both his parents but their phones were not reachable.

John was about to leave with Cynthia but he turned around.

Cynthia who was traumatized by the blood on the floor waited for john outside

John entered the small room which he was sure was Wiesley's as it had a study table and few pictures on the wall, the room was a tad bit messy but it weren't clothes but books scattered around.

John stepped insde and in a flow pulled the curtain aside only to be hit by bright sunlight and nothing else.

He shrugged and was about to leave the room when he found the laundry basket.

It was calling out to him.

He walked towards it

"No please don't hurt me, water.. water, don't kill.. water water.."

"Wiesley" John recognized immediately and helped the boy who was couched inside the laundry basket lifting him up but the boy was badly beaten, smashed and pale.

It had been days he'd had anything.

Actually it looked like he could die any moment.

John in a swift motion lifted him bridal style and took him to the van they were traveling in.

"Hospital hurry" he shouted.

John had made sure that the frail boy was under close observation

"They killed my mom and dad" Wiesley cried as he narrated "I swear I was not giving them the details but they already had the initial version, I had uploaded long ago when I started designing it, I thought it will help everyone but I did not know it would be used in this way." he cried harder

Cynthia handed Wiesley the glass of water that he picked gulped in one go letting half of it fall form his mouth, his hands still shivering of the fear.

His throat was dry and he did not remember when he'd put something edible into his mouth, the drips and glucose injected in him were keeping him alive.

"when you saved me, they were after me. My visit to that seminar was a bless for them. They were going to abduct me and get the complete app from me."

They approached me in my college once I was back from the Students meet and asked me for the app.

They looked weird and" he shrugged "they gave dark vibes and the money they were offering was a bit too much for a beginner like me. So I denied."

He looked at both of them

Cynthia patted on his shoulder softly "we trust you"

A nurse entered with a glass of juice and Wiesley eagerly jumped to it; his taste buds longing for something sweet

"Wait " John stopped him "don't"

"Why?" Cynthia asked.

"I don't know. I don't trust them" John shrugged.

"You are being paranoid" Cynthai waved her hands "this is a hospital. What can they do?"

"The nurse did you notice her?" John asked.

"No she was okay" Cynthia said, "what happened?"

"She was wearing Prada heels." He said "how can a nurse afford such an expensive brand?'

Cynthia nodded "you think we should take him away from here?"

John nodded

"I'll make arrangements" she said and walked out of the room

John looked at Wiesley "you want to continue"

"They then came to my house one day." Wiesley started speaking "They tried to convince me that they were doing good for mankind and god is going to be happy with me, gift me a place in Heavens in my after life

I finally asked them "what are you going to do?'

"Something bigger and better than twin tower attack." One of them answered and the way he spoke brought goose bumps "Something that need airplanes and your knowledge of their location, your app" a sinister smile rolling off his bearded face "And if you help us, god is going to reserve a place in heaven for you for such a good deed. You are blessed. Hail the Lord"

"What makes you think that I'll give you that data?" I asked "I was determined to not help them, especially since I was certain that they were terrorists

"What made you think that we'd give you details even though we very well know you are not going to join us."

I shrugged.

"Because. We . want. You. to. Know" he said very slowly "we are dangerous people and if you love your family you'll help us."

"Shut up" I shouted "get out of my house"

He hit me hard on my head and I fell on the floor. They smashed me badly trying to break me but I did not budge

I should have taken those defense classes you mentioned the other day."

John nodded "what happened then."

"They called both my parents to my room and without a warning shot my father on his head.

My mother got hysterical "now before we shoot your mom too why don't you give us the data.

"NO' I shouted but they had already had gun on my mom's temple

I quickly pulled the hard disk from below the sofa where I had hidden it and handed it to them.

They hit me more and harder until I fell on the floor and they were sure I wouldn't survive.

My mom was crying and shouting and warning them that she'd go to cops.

They shot her too and left.

I waited for the death to consume me.

But God had other plans." Wiesley bent his head passing a silent prayer "I survived.

I was planning to call and inform the police but once I stood I heard footsteps.

They were not able to code something and came to check if I was alive.

Since then I have been hiding in that laundry basket.

I don't know how you found me but they visited several times, even had their people stationed at the gate of my house yet I survived.

"Listen I don't think you are safe here" John said, "they'd been really waiting for you. It might be something very important. So we will escape from here before anyone tries to catch us."

John adjusted the pillows on the bed vertically and then covered it with a sheet as if there was someone sleeping on it,

He then opened the glass window and looked at the ground floor.

He quickly locked the room door

"What are you doing?" Wiesley lifted himself off the bed to look at John

John without answering continued doing what he was doing.

They were at second floor of the seven-storey hospital building but Wiesley was too fragile.

He removed the pillow covers and tied them together.

"You come on my back like a goonie bag" John instructed Wiesley.

Wielsey bit his lip unsure "are you planning to jump off the window?" he nodded denying of doing it.

"Come on Wies" John insisted, "we don't have much time."

John made a kangaroo bag with the pillow covers at the back after Wiesley had climbed over him and tied them tightly.

The knocking of the door was heard at the same time.

John decided to ignore but Cynthia called "John, its me. I have arranged everything. Open the door."

John waited for a moment deliberating to open the door but decided against it.

He decided to jump off the roof. They might have slowly with the help of pipes climbed till first floor when the firing was heard.

John realized there were more than two people firing at him from different sides of the same room they were in.

He did not waste time climbing down the pipes instead took a long leap and tried to jump on his feet, all the while holding Wiesley tight.

He did injure his toe but he did not have time to dwell over it.

John ran out of the hospital building and made his way to the bus station.

He took a diversified route to reach back home taking three different buses.

"Why didn't you open the door to Cynthia?" Wiesley asked once they were seated and John had managed a rice bowl from a local cheap eatery which Wiesley was enjoying more than he might have done at five course meal of a Michelin star restaurant. "She might have come with help."

"No she wasn't there for help" John said as he helped himself with the stale rice he bought for himself too "She was speaking too loudly, something an agent never does when he or she knows he is about to elope." Wiesley nodded "secondly I heard few more footsteps that were trying to be discreet. She wasn't helping."

Wiesley nodded finished the last of the bit in the disposal bowl and John volunteered to dispose it "here give me.'

"Now kid go to sleep, we have a long night"

Wiesley nodded again "you too, you need rest too."

"Thanks" John smiled and ruffled his hair "but I cant. I have to keep my eyes open."

"What are you going to do next?" Wiesley asked.

"Actually" John chuckled with no humor "I am glad I know what they were planning to do."

"And what is that?" Wiesley was inquisitive.

"Something bad and terrible, even worse than twin-tower attack." John said shivering at the memory of loss and damage the last worst terrorist attack had done.

"What do you plan to do about it then?" Wiesley asked, fear lacing his eyes "they seem pretty dangerous."

"Plan?" John smiled confidently "I plan to kick their asses this time...... 

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