Chapter 1 Beginning Or Semicolon

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Chapter 1

Beginning Or A Semi-colon

"Hey all the best" the chirpy receptionist greeted him "here are all your belongings." She handed his box of belongings that were kept during his admission. "The hard disk was taken away" she said sheepishly "you know they wanted to learn more about you. Apologies"

"Thanks err...." he looked at the nametag "Julie. You don't need to apologize. It wasn't your fault" he waved it off emptying the contents of the box in the table but found nothing that could help his identity "a stale chewing gum which probably was expired since he was sleeping for sixteen months, a handkerchief which he is sure wasn't his. Why would he get a stamp of Mickey Mouse on a perfectly white cloth? The box also contained an old spirit watch that was surprisingly still working. Then there was this ring, his ring that probably would have fitted him well when he got admitted.

"Hey Julie do you think this was taken from my right hand." He paused "Do you think I am married?"

She eyed him flirtatiously from top to bottom" I hope not" she winked "you are such an eye candy. I wouldn't want you to be married" she winked "but I am sorry I wouldn't know. I just joined the duty couple of months back."

Next was his leather belt that had been worn out more than he probably had in the dumps of the hospital store.

He wrapped it around his loose beige trousers but it was size two small.

Louisa who was continuously pouting and sighing at his every word, with every breath it looked liked her bosoms would pop out of her tight blue shirt.

He had been ignoring her flirtations since the day he woke from his comatose.

"Hey you may take this" she lifted her shirt from her chest just enough to hide the tints of browns beneath the miniscule bra that she was wearing and pulled the pin offering to him "this might help"

"No no I am fine" he said embarrassed and flushed

"Oh yeah" he remembered " it was her first day of duty when he'd gained conscious. So while every one was shocked that he was wide-awake after almost a year, she was shocked at everybody's reaction. "You have most wondrous blue eyes" she'd gushed, "I can never imagine they were hidden from the world for so long."

"You have no idea" one of the young yet senior nurses had said "he had lovely blonde hair too but he hid them under the dyed black ones."

'What a shame" Julie had pointed out "his tall physique and lovely blue eyes and oh" she gushed "the dimples that any girl would love to..." he could actually read the dirty thoughts running in her mind.

He definitely might have been a heartthrob of the millions when he was not in comma.

And he knew they were right with the dark hair color.

He'd seen the left over dark color trimmed by the local hospital barber once he was awake.

"Is that all, nothing else?" he asked politely very well aware of his futile attempt to know about his identity.

"I am so sorry honey" the middle aged receptionist said empathically "I know how lost you'd be feeling right now. I wish I could help"

He simply nodded and walked away.

He did not believe his life. He knew nothing about himself, neither his name nor nationality. He does not even remember his immediate family.

He does remember his mother though a pretty young lady with golden eyes and golden hair always smiling at him baking him spaghetti and cheese all the time and taking him to the garden.

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