Chapter 39 The Big Attack

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Chapter 39

The Big Attack

John threw his sim card and filled the card slot with another card that he'd purchased from an outlet.

He had to pay extra cash but he was glad for the detour he took for Wiesley's house and picked all the cash that Wiesley knew was kept at his house in a safe.

John knew it was safe to go to his place since all of them were expecting him at the hospital.

He made it super quick out of the house too.

Also he knew people would be looking for him at the airport so he chose traveling by bus making sure he changed the sim card before reaching the bus station.

He intended to change his phone too but it was too damn expensive plus he could do some Google research with the smart phone gifted by D or the person who posed as D.

John sighed.

He felt real emotion for the man.

God! He was messed up. His memory was playing games with him.

He did not know whom to trust.

Cynthia who he thought was dead came alive and helped him all the time.

But why did Cynthia cheat?

Why did she bring all those people to the room?

Or probably she was unaware of the men following her.

None of the theory added up.

He couldn't trust anyone

"Danny" John shouted once he reached the showroom he'd working since months "I need your help."

"What the fishing net! are you doing here?" Henry shouted at John.

"Here I have work for you too old man" John said ignoring Henry's distaste at his arrival

"Old Man?" Henry shouted, "You just lost your chance of seeking my help because of this."

"Oh handsome" John said teasing Henry in a feminine musical tone "now if I address you with handsome" he flake dusted his clean collar "this will you help me?" he fluttered his lashes.

"Bloody ar.." Henry muted his volume not uttering the curse word on the tip of his tongue.

"Good " John fake complimented "this boy is your responsibility and I trust you with him." John made way so that Henry could meet Wiesley who was still scared and shaken from what happened with him "you make sure that no harm comes his way."

"Aye aye Captain" Henry forgot the silly discrepancies between him and John, glad for the opportunity passed on to him after a long time since his retirement from the military force.

"Danny I know what they are up to and I don't trust anybody" John was now addressing the young boy who had for the first time thrown away his earphones paying full attention to John.

"They are actually crashing 14 planes together in the sky when they are at the highest true altitude"



"What are you saying?" Henry asked not believing a word "how is that freaking possible?'

"They have been planning this since years. They are targeting Tokyo Olympics.

"Danny I need you to Contact of Air Traffic control of the countries." He waved his phone "I have already mailed you the details."

"On it John" Danny gave a stiff salute and quickly grabbed the chair of his desktop.

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