Chapter 35 Tattoo And Its Mystery

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Chapter 35

Tattoo And It's Mystery

John held the wrists tightly and stood up only to twist his arms behind his back.

"Mr. David?" John furrowed his brows, Kathie said she didn't expect them till late evening.

He last remembered popping the pills for the killer headache.

What was he trying to remember?

Cynthia. O' his mouth went o'

But what are David and Martha doing here?

Oh shit! This was their home.

He looked around the surroundings that looked a little foggy, the remnants of the migraine.

"You F##ker what are you doing here?" Mr. David who was wobbling like he stood on a floor ball. "So my daughter is f##king you. I can get some money for that," he said angrily "a man needs his booze"

He stretched again to reach to John's pocket but John dodged him easily.

He did have some money after returning from Japan but that didn't mean he could give it to some drunken man.

"Oh" Martha dismissed him "ignore him." She waved her hands kicking him on his ass lightly "go inside Kathie has hidden one of your bottles in the tank of her bathroom. Get it."

"How do you know bitch?" David spat.

"I smelled it you dog" she shouted back "since I am a bitch"

She smiled at John her eyes not moving "I watched her hide her" she smiled trying to wink but she was wasted "Look Kathie" she gulped "is not at home. I ..." she gulped again, her throat dry "I need medicines. Can you give me some money?"

When she saw indecision in his eyes she added "Kathie will return the money to you."

John did not want to, the lady looked weird but he'd stayed at their home uninvited. Could he say no?

'No need to give her any money" a loud and stern voice was heard and John was shocked to see this side of Kathie.

"Ah! my darling Kathie" her mom gushed "This friend of yours; such a gentleman" she cooed "was helping me buy my medicines.

"Your stock of medicine is full and in your cabinet. Now go inside." She commanded.

"Bitch" her mother cursed "Go F##k with him you whore" she said making Kathie close her eyes, her fists clenched tightly controlling herself.

Once out of sight Kathie turned to John "you said you'd leave in an hour"

"I am sorry" John stood and holding her fists in his hands unfolded them "I had headache, I did not realize when I dozed off till your dad..." he stopped. He couldn't say he caught her dad stealing money from his pocket and all the other bad things that a father should not tell about his daughter. He bit his tongue not wanting to spoil her already bad mood.

Now he knew why she wandered at Danny's most of the time.

She was running away from reality called her parents.

"You okay now?" she asked concern evident in her voice.

John chuckled. "You are worried about me?" he hugged her. "When your own life is a mess. How can anyone not like or love you?"

Kathie blushed redder than a tomato.

He Kissed her forehead 'Can I in anyway be of any help?" he asked although he knew

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