Chapter 14 Jealousy And Spying

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Chapter 14

Jealousy N Spying

John was more confused than ever. He did not know what could be the agenda.

If Wiesley wasn't aware of the importance of documents that he was carrying then why was he targeted to kill?

John checked the papers again "so this does not belong to you?" John asked and Wiesley denied immediately

"No" he shouted more aggressively than he could have.

John found something amiss.

He stood on his toes and looked square in the eyes of Wiesley "Do you remember minutes ago " he lifted his hand and folded them into fists "how I knocked you out?'

Wiesley nodded his voice choked out of fear

"I can do it again and this time it will more than simple knocking out" he made a loud shriek and attacked him.

Before John's fist could touch Wiesley's face Wiesley crossed his hands in front of his face "stop stop don't I will tell the truth this time.

Please don't hurt me." He now starting wailing like a baby "that was the reason I did not want to share my research with anybody but they assured I'll be safe" he cried "I am very intelligent I know but when it comes to physical strength. I cannot kill a bird neither am good at self-defense. Mom told me to take those taekwondo during high school but I couldn't, didn't want to waste my precious reading time" he cried loudly this time "I don't want to die." John huffed a little annoyed "you are not dying " he yelled "just help me to help you." he looked at him in the eye "JUST " he paused after every words to assure him of the sincerity "Tell. Me. The. Truth." He relaxed "I promise to help."

John hadn't seen such a pussy ever before but ironically and funnily he doesn't remember anything from before.

"Yes this was my chalked out plan of my country's defense and I was supposed to hand it over to the minister myself. We had conversed over mails. Nobody else knew about it other than me and the minister." He shook his head "I do not know how."

"Well you should better know that all these mails could be hacked especially when everybody around knows about your special nuclear innovation."

"Nuclear innovation?" Wiesley was shocked "I did not do any nuclear innovation."

John went on aggressively pulling his collar "listen kid you just promised you wouldn't lie to me."

"I am not lying." Wiesley said scared

"Then who is it?" John asked worried all of a sudden.

"That must be my batch mate." Wiesley admitted "he was also joining me to this summit but his father had a stroke last moment and he skipped the meet."

"Do you have his contact number?" John asked and when Wiesley cowered down further he asked, "Do you?"

Wiesley nodded

"Call him. Don't give me the contact number. Simply contact him and let me know if he is fine."

John fidgeted on his toes when Wiesley called up the fellow "hello" Wiesley said when the phone was received. John pulled the phone from him, pressed the mute button and instructed "don't tell him anything about the trouble here. Just be casual."

Wiesley nodded but John wondered if the trembling boy could manage the façade of being casual.

"Hey mate" Wiesley said once the phone was answered. "Just checking up on you"

"No worries"

"Your dad doing good?"

"Take care"

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