The Initials | Nanowrimo 2023

By StormieBlogger

8.9K 2.4K 4K

[Book 1 in the Displaced Angels Series] "You took the life of my best friend, made her life a living hell...s... More

The Initials
1| The Awakening
2| The Awakening
3| The Awakening
4| The Awakening
5| The Awakening
6| The Awakening
7| The Awakening
8| The Awakening
9| The Awakening
10| The Awakening
End Of Episode 1: The Awakening
11| Conquering The Flame
12| Conquering The Flame
13| Conquering The Flame
14| Conquering The Flame
15| Conquering The Flame
16| Conquering The Flame
17| Conquering The Flame
18| Conquering The Flame
19| Conquering The Flame
20| Conquering The Flame
End Of Episode 2: Conquering The Flame
21| Chaos Walking
22| Chaos Walking
23| Chaos Walking
24| Chaos Walking
25| Chaos Walking
26| Chaos Walking
27| Chaos Walking
28| Chaos Walking
29| Chaos Walking
30| Chaos Walking
End of Episode 3: Chaos Walking
32| Silver Oak Academy
33| Silver Oak Academy
34| Silver Oak Academy
35| Silver Oak Academy
36| Silver Oak Academy
37| Silver Oak Academy
38| Silver Oak Academy
39| Silver Oak Academy
40| Silver Oak Academy
End Of Episode 4: Silver Oak Academy
41| Freya Of Fury
42| Freya Of Fury
43| Freya Of Fury
44| Freya Of Fury
45| Freya Of Fury
46| Freya Of Fury
47| Freya Of Fury
48| Freya Of Fury
49| Freya Of Fury
50| Freya Of Fury
End of episode 5: Freya Of Fury
51| Submission To The Flame
52| Submission To The Flame
53| Submission To The Flame
54| Submission To The Flame
55| Submission To The Flame
56| Submission To The Flame
57| Submission To The Flame
58| Submission To The Flame
59| Submission To The Flame
60| Submission To The Flame
End of Episode 6: Submission To The Flame
61| The Uprising And The Orphans
62| The Uprising And The Orphans
63| The Uprising And The Orphans
64| The Uprising And The Orphans
65| The Uprising And The Orphans
66| The Uprising And The Orphans
67| The Uprising And The Orphans
68| The Uprising And The Orphans
69| The Uprising And The Orphans
70| The Uprising And The Orphans
End of Episode 7: The Uprising And The Orphans
71| Displaced Angels
72| Displaced Angels
73| Displaced Angels
74| Displaced Angels
75| Displaced Angels
76| Displaced Angels
77| Displaced Angels
78| Displaced Angels
79| Displaced Angels
80| Displaced Angels
End Of Episode 8: Displaced Angels

31| Silver Oak Academy

70 20 38
By StormieBlogger

Eventually the day arrives when Cloud finishes packing his essentials into boxes ready to be driven to the castle on the hill, having spent nearly the entire night rushing to get everything ready even after Mrs. Jefferson repeatedly reminded him that the first day of the summer programme was quickly approaching.

At the time he was too busy working on improving his manipulation over fire as well as attempting to study more Latin in secret. Both were a challenge, especially since Helel took it upon himself to withdraw from teaching him anything new, spending most of his time running around town doing god knows what to who.

Thankfully Hunter was there to fill in a few of the blanks, like the differences in male and female channelers; how the men are naturally gifted at channelling larger amounts of raw power but struggle with more intricate quick spells and enchantments whilst the opposite can be said about the women.

He also told him that usually channelers focus on one aspect of their power, either specialising in elemental manipulation or the art of spoken magic, with the most talented channelers usually but not exclusively juggling both.

That was news he was grateful to hear since he doesn't seem to be getting anywhere in the latter department of his abilities.

Cloud finishes packing the rest of his cardboard boxes into the tiny black car that appeared earlier in the day with the school's insignia, a silver phoenix, mounted onto the hood.

"Alright, I think that's everything." he declares, slamming the boot shut after managing to squeeze the rest of his stuff inside, rubbing his injured hands on the back of his jeans to avoid getting his favourite green jumper dirty.

"Make the right choices kid." Jonathan replies, leaning against the car with his arms crossed.

"Yes sir."

Mr. Jefferson's eyes flit towards the house before leaning in a little closer, lowering his grizzly voice even further. "Your mom wanted me to have a word about the birds and the bees but I'd rather spare us both the awkward conversation."


"We're still too young to be grandparents you hear."

"I got it, you don't have to worry." Cloud laughs airily, combing a stray curl out of his eyeline.

Mr. Jefferson pushes off the car, offering his hand, pulling his son into an unexpected hug. "Be safe."

"John, let go of the boy. You're cutting off his air supply." Amy teases, tapping her husband on the shoulder, knowing that there isn't a soul with a softer touch than him. "Your father has never really been good at saying goodbye."

"That's strange. He's usually jetting off somewhere in his fire truck. Feels like I'm always saying goodbye to him." Cloud jokes, stumbling backwards after Mr. Jefferson pushes him away. "You guys probably won't miss me much. You'll have the whole house to yourself and everything."

Amy takes her chance to hug Cloud, whispering her sweet reply into his soft head of hair. "We already do."

"You guys do know I'll be back on weekends right?"

"You better." she mutters, eventually letting go so that Helel can have a private moment with Cloud, the couple taking their time to head inside.

It's only now that Cloud realises that the height difference between himself and Helel isn't that much different and it has in fact been Helel's intimidating presence that always made him feel so small.

But now Helel can't even look into his green eyes or keep up his charade of false indifference. "The Fury is still out there so I've instructed Hunter to keep close. He'll be tailing your every movement but I doubt that'll be an issue for either of you."

"He's honest." Cloud remarks slyly. "It's refreshing."

Helel smirks, producing a shiny black box from his pocket. "I'm sure."

"Is that for me?"

Helel nods his head, placing the smooth box in his hands, his touch lingering as if considering if he should go through with it.

"What is it?" Cloud inquires, shaking it next to his ear but unable to hear any sound coming from within.

"How about you open it and find out." Helel offers, playfully rolling his eyes.

Cloud does as instructed, opening the box to find a black dragon design tungsten Viking ring with an intricate golden design engraved into its circumference.

He takes the ring out and slips it on his finger, inspecting it a little closer in the light as the black metal warms up where it comes in contact with his skin.

"It's beautiful."

"It's a Flamestone. It'll generate fire for you to channel which will be faster and simpler to use over Creation magic."

That was something Cloud had discovered himself which is why he spent the last few days training with his silver lighter but Cloud can already tell that the Flamestone will be a lot more convenient moving forward.


The driver impatiently honks his horn, so Helel decides not to hold him up any longer.

Cloud walks towards the car, stopping when his hand grabs the door handle.

He has spent weeks dreaming of this moment, dreaming of taking his first steps at discovering the truth for himself, he should be more excited but instead it turns out he isn't as ready to leave as he first thought.

A small part of him is stuck in this place, potentially a part of him that he will never get back once this is all over.

Cloud looks back at the house, catching the smallest shift in one of the curtains, deciding to leave before they can catch him looking back a second time.

During the car ride to the Academy, Cloud tries to strike up conversation but his driver seems more interested in getting rid of him as soon as possible.

When they finally arrive at the black gates, Cloud notices that there are a bunch of other identical cars already parked up. Teams of four unload each vehicle, looking like a marching band of ants heaving the heavy luggage of the other students up the steps leading to the entrance.

Cloud narrowly avoids bumping into a literal golden chest being brought in before strolling through the empty halls of South Silver Oak Academy, checking out a few of the pictures on the wall as he passes by, noticing how some of the images move like living pictures.

He walks in relative silence with only the sound of his shoes scuffing against the shiny floors keeping him company.

The only time he stops is to take a quick peek at the common room, peeking through the crack in the door, catching sight of a giant tapestry-like image where the figures dance around the image like inky phantoms.

With everyone missing, he assumes they must have been taken into the main hall, vaguely remembering his way there which leads to him spending at least two extra minutes finding the same double doors as before.

The heavy doors groan as he pushes them apart, resulting in a sea of heads to turn on him all at once, completely obliterating his plans of slipping in unnoticed.

"Perfect, just on time." The Professor cheers, beckoning him forth. "Come, come, right to the front."

Cloud avoids catching the eyes of the seated students, picking out random details in order to calm his nerves as he fails to find a friendly face amongst them.

Blonde. Blue shoes. Glasses. Earrings. Acne.

When he looks at the Professor he can't help but notice he isn't wearing his usual getup, dressed in a tailored black suit, a white shirt and grey waistcoat, replacing his gloves and cane for a golden watch instead.

Cloud joins the line of five students, recognising only one and that would be the scary guy with the bionic arm.

He wonders if they were late too but he's sure that isn't the case when they all look so polished in their presentation.

"And I have chosen Cloud Jefferson as the final Head Acolyte, representing the first year students of the fire faction."

The two sides of the room clap politely at the announcement, clearly drained after having to do the same six times over but the announcement hits Cloud like a tonne of bricks, wondering if this is a gift or a punishment.

Cloud scratches his head, looking around the room, trying to figure out if he heard right or if he's begun losing his mind all over again. "Excuse me? What just happened?"

Elijah politely taps Cloud on the back, being the very first person to give his congratulations. "Welcome to Silver Oak Academy, rule number one, never show up late."

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