𝘠𝘖𝘜𝘛𝘏 ― apply fiction

By PastelCutieUwU

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51 9 64
By PastelCutieUwU

hey hey hey. I did it. 

i updated. can you believe this???

and guess what. Im gonna update freaks next 

this chapter was somewhat rushed and of course trash 

because im the ceo of being trash 🤠🥵😎

anyways,, enjoy the chapter you lovely peeps 

P.S i didn't edit because I'm lazy 


"..f-fuck.." Aiden muttered. Before he knew it, Casper's fist made contact to his head, causing a chain reaction of pain throughout his whole body.

Everything was happening so quickly. The world was spinning, his vision blurring. Casper striked his jaw, a sick feeling passing over him.

"You killed him! My best friend! You really are like your father! You're exactly like him!" Casper spewed, tears in his eyes.

Aiden's hands shook with every word he said. "I..didn't mean to....my..anger.."

"Your anger?! Bullshit!" Casper yelled, "Hayden was all I had! And you killed him!"

"Guys...." Caleb said softly, too quiet for anyone to hear him.

"You're gonna pay for that! You're...you're gonna regret killing him!" Casper exclaimed. Ellie grabbed Casper's wrist, trying her best not to accidentally get hit by him.

Ellie spoke soothing words into his ear while Scott took Casper's other wrist, practically dragging him away from Aiden

"GUYS!!" Caleb screamed, finally getting the attention of his fellow demigods. Caleb leaned over the cliff, everyone's eyes glued to his hands.

"What is.." Sawyer whispered.

Caleb's hands glowed a bright blue light, emitting a type of fog. Caleb's biceps straightened as if he was trying to pick up something heavy.

And then it hit them.

"You're...he's not dead!" Yukari said with a slight jolt, rushing over to Caleb's side. She peeked over the cliff to see Hayden's body, inches from the ground. Surrounding his body was the same blue light that they all saw on Caleb's hands.

Tears filled his eyes, he was beginning to feel weaker and weaker. He couldn't do it. No— he had to do it. Caleb gathered all the strength he could to lift Hayden's unconscious body back to where they were.

He could hear someone yelling in the distance; It was probably Casper, or Angeles telling Casper to shut up. Whoever it was, he couldn't focus with them.

"Whoever is screaming their head off, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop!" Caleb yelled back towards them, now being able to focus on his tasks. Beads of sweat rolled down the sides of his face. Everyone he knew who used Magic seemed to do it so easily, so how come he couldn't do it like them?

Caleb could feel his muscles straining with the pressure, but he knew this wouldn't last for long. Within seconds, the pressure seemed to be disappearing. Before he knew it, the bright blue light seemed to be getting brighter as Hayden was brought onto the surface of the cliff. Everyone rushed over to himself, noticing the bright red cuts that grossly decorated his entire face.

Yukari was the first to get to him, immediately examining his face. "He must've hit something when he was falling...a rock?.." she mumbled to herself.

Caleb looked around at everyone, meeting eyes with Swayer. A smile spread across her face and she ran towards him, bringing him into a hug.

It was the exact moment, when he realized what he had just done. He had just done something amazing. "Holy crackerdoodle.." he said quietly, she laughed, "I did that, right? I just did that??"

Swayer nodded. "Don't celebrate just yet— but yes, you did. You did that"

Caleb smiled brightly at Swayer, the same smile he had plastered onto his face the whole trip. Caleb looked around the faces of his group, his eyes meeting with Aidens. His smile turned into a frown.

Caleb pulled away from the hug, walking over to him. Aiden seemed to flinch, which was weird to him.

why was all Caleb asked. He didn't need to ask anything else , but why.

Aiden looked down at the floor in shame. "I don't know. I don't want to be my father"

Caleb looked over at Scott and gave him a helpless look. Yeah, he might've just saved a demigods life. But somehow, he was sad. He felt bad for Aiden.

Scott cleared his throat, "is..is he okay?"

"Who? Hayden?" Casper asked, "barely fucking alive!"

"Okay we get it, you're upset and angry but there's no reason to start fucking cussing and yelling!" Lilian snapped.

Casper looked stunned, "isn't that what you're doing right now?!"

Amaranth rolled her eyes, "will the both of you quit it?"

a loud groan could be heard from Lilian as Ángeles strided towards her. Ángeles softly put her hands on Lilian's waist, "you need to take a chill pill. Go sit down next to Raelyn while we figure this shit out"

"Are they.." Swayer whispered, "..I think they are"

"Huh, didn't know that happened" Scott said, dumbfounded.

Lilian took one look at everyone before she roughly took Angeles' hands away from her waist, "don't touch me," she said harshly, stomping over to Raelyn who was sitting far away from everyone.

"This is fucking crazy" Angeles said, turning her full attention to Scott, "you're the leader, what are we supposed to do now?"

"I'm glad you think of me as a lead-" Scott said but was rudely interrupted by Angeles.

Ángeles growled, "shut up or else I'll take it back"

Scott nodded. "A-Anyways..we're going to settle this with Aiden"

"Can i make a suggestion?" Azazel asked, "what if we let my brother live?? Ya know, I sometimes have the IQ of sloth and you see, if you just happened to leave my brother behind or worse kill him, you wouldn't get very far so what I'm trying to say is don't kill him, let him live. I know he can do better and if you decided to kill him you have to kill me too"

"You're seriously gonna believe this-?" Casper asked, "this is so stupid"

"I'll consider it," Scott replied, completely ignoring Casper.

"But they're the sons of hades? They could hurt us!" Stella said, walking over to Scott.

"After what happened , I don't think they will," Scott said.

Stella scoffed, "and how do you know of such a thing?"

"It sounds foolish to say this," Scott paused, "..but we have to trust him"

Stella looked confused with the whole situation, "so you're saying you trust them even after they almost killed someone and basically killed everyone in Camp Half-Blood. Camp half-blood was supposed to be a safe place! Yet, these..these maniacs got in and attacked! Everything feels like a lie!"

"Actually..that was my dad's plan..not ours.."Azazel said, getting a glare in response from Stella.

"I'm just trying to keep everybody safe, Scott," Stella said, looking into Scott's eyes with a sweet, yet seducing look.

Scott looked away from her, "we're going to keep Aiden with us, but his action will not be ignored. We are not Villains, we are demigods. Leaving him behind wouldn't be right. Our parents might've killed but we aren't like them. So, as your leader..Aiden stays" Scott announced.

Everyone went quiet. They could have protested. But was it really worth it? They knew, no matter how hard they protested; no matter how many reasonable facts they gave, Scott wouldn't change his mind. "So what are we supposed to do now?" Amaranth asked, breaking the silence that was begging to be broken.

"We stay here until Hayden is awake and 100% ready" Jackson said, looking around their surroundings. "We can camp here, can't we?"

"Maybe not so close to the cliff, but sure" Scott replied.

"And where will Hayden go?" Triston asked.

Yukari stood up from her spot next to Hayden, shoving some gauze and the other materials into a bag, "Thanks for the supplies Wren," Yukar whispered to Wren before she turned to face everyone, "he can stay with me and Raelyn. I can watch over him and with the help of Wren, he'll be fine"

"This sound fine to everyone?" Scott asked, glancing at Casper. Nobody said a word, "I guess that's a yes?"

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