Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexi...

By anikole

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Four months later it's May, time for Alex's birthday again, and she's out on tour with her brothers, and they... More

Prologue: Alex's Secret
Ch. 1: Hello Beautiful
Ch. 2: The Surprise Gifts
Ch. 3: A Little Fall of Rain
Ch. 4: The Secret's out of the bag...
Ch. 6: The Doctor visit...
Ch. 7: M&G and Carrying Alex?
Ch. 8: Don't Charge Me For The Crime
Ch. 9: Wrong Choice
Ch. 10: Be in the Way or A Burden
Ch. 11: love/miss you
Ch. 12: Big Sis for Real.....
Ch. 13: 1/3 Gets in trouble... w/o a prank first
Ch. 14: Back to work... again
Ch. 15: High/Lows/Exes
Ch. 16: black sheep?
Ch. 17: Snapped
Ch. 18: Peace/Love
Ch. 19: Who I Am
Ch. 20: F*ing Perfect
Ch. 21: Stay/Permanent Scar
Ch. 22: Shaking Off All of the Pain
Ch. 23: Finding the prefect wedding dress
Ch. 24: Say Yes to the Dress
Ch. 25: Sexy & We Know It
Ch. 26: bridesmaid dress shopping
Ch. 28: "I Do" :-D
Ch. 29: Party Time
Ch. 30: Just Dance with Me...
Ch. 31: I've Been Waiting For a Girl Like You
Ch. 32: flowers/garter
Ch. 33: Honeymoon/Sex
Ch. 34: The final Goodbye
Ch. 35: Honeymoon

Ch. 5: Pushing Me Away

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By anikole

AN: OKAY... here is the next part... Alex finally tells David and Mitchel her secret, but surpringly two more finds out about her secret and Alex's in big trouble... but first Alex asks Joe a really important question...


Chapter 5

            With Kevin and Dani in the backseat and Derek and Alex in front, they got to Denny’s and the gang was already there, and surprisingly Nick and Joe were all smiles seeing them pull up.

            Alex saw what Nick had in his hands. “No… not the blindfold again.”

            Kevin and Danielle laughs, “Come on sis.”

            “What’s so funny?” Derek asked.

            “We blindfolded her last year for her birthday,” Danielle told him.  “She hated it.”

            “Hey, at least it’s not stairs this time,” Kevin told her.

            “Ha ha,” Alex said dryly.

Derek parks the car, and Nick and Joe come over to open the door.

           “Come on Alex,” Joe said grabbing her arm to help her out and turns her around as Nick ties the blindfold on.

            “You know, it’s a restaurant.  I don’t need the blindfold.”

            “Where’s the fun in that?” Joe and Nick asked as once.

            Alex saw nothing but blackness as Joe and Nick help her over into the restaurant knowing that Derek, Kevin, and Danielle were not far behind.

           As they got inside, Nick and Joe stop, and then she feels the blindfold being removed, and when it was gone, she opens her eyes.


            Alex was surprised to see that the band, crew, and the family were there.  Even cast members from DWTS, and from Wizard of Waverly Place, and Mitchel and David’s family.

            Alex went around the room hugging everyone and thanking him or her for coming, she sees her cake, and saw that it was again a Jonas Brother’s cake.  She once again makes a wish, and the cake was handed out as others ordered meals.  Alex opened her gifts from everyone that brought a gift, and then everyone started to visit more.


Alex was watching Mitchel and David, and goes over to them while Kevin, Joe, and Nick watch her.

“Hey birthday girl,” Mitchel and David said and stands up to kiss her cheeks, as someone took a picture of it.

Alex laughs, “Thanks.  Um, could I talk to you two for a minute… alone?”

“Sure,” they said.

They excused themselves from the table, and Alex knew the best thing to do was to make sure no one saw them and her showing them her wrists.  They got a private booth with the blinds closed and no one to over hear them, and Alex asked that they would be left alone until they were done.

“So, what’s up?” David asked.

She studies her wrists while she sits there, and looks at them.  “I’m just going to show you.  Okay?  And if you have any questions after what you see I’ll answer them.  Um, first off, mom, dad, and Frankie don’t know.  My brothers, Dani, and Derek do.”

“What is it?” Mitchel asked puzzled on what Alex was getting at.

Alex then slowly pulls her wristbands off to show them the white tape.

She watches Mitchel and David’s faces go into shock seeing her wrists.

“Alex… why?” Mitchel asked reaching out to take one of her hands as David takes the other.

“How long has this been going on?” David asked.

Alex sighed, “It’s not repeatedly.  But, this is a third time.  You both know about the first.  The second was when dad called me worthless the day before the first concert night.  And this was this morning after no one told me happy birthday.”

“So this is attempt number three?” Mitchel asked.

“Yes,” Alex said nodding.

“That’s why you were all in your dressing room,” David told her.  “How did your brothers and Dani know?”

Alex tells them both how each brother and Dani knew, with Joe finding out last from Kevin and Nick, and what happened after Alex showed her brothers the cuts.

“Why would you do this to yourself Alex?” Mitchel asked shaking his head.

“I felt unloved,” Alex replies.  “No one said hi or Happy Birthday, or even a simple hug.”

“You are not unloved, and there’s proof right here and over there,” he points to him and David, and then in the back room where everyone else was.  “You could have killed yourself just by an accident you know.  What do we do then?  Your friends; your family?” he replies, kind of angry now. “Is this life too stressful for you?”

“Calm down…” David says to Mitchel touching his arms.

No,” Alex said letting the tears fall.  “I love performing.  I love you guys.  Just that when someone puts me down, I just was depressed, and then I thought that if I cut the pain would go away.”

            “We love you to Alex, but you have to promise us not to do this anymore,” Mitchel told her taking her hand.

            “I don’t want to see you get hurt,” David told her reaching over to hold her other hand.  “If you need us, we are here to help you get better.”

            “Get better for what?  Alex you have a party going on for you over there, why are you out here with David and Mitchel…”

            Alex looks up to see her mother coming over to their table, but before she could hide her hands under the table from her mother’s view, Denise saw the bandages.

            “Alexis… what’s going on here?” Denise asked, and grabs her phone and calls a number.  “Paul, could you please come up front please.”  She then hung up and looks at Alex.  “You better explain what is going on here young lady.”  Denise looks at the boys.  “Mitchel, David, could you please leave Alex and I alone please, and make sure that Paul comes up here too.”

            “Yes Mrs. J,” Mitchel told her as he and David start to get out of the booth.

            “David, please let the guys know,” Alex said to them with a worried look.

            “Sure thing,” he said noticing that Alex wanted her brothers to know that it was not going to look pretty out here.

            “They don’t need to know David, I’m sure that they know,” Denise said sitting down across from Alex.

            “No, just to tell them that we know what’s going on too,” Mitchel told her.

            “Go boys.”

            David and Mitchel walk off, and Paul comes out of behind the curtains as David points toward Alex and Denise for him.

            “Mom I…” Alex started.

            “Not until your father gets here,” she told her.

            Alex knew that she was in trouble.

            Paul reaches the table.  “What’s going on?  Alexis, it’s your party, you have guests.”

            “Paul, I think you’d like to see something,” Denise said moving over for Paul to sit down.  She looks at Alex.  “Start explaining and you better show your father.”

            Alex nods putting her hands back onto the table showing them her wrists, and starts from the beginning of asking Kevin to be her manager.


            Kevin was talking to Mitchel’s band when David reaches his side.  Kevin saw his worried face.

            “What’s wrong?” Kevin asked.

            “Your parents…” David started trying to get his words together.

            “What about them?”

            “Out front with Alex.  Your mom came to get us to go back after Alex talked to Mitchel and I, and she saw Alex’s wrists.”

            Kevin’s eyes widen. “Where is she?”

            “She’s up front.  Your mom said to not tell you, but knowing Alex…”

            Kevin nodded, and goes to find Joe and Nick.

            He spotted Nick talking to Selena as she saw Kevin’s face.  “Kevin what’s wrong?” she asked.

            Nick looks at Kevin, “We’re just talking, nothing else.”

            “No.  Mom and dad are out front with Alex talking about you know what.”

            Nick’s eyes widen, “Who told them?”

            “Mom saw Alex’s wrists while she was talking to David and Mitchel.”

            Nick looks at Selena, “Excuse me Selena.  I’ll be right back.”

            “Is everything okay?” she asked.

            “Ya, just something happened today, and it’s not going to be pretty if we don’t stop it,” Kevin told her.  “Tell David that I gave him permission to tell you what’s going on.”  He then left to go find Joe.

            Joe was talking to the band members when he saw Kevin and Nick’s faces.  “What’s wrong?”

            “We’ll explain, out front now,” Nick said as they went to the front and froze seeing mom and dad and Alex crying.

            “We’re too late,” Nick said softly as they went over toward them.


            Alex got done explaining what she had done.  Of course, she knew dad’s first reaction wasn’t going to be pretty, and mom was going to be judgmental.

            “How stupid are you?” Paul asked.

            Alex just sat there and cried.

            “Paul,” Denise said very stern.

            “I’m sorry, but our daughter is now a cutter.  What is she going to do next, drink, drugs, kill herself,” Paul told her.

            Alex didn’t say anything.  She heard footsteps coming toward the table.

            “Alex!  You are no longer aloud to do the rest of the tour.”

            “What?” she asked in shock.

            “Dad!” everyone said at once.

            “Paul, you can’t be serious,” Denise told him.

“You are going to stay here with David’s parents, and you will get help.  I want an update from you or David’s mother every day.”

            “But dad,” Kevin started.

            Paul looks at him, “You started this.”  He stands up and points at Kevin.  “If you didn’t tell her no, she wouldn’t be cutting.  My words are final.  She is staying here to get help.”  He looks at the family, “Now, we are going to enjoy this party, and then go back to the hotel.”  He looks at Alex, “You will pack your bags tonight and leaving with David until the doctor releases you.  If you do not clean up in two weeks, you will go to a mental institute until they say you can leave.”

            “Dad!” the kids said.

            “Paul!” Denise said.

            “End of decision.”  He then left.

            Alex just cries while shaking as Kevin sits down beside Alex and hugs her.  “It’s okay Alex.”

            Denise watches them.  “You know that he means every word.”

            “Mom, it’s only number three.  Talk to him please?” Joe asked.

            “We’re going to help her,” Nick told her.

            “I mean, she didn’t cut for two months until dad called her worthless the day before the first concert,” Kevin added.

            “It’s out of my hands.  I’m sorry.”

            “Then we stop touring too,” Kevin said seriously.

            “Ya, if Alex can’t tour with us, then we won’t finish the tour either,” Joe told her.

            “Now, you know that’s crazy.”

            “Until he changes his mind, we’re not going,” Nick told her.

            Denise sighs, “I’ll talk to him, but be ready to leave in the morning and Alex gets ready for David’s too.”

            Denise stands up, and looks at Alex, “I hope that you never ever cut again.”

            Alex nods as Kevin held her.

            Denise then goes back to the party.

            Joe and Nick sit down across from Alex and Kevin, and just watch and didn’t know what else to do, but just wait.


            After the party, and a fake smile from Alex, Denise took Paul back to the hotel as everyone stayed to clean up the room and tell everyone thank you for coming, and then they took the gifts back to the two cars, and heads to the hotel.  Joe, Nick, and Alex all went in Derek’s car as Kevin, Dani, and Mitchel went in David’s.

            “Why don’t you leave the gifts that you got with me Alex and then I’ll ship them to you when you get home,” Derek told her.

            “That would be a great idea,” Joe told her.  “Less stuff for you to deal with.”

            “Okay,” Alex told them.

            They noticed that Alex was really quiet since dad yelled at her hours ago.

            “It’s going to be okay Alexis,” Nick told her.

            She nods, “I know.”  She then cried, “No it’s not.  I don’t get to tour anymore… I have to go to this doctor and…”

            Once Derek pulled up outside the hotel, Joe got out of the car to get Alex out of the front seat and hugs her while she hugs him back and cries.

“I’m scared Joseph.”

“I know,” he told her.

            “I wish that I never did it at all.”

            Joe just held her as Nick and Derek got out also coming and hugging Alex.


            “We are going to talk Kevin Paul Jonas, Sr.”

            Paul and Denise were ready for bed when Denise came out of the bathroom last stares at Paul.

            “I’m not changing my mind.  Alex is done.”

            “No, she will continue to tour with her brothers, or there is no tour ever.”

            “The boys can’t stop touring; they have a show tomorrow night.”

            “Well, since you stopped Alex, the boys aren’t performing either.  They told me that they refuse to perform until Alex does the show tomorrow night.”

“They’re going to perform tomorrow night weather they like it or not,” he tells his wife.

“You can’t make them do it Paul, and I agree.  If you pull Alex off this tour, it will make her much worse than she is.  Didn’t you listen to her at all?  Or did you jump at her when you had the chance.  Because from what I heard, our daughter needs a family, but I’m not sure you heard that,” Denise shakes her head.

“What do you want me to do?  I have to punish her some how?”

“They’re not babies anymore Paul.  Frankie is our baby.  They are all adults.  Kevin and Danielle got their house finally; Joe is starting to look around here for a place.  Next Nick is going to want to move out.  Alex will be getting married to Derek.  We have to plan that again with her too.  So that huge house is going to be down to just three of us.  Then what?”

            Paul didn’t say anything.

            “So, I go tell our daughter that she does sing tomorrow night, or I call and cancel the whole show and disappoint the millions of girls’ hearts because the Jonas Brothers’ boss won’t let them perform because of what their sister did and as punishment they refuse to perform without Alex?”

            “I’m going to sleep on it,” Paul said and went to sleep.

            Denise sighed, went to bed, but before she went to sleep she sent four text messages out.

            To: Kevin, Joe, Nick, Alex: He’ll think about it.


            Joe agreed to stay with Alex that night while Nick went to stay with Frankie.

            Alex took a warm shower to clean up, with the bathroom door open, but Joe knew not to do anything stupid, just to be on the safe side.

Joe took the bandages off of her wrists and then he would check and maybe let the air get to them that night to heal.

Alex gets done, and in five minutes, she comes out in her pajamas drying her hair and sees Joe was sitting up reading a book.

“I thought you’d go to sleep,” she asked him.

He looks at her, “Not until you are in my arms and sleeping.  I’m not taking any chances.”

She nods, “I get it.”  She goes back to the bathroom and grabs the kit that she had in there and put the towel up, and goes back to the side of the bed that Joe was on, and she hands him the kit.

            “So, how bad do they look?” Joe asked her.

            She shows him her wrists.  “I tried not to soap them up, but…” she bites her lip.

            “What happened?” he asked.

            “The shampoo…”

            “Ooo,” Joe said making a face.  “That does sting.  Why don’t we clean them up and see if we can let the air get to them tonight.  Then in the morning we’ll tape them up if need too.”

            She nods as she hands him a washcloth, and he starts to clean them and take care of them carefully.

            Alex watches Joe focus on his task at hand, and she smiles at him.  Joe looks up and sees her smiling at him.

            “What?” he asked with a smile back.

            “Just thinking about something.”


            Alex smiles, “Joseph?”

            He smiles more, “Alexis.”

            “Joe, can we talk?”

            “You’re talking to me right now, and I’m sitting here,” he chuckles with a smile.

            Alex sighed, “I wanted to ask you was… where to place you in my line.”

            Joe looks up at her.  “What is it Alex?”

            She reaches over with the hand that he wasn’t cleaning, and she takes his chin to look at her, “Joseph, would you please do the honor of being second in line of my men-of-honor?”

“Oh, Alex.  I would love too,” Joe smiled bigger.  “Why second?”

“It’s just that…it’s hard.  I don’t want to show favorites up there, and I’d like to have Kevin and Dani to stand together, and with you and Nick as the first since we have gotten closer more… I just didn’t want you to be upset of being second in line between Nick and Kevin.”

Joe smiles, “Alex, I don’t care where you have us stand.  I would be honored to be up there either way you have us.”

Alex didn’t care about her wrists that she hugs him and he hugs her back.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

They heard both of their phones going off, and Joe picks his up as he hands Alex hers.

“It’s from mom,” Alex said as she opens it.

Joe nods, “Dad will have an answer in the morning.”

“What does that mean?” Alex asked.

Joe smiled, “Mom talked to dad for us… for you.”

Alex smiles.  “So that’s good news?”

“Yep,” he smiled.

Alex tried not to cry again as Joe finishes cleaning them up, and decides to put a thin strip of bandage around the cuts and see if that would work with just tape around the edge and not over the bandage so air can flow through the bandages.

Joe and Alex finished cleaning up, got into the bed; Joe reached over to turn the lamp off and Alex cuddles up to Joe.

“Goodnight Joe,” she told him.

“Goodnight Alex.  I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Joe and Alex smiled falling asleep.


AN: So... what do you think Paul is going to do... or say... and how sweet that Alex asked Joe to be in the middle of her brothers and why... So what do you think is going to happen next... COMMENT/VOTE/FAN  THANK YOU!!!!!!

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