Ch. 4: The Secret's out of the bag...

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AN: Sorry been a long day... here is the next chapter...

Kevin knows, does Nick and Joe find out about the secret that Alex is hiding from them... and how are they going to react to it all?


Chapter 4

Joe and his brothers walked into their dressing room as Joe was smiling because it was another great night, surprising Alex on stage, and then his sister getting the biggest gifts ever.  Her very first Multi-Platinum World Wide plaque and then Derek’s pops the question.  Nothing else could make it better.

Joe then looks at Kevin and Nick, as they were really quiet watching each other while they were cleaning up before they left.

“Okay, did you two get mind reading superpowers or something because I want it too,” Joe said trying to make them smile.  “Come on.  It’s Alex’s birthday.  We gave her the greatest gifts ever.  She’s got her very first M.P. plaque; she’s getting married to a really great guy… hopefully the right guy this time.  We should be happy.”

“We are happy for her, but we are also disappointed in her,” Kevin said getting mad.

Nick nods, “I just can’t fucking believe it,” he told Kevin as he takes his shirt off, and throws it in a corner so hard that he almost ripped his pump off.

“Neither can I Nick.  Neither can I,” Kevin shook his head in disappointment while also changing clothes.

Joe looks at his brothers with a very confused look.  “What are you two talking about?” he asked.

“Joe, did you not notice the way she was acting on stage tonight with us?” Nick asked trying not to lose his temper.

“No she seemed normal… a little jumpy, but nothing major,” Joe replied.

            “God Joe, are you fucking blind?  She was only jumpy when we came close to her wrists…” Kevin yelled losing his temper, “She is cutting again!”

Joe’s eyes widen, “What?  She promised us that she wouldn’t cut... ever!”

“She cut both wrists,” Nick said.  “There is white underneath the wristbands that she wears.”

Joe plopped down onto the couch in their room too shocked to say anything.  “Have you noticed them before?  Why hadn’t we seen them before?”

“I don’t recall anything the last few days,” Nick told them.  “So I know that it’s not done daily.”

“The tape seemed fresh,” Kevin noted, “So she had to have done it sometime today before the show.”

Nick nodded in agreement.  “I don’t know about you Kev.  But she knows that I saw them when she and I were singing.”

“I saw them while she was hugging Joe during the ‘birthday video’ we made for her,” Kevin told Nick.

“Then why didn’t I spot them tonight?  Because if you two did, why not me?”

“I don’t know.  She has worn the wristbands before at each show to wipe the sweat off,” Nick told him.  “So I’m more worried of how long has it been going on, and we just noticed them tonight?”

Joe stands up, “Then, let’s go talk to her about it.”  He was now ready to snap.

            “We’re right there with ya brother,” Kevin told him ready to go.

Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin