Ch. 14: Back to work... again

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AN: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter 14

As soon as that door shut the screaming erupted, with obvious crying. Alex and Derek made up that bunk for Kevin while changing clothes, and then slipped off the bus, leaving them to argue.

"I feel really bad," Alex told Derek as they walked around to see they were at the venue and headed inside with their passes on.

            "You didn't do anything," Derek said, "You just talked to Danielle, trying to explain why you had to mess with him, you had no idea it was going to this."

"I know.  I feel like I shouldn't have even bothered to come."

"Ali, don't start with that again," he said, "Kevin dug his own grave."

"No, not just Kevin, but everyone.  I should've just went back to Texas and stayed there when they got home."

            "Ali, my god, stop being such a drama queen," he said, "Just stop it. They all love you and you know what tour does to people, especially your family, everyone's stressed out."

            “Sorry,” she then storms off.

            "Alex!” he said, chasing after her, "Don't be like this; don’t be angry with me."

"I'm not."

"Then why are you storming off like this," he said trying to pull her into him.

"No one sees my point.  Yes I know in two more days this tour is over.  We can go back home and relax and enjoy our company."  She smiled, "And finally plan our wedding."

            "I do see it Alex," he said, “You thought coming back here would make everyone happy, but you feel like its only making things worse.  I get it, but if they are freaking you out, and then let's just concentrate on us, and when we get home, we'll start planning our wedding. Okay?" He kisses her lips. "Agreed?"

            She kisses back.  "Okay."

            "I can't wait to call you Alexis Hough," he whispers draping his arms over her shoulders.

            "I like the sound of that."

            They stand there making out for a few as they hear someone clear their throat.

            Alex and Derek stop and they see Joe and Nick standing there smiling.

            “Good morning,” Nick said.

            “Morning,” Alex smiled.

            “Since you had our sister all night, could we have her for a few?” Joe asked.

            “Sure, as long as I get her back, and I tag along with you,” Derek told him.

            “Hey, I’m not a toy,” Alex told them.

            “NO you’re not a toy," Joe said, "But you are a very prized possession...."

            “Is that a good thing or a bag thing?" she asked.

            “It's a good thing," Nick said smiling, "Means your priceless."

            She smiled. "Thanks." She looks down at the ground. "So, does this mean I'm performing tonight, or not because it'll mess up the timing again.  Because I really don't feel like performing."

Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin