Ch. 12: Big Sis for Real.....

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AN: So what happens next????


Chapter 12

Alex was in a car on her way toward the venue that her brothers were performing tonight. She was finally smiling and able to talk again. She looks over at her friend that took great care of her.

“Thank you.”

Mandy looks over and smile. "You're welcome. I can't believe that you went into hiding from them, but hey you didn't want to burdened them and pressure them. I am so excited to see them. Are you ready to see them, and surprise them?"

“I'm nervous; Rob wants me to surprise them on their song..." Alex told her.

Mandy laughed, "That would so surprise them. Do it!"

“I don't rap Mandy, I sing," she said, laughing

Surprisingly Mandy drives and Alex watches her as she reached up get the boys CD out, and soon it was in the CD player and playing in the car. "Now, you have time."

Alex groaned, "I was trying to get out of it. Damn you for being so loyal."

She smiled. “Hey give the fans the greatest night ever and giving three brothers a heart attack."

“Good point," she said.

“They say BIG ROB and it's their sister, Joe will piss himself. Maybe I should tell Rob to have him wear an extra layer." Mandy started laughing.

Alex starts laughing too, "We might want to get a box of depends instead."

Alex and Mandy busted up laughing holding her sides.

As the girls pulled up to the arena, Alex got her sunglasses and hat on. She didn't want ANY fans to see or recognize her.

Alex called Rob as they headed inside.


“Hey, Mandy and I are here?”

“Awesome, the ticket booth knows what to do, and you know how to get back here. You two got your passes?"

Alex looks at their passes, "Yep."

“Great. See you soon. Call if you have issues."

“You got it Rob," she said, hanging up. It was tricky getting through the fans, but they made it back to the gate for backstage, where Rob was waiting. He led the girls back to the room that would be for Alex.

“Now, Don't come out, till I say so," he said.

“And you're not telling dad or mom right?" she asked.

“No, Alex," he said, "I have my orders. I work for you guys remember? I know better than to cross a Jonas."

She hugged him. "It's great to see you again Rob."

He lifted her up off the ground and kissed her forehead, "You too."

She smiled, "I'll change into my outfit for the song."

"Okay, I'll let you guys be," he said, and walked out.

Alex turned around after he shut the door and looked at Mandy. "It's show time."

“Yay!!!!!!" she said, squealing.  Alex shushed her and laughed, getting her stuff together.


Alex was finally ready, she got her clothes on for the finally song, and Mandy did her hair up into a ponytail.

Soon, a few hours later, Alex’s phone rang.  “Okay.  They are singing, it’s time for you to come out.”

Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now