Utaite OneShots [On Hold]

By xKatzecchi

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Welcome to my collection of Utaite OneShots~ I just don't know where to put my huge amount of love for these... More

Requests here!
Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田
🎈 Mafumafu//まふまふ 🎂
🎈 Soraru//そらる 🎂
🎈 Shima//志麻 🎂
🎈Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田 🎂
🎈 nqrse //なるせ 🎂
🎈 UraSaka//うらさか 🎂
🍋 SoraNaru//そらなる 🍋
🎈 Sou//そう 🎂
EveSou//いぶそう [Part 2]
🍂🎃 [1st] Shima//志麻 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🎈 [2nd] Senra//センラ 🎂🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [3rd] nqrse//なるせ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🎈 [4th] AraNaru//あらなる 🎂🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [5th] Uratanuki//うらたぬき 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [6th] Geychan//げいちゃん 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [7th] Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [8th] AmaKuro//あまくろ 🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [9th] luz//ルス 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [10th] AmaTomo//あまとも🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [11th] ShimaSen//しまセン 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [12th] UraSaka//うらさか 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [13th] Mafumafu//まふまふ & nqrse//なるせ 🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [14th] EveSou//いぶそう 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [15th] Soraru//そらる 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [16th] Amatsuki//天月 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [17th] SoraSaka//そらさか 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🎈 [18th] Mafumafu//まふまふ 🎂🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [19th] un:c//あんく 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [20th] Neru//neru_sleep 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [21st] AraNaru//あらなる 🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [22nd] Rib//りぶ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [23rd] Eve//いぶ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [24th] Meychan//めいちゃん 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [25th] S!N//しん 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [26th] SoraMafu//そらまふ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [27th] Araki//あらき 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [28th] SoraKuro//そらくろ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [29th] Kranku//くらんく🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [30th] HikiFes//ひきフェス 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [31st] XYZ 🍂🎃
🎈 Soraru//そらる 🎂
Headcannons ~Natsu Matsuri//夏祭り~
Pocky Day Imagines! 🍡🍩
🍋 ShooNaru//しゅなる 🍋
🍋 UraSaka//うらさか 🍋
🎈 Shima//志麻 🎂
🎈 Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田 🎂
🍋 KettaS!N//けったS!N 🍋
🎈 nqrse//なるせ 🎂
🎈 Meychan//めいちゃん 🎂
💕 Valentine's Day Imagines 💕
💕 Natsushiro Takaaki//夏代孝明 💕
🍥🎉 nqrse's harem (?) //なるせのハレム 🍥🎉
Reading Night #1 - Natsushiro Takaaki//夏代孝明
Reading Night #2 - Sou//そう
Reading Night #4 - 🍋 AraNaru//あらなる 🍋
Reading Night #5 - Mafumafu//まふまふ
Reading Night #6 - 🍋 NatsuEve//なついぶ 🍋
🎈 Shoose//しゅーず 🎂
🎈 Colon//ころん 🎂
🎈 Nanamori//ななもり。🎂
Just an annoucement

Reading Night #3 NanaSato//ななさと

215 13 13
By xKatzecchi

The AraNaru smut is taking a little longer, so take this one first!

Nanamori x Satomi x Reader (Triangle)

"Since your new album is drawing close we need to hold meetings from today on to discuss the last details. I hope it won't interfere with your schedules."

"Why are you so formal, (Y/N)? We're all friends, aren't we?"

"But I'm your manager-"

"Your Naa-kun's and Satomi's childhood friend, it's weird if you're this formal."

(Y/N) sighed.
She already gave up on making them understand.

"Alright, alright. Just pay attention at the meeting, okay?"

The 6 members nodded with a smile, (Y/N) humming in satisfaction.

"Well then, the first thing is..."


"Ahhh, I'm tired...!"

"Already? You're free at least, I still have to work.", the female mocked Satomi's complaining.


"We'll help you and then we'll go home together.", Nanamori added.

"Does 'home' mean your place?"


The (H/C) laughed, recalling that they've been meeting up at his place often lately.

(Y/N), Nanamori and Satomi were indeed best friends, knowing each other since their childhood.
As far as they remember they've always been together, through happy and tough times.
Eventually, when Strawberry Prince was formed, she naturally became their manager - no questions asked.
But, since a few years ago, something seemed to change between them...

It was only yesterday that they gathered at the younger male's place, spending their time with gaming and talking until the mentioned decided to change their relationship with just a few actions.


Mori had lost a round of the game they played, so Satomi was cheering about his win, telling the younger how bad he was at gaming.
The latter grinned and moved closer to the pink-haired.

"Should I give you a present for winning, then?"

Before the elder could have reacted the younger already smashed his lips onto his, pulling him closer.
Satomi was shocked, didn't make any afford to stop his friend, though.

(Y/N) was surprised at what she saw.
She always knew there was something going on between them but she didn't expect to witness it in front of her eyes.


"What, do you think she's getting jealous?"


It was true, she had always liked her tall friend, ever since they were little.
Satomi was the one protecting her, but Mori was the one who showed her love and affection.

She really admired both of them.

"Come here."

The girl did as wanted and moved over to their side, Nanamori placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Why were you so aggressive with me and so gentle with her!?"

The younger ignored the comment snd caressed (Y/N)'s cheek.

"... I love you, (Y/N). Just as much as I love Satomi. What do you think about that?"

She was speechless-
Although she expected something like this.

"I-I... I really like you, too..."

"Then you have two boyfriends now, congratulations!"

Satomi looked sceptic.
He knew (Y/N) only loved his friend and not him, she surely wouldn't have been interested in having them both as boyfriends.

"... Okay. Let's do it."

Both males were surprised, but in the end, all of them were happy with this kind of relationship and didn't mind each other's company.

They were still best friends, after all.

They went to sleep after that, and when they woke up the next morning, Nanamori was gone, leaving (Y/N) and the pink-haired alone together in bed.
Their legs were tangled and her head was laying on his chest, his heartbeat very audible to her ears.

The girl startled awake and woke the male with her surprise, too, his confusion also obviously visible.

"What... Where's Naa-kun?"

"I-I don't know..."

It was an awkward situation.
They knew they weren't really in love with each other (or at least so they thought at first), but since they were in a relationship, they might has well have acted like it.

So (Y/N) leaned down, pressing a kiss onto the elder's lips.

"Good morning."

The latter was surprised, didn't mind the kiss though and returned it with a smile.

"Good morning."

"Are you still in bed?", Nanamori called out of the bathroom.

He stepped into the living room, catching the couple as they lean in for another kiss.

"W-We just woke up!"

Their cheeks were both bright red, amusing the younger male.

"Then get up, breakfast is almost ready."

The two jumped up, ate breakfast, got ready and went alltogether to work.

                     Flashback end

"Okay, I have to get some books from the library."

"We'll accompany you and help you carry them, then."

"Thanks, Naa-kun."

"What a pain...", Satomi sighed, still following his friends.

When they arrived at the library, the female told then what books she was looking for and they all started searching.
Together, like in old times.

"That's nostalgic... You always helped me search for books back then, be it for school or own purposes."

"Because you would have never found them alone, haha."

They laughed, reminiscing about the past.
Eventually, after they found everything, they leaned against the shelfs and continued talking.

"I'm really glad I have you two."

"Aw, don't be so dramatic now!", Satomi laughed, lifting (Y/N) up and swaying her around.
(Y/N) tried to laugh along but her feet not touching the ground took all her thinking and replaced it with fear.


Tears were starting to roll down her cheeks as she tried to stop him with her trembling voice.

"Satomi, she's afraid of heights!", Nanamori interfered, recalling past events into the other males mind.

"Fuck, I forgot..."

The pink-haired set her trembling body onto the floor, apologizing over and over.

"I-I was so scared, I-"

"I-I'm so sorry... I'm sorry-! P-Please forgive me!", he stuttered and ran out of the library.


"Oh god, he probably h-hates me now... I'm so sorry, my fear is so irrational... He's probably feeling bad..."

"Yes, I bet he's devastated over the fact he hurt you..."

"It wasn't that bad-! I-I'm sorry... I have to apologize to him..."

"You can do that tomorrow, you should rest for now."


"Come on, I'll take you home."

((A/N: Never make fun of other's fears just because you don't know how they feel!))


The next morning (Y/N) woke up feeling even worse than the day before.
After Nanamori left her she thought about the right way to apologize to her friend for being weak and for making him feel bad, even though it was her fault.
She got ready and went to work, but what awaited her there ruined everything.

"Good morning, Naa-kun."

"Ah, (Y/N)..."

As they started a conversation (Y/N) felt Satomi pass by her, without paying her even one glance.


"(Y/N), I have something to tell you..."

His voice wasn't as joyful as usual and his usually sparkling violet eyes also lost their shimmering.

"What is it?"

"... We'd like to exclude you from our coming meetings."

"... What? But I'm your manager!"

"I'm sorry..."

"What is the reason for this!?"

"I can't tell you right now..."

"... I see. Well then, I'll be going home for today."


The (H/C) ran away, taking the fastest way home again.

What she didn't see were their good intentions, since they wanted to use the meetings to plan a surprise party, her birthday nearing.
Telling her would have ruined everything so the purple-haired had to keep quiet.

As the aforementioned was about to go after her, Satomi, who listened to the whole conversation, ran past him, doing his best to catch up to the female.

When he saw her running into the elevator, he jumped into it after her, the doors immediately closing behind them.

"Please don't jump in the elevator, it could drop..."

"You were afraid of that, too, right... I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry for being afraid all the time..."

"That's not what I-"

Before Satomi could continue he got interrupted by a loud rattling and the elevator coming to a halt.

"Wh-What happened?", the female stuttered, fealing her fears coming up again.

"I think we're stuck..."

"Oh god..."

She sunk to her knees, breathing unevenly.

"Shhh, it's okay, I'm here..."

He kneeled down in front of her, trying to take her fears and comfort her as best as possible.
He hated seeing her like this, vunerable and close to her tears.
It shattered his heart into pieces.

Yes, he had always liked her, from the beginning.
He was always watching over her, finishing off everyone that dared try to harm her.
Yet, her eyes have always been only on his best friend.
Satomi knew they liked each other and wanted them to be happy, so he supported their affection towards each other and held his own feelings back.
But now that she was in front of him, scared and technically finally his girlfriend, he couldn't hold back anymore.

He rushed to hug her, holding her close in his arms.
The warmth calmed her down a little bit and she stopped crying.

"I'm so sorry for what I've done at the library. I'm so sorry for hurting you. I'm so sorry for running away. I'm so, so sorry..."

"I should be the one saying sorry...! I didn't want to hurt your feelings, I didn't want you to feel bad... I'm sorry for being a coward..."

"You're not a coward. We all have our fears, no matter what they are. And... No matter how you are, I... I love you. I always did and I always will. A-As much as I love Naa-kun..."

The elder muttered the last words, looking away with a blush.

Confessing was more embarrassing than he thought.


His words touched her, evoking feelings in her that she had long buried.
She, too, did love him, although she never noticed until now.
She loved them both, ever since their childhood.
Any now they were finally together.

"Satomi, I... I love you too...!"


"Yes, of course you idiot! I thought you just agreed to this because of Naa-kun."

"Well, I thought it was the same for you..."


A moment of silence hung above them before they broke out into laughter, subsiding the situation they were in.
As the elevator rattled another time, though, (Y/N)'s fears all came rising up again.

"P-Please, if we fall, hold me close."

"We won't fall. Can you call someone?"

The female nodded, getting out her phone and dialing Nanamori's number.

"(Y/N)!? Thank god, are you okay? Is Satomi with you?"

"He is."

"Where are you?"

"We're stuck in the elevator-"

The (H/C) interrupted herself, suddenly remembering what got her into the current situation.

She had a fight with Nanamori, why was she even talking to him?

She immediately hung up after realizing.

"Is he coming?"

"I don't know."

"... Okay. It's going to be fine, I promise."

A few minutes later Nanamori opened the elevator door, finding the two of them sitting on the floor.

"There you are... Are you okay?"

When he noticed how close they were, a smile formed on his lips.

"It seems like you two got closer, I'm glad."


(Y/N) didn't add anything.
She just wanted to go home.

"... (Y/N), can I talk to you?"

"Do that tomorrow. She needs to rest. I'll take her home."

Satomi helped her get up and went straight past his taller friend, not exchanging a single glance.


"... Can you stay?"

"We got work tomorrow..."

"We can go together. You can use my bath and I have spare clothes. Please..."

The male sighed, getting around to get in on the other side of the bed.
He threw one arm lazily around her waist, pulling the blanket over them with his other.

"And now sleep, you need to rest."

"I will!"

They slowly drifted off to sleep, close to each other, a comforting warmth engulfing them.


Day after day passed and (Y/N) almost didn't come into contact with any of the members anymore.
Since they told her to keep away from the meetings, she was working on other things, leaving no time to even talk to one of them.

Nanamori and Satomi decided that it's enough.

"We can plan her birthday after work hours, or even in a LINE chat! We can't keep her away anymore. She's part of SutoPuri, we're nothing without her."

The others agreed and so Nanamori tool over the task to bring her back since it was him who told her to stay away and he felt responsible for hurting her feelings.

"(Y/N)... Can we talk...?"

"I'm busy right now. Ask me again after work."

"O-Okay, sure..."


When it was finally after-work hours Nanamori got the female to listen to him and they decided to switch their location to a café, where they can talk in peace.
On their way to the place Nanamori took (Y/N)'s hand, intertwining them.

"What are you doing?"

"We're still together, right? It might not have seemed like it, but the days we didn't talk or saw each other at all... I missed you."

"... You had Satomi, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. And I'm happy being with him. But I'm more happy being with both of you.", he said while squeezing her hand.

Although she didn't want to admit it she, too, missed them more than anything else.
Working alone was hard and she couldn't stop thinking about spending time together again.
But then again- It wasn't her fault they didn't get to see each other anymore.

When they arrived at the café and sat down Nanamori immediately told her why he wanted to talk.

"Listen, we... We're really sorry about what happened. We definitely had a good reason for excluding you, but that reason is worth nothing if it means giving you up for it. I still can't tell you the reason right now, but eventually... Eventually you'll see."

"... Okay, it's fine. If you really had a reason for it I can accept it. Although I still wish it didn't happen..."

"Yes, I'm sorry... Will you come back?"

"I- ... I don't know. I'm busy with my other work."

"... I see. Then, I hope we can at least spend time together again."

"Definitely. Tomorrow at your place?"


The couple grinned, leaving the café and going hand-in-hand home together.


The next day everyone was eagerly waiting in the meeting room.

"Do you think she'll come back?"

"I hope so..."

When the door to the room opened, everyone's gaze immediately caught the (H/C) entering and their expressions brightened in an instant.

"You're back...!"

"Haha, I guess I am."

The younger ones were cheering, while Nanamori, Jel and Satomi just smiled at her.

"I'm sure she came back because of me."

"Hah? What are you talking about, Jel?", Colon complained.

"Well, maybe you didn't know, but, Sato-chan and Naa-kun may be her childhood friends, but (Y/N) and I are pretty close, too."

"Is that true!?"

"Haha, yeah. We hang out from time to time.", the girl sweat-dropped.

"Anyways! Let's start the meeting!"

Everyone got seated again and, while the manager was talking, her boyfriends each grabbed a hand of hers, squeezing it tightly under the table.
She smiled, knowing she was loved.

"... I'm back."

"Welcome home."


I finally wrote something a bit longer than usual fidbdkdnsl
Hope you appreciate it

I recently got into SutoPuri, so here you have some NanaSato! (And a bit Jel at the end, I love him)

The idea kinda came to me since I also have an abnormal fear of heights.
No, rather than just heights, I already get scared when my feet don't touch the ground.
It's really been tough in some situations like PE class, where I risked getting an F because I couldn't do a handstand or at my internship where I couldn't climb a ladder to put away slme stuff.
Anyways, no matter how harmless and idiotic a fear might seem to you, try to understand how the person feels and how they have to suffer instead of blaming them!

That's all from me, next oneshot is AraNaru smut!
See you soon!!

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