-Always play- ||| Spinel x Re...

By LocalHoodlum_Mel

67K 1.8K 2.6K

Spinel will be more soft and sweet in this story, due to her change of heart. She will also have bad separati... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
-Chapter 3-
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
-Chapter 6-
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
-Chapter 9-
Chapter 10
Facts about dating Spinel! And other stuff!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12- Friday pt. 1
Chapter 13- Friday pt. 2
Chapter 14- Friday pt. 3
Chapter 15- Friday pt.4
Waiting Gift
~!!CHAPTER 16!!~
The Beginning of the End (Chapter- 17-ish)
Simple but to the point
Just a treat
{Chapter-17} Not For Kiddies
Chapter-18 Something bad is coming
Chapter 19- Many feelings
The End Of An Era
Chapter 21- Like a happy Family
Chapter 22- Shopping and Dogs
Future Chapter Promos
Chapter 23- The Rescue
Chapter 24- A Trip
Chapter 25- Patching things up
Chapter 26- If We're Together
Chapter 27- Still So Much To Do
Facts about dating Spinel pt. 2
Chapter 28- Gifts
Chapter 29- One Day

Chapter 20- Saving Steven

1K 44 27
By LocalHoodlum_Mel

You sat on the couch watching TV static.

Your mind was blank and you felt your heart race.. You just wanted Spinel home.

She kept you stable and... you didn't know how to act now.. She's been gone for over a week.

You sigh and grab the remote. Just as you turned the TV off, a loud thunder-like boom sounded.

You look out the window with confusion.

It wasn't raining..? Sure it was cloudy, but not raining..

So what was happening..?

You open the door and look around..

Then you gasp when you see a huge pink... thing near the beach.

You stumble back and watch as it stomps around, before charging at something and falling down into the water.

The ground shook again and you knew this had to do with the gems, so you grabbed your signature hoodie and ran as fast as you could towards that monster.

As you were only a few blocks away, you saw the Diamond's ship..

You do your best to not hyperventilate as you run,   "What are they doing here?"

As it lands, you finally get close enough to see what was happening..

All of your friends were gathered around the shore and watching as Lapis kept that thing chained down in the water.

"What the hell's going on?"

You continue to run, then an all too familiar voice stops you in your tracks, along with the familiar sight of a pink gem stepping out from the side of the ship-

"You forgot your foot-thong-thingy!"

Just as she finished saying that, she reeled back in shock at the sight before her.

You feel tears in your eyes seeing her, you ran with all the strength you had left in your legs,


She quickly dropped Stevens shoe at the sound of your voice and immediately turned to you. However, she was a little too late, because you tackled her in a hug. She laughed and kissed your forehead,    "Missed me that much, huh?"    You nod your head and she stretches her arm out to Yellows shoulder,    "Hang on, we need a birds eye view."

Spinel pulls the two of you up and onto Yellows shoulder, just in time to hear Blue question the situation,

"What is that thing?"

You turn your attention back to the huge beast, then Garnet says something that shook you to your core..

"That thing  is Steven."

The Diamonds, you and Spinel gasp.

White speaks in disbelief,    "Impossible.."

Blue then questions once more, but in a sadder tone,    "Is he.. corrupted?"

Yellow looked up at the other Diamonds in dismay,    "But how?"

Garnet cuts in once more,    "Never mind that, we have to change him back."

Yellow steps forward and speaks in a proud voice,    "Leave it to me!"

While you hugged Spinel, you watched as Yellow attempted and failed to use her powers on him.

She seems confused,    "With my new power I should be able to alter his physical form..?"

"He's resisting.."    You look over to Blue as she speaks,    "..maybe he needs to feel better first? I can help with that."

Blue created a magical looking cloud and blew it towards Steven.. But he let out a roar and it came right back.

Yellow stepped in the way,    "Look out!"    this meant you, Spinel, and her, got hit with that strange magical cloud.

As soon as it made contact with each of you, you all burst out laughing.

Why were you laughing..? This wasn't the time to feel happy.

"Wow, your new power didn't work either!"    Yellow spoke through her joyous laughter.

Just then White pushed through and the effects of that cloud subsided.

"Enough. I know exactly how to help! If I connect with him and he speaks through me, maybe we'll understand what he's going through. Now then, can you hear me Steven?"    You watched nervously as colors- changed and flashed all around you while White tried to get through to your poor brother.    "Just relax and let me in."

Steven didn't seem to relax at all, he actually started to thrash around and roar in frustration.

Just then, everything was pink and you saw a flash in Whites eyes.

Whatever happened, it wasn't good.

White fell back, making Yellow and Blue rush to her side.

Yellow quickly caught her from falling all the way,    "White!"

Blue also supported her and she quickly asked in a soft voice,    "What happened?"

You held tightly onto your girlfriend as a look of terror made its way onto Whites face.

"That's not Steven anymore!"

Just then, Steven began to roar louder than before and he tugged at his restraints.

"I-I cant hold it much longer!"

You look up at Lapis as she was clearly distressed. Then you looked back to your baby brother.

Your  baby brother..

Deep down, he's still your baby brother.

Your thought was suddenly cut short by the sight of his horns and eyes beginning to glow.

A sudden flash in his eyes sent a chill down your spine.

And as if you couldn't get more afraid, he let out a ground shaking roar, making the water part around him and a literal shockwave that sent all of you crashing to the ground.

You land in the cold waters and you gasp as the air is knocked out of you from the huge fall and rough landing you took.

You worriedly look around until you catch sight of Spinel laying in the water a few meters in front of you.

You weakly crawl through the shallow waters till you reach her side. You pull her up and shake her,    "C'mon Spinel.."    She slowly opens her eyes and smiles up at you. You quickly hug her as Steven slowly approaches now that he was free.

Just then, a panicked roar sounds and you look up and see him being held back by a giant arm sprouting from the ground.

It was the Cluster.

As clouds begin to block the sun, Spinel pulls the two of you back onto Yellow's shoulder.

You hear a whole conversation behind you.

You recognise Amethysts voice right away,    "Guys, look, the Cluster is trying to hold Steven back!"

Peridot adds to her comment with audible fear in her voice,    "I can't believe it.. He's even stronger that the Cluster!"

But Bismuth quickly advised in a stern tone,    "Don't let your guard down, he could break free at any moment!"

You continue to stare at your brother and you feel tears threatening to spill.

You hugged Spinel tighter than ever and you heard Pearl Speak from below.

"Deep inside this.. monster.. Steven must be in there, so angry."

You turned and listened as Amethyst spoke again, 

"I knew something was going on I-- Why didn't I do something!?"

You understood what she meant.. You knew something was wrong too, you just didn't know you had to do something. You start silently crying as you realize you could have helped prevent this just by talking to him! But you didn't realize how much you had to act, until it was too late..

You watched through tear-blurred vision as Ruby held Sapphire, and through her own tears she spoke too,    "If we don't get through to him.. He'll stay like this forever!"

Your ears started ringing as everything else the others were saying was blocked out. Your mind was just blank.

Luckily, you were snapped back by Spinel crying loudly, you placed your hand on her shoulder and she seemed to take her pony tails to blow her nose in them.. Someone was getting a shower.

Through her tears she yelled,    "This Is My Fault!"    and collapsed; beginning to kick her feet and sob harder.

You sadly hold her and as she continues to cry, but White caught your attention when she perked up, you also noticed she was crying herself..    "Spinel.. Don't be silly! Everyone knows all of this is because of me!"

Spinel quickly sits up and retaliates,    "No, it's me! I tried to wipe his friends' memories, so he would die alone- on a barren world!"    You slowly rub her back as she swings her arms out, then scrunches up; more tears falling down her cheeks.

White speaks up again,    "But that was because you were angry with Pink.. and if Pink hurt you, it was because I hurt her. Like I hurt Yellow and Blue, and Steven, and everyone in the entire universe! This is all my fault."

You feel a hint of sympathy for her, because she really seemed to regret her supposed actions.

Suddenly you hear Connie.

"Yes, it is!"

She rode Lion down to a small incline.

"Yes, you hurt him! But this isn't the time to make this all about you! That is not helping! Maybe Steven would care how sad you are, because he always puts everyone else's feelings first! But he can't do that for you right now, because he needs us this time!.. We all had Steven when we needed him, but the only person who's never had Steven, is Steven! He's always been there for us, so.. how can we be there for him now!?"

As she spoke, the sun had come back out from behind the clouds. Your eyes sparkle at her speech and you felt a strong sense of hope and determination fill your heart.

Ruby and Sapphire fuse again and Garnet grows a confident smile,    "I know how."

The moment is cut short by Stevens roarn and the ground shaking.

You all watch in shock as Steven is able to take control of the fight and get rid of the cluster.

As Steven begins to charge toward you all you look to Garnet; hoping she knows what to do. And of course she did.

(Garnet)   "Okay, no time to waist! Yellow, make me as big as him!"

(Yellow)   "Right!"

(Garnet)   "Blue Lift everyone up!"

(Blue)   "Of course!"

(Garnet)   "Everyone, get in line!"

(Greg)   "You got it!"

(Garnet)   "It's time to show Steven.. Some Love!"

You smile and grab Spinels hand

As soon as Lapis stalled him enough, you all ran for it.

Spinel jumped off Yellow's shoulder and carried the two of you towards your dear brother.

Everyone gathered around and hugged him, and Spinel made sure to get you to him. She hugged you with her spar arm, while wrapping the other around everyone.

You felt tears cascading down your face as you did your best to hug him.

As if you were not emotional enough, everyone began spilling their heart to him.

You feel the urge to say something too.. but you needed to be closer.

"Spinel, give me a boost."

She cocks a brow,    "Up there?"

You nod, so she kisses your cheek and gives a warm smile,    "Go get him back, pumpkin!"

She quickly reels her arm back and basically throws you up.

You breath in short panicked patterns and you flail your limbs; afraid to fall to your death.

Luckily, you somehow made it.

You groan and get up off your knees.

When you stand up, Connie lands beside you. You saw how flawless it was and you feel a little envious,    "Nice landing."

Connise smiles and pats your shoulder,    "Thanks."

The two of you then look at your sad brother.

You both go to step forward, but step back again, not knowing who should talk to him first.

Connie smiles faintly,    "You go first."

You nod and take her hands,    "Thank you."

You turn and walk closer to him. You feel tears start running down your face again as you place a hand on his face.

You sigh and begin to pour your heart out.

"Steven, It's me, it's Y/n.."    You do your best to resist crying your heart out as you continue,    "..I'm here. I'm right here. I'm not gonna leave you, you're like my... no.. no.. you ARE  my brother, no matter what anyone says, I'll always  be your sister.."    You slightly choke on a few sobs as you continue,    "..please come back.. I miss you."    You lean against him and clench your eyes shut as tears continue to pour.    "Remember when we were kids, and we'd play music together? Remember when we'd play in the sand and tell each-other stories?.. Those times aren't over! We can still make more of them! We'll laugh, we'll grow.. but you have to come back for that to happen.."

Your tears obscured your vision and you lightly sobbed. Through your sobs, you heard Steven begin to whimper and his eyes began to show a glint of humanity in them..

Connie placed a hand on your shoulder and joined you at the center of his face. Now she vented.

"Steven.. you must have been so afraid to show this side of yourself, but we're not going anywhere. We're all gonna take care of you the same way you take care of us.."

You backup a little and smile; listening to Connie.

"You know what? I don't have your powers but-"

Connie kisses Stevens face and he starts.. crying.

You grab Connie's hand and the two of you smile happily.. You were getting your brother back.




You all smiled down at Steven. He was back.

He groggily sat up and looked around with tears in his eyes..

He stammered for a moment, but Lion walked up and gave him a good old kiss.

Steven hugged him as he began to cry.

You smiled so brightly as tears stained your face. As you sat beside Spinel on Blue's hair, you cuddled into her; feeling so much happiness, having your whole family here. And you were even happier to see that Steven was back..

He's back.

Your baby brother is back..

Even though the show is over, I'm not done with this story, this adventure isn't over yet. And I'll do what I can to hopefully make it feel like you still have, at least a shred of this show that you can rely on for a while.

I'm even reluctant to end this book, because it's an attachment to something that was great. But Eventually this will be complete and I will look at this in the future and be able to cringe and smile at how hard I tried to bring a familiar feeling of 'home' for everyone like me who aren't ready to let go yet.

So, please just remember,

This community loves you,

People love you,

There is happiness for you,

And It's all going to be okay,

You will be okay.

Nobody can run across the universe in one night, 

We will all take baby steps when moving on,

And we all will be here to keep each-other going, whether this fandom continues to burn bright, or not.

Don't be sad if this treasure in history melts away into only bleak memories, but cherish that you can continue its legacy, one way or another.

And don't forget that Rebecca herself has said that these beloved characters are still going to be alive and around, even though they're not right in front of our eyes anymore. And I think that's something beautiful, so I hope it will help us to stay connected to this wonderful franchise for as long as we want.

So please,

Don't be afraid of the future.


- Mr. Clark Is Jerry?

I love you all

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