Waging War: Book 1: Beyond th...

By DawnfireOfSkyClan

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The owl calls again... Owlkit's birth was unexpected, and her life almost ended before it began but despite t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 8

534 17 21
By DawnfireOfSkyClan

Owlpaw gave Berryheart's wound a gentle sniff. It didn't smell sour, and it didn't feel hot so she assumed it wasn't infected. "It's healing nicely." Owlpaw mewed confidently.

"It certainly feels a lot better." Berryheart purred, waving her tail. "Thank you so much for all your help. We're lucky to have you around."

Owlpaw's pelt burned. "No problem, it's my pleasure to help." Owlpaw heard pawsteps behind her as Seedclaw padded up to her.

"Owlpaw, can I talk to you for just a moment?" He requested.

"Sure." Owlpaw agreed and followed the LichenClan warrior away from Berryheart. She wondered by the older tom wanted from her.

"When do you think Berryheart will be ready for travel? I don't want to rush her, but we've been stopped for five days now."

"I'm not sure." Owlpaw shuffled her paws, she had no idea when a wound was fully healed. "It's healing nicely, but I'm worried to leave before she's ready.

Seedclaw sighed, he didn't seem disappointed, just anxious. Owlpaw still felt guilty however. "I know you're not a medicine cat, and we all really appreciate you taking on that role I'm just worried that we'll somehow miss what we're looking for."

"I understand." Owlpaw tried to assure him. "I guess the only way to see if she's ready is to start travelling and see how Berryheart feels. If her wound starts acting up then we could stop."

Seedclaw's eyes lit up slightly. "That sounds like a good idea. I'm going to see if Berryheart is okay with that." Owlpaw watched him go and heard voices as the hunting party of Earthpelt, Leafdawn and Slatepaw returned.

Owlpaw caught Slatepaw's eye and he hastily looked away, Owlpaw twitched her tail in amusement. Ever since they were chased by the dog, Slatepaw had been acting strange towards her and she wasn't sure why. Maybe he's upset I saw him looking so scared. Or maybe it's because I saved him. She guessed. Slatepaw seemed like a cat who didn't like to show weakness.

Owlpaw decided not to put too much through into it, instead she padded over to Earthpelt to see what prey they had brought back. Hunting had been quiet difficult while staying inside the twolegplace, but they always managed to bring back something.

"Listen up!" Seedclaw called out once they had finished eating. "We're going to continue our journey tomorrow, but we'll be travelling at night."

"Why at night?" Earthpelt questioned.

"Twolegs and their dogs are less likely to be out at night. We will be able to travel through the park without being attacked again."

"What if run into rouges?" Leopardpaw asked, looking around nervously. Owlpaw noticed Berryheart looking slightly uncomfortable. I forget that Berryheart used to be a rogue.

"We can handle other cats." Seedclaw said confidently. "It's dogs and twolegs that I'm worried about. We'll leave at moonhigh tomorrow."


Owlpaw stretched out, glancing up at the stars. She wasn't very used to sleeping through the day and being away through the night, but it was moonhigh and the travelling cats were ready to continue with their journey

After Owlpaw checked Berryheart's leg and put a fresh coat of herbs on it, they began heading out. Even though it was night, and the twolegplace was quiet, Owlpaw couldn't help but be wary of everything around her.

She heard barking in the distance, but Seedclaw assured them that it was okay. Owlpaw was once again incredibly grateful for Seedclaw's guidance through the twolegplace. We're so lucky to have him, I see why Timberstar chose him to go on this journey.

The park was very different at night, it was quiet and peaceful. Strange, tree looking things held artificial lights at the top, allowing light to spread. If it wasn't for the stench of twolegs and dogs, Owlpaw would probably enjoy this place at night. It was so serene.

The travelling cats reached the edge of the park which led further into the twolegplace. This ear looked completely different from where they had been staying. The ground was completely stone and Owlpaw caught a rancid stench of crowfood. "We'll have to cut through here." Seedclaw warned. "Just stay on alert." They advanced into the darkness, causing Owlpaw's fur to constantly stand on end. This entire place felt unnatural. Cats don't belong here. Owlpaw thought, ducking her head.

Beside her, something kicked a piece of twoleg crowfood, causing Owlpaw to jump slightly. The group came to a stop and looked towards the source of the sound. "Who's there?" Seedclaw demanding, stepping forward boldly.

After a few moments, a ragged figure stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlight. It was a male cat with patchy, torn black fur. His ears were shredded and scars laced his thin body. His bones jutting out from under his pelt, showing his ribcage and spine.

As he stepped closer, Owlpaw could smell crowfood radiating from his pelt. "Who are you?" The tom snarled, showing rotten and broken teeth. "Cat's don't usually parade around in groups like this."

"We're not from this twolegplace." Seedclaw explained, remaining civil despite the tom's clear hostile demeanor. "We're just passing through."

"Good." The rogue snorted. "Don't need anymore cats 'round here." He lashed his broken tail.

"Then would you mind telling us the quickest way out of here." Seedclaw questioned hopefully.

The tom hesitated, narrowing his yellow eyes. After a moment he let out a long groan. "Keep going forward until you find a pile of wooden boxes, then turn left and go until you find the entrance into a tunnel. Go through the tunnel and that will lead you directly out of this place."

"Thank you so much." Seedclaw bowed his head.

"Just get out of here as soon as possible." The rogue snorted and the Clan cats moved forward, leaving the rogue behind. He had been helpful, but as they turned their backs on him Owlpaw could feel his yellow eyes piercing her pelt. She couldn't help but feel anxious around this cat.

"Do you think we should trust this cat?" Leafdawn uttered quietly to Seedclaw.

"Yeah he look like he used to be a dog's plaything." Earthpelt added with a shutter.

"His directions are all we have right now." Seedclaw pointed out. "We'll be cautious." They followed the rogue's directions, turning at the wooden boxes and eventually reaching the tunnel.

"Wait here." Seedclaw instructed and approached the tunnel. He sniffed the air around the tunnel and after a few moments, returned to the group. "I couldn't see any dangers." He reported. "We should be safe to go through, just stay on alert."

Owlpaw still didn't feel comfortable, but stepped into the tunnel alongside her travel mates. The inside smelled of damp stone and it made Owlpaw feel trapped, she didn't like being in such a small space.

The trek through the tunnel semed to take forever, but when the reached the end, the skies of Silverpelt still shimmered above. However, Owlpaw could see that he moon was slowly falling.

Owlpaw breathed in the fresh air, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders now that she was back in the open air. "We should find a place to rest." Seedclaw mewed. "We'll continue tomorrow at sunhigh." The travel wear cats agreed and discovered a long abandoned badger den. Owlpaw curled up and closed her they, they had a successful night of travel but for some reason should couldn't shake a nagging feeling of fread. She didn't know why, but Owlpaw knew that danger wasn't far off. 

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