Passionately Infatuated | pjm

SingularitaeAddict द्वारा

330K 13.5K 9.3K

"This is a one-time thing, little kitten." A Park Jimin story Contains a lot of mature content and strong lan... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 19

11.1K 536 326
SingularitaeAddict द्वारा

Jimin's POV

I am enraged.

Actually, no. Enraged doesn't quite cover it. I don't think there's a word strong enough to express what I'm feeling right now.

What Diane just told me literally infuriated me. I can't remember a time where I was more furious than I am now. All I want to do now is ravage the entire world before I find the dickhead that caused her so much pain, and completely demolish him.

But now's not the time, I remind myself as I glance at her form curled up on the armchair next to me. And I know she wouldn't want this. I have to keep it together. For her sake.

I can't quite remember when but eventually the both of us nodded off at some point. She told me to go many times, begged me even, but I refused. I'd rather spend the entire time here with her and keep her company than go home and have to think about that horrible story she told me.

"Ms. Young," I hadn't even heard one of the nurses come in. She looked over at both of us cautiously, gesturing towards Diane's father. "You don't have to stay here the whole night. We don't even know when he'll wake up. We'll call you if there's anything. So, you and your boyfriend can go home and freshen up."

"He's not my-" Diane started.

"Thank you," I cut her off firmly, offering the nurse a polite smile. "We appreciate it."

She gave me a nod as she walked out, leaving me alone with Diane and her pointed stare pinned at me.

"Let's go," I ushered her, standing up and collecting our jackets from the hanger.

"No. I can't leave him." She was dubious.

"Diane, it will be alright," I soothed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You can't stay here the whole time. The doctors told you that it might be weeks or even months until he wakes up. Are you going to just sit here that whole time? We need to get you some clothes and some food so we'll only be a while. Don't worry, if something happens, we'll be right on our way."

"Something tells me you won't let me say no to that." she squinted, pulling her sleeves over her hands like a little child.

"It's for your own good," I informed her and scrunched my nose. "Plus, you kind of smell funny." I said jokingly.

She sulked. "To be fair, I did forget to take a shower this morning."

"See? I told you. Personal hygiene comes first. Now let's go. You'll thank me later."


After a couple more minutes of pointless debate, I somehow managed to take Diane out of that depressing hospital room. We swung by her place so that she could take a shower and put on some clean clothes.

"Just keep walking."

"What? No, Jimin, just let me see-"

"No! Keep your eyes closed. You'll open them when I tell you to."

"This is so dumb. I feel ridiculous."

"You'll feel even more ridiculous in a second."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Do you ever stop asking questions?"


I huffed, rolling my eyes.

"For once I decide to prepare something special for a woman..." I mumbled.

"What now?"

"Nothing. Just shh."

"You know I may not see you, but I can still hear you."

"Careful, you're gonna-"

Before I could grab her by the arm and save her, Diane blindly slammed her knee straight into the ice rink's fence.

"Owwww!" she howled, holding onto her wounded limb and jumping on one foot.

I shielded my mouth with my palm, trying my best not to crack a grin.

"It's not funny!" she hissed, glaring at me angrily. "I almost broke my kneecap!"

"I'm sorry. I'm gonna kiss it better." I chuckled softly, bending down to put my hand over her knee, but she slapped it away.

I have to say, I'd never seen someone look so adorable whilst angry.

"Is that why you told me to close my eyes, so that you could make fun of me while I bump into things?" Diane scowled. "You monster."

"No," I said slowly, pointing at something behind her. "That's why."

A moment of silence passed by as her scowl melted into a bewildered expression. She pivoted her head to where I was pointing to and gasped softly. Innocent wonder painted over her face as she swung around to look at me again.

"An ice rink?!" she chirped.

"Your observation is correct."

"But I can't-"

"Shhht! I don't want to hear that word again."

"Why is no one here?"

I shrugged. "I may or may not have booked it only for us."

"Oh wow," she folded her arms over shoulders. "Wow. Okay, Park Jimin, I see you."

My eyelids fluttered innocently. "What?"

"Just so you know, I wouldn't have minded if there were other people here."

Suddenly, I flew forward and grabbed her across the waist, lifting her up and throwing her entire form over my shoulder.

"I would." I smirked.

"Wha- what! Jimin, put me the fuck down! Right now!" Diane panted, swatting her fists at my back and squirming in my grip.

"No." I stated, walking towards the benches where the skates were placed.

The damn woman just wouldn't stop kicking and hitting while I carried her, so once I got there I immediately put her down. Not before landing a small smack on her butt.

Upon me putting her down, Diane glared at me, her hair all over her red face.

"Did you just slap my ass?" she asked in half-shock.

"I may have."

"Shameless. Completely and utterly shameless, you are." She uttered incredulously.

"I just like slapping your ass. You have a nice ass. I like it. Is that a crime?" I asked.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't do it while we're in public." Diane said through gritted teeth.

"Look around baby," I motioned. "We're all alone."

"You're so weird today." she squinted at me suspiciously.

Diane mumbled something inaudible, shoving her hands in the pockets of her coat, burying her nose in her scarf in an attempt to conceal a sniff.

"Are you cold?"

"A little bit." She muttered.

I grabbed her hands and held them up, pressing the palms against each other. I rubbed them energetically and blew on them, letting my hot breath make them a little bit warmer.

"Is that better?" I asked.

Diane's cheeks blushed furiously as she stared back at me in shock.


"Let's get moving." I suggested just as she broke her gaze away from mine.

Being the gentleman that I am, I helped her sit down on one of the benches and put a pair of ice skates on. She did so without protesting, even though I could clearly see she was reluctant.

"You don't wanna do this?"

"No, I just..."

"What is it?"

I doubted there was a way for her cheeks to get any redder. She averted her gaze away and swallowed thickly, clenching her jaw.

"I've never done this before and I'm afraid I'm gonna make a fool out of myself in front of you."

"Diane, it's just ice skating!" I cooed quietly, catching her chin between my thumb and forefinger and tilting her head so that she could look at me again. "We're doing it for fun."

"Yeah, but if I fall on my butt you'll laugh at me." she gave me a serious look.

"I promise I won't laugh." I declared earnestly.

Her lips curled into a pout. "Promise?"

I patted her shoulder with a smirk. "Yes, I promise. Now let's get on the ice!" I pointed. "See, I'll go in first and you'll go after me. I'll stand very close to you so I won't let you fall. Let me show you first how it's done."

With keen fearlessness, I entered the ice rink and did some basic gliding, letting her see that it wasn't so hard after all.

When I turned around, I saw Diane desperately holding onto the fence while her legs rattled.

Fighting back a small laugh, I rushed forward and held out a hand to help her.

"I'm gonna fall." She whimpered, clinging onto the fence for dear life.

"No, you're not gonna fall because I won't let you," I reassured her, searching her gaze. Her eyes were glued to her skates as her whole body trembled.

Without hesitation, I pulled her hand into the rink, making her stumble forward out of surprise and collapse into me, her arms latching on my sides.

"You're okay." I chuckled, ushering her upwards and getting her back to standing straight.

At first she seemed a little bit out of it, but then she got a hold of herself. Her strength and balance were wavering, but she still managed to do some easy gliding with my help.

"See? It's not that hard." I grinned as a frightened yelp escaped her. It was kind of hilarious watching her be so out of her element. Usually Diane wasn't one to lack confidence, but now she resembled a baby deer walking for the first time, her legs quivering and her eyes anxiously darting around.

"That's it." I encouraged her more, letting go of her hand and letting her skate on her own without my assistance.

"I curse myself for not coming up with an excuse not to do this." She glared at me. "I'm a terrible skater."

"You've just never had a teacher like me," I said smugly. "Let your body glide forward lightly. Very soon you'll get more comfortable. You're getting the hang of it already. Wow, you're a natural!" I praised.

Diane stared down at her feet, moving around cautiously as I whizzed past her.

"Now let's try stroking," I offered. "Lift one foot as you glide, set it down and then lift the other. Like that. See?" I asked as I demonstrated.

"Mmmhm," Diane grunted, doing as she was told, slowly gaining more strength and confidence.

"Skate after me," I said, skating backwards so that I could face her and observe her as she followed me. "Let's go to the other side of the rink... Baby steps. Another important thing about skating is knowing how to fall so that you don't injure yourself. Falling is part of the sport so it's natural that it can happen. You have to know how to fall properly. So if you ever feel yourself losing your balance, you need to bend your knees and-"



Time seemed to slow down as one moment Diane was skating idly, and the next she was flying forward, arms flailing feebly spread wide in a superman pose, her doe eyes widened in an expression of shock and confused horror and mouth agape.

She ended up landing flat-out on the ice, falling straight on her face.

In those brief seconds that her flying body was suspended in the air, I had to fight back the loudest cackle ever. I couldn't help it, it was just so funny. Hearing my loud gasps as I stifled my laughter, she groaned and rolled on her back like a turtle. Her hair was plastered to her face, her nose red and lips parted with her heavy breathing.

She took on a face so indignant that you had to have a heart of stone not to laugh.

I chuckled lowly, the outer corner of my lips curling upwards.

"You promised you wouldn't laugh!" Diane accused, pointing at me while still laying on her back.

"I'm sorry," I snorted, bending over to help her get up. "Come on now, take my hand and-"

Before I knew it, she gripped at my wrist and pulled me down abruptly, resulting in me leaning forward and falling sideways next to her.

"Gotcha!" Diane cackled loudly, the anger evaporating from her face as her pure, joyful laughter echoed across the open space.

"You little minx!" I scoffed, pushing myself up on my elbows.

"See, now we're both on the ground." Diane grinned cunningly, pushing herself back to sitting.

"You took me down with you!" I accused in between giggles, sitting up straight beside her.

"Serves you right for making me embarrass myself."

"That's all on you. I just wanted to teach you."

Diane sighed dreamily and I looked over at her. She was staring up at the starry sky, her lips parted in awe.

"The sky is breathtaking tonight." She mumbled.

"See? Even if you fall down, at least you have a beautiful scenery to admire. There's always an upside to everything."

"That's a corny line if I've ever heard one."

"Oh stop it, I know you loved it."

Before I knew it, she turned her head to look at me and I instinctively did the same. I could feel us getting lost in each other's eyes. The moment was surreal and the silence was absolute. If I had ever seen romantic, that was it. Her fingers slithered around my neck and I gasped.

"What are you thinking about?" I breathed, my gaze falling down to her lips.

"I'm thinking..." Diane paused, her tongue sweeping across her lower lip. "That my ass is freezing."

Frowning, I smacked her hand away lightly. She started laughing the minute I did that, placing her hands on her stomach.

"You're a child."

"And you're silly."

"Let's go." Sulking, I pushed myself up and patted my clothes. In any case, Diane had a point. I was starting to get cold, too, and laying on a giant ice chunk while making out didn't sound like the sensible thing to do in the middle of winter.

Enveloping her hand with mine, I pulled her up and slowly helped her get to the exit of the rink. This time I could sense her skating a bit more confidently next to me.

In a couple moments we were back to the benches. I saw Diane struggling to take off her skates, so I bent over and started undoing them for her.

"You don't have to-" she murmured hastily before blushing. "Thank you."

"My pleasure." I smiled, focusing on the skates.

"Not about that."

"Hm?" About what?"

"I know why you did this. To take my mind off.. nevermind. You shouldn't have."

I looked up to see a gloomy expression on Diane's face. She was staring down at her hands in her lap, having the face of someone who didn't feel worthy enough of someone else doing something nice for them.

With a deep sigh, I spread my legs, straddling the bench and scooted a bit closer. Taken aback, Diane gave me a weird look when I placed my hands on each of her thighs.

"Diane, you have to know... what you told me back at the hospital deeply bothered me. I can't begin to imagine what going through all of that was like. It saddens me that we live in a world where things like that still happen and women are treated so unfairly. But as I said, you need to understand that you didn't do anything wrong. I want you to know that and fully accept it. You were young and in love. You put your trust into someone who did not deserve it and played with your heart instead."

"I wish I could somehow make it all go away. Your first time is such a precious moment. I wish it was with someone great. Someone kind. Someone who knows how to cherish you and make you feel comfortable. Someone who respects you. You deserve that. If I could go back in time and erase that experience from your life, I would. If I could take all that hurt and make it mine, I would.

"The point is, you can either hurt over that for the rest of your life or you can choose to overcome it and come out stronger. And knowing how smart you are, I know you've already chosen the latter. And the silver lining is that no matter what happened, it has served to make you the amazing, beautiful and incredible woman that you are today."

"Jimin..." Diane gasped softly, staring at me in bewilderment. "I don't- I'm not-"

I tapped my thumb on the back of her hand, silently asking her to let me finish.

"I guess..." I groaned, my gaze dropping to her lap where I interlocked my fingers with hers. "I guess what I'm trying to say is...

I paused, taking a deep breath in.

"I'm falling for you, Diane."

author's note:


This chapter came out really sweet and I think I'm content with it. Some fluff for you to make up for the recent chapters 🤗💕

It's happening y'all our ship is finally sailing!

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