Look Up to The Stars (RWBY x...

By HearthFallow

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What happens if a broken and abused Schnee discovers that she holds the power of the most powerful beings of... More

Volume 1 Bio
Part 1: Shining Beacon
Part 2: Initiation
Team SSNW (Snow)
Part 4: Dealing With Bullies
Part 5: Rage
Part 6: Team of Broken Orphans
Part 7: A Broken Fox
Chapter 8: A Terrifying Nightmare!
Chapter 9: A Cat, A Monkey, And A Fox! or Two?
Volume 2 Bio
Chapter 10: A Day To Remember
Chapter 11: A Fox Gets Flirty
Chapter 12: A Walk In The Park
Chapter 13: Hunted vs Hunter
Chapter 14: Unforgettable Night
Chapter 15: A Passionate Night (18+)
Chapter 16: A Fox Gets Kidnapped
Chapter 17: The Truth Of The Fox
Chapter 18: A Special Guest For The Festival
Volume 3 Bio
Team EMBR (Ember)
Chapter 19: RWBY Meets The Arcane Foxes
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Chapter 20: Team JNPR Meets The Arcane Foxes
Chapter 21: Team CFVY Meets The Arcane Foxes
Chapter 22: Team SSNW Doubles Match
Chapter 23: Ember vs Yue
Chapter 24: Meeting An Old Friend
Chapter 25: The Fall of Beacon
Chapter 26: Death's Grasp
Chapter 27: Broken
Special Chapter: All You Can Eat Ice Cream
Clarence Walker Character Short
Angel Rune Character Short
Chapter 28: The Aftermath of The Fall.
Volume 4 Bio (Team _SNW)
Chapter 29: Team SSNW Aftermath
Part 30: Crashing a Party
Chapter 31: Healing
Chapter 32: Raider and Crow vs Scorpion
Chapter 33: Story Time
Chapter 34: Travels
Volume 5 Trailer
Volume 5 Bio (Team _SNW)
Chapter 35: Haven Academy
Chapter 36: Crash
Chapter 37: Recruitment Fail
Chapter 38: A Professor Returns
Chapter 39: A Not So Happy Family Reunion
Chapter 40: Memories
Chapter 41: Team RW_Y & _SNW
Small Talk (Not a chapter)
Chapter 42: Trap
Chapter 43: Battle of Haven
Chapter 44: Remembrance

Part 3: Sisterly Bonds

1.3K 29 3
By HearthFallow

*Luna POV*

Klein: I brought you all strawberries.

Me: What are strawberries?

Weiss: Well, they are a really tasty fruit. You want to try one?

Me: Okay...

She gives me a piece of strawberry and I eat it. My eyes widened, my ears perked up, and my tail started wagging.


I got smacked in the back of my head by Winter.

Winter: Quiet down you boob. Father could've heard you.

Me: Oh, hehe, sorry big sis.


Glynda: Why is there 10 boxes of strawberries here?

Me: Um... I wanted some...

Mom sighs, she puts them on the counter as I hug her.

Me: Thank you Mommy!

She was shocked but she pats me on the head.

I wake up due to a stupid alarm clock in which I press the button to shut it up. I put my arm on my head to cover my eyes.

Me: That was a good dream.

Aquarius: It seems having your sister around made an impact on you.

Me: Yeah! I even had a dream about strawberries!

Aquarius: *rolls eyes* Of course you did. You better get up.

I got out of bed and made my way into the bathroom with my bathrobe, towel, shampoo, and soap. Once I got there, I look at myself on the mirror. I roll up my sleeves, revealing a few cuts both old and new. I pull out a pocket knife from my pocket and cut myself again. After ten cuts on each arm, I wash the knife and my arms. I then enter the shower and enjoyed a hot warm bath.

*Silver POV*

I slowly woke up and see that it was already 6 am. My wake up time so I could do a little bit of training too. I look around and see the room for a bit.

The dorm was provided to us by the headmaster. I didn't believe it at first but it was apparently for Luna.


Ozpin: Luna, you and your team's dorm is over here.

Luna: Can't we just stay at my room?

Glynda: Luna, your room only has one bed. And it's my room.

Luna: Oh, hehehe, sorry Mom.

Me: It's really hard to believe that you're a Goodwitch.

Newt: Being a Schnee is much more unbelievable, you're way too friendly and nice to be a Schnee.

Ryker: Being a Goodwitch is understandable but being a Schnee is a bit confusing.

Newt: Well, she does have white hair and blue eyes like a Schnee.

We reach our dorm and we open the door. Our luggages were all here already but we see a two stuffed animals on the couch. I was about to point them out until Luna jumped on them.

Luna: Ah! Alpha is here! So is Omega!

Professor Glynda sits on the couch as Luna lays her head on her lap. She brings out a small box of strawberries and gives them to Luna. She immediately takes one and eats it.

Ozpin: We took the liberty to bring your luggage here and some of Luna's stuff.

Newt: Thank you Professor.

I look back to Luna and see that she's snuggling on Professor Goodwitch. The professor was rubbing Luna's hair as Luna was comfortably snuggling on the professor while hugging her two fox plushies.

Me: Miss Goodwitch..?

She looks at me.

Me: I was wondering, how did you meet Luna?

Her expression turns into a one of discomfort.

Glynda: I think its best if she's the one to tell you the story.

I nod as I look back at Luna. She looks peaceful when she sleeps. After she broke down earlier, I'll do everything to protect her.

*Flashback End*

I notice that Luna was not in her bed right now so she must've woke up earlier. I got out of bed and stretched for a bit. I then do 30 push up, 30 curl up, and 30 jumping jacks. After that, I drank from my water bottle and head to the bathroom. As I enter, I could hear the shower running.

Me: This can't be Newt. I definitely hope this isn't Ryker.

I open the door Luna was on the other side wearing her bathrobe and a towel on her head.

Luna: ...

Me: ...


Luna: Why are we screaming?!

Me: I don't know...

We just looked at each other for a while until I moved out of the way and she exits the bathroom.

Me: We better stop meeting like that.

Luna: Hehehe... Hopefully...

I enter the shower and took a bath.

*Two hours later*

It was now 8:30 and we were heading over to our first class which is Professor Port. Luna seems a bit excited to see him.

Me: You seem excited.

Luna: Duh, I get to hear his stories again! Besides, the morals are really helpful.

Newt: Besides, isn't he Grimm studies?

Ryker: I believe so.

Me: Well, let's go!

We arrive on his classroom and Luna immediately greeted Professor Port.

Luna: Hello Uncle!

Port: Ah, there is my favorite niece.

Me: Oh yeah, every single professor in the academy is her parent-figure.

Newt: Lucky her.

Ryker: Luna, if I may ask... Where do you usually seat back then?

Luna: Oh, at the front desk or teacher's chair by the table...

Ryker: So more like, a special student then?

Luna: Something like that...

Port: She's always around her mother back then. She always cheers on the teams who are nice to her, giving them determination.

Me: Aw... That's really sweet of her.

I sling my arm around her neck, putting her on a headlock, and then rubbing my knuckles on her head.

Luna: Ow! Stop it you meanie!

I let go of her and she pouts at me making me place my hand on my mouth as I giggle. She looks cute when she pouts. We all took the front seat at the right side of the room.

As Professor Port was about to start, Teams RWBY and JNPR burst into the room.

Port: Ah, Teams RWBY and JNPR, so glad you could join us.

Ruby: Sorry sir, we were busy unpacking...

Port: Well next time, try to be on time like Team SSNW.

They all look at us as Luna smiled and waved at them. They all took a seat as the professor was about to start the lecture. Ryker was just listening to the professor, Newt was talking notes, I was twirling a pen in my hand, and Luna was playing with her hair. I still don't understand why she has a jacket and the hood on even though it's not that cold but I didn't bother asking.

Port: Monster, Demons, Prowlers of the Night! Yes the Grimm have many names but I merely refer to them as prey. And so will you. Now let me tell you a story.

Luna perks up and stops playing with her hair. And to be honest, I understand why. Even though it's boring, you do get to learn how to kill a Grimm effectively just from the basis of the story.

Port: The moral of the story? A true Huntsman must be honorable, dependable, strategic, well-educated, and wise!

Me: Luna wasn't kidding when she said that Professor Port's stories and morals are really helpful. Even though the story is about him, it was great to listen to it.

I notice Luna looking at someone. I follow her gaze and see that her sister, Weiss Schnee, was getting irritated with her leader, Ruby Rose.

Port: Now, who among you believes that they hold these traits?

I was about to raise my hand but Luna and her sister raised their hands.

Luna/Weiss: I do sir/uncle!

Port: Get geared up and be ready to face your opponents.

Luna and her sister goes to get ready.

*Luna POV*

I was in the locker room with my sister. I was about to talk to her but she marches out the locker room as I followed. We enter the classroom and I see Uncle Port was beside a cage. My sister readies her rapier as I ready mine. I notice that she was a left-handed while I'm right-handed. We stood beside each other as I hear my team and her's cheer for us.

Silver: You got this gurl!

Yang: Go Weiss!

Newt: You can do this Luna!

Blake: Fight well!

Ryker: Fight honorably!

Ruby: Yeah, go represent Team RWBY!

Weiss: *irritated* Ruby, I'm trying to focus!

Me: Weiss, calm down.

Port: Alright! Let the match begin!

He brings down his axe and breaks the lock as a Boarbatusk comes out. Me and Weiss charge at it but as our weapons hit the skull, it was recoiled and our weapons were stuck to it's tusks.

Ruby: Come on you guys, show it who's boss!

Weiss glares at Ruby resulting to us losing our weapons.

Port: Oh-ho! What will you two do without your weapons?

My hair changed to blue as I fire a blue projectile at the Boarbatusk, freezing it in place.

Me: Thanks Aquarius!

Aquarius: Don't worry Luna, I have your back.

Me and Weiss run to grab our weapons as the Boarbatusk escapes it's frozen state.

Ruby/Newt: Weiss/Luna, go for it's belly!

Luna: Thanks Newt!
Weiss: Stop telling me what to do!

After Weiss said her statement, Ruby was hurt after hearing it. I wanted to yell at Weiss so badly but we have to deal with the Boarbatusk first.

The Boarbatusk rolls up into a ball as it leaps into the air to hit me and Weiss but I create a wall of ice as Weiss creates a black glyph behind us. We both jump onto the glyph and launch ourselves at the Boarbatusk, impaling it on the stomach as it squeals in pain and dissipates.

Port: Bravo! Bravo! We really are the in the presence of true huntresses in training. Now that's all the time that we have for today, remember to stay vigilant. Class dismissed.

Weiss marches out the room as I follow her. Once we reach the hallway, I called her out.

Me: Weiss!

Weiss: What?! *Sees me* Oh, Luna, it's just-.

I raise my hand to stop her.

Me: What you said to Ruby wasn't really nice.

Weiss: What, you're taking her side?

Me: No! I'm not! Why are you even like this? What made you so cold?!

Weiss: *sigh* I just thought that I could be the leader of team RWBY...

I tried to hold back my laughter but I couldn't help but giggle. Weiss seemed to notice.

Weiss: What's so funny?

Me: *giggling* N-Nothing... Hehehe...

She just gives me an irritated glare. Which shut me up immediately.

Me: *sigh* Look, I know you're good and all sis, but I don't think that you're in the position to be a leader.

She looks at me with disbelief. She was probably hoping that I would agree to her.

Weiss: Excuse me?!

Me: Look as far as I see, ever since I left, you've been different. You're more cold, more bossy, and not to mention, you have one bitchy attitude!

She was taken back by my words. Probably because I cussed.

Me: You're family is rich, sure. But leadership can't be given to you just like that on a silver platter. I mean, come on. You've been given a lot of things that you want.

Weiss: That's not true!

I gave her a deadpan look and lift up my shirt a bit to show her the side of my belly that has a huge scar on it.

Me: You sure about that sis?

Weiss: *sigh* Okay, not entirely true...

I smile at her and held her hand.

Me: You may not be a leader, but you can be a great teammate. And who knows, you might become a role model.

She scoffs at my remark. She grabs my wrist and turns me around and kissed me in the cheek. I felt my face heat up from that.

Weiss: Thank you lil sis.

She walks away while I just stood there like a statue.

Aquarius: Hehehe, Luna.exe has stopped working. Hahahaha!

Silver: Hey Luna, you okay?

Me: Yeah I'm good...

I squeaked. I could still hear Aqua laughing so hard but I ignored her. We proceeded with the rest of the day.

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