Finding Me...

Per IrishEyez

62.6K 1.4K 66

Ellis is just like any other 17 year old waiting for her 18th birthday to come. That is until she starts havi... Més

Finding Me...
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26... Epilogue....

Chapter 21

1.4K 42 0
Per IrishEyez

*** Okay, so please let me know if you are liking Ellis and Mathias's story. I have a lot of other ideas for stories that I want to write, but I dont want to leave this story high and dry... please comment...***


Chapter 21

By the time that Monday rolled around, I wanted nothing more than to sleep and stay in bed with Mathias. My body and the alarm clock had other plans though. As soon as the alarm went off, signaling that I needed to get up and get ready for school, I was jumping up out of bed and heading for the bathroom.

Without even knocking, Mathias came in and held my hair for me and rubbed my back until I emptied my stomach completely of its contents. Once I was done, he handed me a cool wash cloth and started up the shower for me. I brushed my teeth and stripped out of my night clothes right in front of him.

“You have no idea what you are doing to me right now Ellis.” He growled out as he wrapped his arms around my waist and ran his nose up the base of my neck. I practically melted in his arms, but had to keep my composure.

I purred at his efforts but stepped away and turned to face him. “Baby, you cannot be serious right now, you just watched me vomit and now you want to be all romantic?”

He put his head down in defeat and stepped back. “You’re right Ellis, take your shower and I will be downstairs waiting for you.” Mathias went to walk away and I grabbed onto his wrist.

“Hang on there mister, you are not getting off that easily. Now you are going to disrobe and join me in the shower. Do I make myself clear?”

Without any hesitation he was taking off his t-shirt and boxers and stepping into the large shower with me following right behind him. I allowed him to wash my body and he lingered on my stomach with his hand placed lovingly on it.

“Mine” He whispered into my ear.

“Correction, ours.” I whispered back to him and nibbled on his ear. He brought his lips to mine and gave me a passionate kiss that caused me to go weak in the knees. He held onto me and deepened the kiss even more, before he carefully picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his slick waist.

Mathias leaned me up against the wall of the shower and looked deep into my eyes for permission to make love to me. “Please.” I moaned out and he entered me with a fierce thrust. I held onto him as hard as I could as he repeated his swift and thunderous movements until I was screaming his name out.

He stopped and looked at me. “Shhh baby, as much as I love hearing you scream my name, I think the rest of the house may not appreciate it.” I nodded and he again started moving until I again came to climax and he found his release as well.

All too soon I was dressed and getting a ride to school from Mathias. He pulled up in front if my school and I saw Raven waving frantically at the front door. “I don’t want to go in there Mathias, there are going to be so many questions and I have missed so much work.”

He gave me a reassuring kiss to the forehead. “You will me fine Ellis, if it gets out of hand, just call me and I will be right here for you. You only have a month until you graduate and I will help you as much as my back woods education allows me to.”

I snickered and thought about him as a young boy in a one room school house being taught arithmetic by Laura Ingalls. “Okay, I love you and I will try and tough out the day for you. Now give me another kiss and I will go to school.”

He did just that and I got out of the car, giving him a little wave before I headed to face my doom at school.

“ELLIS!” Raven screamed as I got near her.

“You really don’t need to yell Raven, I am right here and you killed my ears.” She gave me a hug and pulled me into the school. “I have to stop at the office to give them my excuse note. Come with me!” I was now pulling her in the direction of the office. I walked in and got some pretty accusing looks from the office ladies. None of which were werewolves.

We had to let the school know that I was back and that I was going to be resuming my classes and also about my ‘delicate situation’ so that I would not have to partake in gym class, which I was going to anyway, I am pregnant, not dead.

“How can I help you this morning dear?” The older white haired woman asked from her seat behind the counter.

“I am coming back to school today after a few weeks out, I just have to give you this note saying that I am fit to come back to school.”

She gave me a knowing smile, as I am sure that everyone in the office knows that I am with child by now. “Well Ellis, it is good to have you back.” She then stood up and leaned a little closer to me to whisper. “I understand that you have a bit of a predicament and I was wondering if you and the father are considering adoption.”

This got me instantly pissed; she was asking me if I was going to be giving our baby up, like it means nothing to me. I had to take a deep breath and step back from her and looked to all the old biddies that were still looking at me. “Let me make this very clear.” I practically shouted. “This baby is going to grow up to do great and wondrous things, and its father and I, who happens to be my fiancé, are very excited about it. So, if anyone else has anything else that they would like to say about the subject, please let me know that I can clear up any misconceptions that you may have.”

No one stepped forward or said anything; they all just quickly went back to their work. I stormed out of the office and headed for the nearest bathroom as all the emotions were causing me to feel nauseous again. I did not even bother to check if anyone else was in there as I bolted through the door and kneeled before the toilet in the first open stall.

I could hear the sounds of shock and horror coming from the other girls in the bathroom and then a low growl.

“What, have you never heard anyone get sick before? Maybe if you don’t like it, you should leave.” Raven demanded and the bathroom quickly became empty.

“Thanks Rave.” I said as I came back out the stall and washed out my mouth. I found a toothbrush with a note tied to it in my back pack. ‘Just in case…. M’ He was really too good to me. After I brushed my teeth, Raven and I headed to our first hour class.

As we walked into English class, the looks that I was getting from all the students ranged from pride to disgust. The other werewolves in the class knew what I had been through and knew that it was hard for me to endure it. The others probably heard about my time spent in the bathroom and were already delving out rumors.

I saw one girl in particular glaring at me. Her name is Monica and to label her as the school slut would be an understatement. She has been in the pants of more male students and faculty than a well used dollar bill. She kept looking to me and then whispering comments to her little crew while giggling and sneering.

Had it not been for my sensitive hearing, I would not have been able to pick up on most of her conversation. Most of what I caught was:

“I heard her parents sent her off to a convent, but she escaped”

“Well you know that her dad is not really her dad, maybe he knocked her up. She was puking earlier, could be morning sickness.”

Then Monica chimed in, “Oh come on, everyone knows what she did to her teacher at the Do-Jo, maybe it’s his.”

I sat idly by and pulled out my phone, texting Mathias.

~I miss you already, join me for lunch?~

It only took a matter of a minute for him to respond.

~Of course, what time my love <3~

~11, meet you out front~

~11 it is, love you~

~love you too~

“Ellis, no phones.” Mrs. Black snapped out at me. I put the phone back in my pocket and tried to pay attention to today’s lesson. We are going to be reading ‘Much Ado about Nothing’ and then watching the movie. I have read the book several times and the movie is one of my favorite, so I zone out and start doodling in my notebook.

The bell rang and Raven jumped up from her seat, she had fallen asleep and no one noticed, not even me. “See you at lunch” she chirped out as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

I just nodded and headed out as well. As soon as I walked into second period, I was again greeted with whispers and smiles.

A fellow were, Marco came and took a seat next to me. “Hey Ellis, back to the ole grind I see.” He laughed out and I smiled up at him. “Do you want to talk about it, the war I mean?”

“I really don’t Marco and honestly if I think about it, I may get sick again.”

He gave me a smirk and looked to my stomach. “Yeah, I had heard about that too, congratulations. Mathias is a lucky man to have you as a mate.”

“Thank you, he will be here at lunch if you would like to talk to him. I know that all the other guys have been interested in talking to him about living in the middle of nowhere.” I really hoped that he would say no, I wanted to be able to talk to Mathias without him being bombarded by all other werewolves in the school. I was beginning to second guess asking Mathias to join me here.

The next class went by fast and I was standing outside waiting for my handsome mate to get here. I saw his car pull in and park in the visitors spot and get out. The smile on his face was worth memorizing and holding onto forever.

He walked up to me and gave me a brief and loving kiss to my lips. “How is your first day back going so far?” He asked as we made our way inside.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked with him to the office. If he was going to be here, he had to get a visitors pass. I wanted to just get in and out of the office as fast as possible, but of course there was a line.

“I’m sorry, it shouldn’t take long. I hope.” I whispered into his ear.

He put his lips to my earlobe and let his warm breath caress it, sending shivers down my spine. “As long as I am standing with you, I don’t give me a flying fuck what they are doing.”

This caused a lot of heads to turn as he was not exactly quiet.

“Can I help you Ellis?” The same old woman asked that had helped me this morning.

“Just need a visitors pass for my fiancé, Mathias.”

She looked stunned. I wished I could have read her mind; she was probably having an internal battle about how I was telling the truth. She shook her head and handed him a badge while I filled out the line on the visitors form.

As quickly as we could, we got out of the office and I showed different parts of the school on the way to the lunch room. When we got to the doors I heard Mathias’s name being yelled out. We turned just in time to see Raven flying through the air and into his arms.

“You big oaf, what are you doing here?” She asked as she punched him in the arm

He flipped her so that she was on his back and we kept walking. That girl is like a spider monkey. “Ellis invited me to lunch, so how could I refuse being with two lovely ladies such as yourselves?”

“Good answer” She sang out as she jumped off his back.

We got our food and sat down. The amount of food on Mathias’s plate paled in comparison with what I had on mine. He had a cheeseburger, fries, chocolate cake and a soda. I had a slice of pizza, a chicken sandwich, cheese curds, an apple, chocolate cake as well and two milk chugs. I was starving and Mathias was becoming more and more use to me eating like a pig, or a wolf. I saw someone walk by with nachos and I almost started drooling.

“One order of nachos coming up” Mathias said, placing a kiss to my temple as he stood up.

The unmistaken smell of stripper perfume came wafting our way and I knew it was Monica.

“Well sow, did you leave any food for anyone else?” She spat out and her little posy of whore wannabes giggled.

“Did you hear something Ellis, it sounds like a bee buzzing annoyingly around our heads.” Raven asked without even looking at Monica.

I held back my laugh. “I don’t hear anything, but I do smell something that seems like aud du whorette.”

Mathias came back and set the nachos down in front of me then looked up at Monica with a look like he tasted some bad shrimp. I could not hold my laugh in any longer. I lost it and started laughing so hard that I snorted, which only caused me and Raven to laugh harder.

“Did you hear that girls, she even snorts like a pig.”

I heard a low growl next to me and I placed my hand to Mathias’s leg to calm him down. “Calm down Mathias, she is not worth the anger.” I looked him right in the eyes and gave him a kiss to the lips without breaking our eye lock.

Monica made a sound of disgust and crossed her arms over her silicone enhanced breasts. “What do you see in her? She is not even that pretty. What is your name handsome, how about we get to know each other?”  

I almost threw up a little in my mouth.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t catch your name.” Mathias remarked to Monica who was now smiling like it was Christmas morning.

“It’s Monica honey, please remember it, you’ll be screaming it later.”

I was taking a drink of milk and spit it all over her, trying not to laugh.

“YOU BITCH!” She yelled out.

Mathias stood up and put me behind him. “You will not talk to my fiancé and the mother of my child in such a matter. Now go away and do not bother us.” He practically yelled at her and she froze where she was. He then got right in her face and lowly said “Go”

She turned on her heals and ran from the cafeteria. When she was gone and we took our seats again, I looked right at him and touched my lips to his ears. “That was insanely hot Mathias.”

He said nothing; he just looked at me as his eyes started glowing and let out a slow and steady breath.

“Hey love birds, you mind not doing that here, I can smell both of you.” Raven remarked while stealing some of my cheese curds.

“How much of your lunch break do you have left?” Mathias’s eyes were still slightly illuminated and I knew exactly what he was thinking.

A disappointed sigh worked its way up my body and I rested my head onto his shoulder. “Not long enough, only about 10 minutes. I’ll make it up to you tonight though.”

“Oh I hope so.” He laughed out and kissed my neck after I lifted my head up.

I sat back up and placed my hand to my stomach as it gurgled. “Oh no… something is not sitting right.” I jumped up and ran to the nearest bathroom with Mathias right behind me.

He was again holding my hair and getting a lot of odd looks and even a slight shriek from one girl as stood over me.

“Relax baby, just relax.” He cooed as he made small circle on my back.

“Damn-it!” I yelled out as I sat back in the tiny stall. “I cannot keep anything down and I don’t want something to happen to the baby.”

He left the stall for a moment and came back with a wet paper towel and knelt down beside me. “This is normal Ellis, and with time, the sickness will dissipate and you can eat pretty much anything you want to. But, for right now, let’s get you cleaned up and I think I need to leave.”

As he said it, the bell rang for my next class and I took the time to brush my teeth again. I still had a few minutes until the next bell and I walked with Mathias to the office to sign him out.

The next class I had was Home-Ec and I was happy to have Raven there with me. As I walked in about two minutes late, she handed me a pack of saltines.

“Raided the pantry for you, hope they help.” She whispered as she handed me the crackers and I opened them as fast as I could.

“You are a life saver Rave.” I slowly nibbled at one and tried to hide it from the teacher.

I spent the rest of the day eating crackers and trying to pay attention in my classes as best I could, but I am pretty sure that the only thing I learned is that saltines are the best thing on earth, next to my amazing mate.

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