"A Smile That Changed His Lif...

By caree_96

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"Can a Man be complete for a Woman? Can he vanish away her pain?" . . Let's Find out!! -Self ... More

Work load and meeting new people.
Coffee/Date and Confessions Part-1
Confessions part-2
Hard to Get Types.
Love life is like a Storm.
A Walk Down a Slippery Road.
Drunk Cally and a Good Night
"The Next day"
"When Brother comes Calling"
Meeting my brother and a surprise.
Angry Cally
Her Past Part-II( Hospital and Moving Forward)
The Awakening
"Panicked Morning"
Clash of Brothers.
" Androphobic Love"
"Anger and Gunshots"
"Moving One Step Forward "
"New Couple"
"24 Hours"
"Are you shitting me!!"
"Feeling Weird"
"Second chance"
"Stranger Danger "
"Life or Death"
"Mine Forever"
"Unforgettable Wedding"
"Le Epilogue"


837 44 40
By caree_96

Warning: This chapter may contain some violence and triggering moments. Read at your own risk. Not for audience below 16years of age. You are warned!!

Cally's Pov: It was the day after my sister left and apparently I was getting ready to go with her to our family lawyer's office.

I still can't believe the fact my parents are no more.
The fact still hurts me terribly and I know that the pain won't go away for many years to come.

However, there was this little satisfaction that I was not in this alone.

I knew that I had this looming past over my head and I could not share this info with anyone because what last night occurred could not be repeated and I have to make sure to keep my siblings safe.

I might have lost my parents but i won't let anything happen to them. With that thought I got ready to go outside and pick my sister up not before locking the house. But just as I was about to step out I saw an unknown envelope with a letter just like yesterday kept at my doorstep and that's when the memories of last night bombarded my head and I started sweating and panicking.

Last night's flash back: As soon as my sister left after kissing me. I said goodbye to her and went to close my door.
But just as I was about to close the door I saw a black envelope with a letter kept at my doorstep.
I was lucky my sister did not see it otherwise she would have questioned me like hell.
So picking the envelope up I found it a little strange because there was no name or address given on the envelope from whom the letter had come.
Anyways keeping the thought aside, I decided to open the envelope and take the letter out.
On opening the letter I was shocked and started sweating and looking around my house coming outside.


These were the exact words written in the letter. It looked like the words were written in blood because there was fresh blood marks on the letter with no name given.

I started sweating and panicking and the letter fell from my hands.
I did not realise when I had started crying so I quickly scrambled up the letter from the floor seeing around frantically that noone was seeing her.
I started chanting to myself repeatedly "no" I have to save my siblings even if it meant getting myself killed, I won't let anything happen to them.
So I closed my door and putting my head against it started crying eventually falling down on my knees.

I knew whom the letter was from and I needed no name. But what I did not understand why he was after my family even after my parents death.

So I picked myself up and said "no" I have to be strong for my remaining family. I won't let that monster take my family away.

With that thought In my mind I dragged myself throughout the day.

Present: Picking the letter up with my shaky hands I tore open the letter.

This time the envelope was yellow coloured and inside the letter it was again written in Bold letters "THE TIME HAS COME"

At first I did not understand what it meant but in my panicky state my brain was not functioning properly too so ignoring his warning I threw the letter in the dustbin and got ready to leave and pick my sister.

I went inside my black open Jeep and drove off. The drive from my house to my sisters was not to far maybe about 15-20 minutes.
So I reached her house and honked for her to inform that I had arrived.

My sister came outside her house. She was looking radient as ever in her blue floral top with faded jeans and vans.
Although it was a simple outfit she looked prettier than me. At least that's what I thought because since childhood I had this complex about myself which I could not seem to shed and after that incident it grew more.
So keeping my thoughts aside I opened the passenger door for her once she reached the door.

On entering the car she smiled but it did not reach her eyes and I knew that whatever we have been through we would never be able to be the same.

I smiled back to her and asked her the location of the lawyer's office. So she added the address into the navigation and off we went.

On reaching the office we reached the reception desk and asked for our Lawyer and the receptionist guided us immediately into his office and told us he was waiting for us only.

On reaching his office, our lawyer greeted us and asked us how we were feeling and how sorry he was for our loss.
After the pleasantries and condolences he took out a brown leather file from his left drawer and asked us shall he proceed?

And just as we were about to nod our heads we heard a commotion outside.

Our lawyer immediately got up and called up his receptionist to ask what was happening ?
But she was not picking up the call and that's when we heard gun shots and window shattering and people shouting.

It scared me so I immediately clutched my sister's hand in fear.

Our lawyer told us to stay in his office and to lock the door while he goes and checks what is happening. He even told us to call the police after that he left.
We tried to stop him from leaving by clutching onto his hands and saying" no" as he was our family lawyer and just like a father for us.

But he assured us nothing would happen to him and to do as he was saying and after that he withdrew his hand from our clutches and left and we kept on shouting no..

After he left we immediately locked the door in fear and called up 911.

After about 2 rings they picked up and asked what was our emergency. We told them our location and told them everything that was happening here. By the time we completed we had started crying too.

The woman asked us where we were right now and we told her we were inside the office with the doors locked.
The woman told us to stay there and to remain safe. She told us they had tracked our location and the police as well as the paramedics would reach us soon.

We said thank u and cut the call.

After the call we waited for about 15 minutes for the lawyer to return but instead all we heard was gun shots to be fired and loud shouts coming" where are they?" I swear I would kill you if you don't tell me where are they?"

We got more scared and started panicking and praying for the lawyer's safety. When we heard total silence and noone spoke a word that's when we heard 3 gun shots fired again and someone falling on the ground.

That's when I shouted loudly and since the room was not sound proof I assumed our captor heard my voice and started banging on the door and screaming come out or else he would break the door.

On hearing the voice i got shocked and recognised it immediately.
My sister on seeing my shocked face asked me if I knew who the person on the other side was?

I knew I could not tell my sister the truth so I lied to her and said that I did not know.

My sister apologized to me and said she was sorry for doubting me as she herself was scared.

The banging on the door did not stop and instead he started saying my name this time. Come out you bitch I know you are inside.
When I did not react he said come out Cally or I swear I will burn this place down.

I still did not react but this time my sister was shocked and asked me how he knew my name. I told her how sorry I was and that she could could not put her in risk so she opened the lock of the door not before locking it from outside as well as inside so that my sister could not come out.

My sister was shouting continuously " Cally get me out of here and what the hell is happening"?

I knew I will die by my uncle's hands but could not let my sister die too so she kept on shouting but I did not pay attention to her. My main focus was on that monster.

When I came out of the room the first thing I saw was the dead body of our lawyer and I screamed loudly making that psycho laugh hysterically.
I cried for the poor soul who had to die because of me.

Coming back from his hysteria when that monster saw my shocked face he got angry and pulled me roughly by my arm so that I got pushed onto his chest.

Once I collided with his chest he started sniffing my neck and hair and said that I still had the same smell and bit me on the neck.
I cried and tried to free myself from his hold.

I knew I could not let myself be befooled like before as I was not the same Cally from few years ago.

So I pushed my elbow roughly onto his chest in self defense giving me time to free myself from his hold.

But till the time I Fred myself from his hold my sister had also broken the lock of the room and had come out.

Once she saw me she shouted Cally and ran to be by my side.

But what shocked her the most was seeing her own uncle in this state.

So she shouted " Uncle you?"
You killed our lawyer?

But why? She asked, getting soo confused.

But before I could tell my sister the truth about the psycho uncle, my uncle started laughing evily and said to me ,you did not tell anything to your sister did you?

You poor naive bitch always believing my words he spat at me while laughing evily.

My sister was still confused and asked me what my uncle was talking about?

But before I could answer that psycho grabbed by sister by her arm and pushed her to his chest.

What he said next still gave me goosebumps.

He said" if he could not have her, he could still have her sister right eventually killing her.

"Yes I should rape her in front of your eyes and then kill her which would add to your misery. He said"

But before he could proceed further I charged myself towards him at full speed and pushed my sister on the floor making her fall and I started fighting with my uncle.

But I was not that strong and my uncle pushed me on the floor and grabbed my sister by her hair and pulled out a knife from his pocket and put it near my sister's throat.

I got scared and said please- please don't hurt her I will do whatever you say.

My uncle asked me anything he says I would agree?

To which I nod my head so he made a gesture of thinking by putting a finger on his head and looking at the sky.

When he was not looking it gave me an opportunity to grab a fallen gun from the floor and hide it behind me.

When that psycho looked again he said, I want all of your parents property which was given to u transfered immediately to my name and I want to fuck u in front of ur sister for saving her life. Do u agree? Or should I kill her he said pushing the knife further into her neck putting a scratch on her neck and a drop of blood to fall and my sister to wincee and cry in pain.

I said, I agreed to all his wishes but to please not kill my sister.

He said to me" good girl " now come willingly to me and be a good girl and pull her shirt over her head and to throw it on the floor.

When I did not move he said" move otherwise I will kill her. He said, pointing to my sister"

So I hid the gun in the back pocket of my jeans and prayed in my mind for the police to find us.

Hiding the gun I removed my top and threw it on the floor while my my sister was shouting at me " no" Cally don't agree to what he is saying I am ok don't worry about me.

"Shh di..nothing will happen I can't lose u too. I said giving her a sad smile.

I started taking small steps towards him.

Seeing my compliance that psycho started smiling and outstretched his left hand towards me to hold while his right hand was holding a knife against my sister's throat.

I was scared and tired both mentally and physically.
I won't let him rape me before him touching me I will kill that monster. With that thought in mind I moved forward while my sister kept on crying.

When I was 5 steps away from my uncle I immediately took the gun out of my pocket and with shaky hands aimed it at him making him shocked and amused.

My uncle was shocked but at the same time he laughed and said I was a coward and did not have the courage to shoot him.

He said even if I did shoot him he would slice my sister's neck first before dieing.

The thought alone angered me more and I closed my eyes and without looking I shot the aim at my uncle.
When I opened my eyes I saw I had missed his heart but had managed to shoot him in the ribs making him leave my sister and fall down on the floor in pain.

That's when we heard police sirens and a team of police entered the room with their guns and aiming it everywhere.

When they entered and saw a gun in my hands and injured uncle along with killed lawyer's body they thought I was the killer till the time my sister intervened and told them the truth.

Till then the police had successfully calmed me down and told me to throw the gun away.

Following their orders I threw the gun on the floor and rushed to hug my sister tightly.

My sister immediately covered me with my thrown shirt on the floor. Till that time I did not realise I was naked in front of the police.

On realising that fact I got embarrassed and covered myself by putting arms around me despite the shirt.

The police seeing my condition and embarrassment told me not to worry and asked me if umm you know the uncle had been successful in raping me and did I need a check up? To which I replied "no"

Next they arrested my uncle and told us that he would be in jail for murder ,attempt to rape for a very long time and there was nothing for us to worry now.

With that thought we gave a sigh of relief and asked the officers if they could drop us home since I was not in a condition to drive.

The officers nodded their head and asked a young officer along with a lady officer to drop us home.

Hence that's how we went in their Jeep and they dropped us home.

On reaching home when my sister had also come out of trauma I revealed the whole truth about my past as well as how he was not our real uncle and how he send those blackmail letters and how he killed our parents.

Till the time my sister hugged me and rubbed my cheeks I did not realise there were tears in my eyes while telling my tale.

She was guilty and told me she should have been there for me.

Nevertheless she was happy that the monster was in jail and now they could live their lives happily.

With that thought we slept peacefully that night.

Although we did have nightmares of the horrible day and we woke up many times at night but I was glad we both were there to console and protect each other.

As the days went by, everything was coming back to normal. My sister was also returning back tomorrow and our parents property was still with us children.

Apparently our parents had left us 2million dollars which was to be divided amongst us 3 in their will.

At first we were totally shocked and did not know what to do with so much money as we were never money minded.

However, the day we got to know about the money was also the day my sister declared her pregnancy so it gave her a reason to use that money on that baby and its well being.

As for me I gave 25% of that money in charitable trust for underprivileged while the rest I used for my University fees.

The only thing amiss was that we were yet to tell the truth about our parents death to our brother.

The day my sister left was one of the weirdest day for me because the day was going good at first and I had send my sister happily but as I was returning back from the airport, I got a call from the police station saying our uncle had run off from the jail and they were still finding him.
They cautioned me to remain safe and to give them info if the uncle returns to her.

I nodded my head and was soo shocked that I could not voice out my words.

So I thanked the officers with a lot of effort to voice my words and cut the call.

Hearing the shocking news, my head got heavy and my eyes started getting blurry.

My phone fell down from my hands and my knees started getting weak.

I wanted to ask for help but it seemed I was not able to voice my thoughts and had gone mute and that's when I lost the fight to keep my eyes open and fainted on the spot closing myself for the world.


Hey guys, please press the star button if u liked this intense long chapter. And don't forget to comment too.

So this was it about cally's past. What do u think about the uncle and do u think he will return back in cally's life or be on a run forever.

Lots of love:

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