Don't Back Down Again

By riverajocabed1

8.4K 322 535

They solve mysteries and rewrite history for living. No matter what, they did it as a family but a new threat... More

Story Time!
What's Going On?
7 Years Later
Birthday Surprise!
Pary Disasters
Robots and Tea
Dance Part 1
Dance Part 2
What to Do
Next episode (Author notes)
Never Ever Getting Rid of Me
Out of Time
None Date
Robo Battle
Forget Me Not
Spillinf the Truth
Welcome to the Other Side!
Blood Stone
Hallucinations or Reality?
Robots, Why Did it have to be Robots?
What to Believe
Elevator Incident
Abigors Past

What Happened?

249 12 13
By riverajocabed1


It's crazy over here in L.A. I had to climb an empty shelf to get three bags of seeds from the very back of the top shelf. My mom and an old lady were looking at some canned beans until a man literally shoved them both aside and took 3 boxes of beans (I swear he didn't even know what he grabbed) and my aunt was so close to getting into a fist fight for a spot in line. But hey, California, a land of movie stars, Hollywood, theater and art. Of course we're dramatic people. The only thing more dramatic is the weather. We get all 4 seasons in one day.

Everyone besides any family members left the mansion. The ambulance came right away and pulled Webby away. The triplets watched the whole scene from inside the mansion. They couldn't help but feel pain and guilt watching the doctors take their close friend away into the flashing vehicle. Beakley was the only one allowed to hop in with Webby.

"She's burning up," Beakley felt her granddaughter's forehead. The girl was nearly red from her body heat and couldn't seem to stop moaning in pain.

"Dewey, what happened in that garden?!" Huey asked in a whispering yet panicking tone. Dewey pulled onto his brothers and dragged them in their room so no one would hear them.

"I don't know," Dewey threw his arms into the air in distress before smacking them against his face in misery. He was as panicked as his brothers, "Webby and I were talking about the past 7 years, what we did, where we went, just normal things you know....."

The boys looked at him with unsatisfied looks. It was clear that a lot more happened than just catching up. Dewey's stuttering, his increase in heart rate, and blushing face was enough to give it away.

"Ok ok, so maybe we talked a bit more than that," Dewey admitted. His brothers sat down next to him indicating they were willing to listen. Dewey sighed in defeat and tried to summarize everything he talked about with her, "After catching up, I learned Webby was extremely insecure and vulnerable. She felt out of place like she didn't deserve to be in the mansion. Saying how girls were always talking about how she is just a sewer rat feeding off of Scrooge's money...."

"Wait! Who said that?!" Louie stopped him in mid sentence.

"I don't know, some girls from another rich family. But that's not important! After that I comforted her, telling her not to listen to them, be happy about herself, everyday moral stuff, and all of a sudden she fainted! I swear I did nothing to her!"

"Nothing? This doesn't look like nothing Dewey!" Huey gestured outside where the poor girl was barely able to move. The three teens felt their heart break at the sight of their best friend in so much pain. What could have happened that caused her to be so sick?

They watched as the ambulance drove away, taking their sick friend with them. Dewey groaned from all the stress. He flopped on his bed and thought about what could have caused this.

"Dewey?" They heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," Huey answered. Lena and Violet cane into the room sharing the same worried expressions as them. "Anything about Webby?"

"Unfortunately no," Violet closed the door and made sure to lock it. This caused some alert from the boys.

"Why the sudden need to secure yourself?" Huey asked.

"Abigor and Lizzette are still in the mansion," Lena answered, "We really don't want to be in the same room as them."

"I thought you girls liked Abigor?" Louie added in.

"Your kidding?" Lena slightly chuckled. She sat down on a desk chair and continued to talk, "Abigor is a good guy to be friends with. Fun to hang out with, loves sports, not to mention he enjoys trouble making, but as a boyfriend.... not so much."

"Ever since he started to court Webbigail, she hasn't been the same," Violet took over the explanation, "It feels like Abigor is influencing her mind into someone she's not. But he hasn't shown any signs of being an unsuitable partner for her. In fact, Webbigail has never been any happier. Her eyes just light up like pink stars whenever she sees him...."

"Hold on there Vi," Dewey suddenly shot up from his bed. He looked at Violet with a serious expression as he asked, "Her eye's light up?"

"It's a metaphor Dewford," Violet told him like it was no big deal. She was about to speak again but Dewey beat her to it.

"You sure about that Vi?" he asked. Violet was about to deny it again but a memory suddenly hit her. She stayed quiet for a while and thought about what he just said.

"I'm sure it's just a metaphor. Her eye's don't.... I'm sure I was just seeing some kind of illusion by the light," she tried to explain.

"You saw it too?" Huey sounded surprised. Everyone turned their gaze to him, sharing the same surprised face. Nothing but silence filled the air with only a single lamp illuminating their faces. Lenas face slowly melted from shock to a smile. She held onto her heart and laughed in relief.

"I'm not going crazy!" She cheered. She twirled in her chair as she chanted "I saw the pink glow in her eye's too! It happens at least once every month."

"But it's been happening a lot more often now." Violet concluded, "Dewey is there anything you can tell us that may help us figure out what happened to Webbigail?"

All eyes were set on the blue triplete. The pressure was too much at this point. His face was a crimson color and sweat could be seen.

"Fine! You want to know what happened?"

"To the last detail," Violet said.

"Oh boy," Dewey made himself comfortable before speaking, "Webby and I took a little walk outside to catch up....."

About an hour ago

"Basketball huh? Why am I not surprised," Webby laughed as she and Dewey walked around the backyard of the mansion.

"I've been playing for all of my highschool years. The team even won a couple championships thanks to yours truly," Dewey puffed out his chest and acted proud. Webby laughed at his actions and playfully punched his arm.

"The girls must be all over you if you're such a big star," Webby teased him. Dewey chuckled in response, trying not to let any blush show on his cheeks.

"Like you won't believe. While some did catch my eye, they never truly had what I wanted,"

"Which is?" Webby urged him to continue.

"Well, for starters, I would like a girl who can keep up with me. You know, can be as daring and adventurous as me. Someone who seeks thrills and challenges whenever she can. Ready for an adventure at any time. Kinda like a partner in crime," Dewey explained as he tried not to trip over his tongue. The last time he remembered being alone with Webby was at Gosalyn house when she was upset about the possibility of separating. This was the first time in 7 years he actually got to hold a conversation with her, "But a soft side would be nice. Sweet, kind and willing to help when needed."

"Awe," Webby cooed at this description, "How sweet. I'm sure you'll find her one day."

He wasn't sure why but this response sadden him. He was still in shock about the whole boyfriend thing and her change in personality was still getting to him. He missed so much of her life that he feels he doesn't even know her.

"What about you? How has school been treating you?" Dewey asked. Webby simply shrugged with her smile lowering a bit.

"It's fine."

"Just fine?" Dewey noticed the lack of enthusiasm in her voice.

"Not the go happy, adventurous place I thought it would be," she shrugged again.

"What were you expecting?"

"Something new," Webby answered with a bit more passion, "Something like a challenge, a new experience!"

"Did you join any sports?" Dewey loved the way her voice sounded when she got excited. But it was like every question he asked, the lower her excitement went.

"Yes of course. I tried out for many until I landed on cheer for two years. Th... then moved to fencing this year," the quick pause in her sentence pulled Dewey out.

"But?" He wanted to hear more.

"But what?" Webby asked. Dewey raised his brow and waited for a proper response. Knowing what he wanted, Webby just sighed and revealed everything, "Ok, so school is everything I ever dreamt of. Study, sports, pushing myself to the limit! But the people in the school don't help with experience."

Dewey stopped in his tracks causing Webby to stop too. She looked back at him to see he had a worried and confused face. She didn't need him to ask, she already knew what he wanted to hear.

"In my middle school years Granny registered me into a private school. Scrooge helped with 50% of the payment. The first few days were great. Meeting new people, joining clubs, it was like a dream come true," her smile soon fell like a rock as she looked down to her feet, "Unless you're a lower class like me."

This definitely caught Deweys ears. He took some steps closer to her and tried to look her in the eyes. She bowed her head further down so he wouldn't see her.

"What do you mean by a lower class like you?" He asked. Webby took a deep breath in like she was pushing her sadness down. Her bangs hid her eyes preventing him from looking at her.

"I.... Let's just say some students said some cruel but true things about me," she whispered out.

"What did they say?" Dewey felt a spark of anger inside him. Who on earth would say anything cruel to this kind but deadly girl? She was smart, strong, kind, everything a girl would want to be.

"It's silly really," Webby crossed her arms and caged herself. She tighten her arms as if she wanted to hug herself for comfort, "One girl said how could a servant girl like me get into a private school full of wealthy kids. Another boy said how I was the least important student in the whole school. Others assumed Scrooge was only paying part of my education because he was getting something out of my Granny for it.... I'm still confused on what they meant by that last one."

Dewey cringed in some disgust when she said this. By some miracle above, she was able to keep an innocent mind after 7 years. Not that he was complaining, he was overjoyed she kept her innocent side.

"So after months of this I finally begged my Granny to move me to a public school. I never told her why just that I wanted to. Scrooge was more than glad to pay for my education in a public school considering how cheap it would be. I'm actually glad I moved schools cause I got to hang out with Violet and Lena more."

Webby still had her head hung low but the sound of her voice was so broken it didn't take a genius to know tears were streaming down her cheeks. She soon felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around her and pull her into a warm hug. Dewey laid his head over hers and held her tight.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you Webby," he whispered to her in a comforting way.

"They're right Dewey," Webby weakly said, "I don't belong in their world. I'm just a servant girl who helps around the house. I'm too weird and no one will ever let me forget it."

At this point Dewey was furious. Who did those students think they were to talk so lowly about her. They didn't even take time to know her. After a moment of silence he finally spoke up.

"Webby listen to me and listen good. You are not what they say you are. They don't even have the right to tell you that or tell you who you should be."

"But I am...." Dewey interrupted her before she even had a chance to talk low about herself again.

"You are a kind, brave, intelligent girl who brings nothing but happiness to everyone she knows," He loosened the hug a bit so he can look down at her. Her eye's still had tears in them with trials on her cheek. Used his sleeve to clean her cheeks clean before continuing, "You're the best thing that can ever happen to anyone's life. You bring something new to the table almost everyday. Like that one time when you showed the boys and I how to disable an evil shower before it drowned Louie was pretty cool."

Webby gave a chuckle when he mentioned this. After whipping the trails of tears from her face, he placed a finger under her chin. Making sure she kept eye contact with her as he spoke his next words.

"That's what I missed most about you Webby. How you always found a way to make my life so interesting. Was it scary at times, yes it was. I was pretty sure I would die whenever we played kick ball together but I would never change these memories for anything."

A small smile began to form on Webbys face when he said all this. She wipped away the last of her tears before taking a turn to talk.

"And I missed having you around to adventure with," she said almost in a whisper like.

She loosened the hug so she could look up at him more. Her eyes locked onto his gave her a comforting feeling. Just like they always did when they were kids. Reassuring her everything would be alright even in the tightest of situations. Dewey would be lieing if he said he didn't feel the same. She was always there for him. From searching for his mother to when they left 7 years ago. He could look at her all night if he could, key words, if he could.

Before he knew it, a flash of pink swirled around her eyes making Dewey back up a bit. Confusion filled his mind when he saw this. He may not be as smart as Huey but he was sure eye's don't just flash pink all of sudden, right?

Dewey had no time to process anything when Webbys body suddenly went limp. All her weight was suddenly placed into his arms pulling him down.

"Webby?" Dewey noticed she had her eyes closed and was no longer responding. He placed an arm on her back to keep her sitting up while using the other to shake her awake, "Webby?"

He felt her neck for a pulse. He was relieved to feel she still had a steady heartbeat. He looped his free arm under her knees and lifted her up. He needed help and he needed it now.

Back with the teens

"And that's when I came running in," Dewey ended the story. Everyone looked at him with a combination of shock, confusion, and intrigue.

"There must be something about Webby opening up that caused her body to shut down," Violet thought out loud, "When she comes back tomorrow we need to keep an extra close eye on her."

"Are we forgetting the obvious here?" Louie began, "New boyfriend? New attitude? Abigor did something to her."

"Let's not point fingers yet," Violet added in, "It may look bad but we don't know if he's behind all this."

"It's classic villainy," Louie continued, "A boy gets close to a girl, mind controls her and uses her to get what he wants. It's a cliche really."

"I have to agree with Louie on this," Lena added in, "It's way too much of a coincidence to not be important."

"Either way, Webby is in danger and we're gonna find out who or what is doing this to her!" Dewey claimed. "I don't care what it takes. I'm not backing down on Webby again!"


Webby laid on her hospital bed, tossing and turning. Her head was thumping with pain, her face was red hot from her heat. Her eye's finally shot open, allowing her to examine her surroundings. She saw the white tiles above her, the glass windows next to her, and the white curtains surrounding her bed. The window was shut tight with white silky curtains covering it. Feeling the heat get to her, she decided to sit up and head to the window. She could really use the cold wind right now.

She placed her feet on a single white tile, causing a pale pink light to illuminate underneath her. This didn't faze her one bit. Her eyes were wide open and her pupils kept looking straight. She took another step with the same results. Every step she took a bright pink light shined. She slipped her fingers between the curtains and pulled them apart. The moon shined a pale pink color into the room.

She opened the window to let an ice cold wind in. The ice like wind flew past her hair but the coldness didn't seem to have any affect on her. She was motionless, her face stuck on one facial expression. Not happiness, confusion, sadness, just blank. In the distance, a sound of humming filled her ears. It was calling to her, whispering her name so she would come out.

So she did. Webby turned to the white curtains that surrounded her and gently wrapped her fingers around the fabric. Slowly, almost hypnotic, she pulled the curtains. Little by little, the sight behind the fabric revealed itself to her. A brighter and darker glow of pink filled her sight. Where the floor tiles should be was replaced by what looked like pink liquid. In the distance there was nothing but darkness. But she kept her blank face on. The voice was echoing from a distance and she had to follow it.

She stepped into the pool of pink liquid revealing itself to be shallow. The liquid felt both warm and soothing. The smell was sweeter than candy. It felt like nothing could hurt you when you were in it.

She continued to walk across the liquid and with every step she took, the deeper it got. The further she went the darker the shade of pink got. In just a couple more steps, the liquid was up to her knees and had slowly turned so dark it was almost black. The liquid she stood in then began to glow again, but this time a green color. It went from warm to cold in just seconds. The scent was no longer sweet but bitter. Yet she continued to walk until a door came into sight.

The voice was close, just behind the door. All she had to do was grab the knob, turn it, and open. Just as she reached her hand for the nob, a feeling of ice cold hands grabbed her ankles. In one big motion, she was pulled into the liquid and dragged under it.

The dream was enough to make Abigor shoot out of his bed and nearly scream. He lost his balance and hit the hard cold floor.

"Abigor?" He heard Lizzettes voice from the door. With a shaking hand, he turned on the lamp. His room had blue and white wallpaper. The lamp shined a blue light and with gems decorating his room, the light was split and shined in all directions. His room had a fire look to it, like entering his room was like entering a blue flame.

He and Lizzette left the mansion about an hour after the ambulance took Webby. Abigor lifted himself up, still breathing heavy from the dream he had.

"Same dream?" Lizzette said like it was nothing new. Abigor gave a small nod and looked up at his cousin.

"I don't know how long we can keep doing this Lizzette," Abigor told her with a shaky voice, "Something bad is gonna happen, I know it!"

"You didn't call me over all the way over here to Duckburg just to back down again did you?"

"No.... I didn't," he mumbled. He felt his cousin place a hand on his shoulder with a comforting smile.

"Good, cause I came because you need me Abigor," she released his shoulder and went to her luggage. She pulled out a dummy and some bow and arrows. Abigor took some time to think and looked at his desk. His sunglasses laid on the desk. They were a fiery blue accompanied by black lenses. His name was carved into the side and painted white. He never took these off, they were a gift from Lizzette when he was 15.

"I don't think Huey should be your next target Lizzette. You two broke up, no way will he fall for you again," Abigor suddenly spoke. His fiery blue eyes looked over at Lizette who was practicing her archery. She held onto some gold colored arrows on her back and adjusted one on her wooden bow.

"His broken heart makes it easier for me to snatch him up. I mean I could aim for Dewey but he clearly has a thing for Webby. Louie has his heart set on treasure so it'll be too much of a hassle to snatch his heart. Nope! Huey will do just fine," she aimed her bow and was just about to release until her cousin spoke up again.

"What about Violet?" Lizzette turned her attention to him with a confused look. Seeing she was confused, Abigor picked up his sunglasses and put them on. The black colored lenses made his blue eyes glow like embers. "I saw it. She's gonna be a major bump in your plans with Huey. They haven't seen each other in so long and the absence is enough to make love ..."

"Love this, love that, blah blah blah, gross. Love is just an illusion, poison to the mind. I should know, I control every relationship I ever made. Once a poor soul has that idiotic idea of love trapped in his head, they are easy to control. " Lizzette spat out as she grabbed her arrows and aimed at her target. "Coming from a high class, intelligent, promising future, and his rich inheritance is nothing to complain about. Huey will do just fine. Violet is just an obstacle waiting to be conquered. That hummingbird shows zero emotion whatsoever and comes from the lower class. Plain dirt when compared to a lovely rose like me. Getting Hueys attention back will be the easiest thing I do. I have yet to find a man that could resist my charms and fall under my love spell."

"Watch that tongue Liz," Abigor warned her, "You just might talk your way into a grave."

Lizzette just rolled her eye's and released the arrow. The arrow struck the dummy right on the left side of it's chest. She smiled at her perfect aim but Abigor wasn't sharing her glee. He knew she wasn't gonna listen to anything he said but he could try.

"Whatever it is you have planned, you better do it fast before his heart is immune to your little love spell," Abigor warned his cousin. Lizzette let out an amused laugh and sat down on the bench next to the glass doors. Just outside was a balcony and the knight sky that let her see her reflection. She admires herself and fixes her long silky hair.

"I had Huey wrapped around my finger once, I could do it again," Lizzette fixed her hair so it's a neat heart shaped bun. She placed two small gold colored arrows on her bun as an accessory, "No boy says no to me no matter whaAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!"

Abigor was quick to drop his phone and on his feet. He got in a fighting stance and let his cousin hide behind him. Lizzette was shaking hard in her rose colored shoes, staring fearfully at the balcony glass doors.

"Oh, did I scare the princess," a really deep and raspy voice asked. Two bright green eyes watched the cousins from outside the glass doors. The eyes pierced through the cousins and was enough to send shivers down their spines. Abigor kept his position, showing no fear whatsoever, "No need to hide your fear Abigor...."

The unnerving voice echoed in their room. In a blink of an eye, a gust of wind slammed open the glass doors, and cut all the lights in their room. Leaving the two in nothing but darkness.

Abigor gulped his fear down but there was no way the floating eye's didn't see it as a sign of fear.

"You act so tough, like you own everything you see. I must admit, you have a brave heart just like your ancestors ..." Abigor could feel the voice vibrate in his ears. His shoulders could feel the pressure of Lizzettes hands clutching onto them. Her heavy breathing and the deep voice were not a comforting sound when mixed into his ears, "... But you want to know what's the difference between you two and your ancestors?"

Abigor puffed out his chest and tried to speak in his menacing tone. He didn't want any fear to be visible but that didn't last long. A great force pushed the two against the wall. Each had a green ring of energy wrapped around their waist.

"They were at least able to accomplish their missions!" The green eyes were no longer the only things to be seen. Around them was a green silhouette of a huge chubby man.

"Let us down!" Lizzette commanded, "We're doing everything you want! Just wait ...."

"I'm getting tired of waiting!" The man tightened the ring around the girl. She cringed in pain putting a worried look on Abigors face, "For a girl in your situation you just can't keep your mouth shut! I have more power than you can imagine!"

He lifted her higher off the floor and tightened the ring.

"This is but a fraction of it! I want my talisman back as soon as possible! Or you will end up even more broken-hearted than you already are ..."

"No wait! It's not her fault! Give us time and we'll get you the last two pieces of your talisman! Plus, a triplet!" This last sentence caught the man's attention.

"I'm listening,"

"The triplets are back, that means there's tons of love in the air. If we play our cards right, we'll be able to give you at least one triplet. And who knows, Scrooge might be on the table soon too."

The man pondered on the offer for a while.

"Fine. I'm giving you two 7 more days. If you fail to complete your part of the bargain," the man spun his hand around making two gems appear. One rose colored gem in the shape of a heart, and one falmeing blue gem, "You two will be trapped like the others. Understand?"

The two nodded their heads yes but this wasn't enough for the man.

"I said do you understand!" He raised his voice at them.

"Yes we do!" The two answered. The rings disappeared, letting them fall to the ground.

"You better," with that, the silhouette of the man dashed away, making a large gust of wind. Abigor held onto his cousin and sat her up. He checked for any injuries before speaking.

"You ok?" Abigors heart dropped when Lizzette shook her head no with tears forming in her eye's.

"What have you gotten yourself into Abigor?" Lizzette nearly sobbed out.

Can't wait for April 4th! Ahhhh!

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