When Sophomores Collide (Boyx...

Oleh euwangabrielll

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"Theo. If I'm not mistaken? Isn't this yours?" He extended a hand, holding my penguin printed handkerchief. M... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: First Day Jitters
Chapter 2: Embarrassment
Chapter 3: Music
Chapter 4: Acquaintances
Chapter 5: Dreaming of You
Chapter 6: Invitation
Chapter 7: Bestfriend
Chapter 8: Lightheaded Boy
Chapter 9: Camping in the Wild
Chapter 11: Troublemaker
Chapter 12: The Offer
Chapter 13: Snapped
Chapter 14: The Committee
Chapter 15: The Preparation
Chapter 16: Birthday Boy
Chapter 17: A Morning at the Fierro's
Chapter 18: Results
Chapter 19: Homecoming Escapade
Chapter 20: Homecoming Royalty
Chapter 21: Luxurious Party
Chapter 22: Shopping Spree
Chapter 23: Revelation
Chapter 24: Confrontation
Chapter 25: Forgive and Forget?
Chapter 26: The Beginning
Chapter 27: Rubies and Hand Fans
Chapter 28: The Truth
Chapter 29: Sabotage
Chapter 30: Family Feud
Chapter 31: Name, Cleared
Chapter 32: Happy Valentine's
Chapter 33: Frozen
Chapter 34: Friendship Over?
Chapter 35: The Presentation
Chapter 36: Eliminated
Chapter 37: The Council
Chapter 38: Disastrous Outrage
Chapter 39: Happy Birthday?
Chapter 40: Camping Mischief
Chapter 41: The Betrayal
Chapter 42: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 43: Three Words for You
Chapter 44: To Catch a Traitor
Chapter 45: The Traitorous Princess
Chapter 46: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 47: The Rage of the Storm
Chapter 48: Playing with Fire
Chapter 49: The Villainous Queen
Chapter 50: Happily Ever After
this book sucks lol

Chapter 10: Gummies

5.2K 237 47
Oleh euwangabrielll

Chapter 10: Gummies


I walked along the side of the lake, where there's only a few people. It was a few steps away from the campsite so I wouldn't get lost.

I had a few thoughts in my mind, like, if you become hurt after punching yourself, does that make you weak or strong? Why would you punch yourself anyway? 

I dismissed the dumb question and decided to sit down on one of the big rocks. Staring over the lake, it was a beautiful sight, to be honest, on the other side of the lake was fields, grasses and flowers stretching out. It was still two in the noon so it's still pretty hot, but the area I was sitting on was secluded with trees. Warm but windy.

"I was looking for you." A familiar voice sounded from behind me. I turned around to find Cielo there, holding something.

"Oh hey! What's that?" Eyeing the thing he was holding. 

He hands me a plastic bag containing... gummies. My eyes widened. 

"What the hell Cielo!" I screamed. He flinched a little as I ran up to him, hugging him very tightly.

"Um, nice way to say thank you!" He laughed and hugged me back. 

Two reasons I was freaking out about gummies, one, It's been a whole year I haven't eaten some, my mom restricted me because my teeth was literally dying, and now I can eat some because the dentist told me my teeth's fine. And two, I would die for gummies.

"Where'd you get this?" I asked him as I pulled away, jumping over and over.

He shrugged. "I bought some from a nearby town here."

"Oh my god, you didn't have to!" I said to him.

"Doesn't matter." He said.

I pulled him to the rock I was sitting on. He joined me as I opened the huge bag of delicious treats, chewing the sour gummy worm. I offered him to which he graciously accepted, we had a really good conversation about things in our lives and the camp. Things that were not connected to each other. 

Silence fell over us, the usual sound of nature replacing it.

"Hey Cielo. Have you ever had a girlfriend before? Since you said you'd try to keep it private." I asked him as I dusted off the sugar from my hands, its sound echoing through the water.

He squinted his eyes. "Not necessarily a girlfriend, but we had a mutual understanding."

I nodded. "Okay, and how's the experience?"

"Well, it was fun, I had someone to open up to and to have late night talks." He said as he ate another gummy worm.

"Um, there's this thing called 'friends'?"

"Well... yeah but it's different." He finished eating. He also dusted his hands off. Staring over the lake, the lake reflecting on his hazel eyes. 

Sometimes, I imagine myself with Cielo, but, he's not interested in men and it's a little weird. I mean, we've been bestfriends since 2nd grade. He always protected me from bullies, and everyone either feared him or wanted to befriend him. And since then, we've been bestfriends. We always come over to each other's houses, help each other in times of need.

I looked to my left to admire the trees. Sometimes, when you get bored or something, you notice the littlest things. I puffed my cheeks when suddenly, a finger poked it. I turned to Cielo, who had a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, running a hand through his wavy brown hair. I looked at the ground, then back up to him.

"Nothing." I smiled reassuringly.

He seemed like he wasn't satisfied with my answer but decided not to push further.

Silence fell over us again. "Cielo." I called him, his head swiveling to me. His eyebrows raised. "Do you think if you ever... I don't know, have a girlfriend or something. We'd still talk or hang out?" 

He looked at me like he just witnessed me kill someone. "Do you think I'll ever stop talking to you? Hell no. I don't think I could even live a week without interaction with you guys." 

A small smile formed on my lips. "Really?"

"Really. Don't ever consider that I'll unfriend any of you. You are literally one of the pillars that supports me. You, Theo, you're very important to me and I will never stop helping you or leave your side." He said. 

That's so fucking sweet. 

Sometimes, I'm very weird and sometimes, I just want to cry... like now! I sniffled quietly. 

"Theo. Are you crying? Why are you crying?" He asked me and I laughed.

"Kind of." I said jokingly. 

Grabbing my shoulders, he faced me towards him. "Theo, you can tell me about your problems, okay?" Cielo said, his voice getting more serious. 

I nodded, when suddenly, more tears flowed from my eyes, making me laugh as my bestfriend pulled me towards him. I pulled away after a few moments of being weirdly emotional. 

I stood up and composed myself, rubbing my eyes. "Ugh, let's freaking stop this, I probably look horrible. Let's go back." I told Cielo, walking away and back to the camp, he followed afterwards. 

The moment the campsite came into view...

"Everyone, gather up and no one is allowed to leave. Miss Segovia of section A3 is missing." And my heart stopped.

Athena is missing.



Watching the students having fun and enjoying the activities, and me, my knees are shaking, heart beating so fast. Chewing on my lip, fiddling with loose threads on my shirt, and tapping my foot continuously.

A teacher passed by me and I tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me, ma'am? Are there any updates about Miss Segovia?" I asked her, struggling to keep my voice from shaking.

She smiled reassuringly. "Not yet but don't worry, we'll find her." She patted my shoulder in a friendly way and I nodded my 'thanks' before she took her leave. 

I distracted myself by watching activities.

"Hey." A voice behind me greeted. And of course I immediately knew Hunter's voice. 

I turned around to face him. "Yes?" I asked as I rubbed my thumb unconsciously.

He bit his lip, slipping a hand in his pocket. "It's Athena isn't it?" He asked me and I nodded with a pained expression. "Gosh, if we could help, maybe we would've found her by now, don't worry Theo, just don't overthink, and instead, think of other possibilities of why she might've gone missing." He said, rubbing my shoulder. 

"Yeah." I muttered quietly before looking at the rest of the camp again.

"Do you need a hug?" He suddenly asked. 

I definitely needed one but I was too shy to say yes, especially from Hunter. I mean, he's my crush. But I guess, it's... not love. 

Why the hell do i keep questioning my feelings!

Without thinking, I nodded yes and he engulfed me with his body. His woody musk cologne calming me down. And let me tell you, he probably gave the best hug I've ever gotten. I laughed unconsciously, and Hunter did the same afterwards.

"Thank you so much, Hunter. You're a godsend." I smiled at him. He pulled away and ruffled my hair lightly.

"You're welcome, if you need a hug, you know who to call." He joked.

I actually don't.

Does it sound bad that I've found Cielo's replacement for giving comfort hugs? It probably is. I hid my smile, but I'm currently dying of cuteness.

"Anyway, Alex kind of cut us off earlier. You just... disappeared." He said, averting his attention from the activities to me.

I scratched my head. "Well, I didn't really want to butt in your conversation, I didn't know him that much. I'm not one with conversations" I explained to him, focusing on the people bustling around.

"Understandable. Alex is my brother by the way. Just wanted to let you know." He informed to which I nodded silently. 

It all make sense now, their similar looks and attitudes.

It's getting kinda crowded in the area so Hunter invited me to a more open space. How sweet of him. I thought that being paid attention by a person you like would make your feelings for them disappear, because the excitement of seeing them everyday also disappears. You get me? But with Hunter, it's literally the opposite. I don't know, I think it's called 'falling where there's nothing to fall from' I don't know if it made sense but it seemed right.

We ended up in the lake again, well, not in it but around it. The sun is about to set, casting the colors orange, yellow and red-ish. It was very beautiful, compared to the past sunsets I've seen. Of course, I took a picture of it. Because, why not.

My mind suddenly drifted to the fact that the guy that I've always dreamed of and fantasized is standing just a few steps behind me, and he actually knows I exist, and he's my friend. It's so surreal that every passing second seemed to not be true, that when I wake up, all of those were just false hope. But no, every blow of wind touching my skin reminds me that this is in fact real, that all of those days I fantasized are finally becoming true. That in just one day, everything changed.

Without thinking about what I was doing, I pinched myself. It hurt of course. 

Apparently, Hunter noticed it and laughed. "What are you pinching yourself about?" He asked and I faced him.

"Nothing that matters." I lied. 

He squinted his eyes at me. "It's really weird but at the same time comforting. Somehow, your presence is an ease to me." He smiled softly.

I smiled back, having no idea how to react. This is definitely not real, he just said he liked me around him. It means he likes me! It's probably not but it's enough.

We sat down on the grass. The lake beside us. Kind of facing the sun set. The field below, looked so magical. It looks like the place where the princess that has been locked up for years, finally saw freedom and she's running through the fields. I love it.

"But really, It's so weird that I felt so good about a person. It's like I've known you for so long." He said, facing me again and looking at me directly. 

"You're always telling me that. I don't know, maybe we've met when we were children." I tried to think of an explanation. But really, I wouldn't want him to think about it and just leave it as is.

"I didn't know what to expect when your..." He trailed off and I looked over to him.


"Nothing." He dismissed then turned away from me. I watched his face as the soft orange glow from the sun enhanced his defined features, his hair gently blowing.

I was about to say something when suddenly, an awfully familiar guy appeared from the forest to the right side of the area. I rolled my eyes as Rod saunter over to us. Now this guy is very handsome, he has a face like a model. I just hoped his heart is the same as his face, his attitude is trash and he was one of the bitches that used to bully me back in 2nd grade up to middle school.

"Willshire!" He greeted with fake enthusiasm.

"Paxton." I greeted back, with less sarcasm.

"So, another guy you wrapped around your fingers! How much did you pay Hunter?" He said with a mocking smile.

I smiled at him. "Not much, It still costs more than your life, which is... not that much?" Acting like I was computing. 

His smile dropped suddenly and he stepped forward, but Hunter blocked him.

"Rod, leave us alone. How about you spend time doing something useful instead of pointing out someone's flaws, it doesn't make you any better." Hunter calmly said, but there's danger in it.

"You're spending time with that fag--" I threw my bag at his face, interrupting him. "What the fuck, you faggot?!" He screamed, he stepped forward another time.

"So what if I'm gay? At least I'm true to myself unlike you, you insecure jerk." I clashed back.

Hunter picked up my bag and pretended to throw it at Rod. He ran like a little bitch. "You're so fucking dead, faggot!" His voice faded.

Hunter threw me my bag, still looking at the running man. He sat back down beside me.

"Thank you so much, Hunter." I said, breathing in a sign of relief.

He rested a hand on his knee, furrowing his brow. "Why'd he call you a... that word?" He asked, his eyes on the view.

"Because, I am that word." I said simply, did he not know I was gay? Now I'm kinda nervous, my blood running cold. 

Is he homophobic?

"I didn't know?" He said, his sculpted jaw clenching a little. I was about to answer when he faced me, his brows furrowed. "Since when did he bully you about it?"

"Started at 2nd Grade."

"I don't know why close minded people like him still exists." He tried to say it calmly, but I sense suppressed anger in it. He sighed. "Are you okay? You're not hurt?" He asked me.

I scanned my body for injuries which I know I didn't have. "No."

"No I mean, were you hurt? Like, your... your feelings." His ears turned a little pink.

I smiled, blushing a little. "No, not really." I said, bringing my knees up to my chest and resting my chin on it. 

"Good" He replied.

And with that, all of my problems and worries disappeared from my mind. Being in Hunter's presence.

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