Beautiful Scar

By 95McQueen

68.8K 3.5K 543

Scarlet is known for many things. The adoptive daughter of General Homes. A brutal and yet intelligent Captai... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 20

1.8K 92 13
By 95McQueen

The five suitors had cleaned and changed their training attire into tunics and loose pants befitting to grace evening tea with the Princess, as per their usual routine. They were walking along the usual hallway to the dining hall, until they saw a group of men, some in armours similar to Scarlet and Lance's. And some in fine robes with a distinguished brooch bearing emblems, securing the robe in place.

The men were grinning.

Among the crowd, General Collins stepped up, "My, what fortunate event and a pleasure to find promising men that would claim the Princess's heart in the near future. I am General Collins, aide to Jury Thomas, the Jury of Religion. This is my son, Frederick, he is a Scholar". Collins went off introducing each of the men.

The men shook hands with the suitors.

All the while, the five suitors did not expect that the group of men that Fina and her companions had warned them would make an appearance in front of them so soon.

Neville and Zuber were trying to gauge Collins. For a soldier, he sure had the skill to talk things with ease and smoothness, and yet the two couldn't sense a drop of sincerity in his tone. Rhetoric.

After all, they were brought up to learn the art of speeches and even practiced them in their line of works.

Dylan, on the other hand, was just simply irritated to be halted. He didn't like the idle pleasantries attempted by these men either.

Whatever side he was on, they were all using him anyway.

James and Jackel only managed a nod of greetings. Despites not being royalty, as long as they were part of the suitors, these Council men would have something they somehow kept in mind the advice given to them.

"Young Lord Jackel", Collins called out, which surprised Jackel and the other suitors. "How is your family faring in this war-free age?"

Jackel tried to not to make his gulp apparent. "We are doing very well, thank you".

"You know, maybe the Lady Captain and Lance fellow had said something about us men", Collins slowly speak, he made an expression as though he was deep in thought, when it was obvious he had known and had his own counter attack. "But I don't see any harm if either of you fine men would like to exchange idle talks over a meal, some times with any of us. Knowledge sharing is quite celebrated and getting to know with your future council are encouraged to understand further how the Silverstorm Kingdom operates".

Knowledge sharing huh. More like fishing out secrets and weaknesses from each other, "You are too kind, General Collins, sir", Neville managed a reply.

"Well, kindness is a thing we preach too, am I not correct, Jury Thomas?"

Thomas nodded profusely.

"Oh and Lord Jackel, if you are available sometimes, would you like to have a chat with the weaponry development minster?"

That widened the eyes of the suitors. Collins noticed, and he continued, "Now, don't be alarmed. A weapon does not mean I am using solely for the purpose of violence. Despites being at peace, your own kingdom also develops and still is developing weapon, am I right? Let the young lord learn and express his own concerns of the weaponry economy since his family was the one of the prominent suppliers and forgers. Like a group of butchers discussing the best type of knives to cut meats. They're not planning a massacre. So be at ease".

But it still did not sit well with the other suitors. And the other four noticed how conflicted Jackel was.

On one hand, Jackel was terrified to be approached by these men but at the same time there was a slow elated feeling to be considered so vital that these men wanted to be on good terms with him.

Could they, would they know the ways to restore his family's glory like those war-age days?

He was certain, even though he never had approached her personally, to ask such things. After all, the sentiments brought upon by the Princess' s camp seemed to favour other businesses. His business would surely not flourish in this peaceful day and he knew he could not convince those ladies otherwise.

"I...I would need some times to think and decide", that was all Jackel could reply.

As the men from the council unraveled and gauged the suitors' interests, they departed from them with a note to each of the men, bearing details of their names and where to find them if they ever considered to seek help or guidance 'navigating' during their stay here.

When the men left the suitors, and the five young men had ensured they were all gone, Neville spoke first, "Well, they were rather upfront about it".

"Huh? They were so roundabout in convincing me, if you ask me" said Dylan, rattled by the fact that Collins mentioned not only about his Mother, but now his younger half-brother's development. Oh Mother would not be pleased when the week here was ending and he had nothing worthy to report.

Neville, Zuber and James were not excluded from being tempted to consider making friendly relation with those lot of men.

Collins even whispered to Neville and Zuber on offering ways to tempt the Princess.

For Neville, it was the truth.

The truth behind the goal of his assassination attempt.

Even James was also been offered to have tea to discuss researches on 'advancing humanity' of some sorts which spoke a different intention than advancing society.


Sir Homes, Princess Fina and Captain Scarlet seemed to have reached the dining hall earlier for tea. They were continuing their talks from the Council just now and also were simply catching up on each others' days.

"In all honesty, dear child", Homes' eyes twinkled as he addressed Fina like his own, "Is there any men among the young suitors who is to your liking?"

Fina only chuckled, "It's too soon to tell Sir".

Homes only laughed, "Are you sure?" he teased. "That Prince Neville, he seemed not bad".

"Father wanted him dead, remember?"

"But it seemed my child here didn't want him to", he looked over Scarlet with gentleness. He showed no anger or disappointment if she failed to assassinate a person. It was better that way.

But Scarlet always took that remark as a reminder of her incompetence on the job. And maybe it was. After all, she knew Sir Homes always tried to prove, albeit tiringly, that the battlefield and warfare were not for the fainthearts and not supposedly for young ladies, and that if she could not honor the King's order, it would reflect poorly on her rise to Generalship.

"Well Uncle Elias 'wanted' him dead before, the King seemed indifferent seeing the Prince is well", Scarlet replied. "Apart from his inadequacy in the skills of breathing underwater, he seemed like a nice fellow. For now".

"He seemed nice", Fina nodded in agreement.

Scarlet then raised as she remembered something, "I would love to have James to participate in those healing and treatment sessions at the academy. His knowledge in concoction-makings are very much valuable".

"James? The one who poisoned you?"

Scarlet's eyes widened as she wanted to stop Fina from speaking any further...

"Poison? Who poisoned Scarlet?" Homes' brows started to wrinkle and his eyes slowly widened.

But Fina seemed to not catch Scarlet's eye contact, or perhaps she was enjoying seeing Homes got riled up whenever someone had inflicted or attempted harm on his surrogate daughter.

"It's not a big matter", Scarlet tried to amend, "I always drink small vial of poisonous concoction as my training..."

"I did not teach you this", Homes sighed.

Scarlet bowed a bit.

Well, that was the teaching of Collins that she failed to disregard. Unfortunately.

Now, she was guilty to still practice some of Collin's methods in her line of works. But in Scarlet's defense, she felt whichever lessons that were beneficial to her growth, albeit unconventional, as long as she was able to carry out her duty as warrior, then what was the problem there?

"Oh, come to think of it, I think Prince Dylan attempted to harm Scarlet", Fina cupped her chin in deep thought. "I wanted to try him sir..."

"A prince tried to harm dear Scarlet?" Oh, Homes' voice definitely raised an octave. He almost spat out his tea.

Scarlet wanted to roll her eyes at this ridiculousness.

"This is common in our line of works, sheez", she said exasperatedly and then amended, "I'm perfectly fine, Sir".

"Ah my dear Scarlet, please don't make this old man die of worriedness", Homes dramatized.

Fina only contained her giggles which Scarlet managed a glare to her companion. And she softly consoled Homes, though she sighed as well.

"I'm not trying to make you worry, Sir. See, I'm well and healthy", she put her hand on top of his. Letting know the warmth of a human by his side.

They had grown so close just like a father and daughter, like a teacher and a dear apprentice, that Scarlet could sense the loneliness in Homes. He had lost his wife and children before. And though he had his companion, the King and other children by his side, Scarlet, Fina and Lance, no one and nothing could ever replace those that had been lost and returned to the earth and sky.

Then, the door opened and came in the five suitors.

"Oh they're here, welcome!" Fina greeted enthusiastically.

Scarlet suddenly felt that Homes was not needed here.

Who knew what this old man could do to embarrass her. As a General or an adoptive father.

"So these are the suitors?" he whispered at Scarlet. "Which one was that James? Dylan?"

Scarlet really wanted to excuse herself from explaining this.

Without waiting her reply, he stood up and shook hands with each of the man.

And when each of the man nervously took his hand and introduced themselves, Homes ensured to squeeze firmly and tightly when Dylan and James introduced themselves.

They both had to shake out the pain once he released his hold on them.

Scarlet was very glad that Ronald had been dealt with. But then again, the final trial, Homes took over, and she probably didn't want to know what happened to that Prince anyway, especially if Homes was the last to carry out the trial.

But one thing Scarlet noted, had noticed ever since.

Everyone feared and respected another man. Unless a lady was birthed into royalty or of wealthy social standing, no man feared or felt the need to be intimidated by the Eves.

Not at all.

Unless she commanded an army and even had to proof that she could kill, no slaughter these men.

She could still understand the sentiments of the army, that were solely created by men and reaped from men.

But on the streets, in the markets.

A lady with no title, neither answer to any household, walking alone without any companion would be whistled, ridiculed and received backhanded compliment that did not make her feel any safer at all.

Brie complained these many times to them.

Those men did not deem females as threats. But a lady would have to be cautious.

Even if she could walk with her head held high, she still keeps her dagger, strapped under her thigh, or lethal comb clipped on top of her tied hair.

Some ladies even had to mention male names, to repel men who approached them uninvited. That just her own being was not enough to warrant decent distance and respect to be treated as a proper human being. To just leave her be, leave her alone.

It made no difference, now that Scarlet compared.

An everyday free and independent young lady was just as strong and well-prepared as a warrior could be.

Well, one thing as Fina once told Scarlet and the rest of the ladies who were navigating in a world that still reeked with belief that men were the superior being of this land.

"While the world overlooks the power that we, women wield, we might as well use their ignorance to our advantage..."

And that thought made Scarlet unnecessarily bitter somehow. Oh she was in a foul mood at how these suitors easily became timid in the presence of Homes.


She stood up, causing the chair to scratch the marble floor, making a screeching sound.

Everyone looked at her.

"I have to excuse myself", she said with a flat tone at Fina and Homes.

It was not even a permission. She was merely informing or stating a fact. Fina and Homes were puzzled for a moment that they couldn't even say anything and only watched her back.

"Princess, did I say anything wrong?" Homes managed a whisper.

Fina only shrugged, she watched her dear companion's back.

There was so much weight there. Some which Scarlet had taken hers, to ease. And some Fina had taken over hers, to ease.

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