Utaite OneShots [On Hold]

By xKatzecchi

52.8K 1.8K 2.7K

Welcome to my collection of Utaite OneShots~ I just don't know where to put my huge amount of love for these... More

Requests here!
Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田
🎈 Mafumafu//まふまふ 🎂
🎈 Soraru//そらる 🎂
🎈 Shima//志麻 🎂
🎈Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田 🎂
🎈 nqrse //なるせ 🎂
🎈 UraSaka//うらさか 🎂
🍋 SoraNaru//そらなる 🍋
🎈 Sou//そう 🎂
EveSou//いぶそう [Part 2]
🍂🎃 [1st] Shima//志麻 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🎈 [2nd] Senra//センラ 🎂🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [3rd] nqrse//なるせ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🎈 [4th] AraNaru//あらなる 🎂🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [5th] Uratanuki//うらたぬき 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [6th] Geychan//げいちゃん 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [7th] Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [8th] AmaKuro//あまくろ 🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [9th] luz//ルス 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [10th] AmaTomo//あまとも🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [11th] ShimaSen//しまセン 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [12th] UraSaka//うらさか 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [13th] Mafumafu//まふまふ & nqrse//なるせ 🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [14th] EveSou//いぶそう 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [15th] Soraru//そらる 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [16th] Amatsuki//天月 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [17th] SoraSaka//そらさか 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🎈 [18th] Mafumafu//まふまふ 🎂🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [19th] un:c//あんく 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [20th] Neru//neru_sleep 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [21st] AraNaru//あらなる 🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [22nd] Rib//りぶ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [23rd] Eve//いぶ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [24th] Meychan//めいちゃん 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [25th] S!N//しん 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [26th] SoraMafu//そらまふ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [27th] Araki//あらき 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [28th] SoraKuro//そらくろ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [29th] Kranku//くらんく🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [30th] HikiFes//ひきフェス 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [31st] XYZ 🍂🎃
🎈 Soraru//そらる 🎂
Headcannons ~Natsu Matsuri//夏祭り~
Pocky Day Imagines! 🍡🍩
🍋 ShooNaru//しゅなる 🍋
🍋 UraSaka//うらさか 🍋
🎈 Shima//志麻 🎂
🎈 Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田 🎂
🍋 KettaS!N//けったS!N 🍋
🎈 nqrse//なるせ 🎂
🎈 Meychan//めいちゃん 🎂
💕 Valentine's Day Imagines 💕
💕 Natsushiro Takaaki//夏代孝明 💕
🍥🎉 nqrse's harem (?) //なるせのハレム 🍥🎉
Reading Night #2 - Sou//そう
Reading Night #3 NanaSato//ななさと
Reading Night #4 - 🍋 AraNaru//あらなる 🍋
Reading Night #5 - Mafumafu//まふまふ
Reading Night #6 - 🍋 NatsuEve//なついぶ 🍋
🎈 Shoose//しゅーず 🎂
🎈 Colon//ころん 🎂
🎈 Nanamori//ななもり。🎂
Just an annoucement

Reading Night #1 - Natsushiro Takaaki//夏代孝明

199 12 15
By xKatzecchi

A sunny day, one out of a fairy tale.

... Though I really couldn't care less about that.
Rainy days are way better, aren't they?

I absentmindly walked through Tokyo, crossing street after street, a thousand people passing by me.
I was just on my way to Akihabara, the place where an otaku's every wish comes true.
Yesterday I received an advertisement that a new store opened and they had a limited keychain of (F/C)!
I couldn't let that chance slide and so I immediately prepared everything to leave early the next morning.

As I was once again lost in thought, I didn't notice someone walking directly in my direction, seemingly on their phone, too.


I secured my phone in a death-grip, preventing it from falling at all costs.
My opposite, though, didn't seem to have mastered that skill.

"Ah, damnit..."

The person crouched down, picking their phone with a now splittered display up and looked at me.
It was a handsome, young man, almost like an idol.

"I'm sorry... Are you okay? Not hurt anywhere?"

"N-No, I'm fine. But what about your phone?"

"Ah, it's fine... I wanted to get a new one, anyways. Don't worry."

His warm smile let my heart flutter.

He waved goodbye and went on, walking in the opposite direction than me.
As he passed by me, in the last moment, I could see a keychain dangling on his phone.

"That can't be..."


When I arrived at the shop the owners couldn't tell me anything other than-

"The last one just got bought, I'm sorry..."

"Ehh, but I woke up super early for this..."

Then I remembered.

'That guy... Could it have been him that bought the last one...?'

I was angry.

Not only did he have the audicity to almost make me drop my precious phone, but he also got (F/C) before me?

Enraged I stomped out of the shop, sulking the whole way home.


New day, new chance.
I was sure I would get my keychain today.

Again absentmindely wandering through the streets, I was taken aback when someone crashed into me from behind and, this time, couldn't catch my phone before it fell to the ground.

"I-I... M-My phone..."

"Hey, are you okay?"

'That voice...!'

"It's you!!"

"Ah, the girl from yesterday!"

He looked into his hands where he held the phone he just picked up.

"Ah, your phone... Nothing's broken, don't worry!"

I sighed in relief.

"What about your phone?"

He reached into his pocket and pulled a brand new model out.

"Already got a new one!"

"Rich people..."

He laughed.

"Anyways, isn't it weird that we bump into each other again?"

"Yeah, maybe we should start paying attention to our surroundings.", I smirked in amusement at my own stupidity.

"No, I like the way my attention seems to be always set on you."


He reached into his pocket again, pulling out a small keychain.

"You have (F/C)-!"

"Yeah, I bought the last two yesterday."

"Why did you do that!? I walked the whole way to the store in the morning!"

"I wanted to give the other one to you."

I stood there, dumbfounded.
His intention was really sweet and caring, but it seems he's a little out of it.

"... You."


"What would you have done if we never met again?"


He seemed to struggle to come up with an answer, I sighed.

"Can... Can I really have it?"

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it."

"Thank you...?"


"Thank you, Natsushiro."

I attached the keychain to my phone, letting it reflect the sunlight.

"So... Wanna go to the park?", he asked, nervously scratching his neck.

"Do you like the weather?"

"No, I honestly prefer rain."

I smiled.

"Sure, let's go."


A short one to mark the beginning of my first reading night!
I'm glad that at least a few people told me they'd drop by and really hope you'll enjoy the stories!
Don't expect too much though, I'm still no machine haha

I don't know how long I'll be able to write (since I couldn't buy energy drinks because of corona smh), but I'm giving it my best to stay up as long as I can!
I'm happy if you'll stay with me!

I hope you enjoyed the first oneshot, next one is Sou.
See you soon!

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