Possessive Kisses ✓

By dinafierce

62.7K 2.3K 992

Daniel Morales. Golden boy, millionaire heir. He's kind, sweet and carrying his own fair share of secrets. Ki... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty

chapter eighteen

1.4K 67 14
By dinafierce

Chapter Eighteen

"We're here." Daniel said as he parked his car in a parking spot at a luxurious restaurant and bar.

After we'd left the beach - with me stealing kisses from Daniel at every chance I got and watching Daniel surf - he'd told me he would pick me up by eight so we could go out together for my birthday.

So I dressed in a body hugging black satin dress that went up to the middle of my thighs, did my makeup and hair and waited. Oddly, Jennifer and Aurora weren't home which was weird. They both said they were working on something together, snickering as I talked to them on the phone. I knew they were up to something.

"Okay." I said simply as we both alighted from the car. Daniel took my hand as we approached the double doors of the huge restaurant, his other hand stuffed in his pants pocket, giving off the impression of composure as we strode.

We were ushered from the main restaurant and bar to a lounge area where Daniel proceeded to blindfold me. Yep, I was now being led through the lounge until I could feel cool air on my skin which meant we were outside once again and that's when Daniel took the blindfold off and I was able to see what he had planned for me.

"Surprise!" A chorus of voices yelled, stunning me. I took a step back, my hand flying to my chest as I spotted my friends; Aurora, Jennifer, Trina, Lucas, Miranda the aura reader, Harvey and Liz. I couldn't believe it. My excitement was boundless.

But the sight of my friends wasn't all that really surprised me. It was the sight of the car behind them, wrapped in pink ribbons.

"Wait, whose car is that!" I hissed in excitement, looking up at Daniel.

"It's yours silly." Aurora chirped as she came to hug me, wishing me a happy birthday. Soon everyone was hugging me while I was still trying to comprehend what was going on as I eyed the sleek gray colored Hyundai.

Did Daniel seriously just buy me a car? But...that's insane. Insanely expensive. And wild. And utterly mind-blowing!

"Do you like it?" He asked, his brown eyes scanning me studiously as everyone conversed around us, sipping on champagne that had been offered to them.

I let go of his hand to examine the car and God damn! The sleek gray body was state of the art, the interior magnificent. I was in love.

"Of course she likes it." Lucas said, smiling widely at me.

"I want to hear it from her." Daniel said, looking at me intently.

"I love it Daniel." I replied, smiling weakly because I really did.

Daniel cocked his head to the side and nodded then gestured for me to walk towards him. I fiddled with my fingers, feeling squeamish under his gaze as I moved to him.

He grabbed my waist with one firm hand and planted a soft kiss on my forehead. "Happy birthday Sapphire." Daniel murmured against me. I smiled, closing my eyes and reveling in the moment.

I stood there, the reality of what was really happening finally sinking in. Daniel just got me a car for my birthday. I was beyond surprised.

What is this? Is this like some alternate universe? Was I dreaming? Daniel really went all out for me on my birthday.

My life has been filled with surprising turns lately. First, I get together with Daniel and now this? This was insane.

We got back into the lounge after I was handed the keys to the car, solidifying what Daniel had gifted me. I found out as we took our seats in the large lounge filled with long tables and cushioned seats that Daniel had booked the whole place, hence why we were the only ones there.

Food was served to us along with drinks and we all just sat around chatting and taking pictures of the food and the place until my cake came and everyone began singing a happy birthday song to me.

I blew out my candles, made a wish and we continued on with the merriment.

"Have I told you how stunning you look this evening, Sapphire?" Daniel said, placing his folded arms on the table and leaning towards me.

I smiled, enamored with the warm smile he graced me with and the look of admiration in his brown eyes.

"You already did. Back when you picked me up, remember?" I laughed, brushing at the thick curls framing his forehead.

"Well, permit me to say it again. You look marvelously stunning tonight." Daniel said, his tone low and deep.

My cheeks warmed and I felt a chill run down my back to my legs. "Thank you."

He leaned in further, his lips next to my ear now and whispered. "Do you think the others would mind if I nibbled on you and not the cake?"

My heart stopped, restarted and beat wildly in my chest as my breath quickened. I pulled back, a sheepish smile laced with self conscious nervousness on my face.

I looked around the table, the others were too busy enjoying the meal except Harvey whose eyes remained on us, his lips turned down at the corners.

"Eyes on me Kimberly. Only me." Daniel said, his voice carrying on a relaxed and gentle tone, almost like a caress.

I looked back at him. "Sorry."

"There's no reason to apologize. I just want your attention. Can you offer me this at least?" Daniel said, cocking his head to the side and gracing me with a crooked smile.

Daniel had definitely improved in his speech patterns ever since he started seeing a speech therapist.

"I'm all yours." I said, breathless, a playful grin on my face.

Daniel's eyes locked on mine with a fierce look I couldn't quite explain the reason for and then he leaned in and kissed the side of my neck. I shivered.

"Aish, get a room you lovebirds!" Aurora said and had everyone at the table laughing. except Harvey.

I shifted away from Daniel but his hand fell on my knee, stroking gently. It took everything in me to immerse myself in the conversation going around the table when his fingers trailed along my skin.

The rest of the night was going fairly well. At least, that was until Henry showed up.

He walked into the lounge, a spring to his step. Daniel frowned with annoyance when he noticed him and his eyes snapped to Lucas who shrugged.

"Did you invite him?" Jennifer asked Lucas.

"No way. I have no idea how he knew we'd be here." Lucas said, fuming.

I looked at Henry warily. If he thought I'd forgotten his silly behavior at the carnival then he must be severely mistaken.

Henry looked morose. He smiled at me when he stopped walking. "Happy birthday Kim."

"Thanks." I gritted out.

"I know you're mad at me for what happened at the carnival. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted like that. I was a jerk. You too, man, I'm sorry." Henry apologized, directing his last words to Daniel who looked like he wasn't particularly interested in his apology.

I sighed. I looked around at the others who were looking at us as well. I didn't want to ruin my birthday with Henry. I decided to just let it slide.

"It's fine." I waved at him, glancing briefly at Daniel.

Daniel closed his eyes momentarily, his jaw ticking with slight irritation.

The night air floating into the lounge through the huge windows was fresh and cool to the skin. The sky was dark, a full moon making an appearance. The scent of wildflowers wafted through the air, giving off a serene and intimate setting.

Everything was perfect until Henry came in.

"So he got you a car huh? Perks of dating a rich dude." Henry said, smiling slyly but his voice was hard as he said it.

"It was a gift. Has nothing to do with riches." Daniel said defensively.

"Oh but if you were broke you wouldn't have gotten her one." Henry chuckled softly.

Daniel took a deep breath. I could tell Henry was deliberately being rude to Daniel and I didn't like it. I gave him a glare, earning a clueless expression in return.

"Are you done? If yes, then kindly leave." I said harshly.

"Wow, can't let me join your little birthday dinner." Henry shook his head, made to leave then stopped, turning back to our table again. "I do have a question to ask Daniel before I leave." Henry stated.

At that moment it felt like some heavy piece of glass had dropped and shattered into pieces because there was this sizzling tension that everyone clearly was trying so hard to ignore between Daniel and Henry.

Daniel's eyes landed on Henry, he looked like he was trying to keep calm but there was an underlying unease in the way he sat.

"Go ahead." Daniel said stiffly.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" Henry asked, smirking.

The room went silent. I blinked in confusion, my eyes scanning the shocked faces of the other people in the room. Was Henry mad? Why would he ask Daniel that type of question?

And then Aurora face palmed and began to laugh, Jennifer rolled her eyes and Lucas was shooting daggers at Henry while Trina, Miranda, Liz and Harvey looked confused.

I looked at Daniel.

"No." He answered coolly.

"Really? Are you sure?" Henry asked, feigning innocence.

A muscle in Daniel's jaw ticked but he still managed a small smile. "I'm sure."

His voice was calm, gentle. It was hard to tell what was going through his mind. Whether he was angry or not, because his composure was collected, unfazed.

"Alright, you can leave now. He answered you." I grabbed my wine glass and was about to take a sip when Henry spoke up again.

"Perhaps you may have forgotten." Henry said darkly.

"Dude, lay off." Lucas warned.

"You really should stop talking Henry." Daniel said, his tone almost deadly now, filled with anger. It was strange.

"What's wrong Daniel? You look agitated. Afraid they'll find out?" Henry jeered, smiling smugly, a challenging look on his face.

"Find out what?" Trina asked.

"The truth." Henry replied. Miranda and Liz shared a look.

Daniel looked down at the wine glass in his hand as if wondering how it got there. "You should keep quiet Henry especially when you have no idea what you're saying."

"That's right. Keep quiet. That's what you've managed to do haven't you? That's why no one knows. But guess what? I know you. You're a killer." Henry snarled.

Jennifer and Miranda gasped, Trina's eyes widened. Lucas looked like he wanted to punch someone and Liz did the sign of the cross over her body. My heart rate increased. What was Henry yapping about?

"One more word..." Lucas warned.

"Or what? Why are you protecting a murderer?" Henry hissed, clenching his fists.

"You don't know anything." Daniel mumbled, a lifeless expression on his face.

"Daniel, don't listen to him." I interjected then stood up to face Henry. "Leave now or I'll call security. This isn't some place where you can make a scene and on my fucking birthday."

"I get it Kim, I do and I'm not doing anything. I'm just asking questions. Daniel is not who he seems. I'd advise you to tread carefully around him. You may become his next victim." Henry smiled wickedly.

Do not trust Daniel Morales.

The words from the text message I'd gotten weeks ago came flooding into my mind. I pushed them away.

"Why is he still here?" Daniel looked at Lucas with annoyance. Lucas let out a tired sigh.

"Alright, let's just keep eating this wonderful chicken. Wow, yum yum." Harvey said, taking a bite of his chicken.

"Tell them Daniel. Tell them how your whole calm, cool demeanor is a facade to hide your true nature." Henry spat.

Daniel looked at Henry, eyes leaden with anger, body rigid with tense fury. Something wasn't right.

"The fact you're getting worked up over it means I'm right. You're a killer. You should be in jail for what you did. You son of a bitch." Henry said heatedly.

"Henry stop!" Miranda said hastily.

"No! I won't. It's high time someone said something." Henry said adamantly, voice shaking. "He's a killer and he knows it. Ask him what made him stop talking for nearly four years."

Daniel abruptly stood up beside me with a determination that surprised and scared me. Was he going to go after Henry? Or was he planning on leaving? Why wasn't he denying Henry's accusations? Was there some truth there?

Do not trust Daniel Morales.

Those blasted words again.

Lucas got to Daniel and held him back, making him sit back down just in time. Lucas glared at Henry viciously.

"Don't listen to him Daniel." Lucas reasoned, hands gently squeezing Daniel's shoulders.

"Did you not hear what he said?" Daniel said hoarsely, elbows on the table, rubbing his hands with agitation, his whole body trembling.

I didn't like this. I didn't like this one bit. This wasn't how this day was supposed to end. I sat down and rubbed Daniel's back.

"Ignore him. He's stupid." Lucas said.

"I'm stupid because of what I know?" Henry yelled.

I could tell Henry was enjoying seeing Daniel in this state, rattled and riled up.

"Henry, will you please just leave! Get lost!" I said in anger, my voice rising.

"No, not until he tells everyone why he killed Ella. Go ahead Daniel. Isn't that why you lost your voice you dumb fuck." Henry leered.


Daniel's eyes were hot coals and they stared with so much hate at Henry, like he wanted to hurt him but he sat still, one of his legs bouncing underneath the table.

"Yeah, that's right. You are a fucking killer. And soon the truth will come out. You'll be behind bars. Then no amount of money will save you." Henry said, pointing at Daniel.

"Dude, what's your deal?" Aurora asked, looking at Henry like he was crazy.

I looked in Daniel's direction and my eyes widened. Daniel looked like he was having difficulty breathing, like he was about to fall apart into pieces, his brown eyes were wild, the lights reflecting in them. He was shaking, rattling.

"I need to leave." Daniel said, panting heavily.

I smoothed the skin on his neck with my palm, trying to instill some form of comfort, trying to get him to calm down.

"Come on, let's go." Lucas said, helping Daniel up. He turned to me. "I'm sorry about this Kim." Lucas apologized.

"Where are you taking him?" I rose up, made to follow on instinct as I watched Daniel walk away.

"Home, he needs some rest. I'm sorry." Lucas replied.

"Will he be okay?" Jennifer asked, her voice shaky with emotion.

"I hope so." Aurora said, looking worried. Lucas gave Henry one last look before going after Daniel, exiting the lounge.

The room fell silent once again.

And then I took a deep breath and marched towards Henry, shoving him with annoyance.

"What was the meaning of that?" I shouted.

"Kim!" Jennifer said, alarmed.

"What was what?" Henry asked.

"Don't act like you don't know what you've done. Why did you say those things to him? Look what you did!" I yelled.

"Oh please fuck off." Henry spat. "Why don't you stop and ask why he reacted that way. If he wasn't guilty then why did he freak out and leave. It just proves I'm right."

"You're right about what!" I snapped. "What do you think you're right about?!"

"That your boyfriend Daniel Morales is a killer."

• • •

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