Possessive Kisses ✓

By dinafierce

62.7K 2.3K 992

Daniel Morales. Golden boy, millionaire heir. He's kind, sweet and carrying his own fair share of secrets. Ki... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty

chapter fifteen

1.7K 98 48
By dinafierce

Chapter Fifteen

Today was the start of students' week. Students' week is basically a week of no school activities and during this time the Arthur University Student Union Government arranged some fun activities like a carnival, contests, and parties.

I would only be spending half of it in school before I traveled home to my very persistent parents for my birthday on Friday.

I'd told them I didn't want a party but they'd still decided to do what they wanted and what they're best at doing which is ignoring me.

My phone dinged and I quickly snatched it up from the bedside table next to me. It was a message from...you guessed it.... Monsieur Sexy As Heck Daniel.

Come outside.

I read the words until they ended up with two different meanings.

I'd not heard from Daniel in two weeks after I'd gone to the hospital and Daniel had spoken to me. He was discharged later that week. When I'd reached out to Lucas he'd informed me that Daniel was seeing a speech and language therapist, a mental health professional who would help him get used to using his voice again. And hopefully never feel the need to fall back to being silent anymore.

I was happy for Daniel because it meant he was finally taking the steps to healing from whatever trauma he had been going through. All I could do was pray and wish him a speedy recovery - and bombard him with texts on WhatsApp because I missed him and wanted to know how he was doing. Not that he replied or read my messages but I didn't mind one bit.

I looked down at my phone and hastily typed a reply.

Come outside where exactly?

I'm downstairs so come meet me.

Um, what if I'm busy? You didn't think of that. You just think I'd come if you asked me to.

I know you'd come whenever I want you to. :)

I snickered and tried to steady my mind, concentrating on not thinking stupid, dirty thoughts

You're in the lobby right now?

Yeah, why aren't you here yet?

How long have you been there?

Just got here.

Are we going somewhere?

Yeah, we're going to go get ice cream at Coldstone.

I may be busy.

Oh please, what could you possibly be doing on a no school day?

Um, contemplating my entire existence.

Lol get down here now.

Someone's overly eager to be in my presence.

Nope, just really want that ice cream.

Silly goose.

I clicked off my phone and took in a deep breath before squealing.

I'm sorry, I just can't help it. Because this further validates my theory that Daniel likes me. And after our near kiss at his house...

I have to do my happy dance now.

I stood on the bed and began bouncing on it while dancing, before flying to Jennifer's bed as well.

"What in God's name are you doing on my bed Kimberly Alessandro!" Jennifer squawked before coming forward to drag me off her bed.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so freaking excited." I said and moved to my closet.

"Does this involve Daniel? Because your life revolves around that guy these days." Jennifer said as she began to rearrange her covers.

"Is someone jealous?" I smiled wickedly.

"You do know we are supposed to go to the spa today?" Jennifer leveled me with a glare.

"Oh right. I guess we'll have to cancel that." I scratched my black mane of hair and smiled sheepishly.

"Exactly, let's cancel because of..." She paused and made a dreamy face. "Daniel Morales."

"I'm sorry, okay? We can postpone this spa thing right? I mean, Daniel's downstairs waiting..." I said, pouting.

"Just remember Kim, sisters over misters." Jennifer said and went to sit in front of her vanity table, ready to take off her makeup.

"You're so jelly." I replied, pulling on a light blue off shoulder top to go with the black jeans I'd gotten into quickly.

"Can I borrow your sandals?" I said, picking up the black sandals without waiting for her approval.

"Sure. Where are you guys going?" Jennifer asked absentmindedly

"Eh, Coldstone." I replied, pushing my hair out of my face as I stared into a mirror, contemplating whether or not to use make up.

Nope, Daniel must learn to revel in the natural gorgeousness that is my face.

I applied some lip gloss though then gave Jennifer a quick hug which I'm sure she enjoyed way too much before leaving.

I met Daniel downstairs. He was dressed in a dark gray sweatshirt and black knee-length shorts. His left leg was still bandaged but at least the wound was healing just fine, so Lucas had informed me.

He rose from the chair he'd been reclining on the moment he spotted me, his strong streamlined body accentuated by his sweatshirt. His brown eyes roamed over me and I wanted to um...melt into a puddle of mush.

Daniel raised his hands to sign something to me and then caught himself before smiling, dropping them.

"Hello Kimberly." Daniel said, his voice calm, warm. He sounded more eloquent than he'd been two weeks ago. The words flowed with a stronger precision now, smooth, more decipherable although his voice still cracked a little but it was barely noticeable.

He sounded beautiful to me and I was so proud of him.

"Hey Danny. You know you can still use sign language if you're not okay with talking directly yet. I don't mind at all." I said, signing the last five words.

"I understand but it's fine Kimberly. I'm fine with speaking. You look amazing by the way." Daniel smiled, stepping closer.

I blushed, and felt like my cheeks were on fire.

I couldn't look up at him, you see. This is what happens when I'm around him. Texting and talking aren't the same. With texting I was bold, with talking I was eh...a mess.

"Thank you. You look like you're doing fine. You're not in any pain right?" I asked, brushing down my hair shyly.

"I'm fine love. Don't worry." Daniel said, pulling at my shirt gently. It felt like I'd been scorched by his fingers through the material of my shirt.

"That's good to know." I ducked my head.

"Are you ready to go?" Daniel said and took my hand.

My eyes widened as he stepped a tad closer. My eyes were trained on his chest because I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes. I might pass out due to CILS.

"Sapphire, look at me." Daniel said softly.

Phew, I was on the verge of combusting. I looked up, almost disintegrated from the sheer force of his gaze. My lips fell apart and his eyes dropped to them. I swallowed.

"Are you ready to go?" He repeated, his lips twitching slightly, like he was trying to stop an amused smile from spilling out.

I nodded, my mouth dry.

"Okay." Daniel said, his brown eyes scanning every inch of my face.

We arrived at Coldstone, thankfully with my dignity intact because I couldn't get a grip on my CILS.

We got our ice cream, chocolate for me. Strawberry and chocolate mix for Daniel with sprinkles.

I tugged at my ear, watching as Daniel's delicately long fingers picked up his spoon to scoop some ice cream. I had this urge to just push his curly hair from his face, it looked like it was obscuring his vision.

"What are your plans for the week?" Daniel asked conversationally.

"I honestly suck at making plans. I'll probably just try to enjoy the free time from school." I shrugged, dipping my spoon into my ice cream.

"Okay." Daniel said then looked at me hesitantly, like he had something on his mind. "Kimberly, if you don't mind me asking. What made you learn sign language?" He said, curiosity laced in his tone.

"Oh, um, well... I learned it because of someone." I said, my eyes on the table.

"May I ask who?" Daniel said.

He was seated right in front of me but I refused to look at him, once again. I kept my eyes transfixed on my cup.

"I think you already know who it is." I said, looking up at him then. He frowned for a second and then he smiled like he'd just realized something.

"That's really sweet of you. Endearing even." Daniel said, licking the ice cream off his lower lip. I looked away because I had nothing else to say.

I couldn't directly tell him he was my reason for learning it but from his response it was clear he knew.

I decided to change the subject.

"So um, Lucas told me you were seeing a speech therapist. How's that going?" I asked, smiling tentatively.

"I'm doing much better now. It's not been easy. It's crazy to think that something like speaking which used to be so easy for me once would get so hard. I almost wanted to...you know...not do it." Daniel released a shaky breath.

"I'm sorry." I said, not really knowing why I was apologizing.

"It's okay. When I had the accident I realized how short and fleeting life was. How at any moment you could lose everything. It dawned on me that I'd held on to something that happened in the past for too long and it was not only hurting me but the people I cared about as well." Daniel paused, staring at his cup of ice cream.

"I can't imagine how it must've felt." I said, my curiosity almost pushing me to ask what had really happened but I held strong.

"Yeah, it sucked. My parents were so happy when I spoke again and that happiness made me...I can't explain it. I guess it drove me to keep fighting. That motorcycle accident made the decision to speak more solid but I didn't know I was gonna do it at the hospital which is why I was surprised by it. But when it happened I realized there was no going back. I didn't want to go back. That accident changed everything. And you. Because when I started hanging out with you I found myself wishing I could say something to you." Daniel smiled, his eyes steady on mine, restless fingers tapping the table.

I smiled wantonly, fighting back tears. "That's so good to know Daniel. All that matters now is that you're doing okay. Whatever it is, you know you can always talk to me. When you're ready." I reached out and squeezed his hand.

"Thank you Kimberly." He smiled broadly as his eyes lingered on my hand.

I chortled, taking back my hand, my embarrassment evident on my face. "Of course!"

Daniel regarded me with deep scrutiny then and I wondered what he was thinking.

"Um, eat your ice cream. It's getting cold. I mean, it's getting hot. No, warm." I made a face that I wouldn't consider pretty.

Daniel laughed and scooped up his ice cream. "I like you Kimberly. You're hilarious."

I blacked out.

I like you Kimberly.

Those words...those words.

What could he mean? Did he like me in the way I liked him? Was it more like a friend? I needed to find out.

"Oh, so you like me." I slurped my ice cream. "In what way?"

Daniel spun his spoon around in his hand as he stared at me intensely. Unbeknownst to him, me trying and managing to maintain eye contact with him was literally causing me brain damage.

"I just like you."

"I know. But like in what way? Is it like the just friends way? I wanna jump into bed with you way? More than friends way? Siblings way? Um, buddy way?" I asked, peering at him curiously.

I sounded ridiculous but I didn't care.

"Those are a lot of ways to like someone." He chuckled, the sound deep. His shoulders shook as he laughed.

"Which way is it?"

"Just friends way." He winked.

I blacked out again.

Just friends way.

I felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured on me. Just friends? But...but...we nearly kissed.

I didn't know if I was more disappointed or annoyed. Maybe both.

"I'm mad at you, congratulations." I said, stabbing my ice cream.

"What? Why?" Daniel laughed.

"Did you not hear what I said? I'm mad at you." I pouted and stabbed my ice cream again.

"Oh, you poor thing." Daniel said softly.

"I'm not poor or a thing." I grinded out.

"I was talking to the ice cream." Daniel said dryly.

"Haha." I frowned.

You know, all of a sudden I wanted to go back to my dorm room and cry till the end of time.

"Come sit next to me." Daniel offered, patting the leather cushion of his chair.

"No thanks." That's what I said but inside, I was like; hell yesss Daniel I'll do anything for you.

"Please?" Daniel said and stuck out his lower lip.

I was adamant.

"You know you want to." Daniel smiled invitingly at me.

"No sir."

A beat passed and then Daniel spoke.

"I like you because you're open and carefree. And I really admire that about you Kimberly. You're like a warm hug in the cold. You're like an illuminance in the dark. So wonderfully bright, I just want to be around you all the time, " Daniel said, his eyes locked on mine, his tone low, raw, even.  "What way would you call that?"

I felt stuck in time as I processed his words, my chest warming up with the rest of me.

"I .." I had no words.

"Give me your hand. The left one." Daniel instructed, leaning forward.

I scrunched my face up in confusion but complied anyway, letting my hand drop onto his right one across the table, my skin tingling

"Now, I'm convinced you're obsessed with me." Daniel breathed out, a sexy crooked smile on his face.

"What?" I looked up at him, not quite understanding.

He gave me a wry look before grasping my left hand, turning it over so my palm was visible. I reddened all over. I knew what he meant.

Because on the inside of my wrist was his name written in black ink, with miniature hearts drawn around it. I wanted to die.

That awkward moment when your crush discovers you're a loon.

Sometimes I like to draw on my skin with pens and pretend they're real tattoos since I'm too chicken to get one.

Why didn't I clean that one off!

I smiled awkwardly. "Um..."

"Guess what?"

My mind went black.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "What?"

"I'm obsessed with you too."

• • •

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