Possessive Kisses ✓

By dinafierce

62.7K 2.3K 992

Daniel Morales. Golden boy, millionaire heir. He's kind, sweet and carrying his own fair share of secrets. Ki... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty

chapter fourteen

1.6K 78 49
By dinafierce

Chapter Fourteen


It's been a week since I went to Daniel's house and Bianca had interrupted us and then proceeded to threaten me.

We hadn't talked about what happened or would've happened between us ever since and it was fine by me. Things between us were kind of awkward but that was partly on me.

But that wasn't why I was freaking out. I was freaking out because I hadn't seen Daniel in school today or yesterday or the day before.

I took in a deep breath as I surfed through my WhatsApp for the millionth time then quickly switched to Instagram after not finding what I wanted before moving to Snapchat then Twitter before placing my phone on the table and groaning in frustration, sighing tiredly as I ran my hands through my hair.

I stared with irritation at the wooden table before me, the wind ruffling my hair and swaying the leaves on the trees surrounding us.

"What is it Kimmy? You've been going through your phone and sighing for the past thirty minutes." Jennifer said, chewing on a piece of chocolate. Aurora was all too busy forking up spaghetti and meatballs across from me.

I took a sip of my coffee before sighing again.

"Sigh one more time and I swear to God I will remove your eyes with my fork." Aurora threatened. I sighed again to anger her, sticking my tongue out indignantly.

"I believe I asked a question." Jennifer said, pulling her braids into a ponytail.

I sighed. "It's Daniel."

"Oh, that's new." Aurora chirped. I glared at her, she stuck her tongue out.

"What about him?" Jennifer asked as she chopped off another piece of chocolate and chewed quickly. I scrunched my face in mortification. Was the chocolate about to take off? Probably disappear? She needed to eat more slowly.

"Um, it's just I haven't seen him in school today." I wrung my fingers, chewing on my lower lip.

"So what? The guy's probably having a class." Aurora said, peering down at her phone.

"It's not that. He's not online on any of his pages. Like the last time we texted was on Sunday and since then nothing. Also Lucas isn't in school." I said, niggling.

"You're the definition of stalker Kimberly and I'm beginning to worry about you." Aurora said.

"Lay off Aurora." Jennifer chastised, she turned to face me. "Maybe he has stuff to do. Don't worry, I'm sure everything's fine."

"But since Sunday? It's Wednesday. It's been three days. Can't you see. Something's not right." I said, pulling at my hair.

Why was he not coming to school anymore? Has something happened to him? Was he okay? I'd tried calling him but his number wasn't going through. Something was definitely not right.

"Kim, stop mumbling to yourself. I'm sure Daniel's fine. He'll be in school tomorrow. You'll see." Jennifer smiled warmly and brushed my hair aside. I nodded, wanting to believe everything was okay.


It was Friday. It's been five days now. Five days and I haven't heard from Daniel. My whole body was filled with dread.

I pushed open my laptop to watch a movie but then closed it back and picked up my phone. I was too worried to watch anything.

I opened my WhatsApp and my spirit lifted when I noticed that Lucas was online. He had also been AWOL like Daniel. Without further ado, I texted him.

Lucas what's up? What happened to Daniel? Where is he?

Hey Kim I'm doing great thanks for asking.

Answer my question.

Daniel's been hospitalized.

My eyes bulged when I read that text. Hospitalized? As in the hospital? Sick? I could feel my heart rate increasing as terror skidded over my body.

Hospitalized? Why? Is he sick?

No, but he was involved in an accident.

Now my heart was pounding against my chest. An accident? No, this can't be happening.

What the hell happened?

He was hit by a motorcycle. Luckily he only sustained some minor injuries and a concussion.

What hospital is he in?

After Lucas gave me the name of the private hospital Daniel was admitted into, I placed my phone on the bed and hastily pulled on some clothes. I knew it. I knew it. I knew something wasn't right.

Aurora, who was in the room noticed I was in a rush and gave me a quizzical look. "Is everything okay Kim?"

Jennifer wasn't home yet because she still had classes. She's a medicine and surgery student. They take stuff too seriously.

"What? No, of course not. I just found out Daniel's in the hospital. Nothing is fucking okay." I said and picked up my purse, breathing heavily.

"What? What happened?" Aurora asked, genuinely concerned.

"Motorcycle accident. Where the hell is my phone?" I said, looking around the room.

"An accident? Oh man, hope it's not too serious." Aurora added.

"Me too. Where is my fucking phone?" I yelled.

"It's under the clothes on your bed you moron. God!" Aurora exclaimed, running a hand through her hair.

I pushed the clothes away, grabbed my phone and ran out of the room. Once I was out, I hailed a cab and was on my way to the hospital.

Minutes later I was at the hospital, the nurse leading me to Daniel's room and me trying to stay calm. This was after a series of security checks on my part. She asked for my student ID card and how I knew Daniel amongst other things then told me I could only spend twenty minutes there with him.

As I walked down the marble floors my mind started conjuring up a mental image of Daniel's brown skin all scarred and bruised, his handsome face distorted, hair gone, teeth knocked out. A leg missing.

I shut my eyes and prayed to God that he was truly okay.

The nurse opened the door for me and I stepped in, sucking in a breath of surprise.

Daniel was laying there, his left leg bandaged. A white bandage around his head, his wispy brown curls of hair splaying against his face. There were scratches up and down his arm that looked like they'd been dressed with something.

His eyes suddenly opened and he turned to look at me, a wide smile spreading across his face.

My eyes watered. I was on the verge of crying. How could he still smile like that after what just happened to him.

"Daniel, my God, what happened to you?" I said, sniffing.

Daniel just stared at me softly. I moved to stand next to his bed, placing my hand on his face, my eyes catching the little bottle of painkillers on the table next to him.

"I was so worried. I knew something wasn't right. But I wasn't thinking it was this. I talked to Lucas and he told me you were hit by a motorcycle. How stupid can people be? Why can't they look where they drive or ride? Do you feel any pain anywhere? What did the doctor say?"

Daniel took hold of my hand and squeezed gently, as if somehow this could assure me he was okay.

I looked around the room. "Where's the chair that I'm supposed to sit on? Did that nurse think I came here to stand."

It was behind me and I pulled it towards me. I moved to sit down but somehow the stupid chair shifted and I ended up kissing the floor with my butt instead and damn, did it hurt like hell.

I can't believe this chair decided to make a fool of me especially when I was an emotional wreck in front of Daniel. Wasn't it bad enough he got to see how puffy my eyes were from crying.

Daniel's laughter trailed above me from the bed and I blushed. I was still on the floor because I was still trying to understand the physics of how that chair moved away or how clumsy I was.

I stood up slowly and dusted myself off. "Stupid chair. This hospital needs to get better, reliable furniture." I fumed.

Daniel continued to laugh as I muttered to myself. That's right Daniel. Laugh it off.

"It's not funny." I grumbled.

"Aren't you cute."

I blushed. "Well, that wasn't exactly cute. More like clumsy. For an expensive room, you really need to get better chairs and stuff. Can't have people breaking their backbones." I said, brushing imaginary dirt off my knees.

"Of course. I apologize."

"Oh no, it's fine. It's good. It's all good Daniel. You see... everything's all...wait..." I paused, my eyes widening. "Did you just talk to me?"

Daniel's eyes widened before he looked up at the ceiling and raised a hand to touch his throat then he gave a small smile. "Well, I don't see anyone else here." He said, voice breaking, strained.

"Holy shit. You're talking. I can't believe this! Of course, take it slow, okay?" I said, jumping happily, then I placed my hand against his forehead, brushing at it with my thumb.

Daniel blinked then chuckled. "Okay Kimberly." He responded.

Daniel's voice was scratchy, deep and cracked as he spoke. Presumably from lack of use. He was having a hard time saying the words smoothly, the vowels and consonants and sounds just meshing together, mixing up. But he was speaking. For whatever reason, he'd decided to speak. And he'd surprised himself with it.

I looked down at him excitedly. And I felt beyond happy for him because whatever had made him close up, keep his voice locked, he was one step ahead from overcoming it.

I had no doubt that something traumatic had happened to him when he'd disappeared from school, I just didn't know what. Whatever it was his response to that trauma had been to shut down, stop himself from speaking. That situation had probably scared him and scarred him for life. But this was a step to moving on from it, I just knew it. What had made him finally decide to take that step, I didn't know. And I wasn't going to ask. The last thing I want to do is pressure him with questions.

He needed to be encouraged, needed support now more than ever so he doesn't fall back.

Daniel groaned as he slowly pulled himself into a sitting position.

"No Daniel, lie down. You're not completely healed." I said, trying to force him back down.

"I'm fine." His voice cracked, and he winced. He wasn't used to this yet, then he just stared off into the distance blindly.

"Are you alright Daniel? And please, if it hurts to speak then just use sign language, okay?" I said, worried as I looked at him.

Daniel smiled fondly. "I'm..." He paused, cleared his throat before speaking. "My voice sounds so different. I sound... different. It's been so long." Daniel closed his eyes.

I reached out and grabbed his hand. "It's okay. You sound amazing. Just take it one step at a time." I assured, my eyes watering up again.

Daniel looked over at me, then he reached out to wipe a tear away from my face.

I leaned away, pulling out my handkerchief to wipe my face. I probably looked like a mess.

"I'm fine. Just emotional I guess." I smiled through my tears.

"I like your slippers. They're cute." Daniel whispered, looking down at my feet with amusement.


I looked down at my feet and noticed the long ears attached to the soft super huge rabbit slippers on my feet which I'd been wearing all this time!

What the hell Kim!

I didn't realize I was wearing them! Was I even wearing clothes? I placed my hand on my chest and sighed. I was wearing a hoodie and black jeans.

Wait, a hoodie? I looked at the navy blue material. Daniel's hoodie. Omg, what is this madness!

Was this how I was going to live my life? Embarrassing myself all the time in front of him.

"I did say they're cute didn't I? So stop making that face." Daniel said softly, his hoarse voice lower now, the words spoken one at a time.

I smiled. "Thanks. I was sorta in a rush."

"I figured."

The door burst open at that moment and I quickly turned around to see who it was.

In came a woman and without thinking I knew who she was. Daniel's mother. Her skin was a clear, vivid brown, she had brown eyes but a few shades darker than Daniel's. Her lips full, her gaze scorching, lacking the warmth that Daniel's eyes had. She was dressed in a gray suit. She looked no nonsense to me. I instantly pushed away from Daniel's bed but he held onto my hand and his mother didn't miss this.

Another woman came in. Prim suit, stolid face. She was holding Daniel's mom's bag so I'm guessing she's the personal assistant. And then finally Bianca Mavory, looking all chic in her black leather pants and pink blouse.

I felt like a peasant in their midst.

"Who are you?" His mother asked, tone calm.

"I'm...I'm Daniel's friend. Kimberly." I smiled weakly.

"What are you doing in my son's room?" She asked.

"Um, just visiting."

Her eyes trailed over me, slowly from my head down to my ridiculously big slippers. She spent an extra second analyzing them before looking at me.

"Can someone get me the doctor? I'd like for them to explain why they'd allow anyone into my son's room without my permission." Daniel's mother said, tone dripping with anger.

Her personal assistant quickly rushed to go get the doctor.

"Mrs Morales please don't be mad at her. She has a very high tendency of being uncouth." Bianca supplied, smirking at me.

"Uncouth? Why you..." I started to say when Daniel interrupted me.

"Mom, this is totally unnecessary. And you Bianca, shut up, please?"

• • •

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