Possessive Kisses ✓

By dinafierce

62.7K 2.3K 992

Daniel Morales. Golden boy, millionaire heir. He's kind, sweet and carrying his own fair share of secrets. Ki... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty

chapter eleven

1.8K 77 25
By dinafierce

Chapter Eleven

Actually Daniel, I envision that kissing those lips would be like getting into heaven.

How could I have uttered such foul words to Daniel of all people. Now I'm sure he definitely thinks I've lost my mind.

Whenever I remember the events that transpired during Lucas's party, I feel the urge to throw up. Not only had I acted stupid, I'd made a complete fool of myself.

After I'd fallen into the pool, I managed to get out to a very amused Daniel who was trying so hard to keep a grin from bursting forth.

You'd think he'd jump in and save me from the annoying water. I'm actually glad he didn't though. That would've somehow made me more embarrassed than I was.

I was soaking wet. And not in a good way. Daniel had handed me a towel. I had taken off my soaking dress and being the sweetheart slash gentleman that he was he'd handed me his navy blue hoodie to wear over my bikini and that was how I'd managed to save my dignity.

But a good thing came out of all my chaotic stupidity. That good thing was getting Daniel's hoodie. I wore it like half the time now and fell asleep to the sweet scent of his cologne and ahhhh, it felt so freaking good.

Anyway, that was three days ago. Now, I was standing in front of an ice cream kiosk located inside the school. I couldn't wait to get my chocolate and vanilla ice cream. The sun was a little too hot and this was exactly what I needed to cool down.

I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet when someone tugged the hem of my tank top.

I turned to see...wait for it...

Daniel Breathtakingly Cute as fuck Morales.

He stood there in a white t-shirt, black cargo pants, and Nike sneakers, his brown hair in a mess of curly curls.

His brown skin looked so clear and bright in the sun. He needed to fess up his skincare routine.

"Daniel." I said. Breathlessly, might I add. My eyes tracing the outline of his chest and shoulders through his shirt.

I spent three extra seconds admiring his long lashes. How can one human be so perfect?

"Hey Sapphire, you look so beautiful today." Daniel signed.

My cheeks warmed up from his compliment.

"Thank you Daniel." I smiled widely, pushing my hair behind my ear.

Daniel smiled, before signing again. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm getting some ice cream." I said and turned to the woman selling. "Can I get two cups of chocolate and vanilla ice cream? Are you okay with that or would you prefer another flavour?" I said quickly to Daniel.

"I'm fine with it." Daniel signed. I nodded and turned back to the woman.

"Alright then." The woman replied and went to get the ice cream.

In a couple of minutes she'd dished the ice cream and was handing it to me. Daniel's hand mechanically went to his back pocket, probably to take out his wallet but I took out the money and paid before turning to Daniel.

He took the ice cream, his fingers brushing mine. I tried to steady my breathing from the contact.

"It's my treat."

"Thanks." He mouthed with a grateful smile.

"You're welcome." I mouthed back with a sly grin before we began walking next to each other, towards one of the tables and chairs under an array of trees. These long chairs came with a rectangular table. I placed my purse on the table and cracked my knuckles. Okay, ice cream, prepare to meet your doom.

We took a seat and ate our ice cream in silence. Well, mostly silence if you had to subtract the noise making students occupying other seats.

"What a lovely bracelet, Daniel." I gushed, looking over at the gold band around his left wrist hitched above a similar bracelet made of silver. They both had intricate and elaborate designs made with gold and silver, pieces of tiny iridescent glittering red rubies indented into their surfaces.

"Thanks, do you like it?" Daniel signed, smiling over at me.

"Yeah, it looks cool." I said, licking my ice cream spoon.

"If you like it then it's yours." Daniel signed.

My eyes bulged. Hold up! He can't seriously want to hand over that expensive looking, gorgeous bracelet to me? I mean, come on.

"Huh? I don't want it. Don't take it off." I said, holding onto his wrist with a steely hand because he was already making a move to take it off.

He can't be a real human. He's just too....hold on people, I need to think of a befitting word to describe him.

He turned his hand over and gently grabbed mine, running a thumb over my knuckles.

My breathing hitched. My eyes widened. The world was caving in, I was too. My eyes met his and I couldn't look away. I didn't want to.

I pulled my hand back and cleared my throat. "You don't have to give it to me."

Daniel frowned at me before signing to me.  "Okay, but what if I wanted you to have it?"

"Because I said I liked it?" I scooped up my ice cream.

"Yes." Daniel signed. He had only eaten a little of his ice cream and was now staring down at his cup curiously.

I put the ice cream in my mouth and was about to say something when....

"Hey bitch!" Jennifer greeted then smiled politely at Daniel.

"I see that Daniel is here." Aurora said with a smile. She actually had the gall to snatch my ice cream and began eating it. Ladies and gentlemen, my best friend.

The last person in their entourage was this guy called Henry. Blonde, dark eyes, tall, very full of himself and was always pestering me.

"Hey Kim, my love." He crooned. I cringed and filled the space that was left between me and Daniel because he was about to occupy it. The nerve of this guy.

Henry noticed this and his eyes darted to Daniel. Daniel gave Henry a quick once over before stabbing his ice cream with his spoon, expression surly.

"What's up babe?" Henry said, pulling at my hair and biting his lip.

I threw a glare at Jennifer. She smiled apologetically.

I swatted his hand away.

"I'm okay Henry. And please don't call me babe." I said, before looking at Daniel nervously. He was now on his phone. Not a good sign.

"I picked this flower for you sweetheart." Henry said, before putting the red hibiscus flower in my hair.

Daniel caught this action and glared at the flower in my hair like it had wronged him. Henry sat up on the table, his legs on the bench now. I pulled the flower from my hair and placed it on the table. Henry wasn't happy about that.

Aurora placed the empty cup of ice cream on the table and burped. Jennifer was busy fussing with her braids. Daniel was acting like he didn't know other humans were there.

Why did the universe hate me?

"Daniel.* I said, nudging his shoulder. He turned to look at me, inching closer to me.

"Hey man, what's up?" Henry said, directing his words to Daniel, interrupting our little moment. I wanted to pull my hair out and scream.

"Leave him alone, Henry." I said. Henry frowned.

Daniel didn't so much as look at him. This infuriated Henry as he wasn't used to being ignored.

He waved his hand over Daniel's face. "Hey, I'm talking to you."

Daniel looked up at him, his eyebrow raised. The look on his face was far from polite.

"What's up dude? I'm Henry, Kim's boyfriend. You are?" Henry introduced.

Daniel's head snapped to me quicker than a flash, a questioning expression on his face.

"She didn't tell you?" Henry laughed.

"He is not my boyfriend " I clarified, looking over at Daniel. "He's delusional."

"Don't try to deny me in front of him, Kim." Henry said and turned to Daniel. "What's your name?"

Daniel didn't reply.

"Is he dumb or something?" Henry said, clearly annoyed.

My mouth dropped open with shock. What is wrong with him? Henry was way out of line and his condescending attitude was not appreciated at all.  I balled my hands into fists and prepared to say something when Jennifer spoke up.

"Why would you say that?" Jennifer said and glanced worriedly at Daniel.

"Because he's not opening his mouth to reply to me." Henry said.

"That's because he's mute Henry. Read the room." Jennifer said.

"Or you're just irrelevant." Aurora smiled sweetly.

"Dumb and mute are the same thing." Henry said with a smirk.

"If anyone's dumb here, it's you." Aurora smiled.

Next to me Daniel froze, his jaw locked hard, his hands in fists. He rose up and that's when I decided I couldn't take Henry's childish behaviour anymore.

"Why don't you go trim your overgrown nose hairs Henry." Henry clasped his nose with mortification.

Daniel had already moved away but I caught up to him quickly.

"Daniel, please wait!" I said, grabbing his arm.

He stopped and turned around to look down at me. I swallowed. He didn't look happy.

All Henry's fault.

When I got back to the dorm room, I needed to have a word with my friends about bringing vermin also known as Henry around when I'm trying to spend time with Daniel.

"I'm sorry about that." I said.

Daniel took a deep breath. "It's fine, Kimberly." He signed.

It was not fine to me.

I was livid and embarrassed. I couldn't believe how stupid Henry had been back there. It was enough to offend anyone.

"I apologize on their behalf. They can be a very silly bunch, especially Henry." I signed.

Anger returned to Daniel's eyes at the mention of Henry. "Is he your boyfriend Kimberly, be honest with me." Daniel signed.

"No! He's not. I already said he wasn't. He was just being ridiculous." I said.

Daniel nodded. "Do you want the bracelet?" He signed.

Yes. "No Daniel. It's okay." I signed, smiling widely.

Daniel smirked, then he reached forward and pulled me into a hug, his arm around my shoulders, the other slinging across my back.


I froze, the world spinning, my mind reeling with confusion.

My arms stayed limply at my sides as my two brain cells tried to process what was really happening.

Daniel's strong body was pressed against mine, his cologne and body heat enveloping me. I managed to lift my arms and grab his shoulders, sure this was a dream.

Then he released me gently and poked my nose playfully with a laugh before walking away.

I just stood there, still trying to collect my thoughts.

I shook my head, my eyes going back to the table where my friends were. Jennifer and Aurora made kissing faces at me. Henry, well, he looked annoyed.

I reached into my purse and felt for my phone but my fingers grazed over something else. Something that wasn't supposed to be in my bag.

With curiosity driving me, I rummaged and pulled out that unknown thing.

My eyes widened when I saw what it was.

Daniel's pristine gold bracelet.


I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I can't believe he gave it to me. How stubborn could he be? I put it on, admiring how it glinted on my wrist.

I ran my fingers over the gold, the rubies, and laughed again when my phone vibrated in my bag. I pulled it out. It was a message. My limbs froze and my breathing slowed.

Do not trust Daniel Morales.

• • •

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