U.A. Genius Bottled Hero (Kam...

By KamenRiderHazard

255K 4.3K 2.3K

This is the story of Y/n L/n, a teen who lives alone due to not having parents, but that won't stop him from... More

Harem (MHA Girls)
Harem (MHA Girls) 2
Harem (MHA Girls) 3


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By KamenRiderHazard

It was the next day, and everyone in Class 1-A were talking about the attack on the USJ. They talked about how they were interviewed on live tv about the attack, but what everyone were talking about was the big Nomu fight at the end.

Hagakure: Yeah but 1 things for sure... Y/n and All Might were amazing!!!...

They all then turned around to Y/n, who was rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment, due to being the centre of everyone's attention.

Y/n: I didn't do that much though...

It was then Kirishima yelled.

Kirishima: Are you kidding me man!... Don't you know how awesome it is to have someone our age to be able to catch up with the Number 1 Hero!...

Y/n: I only helped a little... All Might's strength is still on whole other level...

Ryujin: But you were still able to fight with him, while everyone kept being pushed back by the shockwaves...

They all then continued yelling how amazing to have Y/n, not only be the popular vigilante, Kamen Rider Build, but also be able to fight side by side with All Might on equal footing. This all stop however as Y/n quiets them down.

Y/n: Please calm down!... right now I rather not have all the attention right now, so can you guys please talk about this subject in a more quieter voice please...

Everyone can see the plead in Y/n's eyes and how he wasn't used to all this attention, outside of the armour, so they calmed down and continued talking about in a more quieter tone. It was then Iida rushed immediately inside.

Iida: Everyone!... morning homeroom is about to start!... so stop talking and take your sea-

But he was then interrupted by Y/n.

Y/n: Iida, everyone are already in their seats, its just you who isn't...

Iida then sits at his seat.

Iida: Shoot!... sorry about that, I was just trying to help you Y/n, since you are the Class Representative, I was trying to lessen your burden...

Y/n: Much thanks for the effort but its alright, I'll call for your help when I need it alright...

Ochako: Yeah, don't worry about it...

Iida then nodded his head, which made Y/n smiled, making some of the girls blush.

Izumi/Ochako/Momo/Kyoka (Inner thoughts): So handsome...

Ashido who was watching all this happen, only giggled but felt she had to ask this urgent question, even if it ruins this moment.

Ashido: Hey Tsyuyu, who's going to teach homeroom today?...

Everyone then snapped out of their thoughts and looked to Asui, waiting for a answer.

Asui: Well, Mr Aizawa is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his wounds...

It was then everyone looked over at Y/n, who closed his hand into a fist.

Y/n: I really wished I got to Mr Aizawa in time, so he didn't get hurt as much...

Everyone could see the guilt in Y/n's face, believing it was his fault that he couldn't help Aizawa, but it was then 3 people spoke.

Momo: It isn't your fault you know... you were probably 1 of the only student in this class who helped turn the table in that whole ideal...

Kyoka: Yeah, you were busy in your own battles as well against those other 2 villains...

Ochako: So don't feel guilty, thinking it was your fault... alright...

All of them said, each with a smile, that cheered him up but he still felt guilty, until a familiar voice then spoke.

???: Good Morning...

Everyone then turned to the front, shocked to see Aizawa looking like a mummy.

Everyone: Mr Aizawa, you're back to soon!...

Y/n: Sir, shouldn't you be recovering until your all better...

Aizawa then turns to Y/n and spoke in a reassuring voice.

Aizawa: It is alright, beside... I heard what you said before I came into the room and all I can say, is that it isn't your fault that I'm like this... Heroes get hurt time to time, but they get back up in the end, so don't blame yourself alright...

Y/n: Yes sir...

Ochako: But are you really alright sir?...

It was then he turned to the rest of the class and spoke in his normal tone.

Aizawa: My well-being doesn't matter... more importantly, the fight is not yet over...

It was then a majority of the class got worried.

Everyone ( except Y/n, Katsumi and Shiro Inner thoughts): Don't tell me the Villains again!...

Aizawa: The U.A. Sports Festival will soon begin...

Everyone ( except Y/n, Katsumi and Shiro): Its something normal!!!...

Everyone then starts asking questions about the security, but Aizawa reassured them it has been dealt with and talks about how this will be an opportunity since most Pro Heroes will be watching, and how they could be scouted for an internship, which got everyone even more excited.

Time Skip

After class ended, Class 1-A had pack their things and were about to leave, only to have the door and the area around it be full off students from other classes.

Y/n: Well... hello there...

Iida: What business do you all have with Class A?...

Kirishima: We can't get out!...

Izumi: What are you all doing here, anyway?...

Y/n: There probably here to scout since we were not only apart of the USJ attack, but we will be facing each other in the Sport's Festival...

Katsumi: There is no point in asking... now get out of my way, extras!...

???: So this is the class that met and fought the Villains, huh?... but some of their students are just as bad...

From the huge crowd of students, a purple haired body came out. With his Quirk, Y/n immediately figured out that this student's Quirk is a dangerous one.

???: We also heard that you weren't just saved by All Might, but also by the vigilante Kamen Rider Build during the attack at the USJ... even catching up and fighting beside the Number 1 Hero himself... that makes me wonder... if that guy had to come out of nowhere to save you all... you all must be really weak...

While Y/n was glad that his identity as Build wasn't revealed yet to the other classes or to everyone else as promised by that detective, he was pissed about the way this random student was talking about his friends, even Katsumi. He then spoke up in a rather angry tone, 1 which surprised everyone in Class 1-A since they've never seen him angry, not even Izumi and Katsumi.

Y/n: That is where you are wrong, "buddy"... this class each had to deal with Villains on their own, and they sure as hell beat a few of them before the pros showed up... and by the way, Build only came to help out All Might fight against that bird thing in the end... it was the students who saved themselves and each other... so I would keep your mouth shut if I were you...

All of Class 1-A, even Katsumi and Shoko, were amazed with Y/n's words while everyone else were surprised to hear this. However, the purple haired kid spoke once again, more focused on Y/n.

???: But what about you?... for some Class Rep, you weren't even seen fighting against anyone... if anything, it seems that you are the weakest 1 here out of all of them... having to be saved by your classmates, All Might and Build... you must be some failure as a Class Rep... and a student of U.A...

Then other students can be heard talking to themselves, each of them speaking negatively of Y/n.

???: That's right, while everyone else fought, this guy probably ran away from the Villains like a coward...

???: Yeah, he doesn't deserve to be in Class 1-A...

???: More like he doesn't deserve to be a Hero at all...

Everyone in Class 1-A got real mad when they heard this, even Katsumi and Shiro. While a majority had learnt about Y/n's past, all of Class 1-A knows what Y/n is capable of and what he has accomplished as Build. They all then glared towards the purple haired boy who started all of this.

???: What are you all glaring at me for?... I'm right aren't I?... not only is he weak, you all probably elected him as your Class Rep because you felt sorry for him, rig-


He was however interrupted by a small explosion, 1 that didn't destroyed anything but got everyone's attention, which came from a very pissed off Katsumi.

Katsumi: How dare you insult Y/n like that!... none of you have any idea what he's capable of or know what he's accomplished!... this may be hard for me to admit... but if anyone here is going to be the greatest Hero!... It's Y/n!... so don't you dare just come prancing here like a big shot and think your superior to us!... especially to Y/n!...

While the other classes got scared of her, everyone in Class 1-A, especially Izumi, were surprised to see Katsumi actually getting pissed and spoke up... to defend Y/n. While the boy in question was surprised to see this come from Katsumi, he walked up to her and whispered into her ear.

Y/n (Whispering): It's all right Katsumi... leave the rest to me...

The moment she heard his voice by her ear, she could feel his cool breath and by just listening to his calming and reassuring voice, her face got a bit flustered, showing a small blush on her face and quiet down. It was then Y/n spoke again in his calm voice, which surprised Class 1-A that he didn't seem angry anymore.

Y/n: Tell you what... how about instead of starting things here... how about we settle things at the Sport's festival alright... now, get out of our way so we can leave... if you would please...

With a "Tch" from the purple haired kid, him and the other students backed away from the door and left, allowing the students of Class 1-A to finally leave their class, but most of them were still pissed about how some of the students treated Y/n but they were snapped out of their thoughts when they heard their Class Rep speak.

Y/n: Everyone, its alright now... so you can tone down the anger a bit...

They were surprised to hear his normal tone of voice, making everyone question him.

Ochako: But Y/n!... how could you stay calm when they said all that to you?!...

Kyoka: Yeah, those guys had the audacity to not only think your weak!...

Momo: But believe that you don't deserve to be a Hero... they are the ones who aren't worthy!...

Izumi: How could you just stand there and take all that?...

They were all then surprised to see him put on a reassuring smile, which confused everyone until he spoke.

Y/n: Oh please... hearing those type of things don't bother me... instead it gives me an opportunity...

It was then the student with the multiple arms, who was Mezo Shoji, then spoked.

Shoji: An opportunity?...

It was then the bird headed boy, named Fumikage Tokoyami, asked.

Tokoyami: What opportunity?...

It wasn then Y/n smirked.

Y/n: The opportunity to prove them all wrong...

Everyone could do nothing but be amazed. Instead of becoming angry from being insulted like that, he took it as a chance to show them all what he can really do. It was then Y/n remembered something, as he then turns to Katsumi.

Katsumi: What is it?...

Y/n: Oh yeah... you were the only 1 who actually spoke up... I didn't think you would actually say all that to defend me... that was pretty sweet of you, Katsumi...

He then smiles at her, which caused her to blush and turned her head away, looking away from him.

Katsumi: D-Dont misunderstand!... I only said that because when you and I face each other in the Sports Festival... I don't want anyone thinking I'm fighting some weakling!... you know what, forget this!...

She then storms out of the classroom with a flustered face, which also shocking most of Class 1-A, leaving only Ashido to be very intrested in the scene she witnessed.

Ashido (Inner thoughts): Hehehe... looks like it's true... even the explosive Katsumi has fallen for him... and she's a tsundere too... this is going to be fun to watch... hehehe...

It was lunch now and right now, Y/n was with Izumi, Iida and Ochako who told them why she became a Hero and why she seemed a bit "hyped" for the Sports Festival earlier.

It turns out she became a Hero in order to make money to help her parents, since they had low paying jobs. She thought they would think different of her, which surprised her when she heard Y/n say.

Y/n: To be honest, I think its really admirable what your doing...

Ochako: Really?...

Y/n: Yeah, your parents must be really lucky to have daughter like you...

Although he said this with a smile, his tone did have some sadness when he said "parents", which didn't go unnoticed by the other 3.

Ochako: Y-

???: Hahaha!... Young Y/n and Midoriya!... are here!...

He was snapped back to reality and everyone then turned to see All Might come out of the corner suddenly.

Izumi: Woah... All Might, what are you doing here?...

Ochako: That's adorable!...

Y/n then laughed at Ochako's reaction, which she then blushed, but the 3 students were glad to see Y/n was back to normal. He then turns to All Might.

Y/n: Sure All Might... coming Izumi?...

Izumi: Yeah... see you guys later...

She then says her goodbyes and her, Y/n and All Might left, leaving Iida and Ochako behind, but not before Y/n waves goodbye and smiles at Ochako, leaving her flustered but when they left, her mood had changed. When Iida turned to Ochako, he could see a guilty face on his classmate.

Iida: Are you alright, Uruaka?...

Ochako: Not really... I think I just made him angry with me...

Iida widen his eyes when he heard this from her.

Iida: Why would you think that?...

Ochako: While im here trying my best for my parents, he thought it was something admirable but...

Iida: But what?...

Ochako: I think I made him a bit jealous and angry since that while I have parents that care about me, Y/n was abandoned by his own mother and doesn't even know who his father was...

Her eyes then started to produce tears for feeling guilty, until she heard Iida speak.

Iida: While I do believe he may be jealous of you, I don't think he has the capacity to actually show any hate or resentment towards you...

She then started wiping her tears and asked.

Ochako: You think so?...

Iida: I believe so...

She then remembers the smile he gave her before he left, making her believe that Iida was right.

Ochako: Yeah... I hope your right, Iida...

They then walked off to prepare themselves for the Sports Festival.

Teacher's Lunch Room

Y/n, Izumi and All Might, in his skinny form, were talking about All Might's current condition, Izumi's control on One For All and preparing Y/n for his reveal as Build, but when they brought up the Sports Festival, All Might spoke.

All Might: With the U.A. Sports Festival coming soon, I have a special request for the both of you...

Y/n/Izumi: A request?... what kind of request?...

It was then All Might smiled.

All Moght: I want the both of you to be at the top at the Festival... To show the world that "I am here"...

It was then Y/n spoke.

Y/n: I mean I'm all set, since I could see that a lot of people are going to be surprised with the vigilante, Kamen Rider Build, being a student... but what about Izumi?...

They both then turned to Izumi, who got flustered and nervous when she saw that they were staring at her, mainly Y/n.

Izumi (Inner thoughts): Why does Y/n's face has to be so handsom-... Wait!, what am I thinking!... I never got this nervous from Y/n just staring at me like this before... why now and why do I feel warm...

While she was asking herself these questions, the conversation continued when Y/n pointed out the problem.

Y/n: See... Izumi gets nervous the moment someone just stares at her... I mean look at her, she got flustered just by me staring at her...

While Y/n was trying to make his point, All Might could only face palm himself inside his thoughts.

All Might (Inner thoughts): While you may be a Genius Young Y/n... you are quite the idiot when it comes to love...

He then put those thoughts to the back of his mind and then he answered.

All Might: While you may make an excellent point... I believe Young Midoriya will still find a way to shine... isn't that right, Young Midoriya?...

Before she was asked by All Might, she was still asking questions why her chest, mostly her heart felt warm when Y/n stared at her earlier. It was only when she heard All Might ask her his questions that she snapped out of her thoughts and she answered.

Izumi: I-I will try my best... All Might...

She then felt her hand suddenly become warm from the presence of another hand, only to turn to see a smiling Y/n.

Y/n: If anyone can do it... It's you, Izumi... so when it's time, show them what your made off... alright...

Izumi then gives him a smile of confidence.

Izumi: I promise to do my best, Y/n...

While Y/n was happy to see her with high confidence, All Might smiled and had a thought.

All Might (Inner thoughts): And once again... they have become even closer... hahaha...

Time skip to 2 weeks before the Sports Festival

All the students in Class 1-A were given special privileges to train anywhere they want, and they've all been training hard to improve their Quirks to show the other classes what they're made off.

Y/n was probably training the hardest of them all as he wasn't just studying the abilities of the other classes students, as well as his own, but also training his body in other to be more balanced to efficiently use every Best Match he has that could help him prove his worth as a student of U.A. at the Sports Festival. He was also preparing himself as the whole event will be on T.V, meaning his identity as Build will be revealed to everyone.

Y/n: Even with all this, there's still a power difference against Izumi and her One For All, Katsumi and her explosions and Todoroki with her ice... And her fire if my calculation of her "heritage" is right but none the less... Build is not fully strong enough to face each of them... so what can I do?...

He then looks over at his Rabbit and Tank full bottles. He grabs them and starts shaking them.

Y/n: Right now, my RabbitTank form is probably my strongest, but there has to be something more?...

He then turns to the computer and goes to it, turning it on.

Y/n: Sento Kiryu must've have had some sort of "power up" item if he was able to save the world with the other Riders... some sort of upgrade for Build... and why do I get the feeling it has to do something with you 2?...

He then "asked" the Rabbit and Tank full bottles, and even though there were no sound, it was like he could hear them answer "yes". It was then Cy walked down from the cafe with Y/n's favourite drink.

Cy: Hey, Y/n... got your drink...

He then hands the drink to Y/n, which he thanked him for and went back to his research, and then asked Y/n.

Cy: You trying to find something?...

Y/n: With the power I have right now, I maybe able to reach the Semi finals, but if I were to face against opponents such as Izumi, Katsumi and Todoroki... I might not be able to win, so I'm trying to find an answer that can "upgrade" Build...

Cy: Ok, but why do you have those 2?...

He then pointed to the Rabbit and Tank full bottles, that were right next to Y/n's keyboard.

Y/n: I just have the feeling they might be the answer...

It was at that moment he had a thought and typed up "Upgrade", which the computer asked for a code word, which he then typed up RabbitTank and when the computer shuts off, the 2 were staring at the screen with confusion and anticipation until suddenly.

The microwave door opened suddenly with a loud "boom", which scares Cy, but got Y/n interested.

He then goes to the microwave door and looked inside and took out what was inside.

Y/n: Woah... I wonder if this is?...

He then goes back on the computer and turns it back on, which revealed new information. Information about the new "item", which really surprised him when he read them. He then looks over at the Rabbit and Tank full bottles.

Y/n: I knew I had a feeling it had to do with you 2... thanks for the help...

Even though Cy was confused why his boss is talking to bottles, Y/n for a second though that he heard the bottles answered him, but didn't think much on it.

Y/n: With this... I've now got the winning formula...

He then went back to his physical training and continued his research on the new item, preparing himself for the Sports Festival.

Time skip to 2 weeks later, Sports Festival Day

The day of the Sports Festival is here and it was going to start soon. Right now, Class 1-A were waiting in their class assigned waiting room, all wearing their gym uniform, but Y/n had his jacket open which revealed the sport t shirt, with the Build symbol on it, that he had under that outlined his muscular toned body. Most of the girls in Class 1-A could do nothing but think the same thing.

Most of the Girls (Inner thoughts): So hot!....

Although some of the guys were jealous of all the attention that their Class Rep were getting from the female classmates, mainly Kaminari and Mineta.

Kaminari/Mineta (Inner thoughts): Why does he always get all the girl's attentions?!... This isn't fair!...

While they were waiting, they talked about how they wished they could've worn their Hero costumes and how they were all pumped up and ready to go. This hyped up vibe was interrupted however when Shoko spoke to Izumi.

Shoko: Midoriya...

Izumi: Todoroki?... what is it?...

Shoko: While looking at things objectively... I think I'm stronger then you...

Izumi: Huh?... Y-Yeah...

Shoko: However... All Might seems to be very interested in you, right?... I won't pry anymore about that, but know this... I'm going to beat you...

The rest of the class were surprised to see Shoko basically declaring "war" on her fellow classmate.

Kaminari: Woah... is 1 of the best in Class 1-A making a declaration of war?...

Kirishima: Hey, hey, hey... why are you picking a fight all of a sudden?...

Shoko then turns to her red haired classmate.

Shoko: I'm not here to play nice and make friends...

Izumi: Todoroki...

She then turns back to Izumi who spoke up.

Izumi: I don't know what you're thinking when you said that you were going to beat me, but I do know that you are better than me... I think you and Y/n are the most capable from everyone here... by looking at it objectively...

Y/n (Inner thoughts): Izumi...

Kirishima: Hey Midoriya... come on, don't think negatively...

But she then spoke up, with a voice of confidence.

Izumi: But everyone here... and everyone from all the other courses are also doing their best to be at the top...

She then remembers when she was offered One For All from All Might and all the encouraging words she heard from Y/n whenever she doubt herself.

Izumi: So I can't afford to fall behind... I'll be going for it with everything I have too...

Shoko: Ok...

She then turns to Y/n, who was silent the whole time.

Shoko: And as for you Y/n... I know your strong... probably the strongest one out of all of us, but I want you to know... that won't change the fact that I'll beat you too...

She said with a look of determination, only to be responded with an equal if not more serious look of determination from Y/n, which surprised everyone since they've never seen him this serious.

Y/n: You can try, Todoroki... but you should know this too... I won't hold back...

He then walked over to her and whispered to her ear.

Y/n (Whispering): And you better not either...

She flinched when she heard this. Y/n then backed off and stood back to where he was before when suddenly Iida came into the room.

Iida: Y/n!... It's time to get everyone going!...

Y/n: Thanks Iida, but next time... can you please not yell into my ear after I ask your help for something...

Iida: Sorry about that Y/n, and also... I was informed that Ms Midnight wanted to talk to you...

While everyone else were confused why the Pro Hero would need from Y/n, he felt a bit scared of her ever since they officially met as their first encounter was a bit... overly matured.

Y/n: T-Thanks Iida... can you do me the favour and get everyone ready...

Iida: No problem Y/n...

Izumi: Y/n...

When Y/n turned to his green haired friend, he thought he was hallucinating things as he thought he saw dark aura made from jealousy not just from her, but also from some of the other girls.

Y/n: G-Girls?... what's wrong?...

While Y/n didnt have an answer, Ashido instantly knew what was happening.

Ashido (Inner thoughts): Hehehe... looks like some people are jealous...

After a quick discussion of why Midnight would need Y/n for, he was able to persuade them that he'll explain everything later.

Y/n: Alright... I'm of to meet with Ms Midnight, so i'll see you all in time for the player pledge... see ya...

Once he said goodbye, the young Rider left the room to meet with the R-Rated Hero... for reasons unknown to him.


Midnight: Representing the students of U.A. is Class 1-A's Y/n L/n!...

???: Why the hell should it be this guy?!... He doesn't deserve to be a Hero!...

Y/n: Now, let's begin the experiment...

Everyone (Except for those who knew): THAT GUY/KID IS BUILD?!!!!....


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