
By LazyLucario

190 6 0

Violet's been living in loneliness for the past three years being stuck with a broken heart with her daughter... More

Note(plz read)
Friends Forever
Can do
Road Trip
The Surprise
Painful Reunion
Mother, Daughter Talk
Leaving so Soon?
Smoke and Sunrise
Down Comes a Raven
We're Just Friends
See you Soon
She Likes Girls
Hanging Out
Under the Stars
Staying Behind
Peculiar Scar
Real Relationship
Clem and Moo
Family Reunion
The Hootenanny
A Coyote's Wail
Cobra's Venom and a Wild Lynx
Sneaking Out
On the Trail
Most Wanted
For a Price
Not Without my Son
The Plan
Framed Memories
Don't Eat the Dinner
The Test
Runs in the Family
I Still Love You
No One's Leaving
Your Place isn't Here
Truth and Confessions
Old Demons
With you
The Date
Back from Hell
Eres mi Deseo

Back on the Road

3 0 0
By LazyLucario

"You're lying!" Violet exclaimed angrily, "How could you be my sister?"

She shrugged, "Well it's common sense, when a man and woman fall in love, they—"

"No, you dumbass! My parents never talked about you, neither have my grandparents or the rest of my family, please explain this, Storm."

She looked away with a sorrowful expression and sighed heavily, "When I was four, I got... abducted."

Her face changed quickly from anger to shock, "What?"

"Dad... took me to the park one day while Ma kept you home after they got into an argument, three weeks after you were born. He snatched me up and got into the car while she just screamed so desperately to bring me back since she couldn't chase after us because she was weak and so much in pain. He told me that we were going to the park to 'take a break from mommy'. Little did she that his first stop before we went to the park was to the damn liquor store down the road. He had bought this big ass bottle of Hennessey that he drunk half of as he drove. God, I never liked it when he drank."

"Neither did I."

"By the time we arrived, he was super drunk that I even had to help him
out of the car and put on the bench since he couldn't play with me. He told me to go play while sat on those benches from like outside the park and just passed out not caring what I've done. The swings were always my favorite, I played on those for a while until this dude with a black hoodie—kinda young—asked if I wanted a little a push. Of course like the idiot kid I was, I said sure. He pushed me on the swing for a while until he asked me if I wanted to go get ice cream, and . . . I accepted.

"I was only four, four!" tears started to swell in Storm's eyes, "Barely anybody was there and probably just assumed that he was my brother, dad, or something, not the drunk bastard sitting on the bench. He put me in his car and locked all the doors once he got in and cranked it up. As we drove away, I started to notice that we were driving way out of town. I asked him what ice cream store we're going to, but he just stayed quiet the whole time. Then I started to get scared and told him I wanted to go back to my dad. But he wasn't listening. I started to scream, kick and cry until he pulled over, got a gun from his glove compartment, and told me if I did anything like that again, he would shoot me. When we got to his house, he threw me into this bedroom, and then he started to... um... let's just say I had to relive that shit over and over again for eleven years. Nobody ever came for me. I presumed they closed the case and announced me dead after a while."

By the time Storm was done with her story, Violet saw her face covered in tears. That was one the worst things she's ever heard. She couldn't believe Storm, her own sister was taken away without ever mentioning a word about her. She knew their mother was sensitive and their father was lazy and straight-up didn't care. As if she couldn't hate them more than she already did.

She pulled her into another hug but this time more affectionate. She hugged her back as both stayed like that before pulling away.

She then smiled at her wiping most of her tears away, "Now we can be a family again and get to know each other."

"That sounds... nice," she agreed with a soft smile.

A few moments later, Moo walked out of the kitchen with a steaming bowl of noodles and sliced spam.

"I finished dinner for you, Storm, sorry 'bout that."

"Are you kidding me? I'm hungry as hell and if I was still cooking, we would've all starved to death."

He looked over to Violet and handed her a bowl, "Here, you get the most since you're our guest."

"Oh, you didn't have to..."

"I wanted to, and tomorrow we're going back to Charlottesville so you'll need your strength."

He sat beside her wrapping an arm around her shoulders as she ate. He looked down and smiled at her as she returned it.

Without the two's knowledge, Storm couldn't help but eye at Moo suspiciously before she continued eating.

That night, Violet got a room upstairs to spend the night in. She was lucky it had a nice queen-sized bed to lay in. She changed into some red basketball shorts along putting on a gray tank top and layer across the bed. Rosie was already laying on the floor fast asleep

A knock then came to the door.

"Come in," Violet called out.

Moo came in along with Smokey following him then jumped on the bed laying down beside her. He sat on the bed beside her looking out the window and smiled.

"Remember in one of our sleepovers we would always look for a shooting star?"

She smiled recalling the memory, "I remember, we never saw one and we just ended staying up all night long."

"I always preferred the night."

"Me too."

Then she wanted to know a little about her "surprise".

"So, how did you and Storm meet?"

"Uh... Richmond."

"How'd you know she was my sister ?"

"She showed me the same picture and recognized them as your folks and told her I was your friend. She was really devastated when I said you were sent away before all this started thinking you might've been dead. Now that she's met you, it was the happiest I ever seen her."

She looked up at Moo staring at his big muscular figure with him only wearing a t-shirt and shorts showing his wolf tattoos in the moonlight on his big arms.

He caught her staring then she quickly looked away making him giggle.

"Vi, it's alright, I know I look a lot different from when we were kids."

"A whole lot, I could barely even recognize you."

"Well, you turned into a catch yourself."

She snorted, "Please, you look like you could pull any girl you like."

He rolled his eyes and groaned, "Uugh... don't even get me started. They're always trying to kiss my ass back in town. I bet back in your group they worship you."

"I'm glad they don't."

He scooted closer to her, "Got anyone special in your life?"

Violet almost jumped at the question, "Like who?"

He shrugged, "I dunno, like a boyfriend, girlfriend."

She pursed her lips not wanting to talk about Minerva. She realized now she didn't really love her, she's one of the reasons why her eyes were damaged. If only she could say, Clementine.

And she still couldn't mention him...

"No," she simply responded making him cock his head, "just me, myself, and I just how I like it."

"Me neither, I never had a serious relationship, just flings, and one-night stands just to make them stop bothering me."

"Only you," she sat up and playfully shoved his arm.



He sighed, "I missed you so much."

She leaned against his arm, "I missed you too."

He soon hopped off the bed and called Smokey to come back as he jumped off the bed walking out the door.

"Alright, enough of this sappy shit, I got lookout after Storm in a few minutes so you get some sleep and be up and early tomorrow so we can head out."

"Wait, I can take a lookout shift."

He stood at the entrance to the door looking back at her and chuckled, "No, we can handle it, get some rest we'll catch up more once we get to Charlottesville."

She didn't argue, "Alright, goodnight, Moo, you two be careful."

"'Kay, goodnight, Vi."

Violet woke up the next morning to the smell of spam coming from downstairs. She changed into some different clothes in her bag, a green quarter-sleeved shirt, and a pair of ripped blue jeans. She slung her bag on her back since they were heading out today.

She headed downstairs with Rosie behind her going to the kitchen finding Storm cooking on a wood stove cooking sizzling crackling spam. She looked up at Violet and gave her a tired smile. She looked dressed and ready to go, but her sleepy face said otherwise.

"Mornin', sis," she yawned continuing cooking.

"Sis", nobody ever called her that before, then again, she never had a sibling before, "Making breakfast before we go?"

"Yeah, we're eating it on the way there, just got up a little earlier to start loading my stuff."

She looked around, "Where's Moo?"

"Outside loading our stuff, he seemed a little moody this morning so I didn't mess with him. What am I saying, he's always moody in the morning."

"Yeah, he is," Violet giggled, "when we had sleepovers, he would always sleep in until like four in the afternoon."

"I wouldn't be surprised, he's a night hawk."

By the time Storm was done with the spam, she loaded it in three takeout trays and handed them to Violet.

"Go take these to the cart and I'll meet you guys out there in a minute," she said as she nodded going outside.

When she went outside, she found Moo leaning against the go-kart smoking a big cigar while Smokey just walked around sniffing the ground.

She never thought Moo would start smoking. He always hated it when his mom used to smoke. But she realized time can change a lot in a person, especially during the apocalypse.

"Hey," she spoke getting his attention.

He turned his head her way as he still smoked his cigar and gave her a light grin.

"Ready to go, sunshine?" he asked blowing out smoke.

"Yeah, I think I am."

"Here, let me get that for you."

He walked over, taking her backpack, and then took the trays and put them in the backseat. He inhaled one last puff of his cigar before stomping it out.

He opened the door for Violet in the front passenger's seat helping her up. When she got in, something quickly came to mind.

"Uh... who's driving?"

"I am," he said proudly then whistled for Snowy to get in.

She looked astonished, "What?! Who taught you how to drive, last time I checked, you would almost wet your pants at the thought of you having to be on the steering wheel."

"I learned over time," he simply said, "thought I'll try it before it was too late, ya know? Then I just got the hang of it."

Before he could say more, Storm walked out playing with the keys by spinning them around on her finger. He opened the backseat door hopping in with Smokey laying on the seats almost taking them all up and Rosie sitting on the floor. Storm tossed Moo the keys, then stepped in the driver's seat starting the kart.

"Storm, did you take one last piss? 'Cause we ain't stoppin'."

"Yep, filled this baby up?"

He nodded, "If I'm correct, we should be home by later afternoon or at least before it can get too dark if corpses get in the way."

"Alright, you're the boss, even if I'm older."

"Shut up."

Once Moo started up the cart, he pulled out of the yard and on the trail leading to the highway.

Violet never thought being on the road this long in a while would be this boring. Storm was in the back snoring so loud that she could attract a horde, and Moo just had his eyes blankly on the road.

Violet wanted to make a conversation with him but she was afraid he might think she was talking too much so she stayed quiet. Moo finally looked her way looking concerned nudging her arm a bit.

"What's on your mind?" he asked still looking at her.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to catch up a bit while we were on the road, but... I didn't want to annoy you."

"Vi, we're friends, you could never annoy me, I'm all ears."

She looked down, "I know this is stupid to ask, but how were you after I sent away to Ericson's?"

He sighed looking at the road again, "I was broken. I wouldn't talk to know one for six months except for my mom."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I hated your parents for it, mainly your mother. Whenever I would visit you from there, I know she was barely home but when she was, she would always look at you like you were some creature. And your dad . . . you rarely ever told me, but I could always tell he took his drunken rages out on you and your mom. Whenever I saw the bruises, I just wanted to kill him for it."

"I know."

"They never talked to you like Miss Betsy did, they were always... unsociable.

"Anyway, when I heard that she committed suicide in front of you and you were being sent away for not helping or some bullshit, I was filled with so many emotions. First I was upset and pissed that they got rid of you but at the same time, I wondered why would you do that?"

"Moo, I got scared I didn't want all those people carrying out grandma's body, having them question me like I'm in some interrogation. So I just continued watching tv and pretended it never happened. Sick, I know. But I didn't want to be put in that situation. And when I was younger, I thought what was the point? It wasn't like she was going anywhere."

"Shit, I didn't mean to ask, it was—"

"No, it's fine. I think... you're the first person I ever told that to."

He smiled, "I'm happy you told me."

She smiled back, "This morning when I was changing my patch, and you here, it reminded me of when we were kids playing pirates."

"I was about to say the same!" he laughed, "playing in the backyard with our little eye patches and shit. Mom would be so pissed when we would use her butter knives as swords and drink some of her rum."

Violet snorted, "Yeah, we would build cardboard forts that would be our 'hideout' from your mom whenever she wanted your room clean."

Then she wondered, "So... how is your... mom?"

He frowned sighing heavily, "She was sick for a while after the outbreak. She hasn't been the same."

"Moo, I'm so sorry . . ."

"Me too, she slowly lost it afterward and I was taken into someone else's wing during the corpses roamed."

"Um... how's your sister?"

He scoffed, "The same, only a little more bitchy."

"Raven is kinda... bitchy," she admitted with a laugh, "and your brother?"

"Still the same only more protective of me and mom," he chuckled, "nothing can stand against that old dog."

"what about your other sister and brother you told me about before I left."

"They're cool, I guess. I think you'll like Coyote though, teaser, loves games, laughs a lot."

Violet smirked, "Sounds like Louis."

Moo raised a brow with a jealous glint in his eyes, "Who's Louis?"

"Oh, Louis's one of the kids that survived through the years. He's kinda like a brother to me, an annoying, dumb brother."

"Sorry, thought he was your... never mind. Uhh... hey! Twenty-five miles left," he laughed nervously as his face turned a little red, but Violet didn't notice.

"Oh, um, okay, I'll just leave you be until we get there if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, that's fine."

"I told you, no piss breaks!" Moo hissed leaning against the cart that was parked on the side of the highway.

"I know, but I couldn't hold it," Storm whined rushing to find somewhere to pee, "and lower your voice! My sister is sleeping!"

Moo rolled his eyes, "I won't wake her, besides, she always looks pretty when she sleeps."

She furrowed her brows, "That's weird, you're weird."

"Go piss!!" Moo growled viciously making Storm run into the woods.

It really wasn't what Moo meant to say. He just thought Violet looked peaceful when she slept, even though he secretly thought she was beautiful.

Smokey looked around tiredly in the back, yawning and finding a more comfortable spot to sleep some more, he yelped when Rosie snapped at him when he tried to lay beside her and remained on the seats. Moo felt the same thing. He couldn't wait to sleep in his own bed and relax once he got back home with nothing to do and no one bothering him.

Moo realized Storm hasn't been back in over fifteen minutes, he started to worry a little. He chose not to call out her name because it might attract corpses or people that might be near. He whistled for Smokey as the large wolf jumped out the back with ease leaving Rosie to guard Violet. As Smokey ran ahead, Moo pulled out his long machete from his back carrier then looked back at Violet with a worried look.

"Don't disappear on me again," he said quietly before following behind Smokey in the woods.

Smokey walked very slowly as he sniffed the scent trail that would lead to Storm. Moo had gotten a knot in his stomach if anything happened to her. Violet would be deeply upset, he would never forgive himself, and his leader may never trust him again...

He stopped as Smokey came to a halt then growled lowly straight ahead behind some trees. Before Moo could see what's wrong, he heard a commotion from trees Smokey had led him to.

"Get the fuck off of me!!" snarled a voice that was for sure Storm's.

"Quit struggling!" another voice that was a stranger to Moo, "it'll be over before you know it, baby."

"No!! Stop it! Stop it!!"

"This'll be the best time you'll ever have."

"Goddammit, get off!!!"

Smokey already ran ahead barking and snarling to the scene before Moo could react first. The next thing he heard was the stranger screaming in pain as Smokey was mauling him. He ran to the scene from behind the trees to help Storm and see about this guy.

He found Smokey with his snout covered in blood as he was mauling the stranger's leg and Storm getting up pulling up her panties and jeans breathing heavily staring in relief that Smokey was taking care of this guy.

"Call off your mutt!! Call it the fuck off!!" he screamed in horror and agony.

"Smokey, come," Moo said calmly as Smokey let go leaving a giant bite wound on the person's leg surrounded in a pool of blood.

Now it was Moo's turn to chew into this stranger.

"Who the hell are you?" he growled briskly and harsh, "What were you doing to her?"

"None of your goddamn business," he spat back trying to get up.

"Answer the question or I'll get my 'mutt' to go for your throat this time."

"Alright," he said quickly backing away from the growling wolf, "I'm part of a group; the Broken Backbone, happy now? Can I leave and pretend none of this happened?"

Moo didn't have plans on letting this guy go as he narrowed his eyes into slits, "Broken Backbone you say?"

He nodded as he backed away slowly as Moo stepped closer gripping his machete tighter. Before he could try to run, Moo grabbed a hold of his shirt pulling him closer to him. The stranger started to breathe heavily looking terrified as Moo stared him down with a murderous glare.

"If I find any of you shit stains come near Charlottesville territory again or my friend, I will torture you to near-death and leave you in the forest to turn," he hissed with venom making the stranger shake in fear, "Do I make myself loud and clear?"

He nodded rapidly then Moo threw him to the ground. Storm walked touching his shoulder then tried to lead him back to the kart.

"Let's go Matt, I'm okay, you proved your point."

But Moo shook her off stepping close to the stranger slowly raising his machete.

"And I'll make sure to give your leader this little message of mine."

"Matias, wait—!!!"

It was already too late. Moo had cleanly sliced off the man's head with one quick swipe. His body fell to the side with blood squirting from on top of the neck with his head rolling forward to Moo's feet with its last expression being in terror and complete shock.

Moo looked down blankly at the headless lifeless body as Storm walked over horrified and angry at the same time.

"What the hell, Matias?!! We could of let him go!" Storm exclaimed angrily with Moo still looking down at the body.

"I couldn't take that risk," he sighed, "He would've gone back, told his people about us, tried to hurt you again, and we would've had another battle on our hands."

"Yes, that's true, but do you think killing one their people was gonna make it any better?"

Moo simply shrugged.

"For fuck's sake," Storm pinched the bridge of her nose getting frustrated, "When they come looking for this man and they find that his head's been cut off, who'd you think they're gonna blame first?"


"You know what? I'm so sick of your fucking anger problems getting in the way of the smart choices we could've had. They've turned you sadistic and I don't like it."

Moo turned to her and glared knowing what she was talking about, "They haven't turned me into shit. I saved your life and I saved our home, appreciate it and be done with it, let's go back to the cart before Violet wakes up."

He walked passed Storm saying nothing else with Smokey leading the way. As Storm followed behind, she looked back at the body and sighed heavily shaking her head.

I hope you don't ever hurt my sister with your cruel nature...

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