Possessive Kisses ✓

By dinafierce

62.7K 2.3K 992

Daniel Morales. Golden boy, millionaire heir. He's kind, sweet and carrying his own fair share of secrets. Ki... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty

chapter nine

1.7K 83 32
By dinafierce

Chapter Nine

I chose a blue and white, flower patterned dress for Lucas's party. I wanted to be comfortable and cute at the same time.  Sunscreen, a lip.oil and liner was all the make-up I had the energy for.

Jennifer was sporting a white flowing dress and Aurora had on jean shorts and a huge gray shirt. Her red hair was messy and danced around her shoulders.

I frowned and moved over to her, pushing my fingers into her hair in an attempt to tame it.

"Ugh, stop Kim. Stop!" Aurora said and tried to push away but that's when Jennifer began brushing at her hair as well.

"You should have let me braid this red mess!" Jennifer said, like an annoyed mother.

Aurora snatched the brush and threw it on the floor. "Cut it out you two. My hair's fine."

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. So unladylike." Jennifer muttered. Aurora casted a glare at her.

"We better leave the Little Mermaid alone before she has an aneurysm." I said, snickering to Jennifer. Aurora glared.

We gave up on trying to do something about Aurora's hair and instead went down to wait for Daniel. Thankfully, we'd managed to come up with a joint present for Lucas and Jennifer had it in her bag.

Unfortunately, it wasn't Daniel who picked us up, but his driver. That alone disappointed me because I was hoping to see him. The driver said Daniel was asked by Lucas to do something important so he couldn't make it.

No big deal, just as long as I get to see him at the party.

We arrived at Lucas's house. A white painted two story house with lush greenery adorning the sides and a large swimming pool in the back.

The pool party had just begun but the place was packed with people, some I had seen around school.

Most people were swimming in the large ultra modern pool, others lounged around in beach themed attire.

Bright lights decorated the wide backyard of Lucas's house. And there was food and coolers of drinks.

A breeze blew past, rustling my hair. I shivered, and looked up at the full moon. I took out my phone to take a picture.

When Lucas spotted us he came over and greeted us but I tuned out his words and pushed Aurora forward while my eyes scanned the place for Daniel.

And as if I had conjured him up he appeared, strolling towards us. When his eyes landed on me, he smiled. I smiled back rather meekly. He was wearing a loose white shirt and navy blue shorts. He looked um...what's the word? Oh, right... GORGEOUS!

My brain was on overdrive. I couldn't think straight.

"Hey Daniel." I said, bouncing on my toes.

"You look..." He signed.

I squinted at his fingers but I couldn't read the remaining word he'd formed.

Daniel pulled out his phone and typed then showed it to me.


A smile spread across my face. I swear whatever brain cells I had left melted away.

"Thank you." I said, swinging my arms. "You look nice as well."

Daniel took a step closer and I held my breath. He ran a hand through his hair while I stared back at him. You see, the butterflies began to flutter around, incessant things they were. My palms turned sweaty and I was on the verge of convulsing.

"I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up like I'd promised." Daniel signed.

I read his hands and waved at him with a smile. "It's fine. No need to apologize, please." I signed.

I wanted to compliment his um... shirt when a girl just barged into our private conversation like she was the queen of some kingdom.

"Daniel, babe I've been looking for you!" The girl, a brunette with gray eyes, said and slid a hand down Daniel's arm in a manner that had my blood boiling.

Who was this girl all over my man, I mean um...the guy I was talking to who happens to be my boyfriend but he didn't know that he was my boyfriend.

Daniel replied to her in sign language and she signed back with a grin and get this, he smiled back. He fudging smiled back. While I was standing right there he was busy talking with some girl dressed in a silver bikini with super long lashes and... I refuse to name her other features.

"Oh, who are you?" The girl said, finally seeing me. She looked me over with condescending criticism.

"I'm Kimberly." I said sweetly.

"Bianca Mavory." She said with a fake smile then she turned to Daniel and signed something about leaving to him. Daniel looked at me before signing something back.

"She'll be fine. This won't take long, come on." Blegh-anca, I mean, Bianca tugged on Daniel's shirt.

I'd never thought of myself capable of murder until that moment.

Daniel sighed and took a step closer to me. "Please make yourself comfortable, Kimberly. I'll be right back." He signed.


Bianca gave me a heated look and left with him.

When they left I took off my dress, my blue and white bikini underneath.

I managed to get a drink and spotted Jennifer.

"Where's Daniel?" Jennifer said, bobbing her head to the music as she laid back on a pool seat. I sat next to her lying form and shook my head. She was still wearing her dress and I suspected she'd handed Lucas his gift already.

"He went off with some girl. Bianca." I sipped my drink, her name like a sour lemon in my mouth.

"His girlfriend?" Jennifer asked.

"I don't know. I hope not." I bit out and finished the rest of my drink before turning my eyes to the pool.

That's when I saw Daniel scanning the crowd of people like he was looking for someone.

Was he looking for me? I smiled and stood up, walking towards him.

Lucas was in the pool. He said something to Daniel that had him laughing and taking off his shirt to reveal some mouth watering skin.

I paused. My mouth opened with shock. It's one thing to see his body in pictures and it's another to see it up close.

I looked around, noticing he'd gotten a few looks. Tsk. People are so invasive.

Then Daniel dived into the pool.

I kept walking until I was at the edge of the pool.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Daniel gave me a wry smile when he saw me and beckoned for me to get into the pool. His eyes slowly scoured my body, inch by inch they unraveled me. My skin heated up, a warm sensation spreading through my lower abdomen.

I got into the pool.

Daniel splashed water over my face and I reciprocated this action until it turned into a game and I could hear myself laughing hysterically.

Against my own better judgment and a voice screaming at me in my head not to do what I was planning to do. I swam closer to Daniel until I had my arms linked behind his neck. He blinked, confused but he didn't push me away which only spurred my confidence.

Yes, yes. I was being a tad bit forward but it was high time I grew a spine and let him know I liked him. Even if this was how I was going to do it.

His hair was matted to his forehead and eyes. I gingerly brushed the strands away.

Daniel looked down at me and I lost my nerve, my eyes drifting to his nose, his lips. Anywhere but his eyes. His breath was hot against my face, his chest warm against mine, his skin searing hot. If I moved just a little closer, our lips would touch.

I met his eyes after taking a deep breath and I wondered then what words he had stuck in his head that he couldn't say. I wondered why he stopped talking and why he was holding himself back from finding his voice again.

I played with the hair on the lower part of his head and felt him shiver.

Daniel wasn't pushing me away which made me realize that he just might like me. Enough to tolerate me hanging on to his body like a goddamn leech. A very good looking leech, might I add.

I wanted to do one thing. One thing only. And that was to kiss him. But I had no idea why I was stopping myself. Maybe it was anxiety, or maybe I was just nervous he wouldn't kiss me back.

The music had faded, everyone in this party had disappeared and it was just him and I.

Then, something made me push forward. I think it was the way he looked at me, like I was all he could see in that moment and nothing else mattered. So, before I could overthink anything, I leaned forward, angling my lips towards his.


What the hell am I doing?

• • •

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